The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1022

Chapter 1022: Unlikely Mastermind

“Hm, hmmmm,” the chair rocked, “-Hmmmm!” muffled harshly. A singular light bulb lit dangled. The air of danger immediately settled. It clanged and banged, resistance through the gag and ties was harsh, ‘-Syne, where are you,’ Iyan’s cacophony opened another light – this time, a door. Two outlines entered, one reached for a toggle and the other skipped onward, “-good morning,” he said. A flash forced Iyan’s gaze. The blinding gust took him by force.

“Ungag him,” narrowed Kul.

“Alright,” the chipper Ishta circled and undid the knot.


*Smack,* a hardened punch landed, “-don’t scream,” Kul shook her hands, “-don’t be a bad boy, we don’t want to ruin the pretty face, not just yet.”

“Kindly, where’s Syne?”

“Oh, she’s in good hands,” added Ishta, “-my followers are taking good care.”


Across the floor rose a similarly structured room, “-Syne,” said Skarla, “-good morning, leader.”

“You,” she bit her tongue, “-what is the meaning of this?” The question fell on deaf ears. Skarla reached for a line and pulled the blinders open to somber dawn, “-where are we?”

“My inn, although not much remains of it. Syne, do you know about the truth?”


“Yes, truth. There are things in this world that are out of control, facts and features which escape even the strongest and wisest. Syne,” the television toggled; snippets of the war flooded the screen. Casualties in the hundreds, ever-present gunfire, and the screams of haunted echoed. “Which side is winning, who are the real winners – no clue. There’s nothing to be heard or seen – just the echo of a dying man and the grunt of an injured soldier. War is a fickle o’ thing.”


“Cynical is a good trait, however, your trust in your own kin will be thy downfall. Syne, per order from my organization, I have been asked to find and kidnap the daughter of Estral’s shadow leader. I had my doubts... more we spoke the more it became a truth. You’re the priestess and guardian of said daughter. Tell me, who is she?”

“As if I’m going to speak.”

“Yeah, I know you won’t,” she snapped, the door barged and a heavily wounded Iyan flung across the ground, “-there’s your proof. We’re ready for anything,” she lowered on her knee and parted Iyan’s bloodied visage, “-Syne, all is fair in love and war. I know all about your little secret, I know everything there is to know about the church of Neos. The virtuous are the most scrupulous – Neos is but a front for human trafficking, isn’t it? Why reluctant in speaking of your relation with Iyan, is it perhaps Iyan never existed, is it perhaps you were never who you said you were?”

Ishta stared at the interrogation, he calmly swapped person to person. ‘Skarla’s a person no to be reckoned with. She steadied last night’s arguments and sought to find the truth. They’ve been asleep for three days and know nothing, a clever ploy to dig further. YWC was willing to talk after the little visit,’ such was a little rendezvous cupped within a quaint café.

Skarla took the front seat at the table, and Kul remained at her side whilst Ishta, at said moment, had a cloud of betrayal and uncertainty over his head. Calm as could be, Skarla rose her hands and asked for a drink, the well-mannered waitress, on returning the gesture, received a considerable tip – the pseudo-smile materialized truthfully. ‘In conflict or negotiations, one should choose a place that is home or closer to said home,’ tidbits of information took on as subtitles on the movie of Ishta’s memory, ‘-thinking nigh, I suppose she made the café her haven and spread a contagious smile to the tables and attendants,’ a dingle marked his arrival. A baret-wearing gentleman ambled towards their table, “-Skarla?”

“Correct,” she smiled, the man settled cautiously – throwing his gaze at the waiters, who, unconsciously, looked at Skarla’s table curiously and smiled. One could imagine what he’d feel to see many faces at him with smirks, ‘-interpretation and narrative.’

“Yonpo,” her calm expression lingered upon the path of aggressivity and foolishness. A hot cup of coffee arrived, she waited until the beverage reached his lips and said “-Charlie took the life of Asmodeus.”

“WHAT!” it burnt his tongue, he jumped, spilling a quarter, “-ARE YOU INSANE!” thundered at the waiter.

“Don’t take your rage out on them,” she echoed, “-they’re doing their job. Please, my dear, don’t worry, accidents happen.”

“I apologize, I must be more careful,” the spilled beverage erased per a swipe of another attendant. Distance grew between worker and customer, she firmed her attention on Yonpo, “-what’s the proof?”

“Proof?” she smugly slid a phone, “-there’s the video. Charlie’s no ordinary human – he’s a demon, an arch-demon. Reports speak loudly about wolves in sheep’s clothing. As an officer, you must also take care of how the organization is represented. The blunder of our capture and this evidence would make headlines I dare say.”

“What do you want?”



“Who employs YWC and who’s the true leader?”

“I don’t know,” he said, “-I have no idea. I’m neither a special agent nor someone with authority on such details. Estral’s ruled by the joint guilds.”

“Someone took your picture.”

He turned to a silent Ishta, “-don’t mind me,” he said, “-only taking the necessity,” a slow miasma came from Ishta, “-say cheese.”

“A truth serum,” added Skarla, “-what did you think you were drinking, also, the café is no café, the workers here are members of our guild. Takes one to know another, yes?”

“Damn...” lightheadedness, “-fine, I’ll talk.”

The memory was cut short – reality pulled by a jaw-breaking kick, “-Syne, best start cooperating.”

‘All smokes and mirrors. Skarla’s dangerous.’

“She won’t talk,” interjected Ishta, “-lady Kul...”

“If Iyan has no bearing,” Skarla unholstered RatX and fired – it tore Iyan’s head, the latter exploded, splashing brain matter and blood, “-Syne, poor ol’ Syne,” she rose the pistol, “-choosing death is an admirable,” *Snap,* a bullet missed her head and hit RatX, “-GET DOWN!” screamed Kul, Ishta jumped and pushed Skarla out of the way.

“Enemy sniper,” gritted Kul, “-I sense more,” they took cover, and footsteps circled Laps’ Mao.

“On authority granted by the Guild, Laps’ Mao and its associates have declared a traitor and sentenced to death!”

“Yonpo’s back in stride,” commented Kul, “-what’s the plan?” the doors, heavier steps ran, “-Syne, we will come,” a magical circle teleported the trio – armored men dashed into the room with guns, “-no signs of them,” nausea hit, “-what the-?” Iyan’s body, the brutality, not for the faint of hearts. Heavy vehicles surrounded Lap’s Mao, and on further investigation, as one of the soldiers reported to Yonpo, “-it’s abandoned. There’s no one here, no trace of life nor trace of them. We did find Iyan’s dead body.”

“They ran,” he slammed the jeep, “-and left Iyan. What a mess. Did you recover the guild tag?”

“Yes,” returned, another arrived with, “-Building’s secure.”

“There’s no point searching. Close off the area and call it a day boys.”

Time skipped later in the afternoon, Syne’s holding cell – a hospital room, emptily stared at her, ‘-she’s going to kill me,’ played in her mind.

“Syne,” a lavishly dressed gentleman entered, “-my daughter, are you well?” Yonpo intimidatingly guarded the door, “-scurry along,” and frightened the nurses.

“Syne, my daughter, are you okay?” the middle-aged man grasped her hands tightly, “-Syne, please my love, tell me, are you okay?” Nothing save the emptiness in her expression returned, “-they’re going to kill me,” she mumbled, “-they’re going to kill me.”

“Who is?”

“You must run, father, you must skip town and protect young Ellia. Where is she, father, where is she?” minutes passed, and a strong-headed doctor invaded and ordered them to leave, her petrified expression eased as medication allowed for sound sleep.

“Yonpo, you must find whoever is responsible and kill them.”

“Stop lying,” he returned, “-if I act on my own it’ll become a scandal. The kingdom must never know of your existence, IVth King of Estral, Frederick Perret.”

“I don’t care, find whoever is responsible and bring them to me,” the blacked-out car lost itself in the coming dusk. “-Yonpo, I’m sorry about Charlie. It must have been hard to deal with the string of murders. Skarla was it, how does she fair in battle?”

“She’s strong, very strong. Hidros might retaliate since he killed one of their own.”

“They did kill my daughter’s guardian; I don’t think it’ll last. Fools don’t realize the truth about Syne not being a victim of human trafficking, I shudder before my own genius. No better place to hide valuable than in the dirtiest place.”

“Once again, you impress, majesty.”

“No majesty, it’s your holiness. I’m the archbishop, not the king, remember?” Passing lanterns slowed in speed, the car came to a stop at the edge of town, “-what’s the matter, Carl?”

“Father, there’s a roadblock,” he said, “-no one’s responding.”

“Pass them will you, they probably broke down.”

Yonpo averted his gaze, “-father, I’m sorry.”


A gun rose to the king’s head, “-get out.”


“Just get out!”

The roadblock toggled their headlights, blinding the driver. The passenger was held at gunpoint with his hand behind his head, “-good job,” said Skarla leaping off the bonnet, “-King Frederick the IV of Estral, on order by our king, you are to come with us.” Yonpo suddenly stopped in the middle, he pushed the aim from Frederick to Skarla, “-don’t do anything stupid,” echoed Kul, “-we had a deal.”

“It’s no sin to fool the devil!” he side-stepped and fired, “-MAJESTY GO!” the car blasted out of sight, “-SHOOT HIM!” Skarla ordered, the bullets bounced off the car with red-taillight vanishing in the distance, and Yonpo fell with a bullet in his right shoulder.

“Couldn’t harm the car.”

“Xerxes series,” Yonpo laughed, “-I fooled you, didn’t I, never underestimate the loyalty of a dog.”

Skarla murderously stood over the wounded assailant, “-it’s sad,” she rose her pistol, “-mastermind, you truly are a person worth our king’s respect. I admit it was fun, speak your final words.”

“ONWARD ONTO DEATH,” *BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG,* the body rocked with each wound, stars reflected against Yonpo’s lifeless pupils, “-bastard smiled even in death,” commented Kul, “-what now?”

“Operation Wied is not over,” she holstered RatX, “-take Yonpo’s head,” a tap of the ring toggled a special channel, “-SSY Request for Surveillance access,” she headed towards the jeep.

“Putting call through,” the channel swapped, “-Elixia here, how can I help?”

“Skarla of Unit 04, Nightwalker under his majesty’s command speaking.”

“Skarla, no need for formal talk, tell me, how can I help?”

“I’ve placed a tracker, could we have a live broadcast of its location.”

“Just so happens the surveillance system’s gathering intel for war. I’ll send the location on your phone, is there something else?”

“Could you relay a message?”


“To King Igna, Operation Wied was unsuccessful. We were unable to kidnap the monarch’s daughter. Estral’s Yonpo caused quite the trouble,” and as she relayed, a strong light came from the latter, “-he’s coming to life,” the message cut, she pulled her weapon and waited behind the jeep.

“I sense him...”

“Sense who?”


“Him,” glared Kul, “-the real enemy.”

Yellow eyes drowned in a sea of black, “-how amusing... such level of weaponry must not be granted to mere mortals.”

Ishta hastily leaped inside the jeep, “-don’t talk, let’s go.”

“Not so fast,” lightning rods volleyed, “-thee must pay!”

*Barrier,* cried Kul, Skarla elbowed the back window and fired. The bullets took legs and limbs.


“We split, Kul go after the king, I’ll stay and fight,” her prediction came true, and the clockwork soldiers regenerated.

“Take this,” flung a red-vile, “-don’t die on us.”

“Yeah, I got it,” she smiled, “-Kul, don’t blame yourself for what happened. It’s all part of destiny,” she climbed out the window, “-LATER!” more lances summoned, ‘-onwards onto death...’ the jeep disappeared, “-foolish girl.”

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