The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028: Death’s Death

Rumors of the prophecy man hit nooks and crannies around the heavenly realm. Same as breaking news would slam upon the home screens of many houses – some were interested and others unaffected. The simple process of experiencing a concern for a matter beyond one’s reach wasn’t worth the hassle, or so were thoughts.

‘Tharis’ name’s respected,’ observed Igna, the announcer, an angel of timid expression, kept an expression of harshness as to seem in control. The prisoner, Igna, walked and skipped comfortably. Disparity showed the current hierarchy as the scenery turned for the better. ‘This is a stranger feeling. Are the gods true to their words?’ an outlandish idea came to, ‘-Zeus’ feels childish. He held power and authority on the day I died. Why did the previous encounter feel nothing like I remember? I should have had a feeling of deep hatred, a sensation of willingness to slay... instead, I chose nonviolence, well, my actions were nonviolent. A show of compassion to the announcer’s given leeway, kindness goes a long way in the heavenly realm, I should remind so.’

“Strange feeling you say?” whelmed another whisper, “-O’ Igna, my dear Igna, the strange feeling was confidence.”

‘Great, hello my other selves,’ a hemisphere expanded to bubblelike texture, ‘-why the sudden audience?’

Two figures materialized in colored outlines; black and purple. Each a representation of the previous incarnation, “-Igna,” said Alfred, “-do you sense the gathered energy?” Staxius, in his comfortable stance, shuffled in the middle as a physical interjection, “-today’s the day we decide.”

‘So, it’s come to this,’ they stood at the proximity of a triangle – the world kept moving without affecting Igna – a realm within a realm had shattered reality(heaven) into a fissure of displacing colors and fading objects.

Alfred held out his arms and smiled, “-you always knew we would have to decide who is who. What decides our fate and who’s the true host? I represent the past, if not for my powers, nothing of the Aapith nation of the very existence of certain worlds would have passed.”


Staxius crossed his arms, “-I was the present, the sword made for the slaughter of our enemies. I built Hidros to where it is now, I’m the foundation on which thee stand comfortably. My intellect is my greatest asset. For the chance at more options, I willingly gave my life on that faithful day – if not for me, you wouldn’t even exist, Igna.”

The third incarnation settled on the ground and crossed his legs. A composed aura rose, “-the past, the present, my allies, and my friends – we speak not of the host but thy pride. Heaven’s our collective enemy – you’re angry with my docile approach. I’ve been meaning to say this for a long, long time,” he sighed, the pupils drew an uncaring expression, “-throwing away the mask feels good,” a mild chuckle escaped, “-Alfred, Staxius, I’m your evolution, a complete being with control over mind and matter.”

“I knew it,” laughed Staxius, “-always playing the fool, always playing the wandering hero, the man who cares for those around him, the man who strives to better the one who helped,” he stopped, the break seemed as if a dagger, “-you were no more than a character playing the game. I truly cried when my daughter was killed, when people around me suffered, I felt it, I wasn’t strong to protect nor was I strong to destroy. You, third incarnation, the title of Devil suits thee perfectly. Seeing family die, seeing Katherine’s affection and care turn into little more than a farse... luring Syhton’s affection and taking her chastity, making her your playmate and lover for the simple reason of her worldly wealth and otherworldly influence. I dare say, Igna, you’re an opportunist. A far worse version of us combined,” in said description, the words came and went without so much an effect.

“I know,” he returned, “-playing the fool is the only source of entertainment I get. It’s nice to see my entourage suffer, it’s fun to see them climb to a higher standard. Per the boon of the Watcher, I’m duty bound to protect the Shadow Realm and her resident. Tis the reason I can’t show my true identity – to me, they are pawns, even you Staxius, Alfred, and myself, we’re pawns to my whims.”

“The path is unknown,” said Alfred, “-you need comrades, sadly, they’ve left for the respective realms. What now, Igna, what will you do?”

“When Absolution comes to pass – I will end it my way. Before then, our job is yet done. Staxius, Alfred, keep our emotions in check. I’ve had enough playing these games – perhaps a show of my true intent might trigger a reaction from the gods, it might be fun?” the triangle vanished – the fissure and fading of reality was naught but smoke and mirrors.

“Move,” came a harsh push – they arrived at the bridge to Tharis’ island. A rope bridge led upward, “-trial awaits,” said the announcer whose identity yet remained unknown. Step after step, the chained Igna walked – the previous bravado turned into but a shell of the host – there laid no life between the eyes, something to do with the inner conversation. Said moment of respace and peace, “-we can finally work,” whispered the angel, “-I don’t know what happened... things are bound to get crazy.”



“Are you sure we should let him roam free?”

“Why not?”

“Igna’s a loose cannon. He’s strong.”

“We were like that. Staxius, I think we should retire. After Igna’s speech and the show of his true intent, I’m convinced he’ll make the perfect harbinger. Come what may, if the destruction of all is the creed of the man who wields Nothing, then, I must say I’d be grateful to have a seat at the council of the dead. Why are you worked up, Staxius, feeling left out?”

“Not that,” he sighed, “-my plan’s gone to perfect. When the moment’s here, I’ll take what’s mine and make sure everything goes my way.”

Therein an ethereal palm came from the ceiling and slammed him to the ground, “-Staxius, it’s not nice saying those things. We’re one of the same, best thee go to sleep and not wake for a while. When I say you’re free, you’ll be free. Gather thy anger, gather thy hate, fuel my attainment of greater strength for we are the trinity.” A void-like landscape of light-gray sky and dark-gray flatlands expanded around Staxius. ‘-Chain to the infinite nothingness,’ he saw himself restrained on a chair, ‘-why do I bother, I’m no hero. Igna’s the host... I lost my chance at fighting when I surrendered...’

*Clop, clop, clop, clop,* “-Staxius,” came a familiar voice, “-someone looks in rough shape,” a hazy lantern sparked the blueish fire, “-look at us,” said lantern drew close and shone against a familiar entity.

“ORIGIN!” he exclaimed, “-my, I haven’t seen you for so long. Tell me, where are we?”

“This is the realm of knowledge,” he said with a joyous smile, “-to you, it’s empty and vacant, to me,” *snap,* “-it’s the cultivation of history down to the last particle,” a giant library snuffed all present – there laid no trace of emptiness.

“Is this where you’ve been?”

“Amazing, isn’t it?”


“Staxius, we’re no longer a single entity. We belong to a network of greater forces tied by the strength of your souls. Each incarnation gives rise to its own realm, imagine a straight line of bearing (0,1) if it were placed on a graph, now, add another horizontal line, which becomes (0,2) the more the soul absorbs, the more lines are added until the graph transcends the allocated two-dimensional plane and moves beyond into the nth-dimension. I’m origin, as my name states, I’m (0,0) you already knew that. With my arrival in thy soul, we merged to create an entity with stability on the level of multiple universes, yes, the scale is massive and hard to imagine.”

“Igna’s work is our work?”

“No matter how he phrases the sentence, his action and thought process will always depend on us. We’re his mind now, we’re everything he has, the culmination of work for the creation of the perfect being. Like you, I had the idea of becoming a host, however, as time passed, I reflected and understood what was needed. We’re products of a bygone era – true our abilities in a fight or the show of murderous intent may help remove some of the thorns, but it’ll never be enough. Same to take a cup to the sea, no matter how much one removes, the sea will always win.”

“What then?” they walked down the library – a familiar door rose with the insignia of death.

“Choose a path of your own?”

“What path lays before me...” the lock clicked, a loud flash sparkled and familiar faces came too, ‘-my white hair, the vampiric nature,’ he took one step and saw the outfit change into the symbolic Claireville academy suit. ‘-Black hair,’ he entered, ‘-Aceline, Lizzie... father... everyone,’ deep down he knew it was fake, he knew it was an illusion, ‘-I know,’ a smile could but come through, ‘-my sister, my mother, my family,’ the adult-self reverted to when he lived as a child. A warm pat of Tempest Haggard tussled the short hair, ‘-this version of history... this version of the world is the collective understanding of Origin and all that has happened. This is the life of Staxius Haggard who didn’t have to live through war, a simple life as a simple boy in a simple world with simple mechanics.’

“Staxius, my other self,” a golden transparent figure lit amongst the skies, “-tis not the end for it’s only the beginning. We’re one of the same. I know what we want best, I know what we yearn towards, and to that end, my other self, I present thee with life in an alternate timeline. Nothing will change – a callback to our reality will remain as all our powers are shared. You’ll have access to the Shadow Realm but under another identity. We don’t want rumors. What say you, Staxius, doth thee wish a contract with the devil?”

“A contract,” he laughed, “-Igna, you’re a strange son of a gun,” the latter landed, “-I’m stumped to your intent or vision. I know one thing for sure, we weren’t meant for this existence,” an elated expression washed Staxius’ face, the same expression Origin and those called the enlightened held, ‘-what happened to him?’ Igna gulped.

“The truth will be shown sooner or later. I’ll gladly take the offer. Staxius Haggard shall rest his sword for the rise of your true intent, Igna.”

‘Him too?’ a dot swallowed all to a harsh expulsion into the outside world. Tharis’ palace rose grandly. Veneration of the goddess of judgment held weight. Retainers held a more noble disposition, they moved with ease and grace. Igna’s lifeless eyes regained life, ‘-what’s wrong with my other selves, I don’t even want to know.’

“Show respect,” a harsh tap kicked him onto his knee whilst his head was held to the carpeted floor, ‘-I’m inside the palace... Tharis’ on the throne.’

“Raise your head,” thundered loudly, memories and reality intertwined,”-Shanna...” A masked swordswoman dashed, slitting tongue and jaw – blood plummeted below, the gore sent shivers down many observers’ spine, he could but stare at the goddess, ‘-she looks just like her, is she?’ the memories crumbled, focus landed upon stern brown-eyes contoured by her hair tied underneath the golden crown. Pearl necklace added to her prestige and the chin rounded just shy of her small lips. Her rounded nose guided her stare forward, “-think before you act.”

The swordswoman immediately dropped onto all fours, “-I’m sorry my lady... the man threw such a despicable stare that I could but attack,” attention horn onto the troubled apology, “- I will face any measure of punishment. I apologize for the crudeness, my goddess.”

With a snap of his finger, the wounds healed instantly, “-permission to speak, goddess,” it caught them by surprise.

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