The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1034

Chapter 1034: Raid

“Kul, we have to talk.”

“Shut the door.”


A rented flat set in a metropolitan city expansion was a dwarf amongst giants. What little light was present was blocked by the overseers. Telescopic devices were lined against a particular window; an amber boiling atmosphere held. “That’s where he lives?”

“Correct,” said Ishta, “-operation’s ready for completion.”

“Who’s working the job?” she leaned into one of the scopes.

“Can’t tell,” he answered, “-we’re bound by oath to the throne. Pay it no mind, it’ll all be over in a few hours,” her stare broke, one arm rested on her hips whilst the free hand went for a soda can, “-what is it?”


He checked the sides, saw none, cleared his throat, and waited a few seconds, “-how did you know his majesty returned?”

“Had an inkling sensation,” she answered, “-surely that’s not the only concern.”

“No, far as the capital is concerned, the king’s still not here. Reports came earlier – our king’s with Syion, I don’t know anymore. Is there,” he moved closer, “-something wrong?”


“I don’t know,” he backed away, “-he’s changed, hasn’t he? Well, I’ve changed too. My leather shoe, the smart casual outfit, working as an agent for one of if not the most feared secret service in operation.”

“The desk job suited you, did it not?”

“Well, it was fun at times... once I became better, I began to see the world for what it truly is, a shitstorm, excuse the French. Kul, I don’t get how you and Asmodeus were able to live on the other side of the spectrum. You led human trafficking and are part of the Dark Guild, another underground faction that’s but a shadow. No clue about their agenda nor hints, the legality of what they do is in a massive grey area.”

“You’ll have to think of Arda on that front,” she smiled, “-the leader is closer than imagined. Besides, what would the Order of Nightwalker do to a local faction, we’re family no matter the disposition,” her words came across as harsh, Ishta felt the tension.

“Did I cross you?”

“No,” she waited, “-you didn’t cross me.” The pauses were long and sharp, “-a member of Asmodeus’ possie lecturing me about right and wrong.”

“I didn’t mean to come across as a hypocrite,” he bowed, “-I was only making an observation.”

“Don’t worry,” she tapped his back, pushing a smile as to dissolve the tension, “-I was only tugging your leg. You shouldn’t get flustered so easily.”

Night fell in what seemed a snap. Life grew, and the night world expanded with many ‘o flare. The tall buildings carried their flicker tall and high – advertising and background noise followed. The duo of Kul and Ishta waited someplace else, a closed-off area free of bystanders or unkeen observers. Multiple monitors held other agents – dots displayed location – a warning was issued to the local police, consequently, traffic, whether human or non-human, was diverted. What better way than a surprise performance shy a few blocks at a local theater?

“Any update on the master?”

“Nothing so far,” said Ishta, “-good location, isn’t it?” they waited underneath the shade of the giants – a bridge carried cars whilst another hanging line veered off with a passenger tram.

“Out of sight and out of mind. Private property, it’s good.” The base of operation, an inconspicuous truck, was along a single lane that curved away to the main street. Directly opposite the side of said truck, rose a bricked ground that stretched to a chain-link fence. Latter separated unwary visitors from falling to their potential death.

“Beautiful view,” said Ishta with a cigarette in hand.

Kul came up against the chain and peered at slopes leading to the local sewers, “-graffiti’s,” she commented, “-tire tracks. The police aren’t keen on this place?”

“Hang out for the common adolescent. City’ noisy as is – what’s a cackle against a raging storm. Still can’t believe the master is in there.”

“I heard she would be here...”

“Here she is,” curtsied a smartly dressed lady, “-I do hope I wasn’t late.”



“Kul, my dear, you shouldn’t be so obvious about your emotions,” she winked with a gratifying smile, “-Ishta, how do I look?” a twirl had Ishta all but applauding the choice of outfit, “-splendid.”

“Elixia, you know full well why-” a press of her lips deadened the would-be high tone.

Elixia removed her finger calmly. “Kul, we serve the same person. There is no difference between, no arguments from which to draw the worse of what emotions ought to give. Tell me yourself, why are you here?”


“Silence, yes? very well. This conversation is to be set for another time,” her attention drew upon Ishta, the man had his ear cupped. The plan was on track, “-let’s move,” they ran into the parked truck.

From there, a bigger picture mounted. Elixia took on an important role, “-I’ve gained access to the whole flat. It’s an amount of time before we capture the target.”

“Understood,” Ishta waved his fingers as commands, and the symphony of intrigue played.

The heavy stench of alcohol, an unusually large amount of smoke, and the constant hum of zoned-out actresses. A few hours had passed, “-small man, come here,” he waved, “-what’s with the body chute?”

The bobbing figure tipped side to side until the kitchen, “-used for bodies,” he coughed, “-what the hell did you give us?”

“Strongest of my produce,” came a wink, “-I told you, I’m here to do business. Where’s the big fellow?”

“He should be here,” *hicc,* “-I need the restroom.” A half-naked man turned from the opposite side, “-hey bro, I finished with the last one. Want to hit?”

“Told you, I don’t much care for them. How was the powder?”

“Amazing,” he shivered with a bright smile, “-never had anything of that kind before. Man, I tell you, it’s the best thing ever. Shire likes to worry. He’s always like this with everyone, paranoid that some secret faction’s going to bust out operations. Nothing’s going to happen, man, I’m telling you, we’re in Hidros, the land of the free. I got more connections in this place than I know what to do with. Between you and me,” he came closer, “-one of my relatives’s actually a member of parliament. He’s in the justice department – can’t say his name aloud, you know.”

“Amazing. The amount of produce I could move with those connections would make us both rich men.”

“Here’s the deal. I don’t care about the price – I need produce. I have people working the streets, you know, taking over the turf with fresh sugar. Comparing our products, if you took to the street, I’d be at a loss. Rivals are a pain in the ass, bloodshed, even more so. We can’t kill indiscriminately like back home, you know, the lawlessness of Odgawoan. Beggar to superstar, everyone knew what the deal was.”

“Why not get a supplier? Isn’t there an organization in charge of the drug trade here?”

“Don’t say their name,” he took a sip from a strange-looking bottle, “-they mean bad luck. Anyway, what’s your name man?”

“Is there a reason to know the name of someone you plan to murder?”

“Murder?” he rose an eyebrow, “-brother, do you doubt me?”

“Well, there’s one way to get rid of a rival, you know, the old fashion way.”

“Yeah buddy,” he turned his back, “-I’m a trusting guy, if you cool, I’m cool too. Don’t throw around accusation buddy, it’s bad for health,” three rings pulled half the body around the doorway, “-it’s the guy,” the phone hung, “-she’s on her way. Quick,” he ran into the living room, “-we need to hide them, come on,” without a bit of tact, unconscious sex-workers were flung over his shoulder, some clothed, others fully naked. Dust lathered the table. Undergarments and used condoms were flung haphazardly, “-bro, I need help here, come on!”

“Go meet ’em. I’ll take care of them.”

“You sure bro?”

“Yeah,” he threw a jacket on way to the living room, “-go quickly – the girl might get cold feet.”

“Thanks, man,” he clapped, “-I’ll tie her for you this time, buddy.”

“Anything you need,” thus the flat swung tight.

White noise cracked into a familiar voice, “-ahem.”

“Get on with it, Elixia.”

“Majesty, the target’s left the flat. Can you gather evidence?”

“Like what, the piles of hookers, the drugs, or the evidently untasteful décor.”

“We have enough to put this guy in jail. Majesty, please get out the premises, a raid is underway.”

“Oh please, ending the fun so quickly isn’t a good idea,” he hauled the girls into the kitchen’s chute.

The sound, a metallic scrape and an unhealthy tamed echo, “-majesty, could you tell us what you’re doing?” gulped a nervous Ishta.

“Cleaning the mess,” he narrowed, “-I’m throwing out the garbage. Send men to the location I’m about to forward. An ambulance might be needed, well, if they do survive the drop, it’ll be a sign of good luck.”

*Click,* “-I know something was wrong about you.”

“The slender man,” returned Igna, “-that a gun you’re holding?”

“Correct, guess anyone would recognize the sound of their demise.”

“Trust me, buddy, that sound is no longer processed by my brain.”

“Shut up and raise your hand, don’t turn around, I hate the sight of blood.”

“Bravado does change a person’s motivation. Tell me, little man, who the fuck are you?”

“Ernesto E.G. I work for Snow. Sweet dreams, macro1.”

*BANG!* the bullet hit and carried the body through the chute, “-gunfire!” cried the truck, “-at ease,” gritted Ishta, “-don’t lose sight of the objective. We’re about to deliver the girl. Come on, it’s time to move out,” he loaded his rifle, “-Elixia, take the lead over logistic.”

“I’ll check on the master,” said Kul, “-you should back them up.”

Low-level thugs guarded the flat. Without approval from either Ernesto or Syion, entry was always denied at the first gate. Things changed when delivery was expected, such were the details found in months of observation.

“Hey, turn off the red lights, I got guests coming,” said Syion bulldozing his way across the narrow pathway.

“Syion,” waved the leader, “-good to see you. I’ve brought her as you wanted.”

The dancer, dressed in a lovely beige outfit, took her steps timidly, “-Syion, sir, I heard a few words from my friend. Can you truly give me the break I need?”

“syion... Syion... SYION!” full-pelts tore into view, “-DON’T, IT’S A TRAP.”

“Trap?” bullets flew – a few cleanly took the dancer to the ground, and the leader was hit in the head. The unbothered Syion glared, “-WHY WOULD YOU KILL THEM, PUTIN?”


“J’ai raison de panse qu’il était des espions.” 1

“Seriously,” he threw his arms, “-now what, we’ve killed fucking innocents... where’s brother, where’s the brother?”

“I shot him.”


“WAIT, Syion, don’t you dare,” he grabbed the man’s arms, “-don’t forget who’s in charge here. I make the decision, you’re the brawns. That is our partnership.”

“Why would you kill him?”

“He was talking weirdly over the phone...”

“The hookers, what about them?”

“Down the body chute... he cleaned them.”

“Espèce d’idiot.”

“He wasn’t that important. Let’s look for a cleaner,” he turned at the thugs and clapped, “-kill anyone who comes remotely close.”

The ground froze in a dampened crimson color, “-ON THE GROUND!” a pressure akin to the gods shoved all onto their knees, “-by Order of his Majesty, us, the Order of Nightwalkers, deem thee, criminals.”

“Who the fuck are they,” muffled Syion.

“Order of Nightwalkers... we’ve done it.”

“Shut your mouth,” came a familiar voice, “-bullets hurt, you asshole,” the dancer kicked Ernesto then spat, “-who’s the idiot now?”

“Dispel the control,” said Ishta, “-we have them in cuffs.”

“What about the other thugs?”

“Unleash the hounds and call the night,” he turned from the snaps of light and screams of terror. The brutality of the killers far elapsed even the ‘thugs’.

“Monsters, all of you, monsters.”

“That we are,” loud laughter echoed into the starry night, the Order of Nightwalkers were feared for a reason.

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