The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1039

Chapter 1039: Floor Bosses

“News from Draebala my liege.”

“Good,” said a monolithic figure, “-all is in our master’s fate. I will see to my duties, please inform Kylsha about the family meeting. Drag her to the palace if you must, she ought to see her in-laws once a while.”

“As you wish, my liege,” said a little green gremlin. The current location placed the scene atop the famed Tower of Aria, else known as the Tower of God. Kanad, the established Demonlord, reigns his terror and strength throughout the four hundred levels. To date, the farthest anyone had climbed was floor 50, Gregno, a chimera, the pet of floor 75’s boss, had laid waste to many adventuring parties. Words of mouth followed as such, “-we fought through thick and thin. It was painful, we ran out of potion, and the Chimera regenerated without stop – our party leader, the Silver-ranked Vault-Guardian, suffered the brute of the attack. Our party’s silver-ranked Thief, lady Emillie of the Headington family, was brutally killed. We watched as the serpent’s tail tore her arms and injected venom – she died almost instantly. Most of our party neared death and if not for our leader, I’d be in the jaws of that vile thing. It’s bigger than houses, taller than anything I’ve seen – the reach is fast, lightning quick... rumor speak of four hundred floors... if floor fifty is that hard, I don’t expect any one of us to ever make it past,” as a word from the surviving party made the trip around the local drinkeries and taverns, adventurers only but fortified their resolves. Some were found, others never to be seen again – their tags often hang around dead torches.

Kanad swept a paper-filled table and undid the scroll. Metallic tags fell, and an iron bucket held the remaining limbs of unfortunate newbies. “Efforts to capture Draebala have ended. The Army of Shadows has established a foothold over Zayan D’olsak. The efforts of Starix, Yuria, Kaleem, and Cora have brought good fortune to an otherwise desolate landscape. In honor of the conquest, a congratulatory ceremony will be organized to celebrate the heroes of the war. In their honor, we of the Shadow Army, warmly extend this invitation,” signed, General of the Army, Starix.

Kanad’s darker skin tone lightened as he smiled into an amber torch, “-this is great,” the view grew – a terror-filled sight spoke volumes. Bubbles of darkened mass, best not to indulge in the greater details, lined what seemed a lake. Arms and floating heads bubbled. A drainage system brought loud lumps in from the bottom. Splashes were muffled and loud – a sort of stomach-turning purr.

“This place,” said a female voice, “-I hate it.”

“Kylsha, welcome to my beautiful garden.”


“We agreed on not meeting here.”

“But this is why I do this job,” he smirked, “-to watch the brave fall and to snack on their vigor.”

She sassily waved, cutting his remark, “-what’s this about the in-laws?”

“I said,” he paused, “-to be careful when taking trips into the outside world.”

“You live a double life too,” came a sarcastic smile, “-Sir Edward of Longfield.”

“Stop,” he narrowed, “-that name is forbidden. Don’t utter it,” the mood lightened, “-your fiancé’s brought his family to my estate. It would be best for my lovely sister to get dressed and see to his family. I said no marriage... my,” he stopped, “-always wanting more, can’t an old demon not have a break.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” she put up her tight-fitting pants and threw her cleavage over the table as she read the scroll, “-invitation?”


“Sure thing,” she smiled, “-tell them the Demonlords of Aria will be in attendance,” her heel walked opposite the table, “-did lady Vesper contact you?”

“About what?”

“About the rumors of a single warrior tearing through the minions. There’s no record about the origin nor is there anything on the notice board. Someone new is in town and they’re making strides.”

“It is what it is,” he shrugged, “-a hotshot comes to show his power, gets overturned at floor 30, then comes back here,” he pointed backward, a loud lump dropped and sank, “-and here’s the hotshot,” he smiled, “-a random follower of the God of Knowledge. We should hurry, there’s much to see in the outside world.”

“Hey,” she winked, “-guess someone’s as excited as I am about meeting the in-laws.”

“Just don’t cause problem.”

“Whatever,” she tiptoed and shuffled his air, “-big brother.”

Bubbling rambled. Kanad stopped with a cautious gaze, “-something’s off.”

“What?” she scanned, “-the pit’s always made that sound.”

“No,” he turned, “-it never made that kind of noise,” the bubbles rose and a figure suddenly burst through, “-HOLY HELL,” it coughed loudly, “-by the holy name of Artanos, this pit smells of dread.”

Kanad menacingly sliced the air, creating various projectiles and spells, “-who dares enter the Demonlord’s palace.”

It walked on the pit, yellow eyes shrouded in darkness. Kylsha’s attire swapped for her battle, “-he’s no ordinary follower of Artanos, that’s the damned god himself.”

“The god of Knowledge?” a snap dispelled the projectiles, “-I apologize for the misunderstanding. We, representative of the greater one, must show courtesy to a humble guest. Please answer me a simple question, are you here as a friend or foe?”

“What I seek is more than what thee have,” he returned, “-I’m afraid I come as a foe. To honor the politeness shown,” he scanned up and down, “-despite the demonic legacy, I will honor the code. As the challenged, thee have the right on location and the rules of our fight.”

Kanad took a long stroll, he edged around the pit until finally stopping beside Artanos, “-we’re sensible creatures. Humans are worse of them all. I don’t know why or how they grew into having such importance. Look at their feeble self, and look at you, lord Artanos, taking their appearance for what?”

“My reasons are inherently ambiguous.”

“As you wish. I request the duel to be fought on the last floor. We will fight on terms governing the sacred climb.”

“Tower of God,” remarked Artanos, “-I’ve always heard about its legend across the mortal realm. The adventurers take great pride in walking a dangerous road. That is why I choose my form to be human, for they, out of the many races created, are the only ones who can be called free.”

“Kanad, you can’t allow this battle,” Kylsha interjected, “-for it is within my best interest-”

“Stop,” he rose his voice, “-Kylsha, you have guests waiting. Please do not make a mockery of the Longfield name.”

“I understand,” the aggression eased, ‘-the look he gave, Kanad’s going to fight a duel to the death. Artanos’ given our master a run for his money... I don’t expect this battle to last. Be smart, Kanad, there’s no way the demonic blood wins against the shine of a god... one-sided from the beginning, how pathetic.”

Portals opened. Space, massively open space expanded on the other side. The walls radiated for it was covered in a crystal-like material. The overhanging ceiling matched the weather outside. A lonesome watchtower guarded a bridge on the far side.

“Last floor I presume?”


They faced each other, “-may the strongest win.” Their auras were unleashed; the air sank in how heavy the powers interacted. Kanad lunged, projectile spells followed his step and peppered the ground. Artanos, surprised by the speed, managed to summon only a few barriers before casting enhancement spells. A shock of lightning resounded; Kanad barely escaped for it chipped the shoulder. Dust of the first attack yet settled, a blind spot opened, and with the attack, the Demonlord leaped backward. Metal through butter – such was the feeling. He looked downwards, a spear had torn through his back and into the front. “A chivalrous demon,” tremored, “-what an idiotic concept!” Greater weapons rose, Kanad jumped and barely escaped, ‘-my wings,’ he flapped and scanned, ‘-where is he?’

“Here,” came from above, a single line went across and crashed – the tower howled. The god rose from the ashes of a one-sided fight, “-put up a good fight?” he clambered over the crater, “-I don’t think so,” the golden tint of a heavenly weapon withdrew.

*Gasp,* the demon regenerated, “-I thought I died,” he growled, the form took one fiercer and larger. The muscles pulsed, raw energy thickened veins and sharpened his teeth, “-let’s fight.”

*Arise, my army,* Clockwork soldiers filled everything, “-did you honestly think I wouldn’t know about the second state?” he hovered whilst Kanad’s position tightened, “-here’s a surprise, I know everything about this place. All your powers, all the hidden capabilities and the weaknesses. I did my research,” he smiled, “-of course, I did have help from a fellow of the Tower. As the mortal realm so likes to preach, if it can talk, it can be bought.” The mechanical beast leaped, Kanad furious fought, and tore through the waves. The more he destroyed, the stronger they grew, a wonderous display of resolve.

‘Overwhelming,’ the speed lessened, ‘-I’m getting weaker,’ they nipped at the armor, ‘-no honor among thieves. I was foolish.’

“Now,” he tapped his fingers, “-the Demonlord should feel how hopeless the battle is. Any moment and he’ll surrender.”

*Woosh,* a breeze passed diagonally, ‘-what’s this?’ he looked below and saw blood as well as oil, ‘-what’s this?’

“Kanad, you idiot!” came from atop the wall, “-believe in your sister for once,” the whole area shook, “-Artanos, god of Knowledge,” she smiled, “-I present to you, the Guardians of Aria, the Floor bosses. Here’s the thing about your information,” the supposed snitch, a demon dawning glasses and a suit, calmly exited the ranks of the guardians and smiled, “-a double agent is quite the reveal. I do love myself a bit of drama.”

The bleeding didn’t stop, Artanos’ always smug expression drew into a corner. He kept to himself silently. The summoned army weakened, and the tower of Aria revealed her true face, her true intention. Monsters of lower floors teleported upward; it was as if the body reacting against a virus. Kylsha dropped beside Kanad, reinforcement charged.

‘She got one of my hearts,’ he held the open wound, ‘-I, Artanos, was wounded by a nobody. How dare they,’ the fist curled, “-HOW DARE YOU WOUND ME!” the words carried across, “-BE BOUND TO THE FLOOR!” everyone, including the clockwork soldiers, had restraints pull them onto the ground, “-DISARM!’ weapons vanished, the bosses, else guardians, were lined to protect Kanad. “-RESTRAINED!” he climbed from the hovering cloud without stairs, “-peasants, how dare you take one of my hearts,” he calmly touched Gregno, the chimera’s innards exploded into golden dust. “-No one touches me without my permission, no one,” each touch killed, the demonlord’s struggled for a sliver of strength, nothing.

“You,” he grabbed Kylsha’s chin, “-worthless waste. Did you think that feeble attack would do me much damage?”

“No,” she bit his finger clean and spat the index, “-it did piss you off,” she smugly grinned, “-who the fuck do you think you are,” she spat again, this time on his face, “-you’re not welcomed.”

He calmly rose, gave an understanding nod, and moved towards Kanad, “-using the girl to get what I want, that is something I would have done. Well, with how things are, the tower belongs to me. Slip of the tongue,” he shrugged, “-why did you get angry, Artanos, why,” tiny facepalms pressed, “-well, who cares. Bring me the core.” One of the greater clockwork entities materialized, “-the core’s not here, my lord.”

“Have you looked everywhere?”

“Yes, we’ve scanned, there’s nothing to be found.”

“Seems that I’ve been duped,” he turned at the demons, “-where is Aria’s core? This place is not of this world, it ought to have the string attached.”


“I order you to speak!”

Kanad broke, “-the core can only be accessed by the Watcher. The Tower of Aria exists as an extension of the Shadow Realm. Only our master has the key.”

“If nothing else,” he clapped, “-may the souls be turned machines, and may the machines fuel my realm.”

“Can we go now?”

“Yeah, we can,” he answered, “-got what I needed.”

“Said the cores weren’t here.”

“Not core of the tower,” he smiled, “-but them,” the turned remains of the guardians rose in the backdrop, “-entities with the capability to take realms on their lonesome, who just leaves them lying around?”

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