The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1046

Chapter 1046: Weird Place

Cruse stood beside his partner, Igna. A sorry sight laid upon a large comfy bed of beige. Maids made trips. Various items were brought – potions, scrolls, name it and the medium laid. “The elixir of Engratse,” Cruse commented. Igna, who sat beside the unconscious and heavily wounded Eira, rose a blank gaze, “-the Elixir?”

“Yeah,” the man proceeded over Eira, grabbed and pulled her lower lips – brown stain marred her gums, “-Engratse is the god of alchemy. The man’s renowned for inventing various potions able to act on heavenly beings and the likes.”

“Could have been another?”

“No,” Cruse stood firm, “-the perfect tell is under her chin,” they rose her head, and under laid the symbol of an alchemic flask – a flask. “Need more proof?”

“No,” returned Igna solemnly, “-I did what I could,” the gaze shifted left and right, “-never expected that level of maliciousness. Serpent, you bite the invader?”

“Yes, and I have no doubt the victim lays in a deep slumber. I do wonder, why is she in that comatose state. We relieved her soul and you imbued her with life anew. We did all as is written in the Deishik records. This result’s not possible, it’s just not.”

“Deishik record wasn’t our only option. I could have forced her soul into another body.”


“Wrong,” interjected the serpent with an all-knowing gaze, “-for someone of high intellect, you sure think of stupid ideas. Igna, I say this with your best interest – the otherworldly matters are yet accustomed in thy mind. You know but you don’t, it’s a paradox that separated mortals from the immortals. Different laws apply, if not no laws, the latter cases are most difficult to handle. Eira is the Guardian of Nexsolium, the Librarian – she’s earnt her title of goddess and currently ranks as a mid-tier goddess, impressive for she has a domain, the library. What we don’t know is how deeply the Librarian is affected,” Cruse moved from the bed directly into Igna’s line of sight, “-hear me, Igna, Eira’s injuries won’t be healed using brute force. Finding the answer will be strenuous, I dare say she might never wake. The attack I used was one beyond the realm of reality – we both understand Nothing as our common creed. Tis akin to blasting someone out of existence.”

“I know, it was an in-the-moment decision. Never expected an infiltration of the soul...”

“Tis the power of Engratse. We have the matter of Orin, what will you choose, Igna?”

“The decision was made before I even decided,” *Hear me, Vengeance, thy master calls,* a flash of pure power shook the very castle ground.

“Orders my master.”

“Vengeance, you dealt with the matter of Morpheus nicely. The Ruler of Dreams shan’t interject,” the crossed regards were filled with meaning, “-head to Orin, deliver a message to Elixia, Alta, and éclair. Be my replacement – I can only guess at how long it might take. The task ahead,” he glanced Eira’s unconscious body, “-is a tall order.”

The spirit glanced, “-do you have something to say?” Igna asked.

“My master, are you proceeding into the heavenly realm? Has the time come for my master to enter the battlefield of the gods?”

“Yes, now’s better time as any,” he dashed to the window and peered, “-the preparation has been made,” a darkened orb hovered above his open palm, “-I feel my element resounding, it’s anxious. I’m ready as it can be,” said a smug smile.

“Will it not be moving into their hands?” inferred Cruse.

Igna fixed the man’s unblinking stare, “-partner, you should know by now, Artanos isn’t dead. You must have bitten some other poor sod. He’ll use said opportunity to spread the word about my presence. I defeat before them. As is said, fool me once. shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

“I get it.”

“Vengeance, are you ready?”

“My master,” he bowed, “-will be okay if I use the Shadow army?”

“Do as you wish, I have one condition, don’t destroy the world or its people. Use the Shadows sparsely, we don’t want a spotlight on Orin, do we now?”

He came upon the window and looked at Igna, “-I must apologize in advance.’

“For what?”

“For what’s to come,” a grin sparked, “-the war might end.”

“Long as it’s a collective decision, what happens, happens.” Thus, Vengeance disappeared – leaving Igna with Cruse and the unconscious Eira. There was a great amount of doubt and deep thoughts. Igna kept his gaze outward, watching the passing scenery of roaring dragons and advanced technology.

*Knock, knock,* “-Enter.”

“Igna, good to see you,” came the stone-faced Formle, “-how are you?”

“God of War,” stared back coldly, “-glad to see the good shape.”

He flexed; “-the constant battled in Draebala’s strengthens a man’s build. Not to mention the overpowering flow coming from the Shadow Realm. I heard rumors about what happened, is she the princess?” to which he walked over and examined, “-Engratse’s work,” he shook his head, “-that man’s a terrifying deity, counted as an Anarchist God, same as me. You know, the type of God of an ‘other’ allegiance.”

“Was I the only one clueless?” he paused, “-Formle, how goes the battle in Draebala?”

“I thought my reports were delivered?”

“They were, I refer to now.”

“We’re a growing faction. Full war’s broken out in the central continent – I tell you, the alliance between Aapith and Eipea didn’t last long. Aapith took their chances and allied with Titans, Eipea, as the strongest, fortified, and turtled in their regions, The Shadows are fighters for the people, such is the reputation Starix said would work best. We’ve taken in nobles from the other kingdoms and have separated the Zayan into two entities – one ruled by us, the other, by the people, as our vassal. Things are pretty grand; your children do good work.”

“They should,” he peered silently, “-Formle, I would be happy to chat, sadly,” he looked at Eira, “-I must find a way to heal my sister.”

“If it’s Engratse, why not ask him?” escaped without much thought. The problem instantly clicked, “-and where do I find him?” narrowed Igna. Formle waited, staring intently at Igna until he widened his gaze, “-my apologies, I didn’t mean that literally. Tis a figure of speech, a bad habit I got from always heading to the source of the problem. You know, when a noble decides to not cooperate – a personal visit, you know?”

“Ah yes,” he smiled, “-the Haggard way of negotiations. So,” he looked again, “-any idea where I might find this Engratse?”

“No idea... I mean, wait,” the eyes shut for an instant, “-Violetta might know.”


“Violetta, the weaver of destiny. She has a shop right here in the capital, I think there,” to which he pointed in a vague direction, “-the place’s quaint and frequent destination for lovers,” a telepathic message caught his attention, and he moved his arm towards the ear and nodded, “-I ought to go. Good luck, Igna, may you find the answer thee seeks,” he rushed for the door and stopped, “-I know you know this but, Igna, the four Generals are no longer in the Shadow Realm. Did they leave on their own accord or simply got bored, I don’t know, what I understand is that the Shadow Realm is powerful and overwhelming – a perfect domain for anyone wanting to conquer the whole of eternity. Well, tis my belligerent side talking, conquests are always fun. I will be on my way, fare thee well.”

The invisible Cruse materialized, “-interesting fellow,” he added, “-considering Formle is also an Anarchist Deity,” he caught Igna’s movement in the peripheral, turned to see him throwing on the suit-jacket and tapping his feet, “-come on, serpent,” he stretched his arm, the boy morphed and coiled, “-Cruse, you know you can head home if you want. I’ll take it from here,” deep resolute pupils watched, “-alright,” it puffed.

‘No hesitation,’ came a perplexed laugh, “-I’m heading out, sister,” he neared the bed and caressed her forehead, “-I promise everything will be fine. I’ll make sure you return as one of the Shadows. I’ll do anything, even if it means killing a god. Rest well, sister, rest well.”

Wings spread, he flapped – darkened angelic features fell as he circled the sky. The to and fro was harsh, air-space was rather populated, “-watch where you’re going,” cried in the vague distance – people flew and rode in flying carriages. Special routes planned with a special string displayed the various routes and directions. ‘-A road in the sky,’ he shook his head with a smile and carried on – a bigger isle rose a few kilometers from the castle. ‘-Looks promising,’ he flapped, passed clouds and the beautiful downward cityscape to the road, or air-route headed northeast.

“The Romadian Island,” read one sign. A massive shadow passed overhead, ‘-a black drakin?’ a beast of the size of cargo planes back in Orin, flapped past to Romadian. Many couples turned to catch a glimpse of Igna – the visage was easy on the eyes, as for the hair color – seeing as there laid commonness, many thought he was but a handsome man taking a stroll. Some gave scrupulous squints, ‘-couples...’ he observed, ‘-great...’ came sarcastically. The route mapped horizontally with the isle’ bricked. Two final flaps and he landed, coming to a stop after a small jog. He tapped his shoulders, clearing away sparkles, and scanned.

“Visitor, over here,” hailed a guard, “-you there, sir, please come this way,” they segregated the coming groups. A terminal-like structure rose, “-visitors are requested to pay their visiting fee at the kiosk, thank you,” spoke the intercoms. ‘Payment?’ he followed the queue, glancing over the shoulders of visitors and generally looking about. ‘-Romadian island wasn’t here last time I checked. What’s with money?’ the queue passed till Igna stared at an attendant blankly, “-name and payment, sir,” came a monotonous response. He leaned closer, “-Igna Haggard, no payment.” She blew a laugh and rose her head, “-sir, we stop people for looking at the guests bizarrely. We won’t fall for the scam. Romadian island is under the authority of Goddess Lilith, as such, we request payment on her behalf. I humbly implore you to pay the visiting fee, thank you.”

“I’m the Watcher of the Shadow Realm, for the love of god, give me some credit...”

“Sir, please step aside if you won’t pay,” she hailed guards with angelic wings, “-take him away,” ordered the attendant, “-claims to be the Watcher.”

“Another one?” the guards laughed, “-please sir if you would follow us.”

A room labeled, “-waiting area,” opened to a rather strained-looking interior. Empty tables paired with chairs. Gaged, chained and otherwise restrained guests filled said chairs.

“Sir, if you would wait for a few minutes, we have to check a few things.”

The guards simply left. The other ‘guests’ threw sympatric gaze as he settled. ‘-Impossible, why didn’t they believe I am who I am?’

“Ah, got caught sneaking in?”


“Yeah, you,” said a short but energetic fellow, “-I’m talking to you, new guy. Don’t worry, the angelic police are lax. They’ll give you a slap on the wrist and then, freedom.”

“What about you?”

“I got caught many times,” he chuckled, “-Romadian island has to be protected because of lady Violetta. She’s a well-known overseer, we have guests visiting her for consult all the time. She’s a superstar, the pride of the capital. Did you sneak in trying to get a reading?”

“Not exactly, no, why?”

“Man, she’s hard to get a hold. Once you get a taste of her talents, it’s hard to go back.”

Something about their clothes, Igna observed closely, “-why’s everyone dressed with a similar make?”

“Her talents baby,” cheered the man, “-she gives a reading only if you buy her clothes. Let me add, those things cost a pretty penny.”

“Mr. Etern,” came loudly, “-Mr. Etern!”

“My call,” he stood, “-nice talking, hope we don’t meet here anytime soon.”

He left, “-Mr. Igna,” came from the other side, “-Mr. Igna!”

‘What a weird place,’ he clambered, ‘-what a weird place...’

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