The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053: Commendations

“Is his majesty not pleased by the celebrations?” the prime minister, star of the night, broke from a distinguished entourage.

The familiar voice came suddenly, Igna sipped at his sight, “Ah, éclair, the night goes well.”

“I think not,” the voice lowered, “-master, did something happen?”

“Nothing that would require too much concern.”

“Is his majesty not pleased with our decisive win?”

“No, no, don’t get me wrong,” they walked and talked, soon to pass through closed curtains into a grand terrace, “-I’m glad the war is over. I fear what’s to come, as is, trade and the economy have been put in grave danger. It’ll require great leadership to carry the kingdom post-war. It’s time for the monarchy to take a stand,” he sipped, “-our culture is indeed linked to lords and dames; I think, for the future of the kingdom, we ought to change how politics is run. The acting royal family is better suited for the sidelines. I’ve done my time,” he sipped, “-you understand, don’t you?”

“Majesty, where is this coming from?”


“It comes from there,” he rose the glass forth, catching the capital’s nightlife, “-Hidros needs to evolve, and the war proved how a centralized leadership can be beneficial. It has drawbacks – many can be resolved by cunning. éclair,” he grabbed the prime minster’s shoulder, “-I apologize for her death,” the grip firmed, “-and I congratulate you for a job well done. You surpassed expectation, I think it best you become head of parliament.”


“Don’t,” he echoed, “-I decided after careful examination. I left the war in thy hands; the result speaks for themselves. You coordinated the ministers, led from the sidelines, and made damned sure Hidros remained prosperous. I’m impressed, very impressed.”

“My master, please reconsider the decision. Having the Devil of Glenda take the side-lines feels blasphemous. The Haggards have guided Hidros to where it is, tis wrong to see recognition and praise be lost on humble servants like the ministers and I. We did what we had for our king, surely you understand?”

“I understand very well. Change ought to come from the top. We’ll make the first move and alter the fundamentals of the world. Putting power in a single person’s inviting war, tis inviting unnecessary qualms. Besides, putting the focus of political intrigue in the minister’s hands will undoubtedly make Hidros think on its feet. éclair, if you object, say so with arguments against.”

“Put that way,” the shoulders dropped, “-I can’t think of anything I can say to change your mind, sire. When will the decision be broadcasted?”

“As soon as possible.”

May 1st, the capital buzzed. Parades of returning soldiers lit the streets in a festive mood. Confetti and praise were flung from balconies and gathered crowds. The heroes of war returned and made their way to Castle Rosespire. Fighter jets flew and tanks paraded alongside other vehicles of warfare.

“We did it,” wept many soldiers, “-at the cost of friends and family,” tears flowed. The relief of touching their birthplace, the explosion of applause and screams – for that moment, the tragedies of war blurred. A stigma that would follow many – sleepless nights, fits of emotional breakdowns, the post-traumatic stress; neither did all heroes wear capes or lived to be strong – they were normal people. People turned monsters for the sake of survival – people turned Death-Reapers, forced to witness unforgettable things and moreover, heart-tearing and stomach-turning memories. Lucky were those who worked to live a normal life, a small fraction, though, those memories will forever haunt their dreams. So, as the returning soldiers paraded across the capital, distinguished members of the Military, the Naval Army, and the Airforce, were dressed in formal military attire and invited for a banquet in their honor. The capital’s daily activities paused, the moment was to be enjoyed and for recuperation of breaths, the latter of which was held since the start of the conflict.

Decoration fitted the mood. Coat of arms lined the walkway to the palace. Royal Guards saluted the coming guests. The banquet was indeed an event to be experienced. Tales of the Royalty, how the nobles lived and the prestigious story of the Haggard Dynasty was always subject to the public’s vested interest. To see the inside was an honor. The throne room, a place reserved for the greatest of celebrations and the saddest of news, carried Flags of many prominent families; the noble crests. A grand space was readied for the soldiers and heroes. Nobles and other important members, for today, watched from the sidelines. General Minerva and other officers lined the first row. The throne presided strongly before the coming soldiers.

“Attention!” cried a guard, “-pay respects to his majesty, Igna Haggard, the King of Hidros and Viscount of Glenda!” white hair fashioned in a low-hanging ponytail, a royal military outfit adorned by medals and badges of honor, he marched towards the throne and sharply spun before taking his seat. The chilling gaze struck, instantly making the authority known.

“At ease,” he said. A harmonious shuffle followed. ‘Minerva looks happy,’ he observed. “-Heroes of war,” he thundered, “-I welcome thee to Castle Rosespire. Without your efforts, today might not have come. As has been passed from the generations, we will honor the brave, the courageous, and the victors. Let us pray for the heroes who gave their lives for our cause,” a minute of silence followed. He rose his head, breaking the silence, “-we gather today for the ceremony of commendations. I have heard the tales of valent soldiers, and you, valiant knights, have proven Hidros’s resolve. You have held the legacy set by our forefathers. Our legend of adventuring, living, and dying by the sword, a collectively shared feeling, has pushed us beyond our limits and set the stage for war. War will never change so long as the thirst for blood exists. Our capacity to do harm to us and other species has indeed set us to be at the top of the food chain. We have won,” he glanced at Minerva, “-and the leaders who gallantly guided our forces to victory, I give my utmost praise,” he stopped and scanned. Making eye contact with various guests rose a sense of belonging. éclair entered the frame and stood below Igna facing the crowd, “-let us proceed with the commendation.” Orenmir arrived on a red cushion and unsheathed the cursed weapon; cries of the fallen and destitute resounded. Terror filled the hall; unhampered specters circled the area. The King was the embodiment of his title. The ceremony began. Soldiers were called by name and rank, many were granted promotions, others medals of honor. Igna personally made sure each and every one felt special.

Three hours later, “-keeping the best for last, General Minerva,” her goddess-like beauty enchanted the crowd, her posture, and gestures gallant and respectful. Igna granted her honors, “-guess I’m the best?” she mumbled, he ignored her jest and concluded the event.

“Honored guests of today, please, make yourself at home. Today is in your honor, be sure to take advantage of what is to come,” added éclair. The hall remained dead-silent save Orenmir’s death-defying screech.

Igna took a large step forward and addressed the already tense crowd, he sheathed the cursed blade, placed it on the red cushion, and watched. Relief carried on many faces at the sight of it being taken, “-the war has shown our true capabilities. Hidros, unlike the generations prior, has moved from a warring state into one focused on discovery and academics. Adventuring is a great part of our culture. We’re Adventurers by heart, nothing will change our nature. This, my fellow comrades is something to be proud of. Alas,” he looked left and right, “-it brings us to the logical conclusion. Today, aside from being a day for celebration, will also mark the day when Hidros is changed. As King, I formally appoint Prime Minister éclair as the Head of State, and” a collective inhales struck, “-it has shown me how efficiently problems can be resolved in dire straits. The Royal Family shall take a step back from how matters of public interest and international affairs are dealt with. With this, I formally end the Ceremony. Please make yourselves comfortable.”

The news hit and hammered it did. The Arcanum flamed at the decision – television was quick on the uptake, calling in scholars for their views and initiation of debates/assessments concerning the King’s decision. It was one thing honoring the soldiers, and another to turn the leadership upside down.

Antom News brought Stephanie into the picture during the ceremony’s broadcast, “-lady Stephanie, please tell us about the feeling when you received a medal of excellence from his majesty?” inquired a warm-toned excited host as images of the ceremony displayed. “What can I say, Jerald, it was one of the greatest feelings ever. I can’t put into words how honored I felt. I’m sure they feel the same, it’s not every day the king steps into the limelight to acknowledge his people. I admit the feeling is addictive – I feel like I must achieve more to get our king’s approval. He has the power to change people and it shows,” her explanation ended at the start of the announcement. Jerald’s well-combed hair shuffled, “-Prime minister éclair’s becoming head of state?”

Stephanie kept cool against Jerald’s visible agitation. The focus shifted, “-I’m sure the news took you by surprise, lady Stephanie.”

“If you look at it from a jaded point of view, I can see the decision being the right one. Now, I must say I don’t know what his majesty has in mind, none of us can correctly judge a person’s inner thoughts,” she exhaled and gathered her thoughts, “-looking at how the palace has been run, Prime Minister éclair and his track record justify the announcement. He’s undoubtedly led Hidros through trying times.”

“What about our king, has he not brought Hidros to where it stands today?”

“No arguments here,” she answered, “-the problem isn’t that, tis far more convoluted. Only he knows the answer, for what it’s worth, I’m pleased the decision was made in public and not behind closed doors. Rare have kingdoms expressed their intent to the world. It shows the confidence of our leadership,” such was the momentum carried by other news stations. Swapping to an inside perspective, the decision came without much deliberation. éclair, Elixia, and the ministers have led the kingdom, it was no surprise.

May 2nd rose with hangovers and blackouts. The news about éclair assimilated efficiently. There wasn’t any resistance from opposing factions. Veterans were granted pensions and a degree of respect, and healthcare institutions were hands-on with the various ‘to-come’, calls.

“Majesty,” suited men invaded the courtyard, “-are you sure?”

“éclair,” returned Igna, “-consider this my last act,” he smiled, “-we may have won the war, there’s a battle only I can fight behind that door,” to which, the prime minister stopped, allowing his monarch to waltz into a conference room.

“No luck?” Minerva wondered.

“No luck,” he replied, “-there’s no stopping the king when he gets like this,” a jovial grin curved, “-leave it in his hands, I’m sure we don’t need to add pressure.”

Igna’s battlefield, the doors pushed inward, ‘-post-war negotiations,’ he smiled, ‘-the Emperor and I will decide their fate,’ opposing council held representatives of the Desok Alliance as well as the head of the Revolution. King Frederick Perret of Estral sat on Hidros’ side, further highlighting the betrayal. Crossed glares were exchanged. Both sides gathered respective entourages and murmured, “-Aunt Elvira, King Frederick, Emperor Essin, Markus, Elixia, Queen Courtney, Ambassador Esner of Easel Run Gard, Ambassador Tania of Marinda, and lastly, Representatives of the Independent kingdoms, I’m glad you’re here. We will begin post-war negotiations, therefore, as the victor, we have the right to enforce our demands. I will make certain the Sadian People and Old Cray’s kingdom receive their due. Oppositions to my leading the talks?”


“I’ll take the silence as no. Take your seats. The negotiations shall be my last act as head of state.”

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