The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1070

Chapter 1070: “Dear Boss” [13]

“You look different.”

“Does it matter?”

“Not really,” Svipe bowed over the bridge, “-you made a good impression.”

“Did I?”

“Yeah,” he smiled, “-the lady is on her way.”

Headlights beamed from the bridge’s other side, under the scale of buildings populating the ‘-citizen’s region’. Svipe’s pleased expression. The unnaturally silent port at two in the morning, ‘-what are they up do?’

Breaks strained a high-pitch squeal. Doors shut, a lady dropped from the driver’s side, walked to the bridge, turned at Igna, and rose her cap, “-you,” she pointed dressed in a trucker’s outfit, “-I choose you.”



She moved into his face and said, “-I choose you.”

Igna calmly watched through the frameless glasses, “-really,” he grabbed her shoulders, “-you think you can tame me?”

“I don’t think, I will tame you,” she shrugged and hopped back, “-Doctor Lyoko,” her arms opened towards the port, “-Istra is a beautiful city, from the filth to the clean, everyone is deserving of a place. I want the city to be a place where the law isn’t a hassle, but rules that may be bent to suit one’s power or agenda. After all, I love when strong foes face off. The battle and drama are treats for poor little ol’ me.”

“I see,” he narrowed, “-so you’re something of a rebel.”

“You could say that,” she sighed and stared, “-I’m more than just a rebel, I’m the one who rules these plains. I love everything about this city. I love my life, I couldn’t be more grateful for the second chance,” she skipped to his side and took his hand, “-please, Doctor, will you become one with me?”


“I need you,” she leaned, “-I need you for my quest. I need you to help me, I want just one thing.”



“Immortality?” Igna returned with a somewhat pleased expression, “-such things are fantasy.”

“No, no there is. I believe they go by The Order of Nightwalkers. Hidros’ secret, an organization feared the world over. Their members are Nightwalkers, vampires as referred to in ancient texts.”


“I want it, immortality.”

“What are you willing to pay?”


“Not enough.”


“Enough,” Svipe interjected, “-no more. My lady, you’re here for another reason.”

“My apologies,” she swallowed hard and looked away, “-I’m here for this,” the truck’s cargo fell at Igna’s feet, “-here’s my butler,” she narrowed, “-do with him as you’d please. I don’t much care for traitors.”

“Is he alive?” he tapped Nigel’s face with his foot, ‘-unconscious,’ a gun flew in the peripheral, “-what is this?”

“A gun,” added Svipe, “-best finish the job you started.”

“Right,” he scanned, “-I rendered him unable to work. Too bad,” he crouched and tapped the man’s pale cheeks, “-wake up,” he whispered, the pupils focused and shrieked, “-HMM, HMMMM!” he jolted, the restraints were much for a broken man.

“There, that’s the spirit,” he stood and lowered the gun, “-face your death with dignity, foul ingrate. Don’t ever disrespect me again,” *BANG,* the skull cracked, *BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG,* he emptied the clip. A puddle veered off into the drains, and droplets of red fell from the bridge.

“Send him off,” Svipe ordered. Attendants emerged from the truck’s shadows and threw him off the side. The lady held a sadistic and inviting look. Her cheeks reddened and her fingers made small gestures, ‘-this one,’ he side-glanced, ‘-this one will be easy to control. She’s a fiend of her own desires.’

“My job’s done,” Svipe affirmed, “-lady Umi, I trust you’re pleased?”

“Yeah, I got what I need,” she gleamed, “-Lyoko, starting today, you’re my personal attendant. Please don’t say no until you hear my terms. Will you join me in my office?”

“Lead the way,” the door shut, and the truck reversed into the citizen’s district.

Sun threw a glimpse into a manor fixed upon the port’s highest point. The view below was grand, the slums were shy of the harbor. The sea, the ships, and the movements of carriages and cars in and out of the city. Igna threw the curtain wide open and stepped into the light. A warm teacup at his side and the distant figure of Umi’s expose body kept under blankets. ‘She’s a masochist,’ he sipped, ‘-the perfect punching bag for nights when I feel frustrated. Too bad I’m pleasing myself with only one partner,’ he smiled, ‘-long as she enjoys the torture,’ he sipped, a vague outline walked to his side, “-is it all, my liege?”

“Good job satisfying her lust, Emerald. You may return to the Shadows.”

“As you wish, my liege,” emerald-colored eyes stared Umi up and down with a cheeky lick of the lips.

Warm hands wormed their way around his chest and crotch, “-you were splendid,” lips pressed his back and shoulders, “-you’re hired.” He slapped her hand and kicked her to the ground, “-don’t you dare,” he thundered. She spread her legs and cowered, “-please don’t hurt me.” He took one step and poured hot tea onto her stomach, she screamed in joy, “-I own you,” he grabbed her jaw, “-remember that.”

“Yes, I’m sorry. Please punish me,” the curtains shut and two hours passed. The view moved from the bedroom to an office. Umi held her pose straight and had a sense of authority by her side. The office, not to be confused by those in Hidros, associated with high-rises and skyscrapers, was nothing much but a study in the main manor.

“Doctor, what we do in private is ours alone. You understand, yes?”

“You’re one freaky human being.”

“Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. In no will is my subduedness a sign for you to take command. You don’t want to become like Nigel?”

He laughed at the threat, “-listen,” he leaned forward, “-I do what I want and screw who I please. You’re the odd nail on my list. I tell you, you’re nothing more than an entitled leader who came to power from a piss-poor marriage. Your influence is nothing, Yian-Dho means nothing... take away your husband, what is left save the hole in-between your legs?”


He slammed the table, “-respect is earnt. Not bought. The night we shared doesn’t mean anything. You’re needy, you must have someone tell you how to live, you need guidance, and you crave the feeling of worthlessness. I can give you what you need,” he smiled; “-however, it will be my call to make, understand?”

“Where do you get of-”

“The strong have authority,” he brandished Tharis, “-and I’m not opposed making Istra cower. DBK’s already got the people in anguish, imagine one for the faction’s downfall. You need me and I don’t need you. Your flesh isn’t worthy – the wrinkled skin of a forgotten princess is akin to an artifact. There but locked, present but unpractical.”

She held her temples, “-you’re the devil.”

“Indeed I am.”

“You’ll regret not accepting my terms. You could have become a citizen, someone influential in the city, we could have taken my husband’s fortune, we could have ruled as one.”

He paused, “-there’s only one ruler of my heart, and she’s the best thing to ever happen to me. I cherish her always. Your materialist gains don’t satisfy my whims,” he stood, “-I say the meeting is over.”



“Good,” he released the knob and leaned against the door, “-my terms are simple. You do as you want and I do as I please. I’ll work as your physician and exterminate any threats imposed on your life. In exchange, I want my service as a healer to be kept a secret. I will heal the rich as I will the poor.”

“Money, fame, you want nothing?”

“What will I do with things that I’ve already had,” he laughed, “-here’s my cell number. I will be staying at the hill-side manor,” he went around her desk and tied a necklace around her neck, “-keep this one at all times. Consider it a protection against evil. I assure your safety is my priority. Scheme and think about your next move, I’ll be there waiting, lady Umi.”

She looked up with a confused expression, “-you called me lady?”

“Yes. Though there’s far much to do before gaining my respect. Consider this my way of saying I’m willing.”

“Thank you,” she shot up and held Igna, “-I needed this, thank you, Lyoko.”

He later returned to the slums, ‘-she’ll want to have more intercourse,’ he sat on the straw bed and stared out the window, ‘-good thing I have him. Do your worse, Vengeance, take the lady on the best-elated dream she’s ever had. Make her yours and let me,’ he covered his eyes, ‘-let me sleep.’ The battle wounds caught up. Fatigue and pain shot; the body’s remaining energy is drained. It would be a week before Igna came too.

During said week, Nikki found herself in quite a predicament. ‘I work the brothel; my usual customers don’t come anymore. No one wants to pay. What’s happening?’ evening dawned upon the city, ‘-I guess I’ll visit the miners.’ She walked kilometers to the miner’s camp, a small area surrounded by trees fixed a few minutes walk from the mines. “-Nikki, how goes it?” waved another lady of the night, “-haven’t seen you here,” the lass’ face was wounded, beaten. Her short dress revealed much of her injuries, “-keep by the brothel, you won’t last a moment.”

“I will,” she stepped into the compound, ‘-their gaze,’ she swallowed hard, -they pierce me. Rough men starved for affection...’

“Trust me, Nikki, the pay isn’t worth the hurt.”

“What about you?”

“I’ve lived here my whole life. My parents abandoned me to them... I lost my virginity when I was eight. This way of life is the only thing I know,” she coughed and sprinkled blood, “-I’m going to die anyway. Leave, Nikki, you don’t have to. I’ll keep them entertained, no one should go through what I have, no one. Do you hear me?”

“NIKKI!” firm hands grabbed and pulled, “-LOOK AT ME!”


“Come with me, come!”

They left the compound in Mirai’s jeep. An awkward silence fell. He reached for her hand at the exit, “-Nikki.”

“Would you stop,” she pulled, “-Mirai, I don’t want anything to do with you. I’m a lady of the night. I’ll give my body to anyone for money. Why do you want to save me, why, do you want to feel like a hero so badly? Go find another helpless bitch. I don’t care for sympathy!”

“NIKKI STOP!” he slammed the brakes, “-I LOVE YOU, DON’T YOU GET THAT?”



She slammed the door, “-I don’t believe you. Selfish asshole. Where was the bravado when I was forced into the mines by your workers? Where were you when they made me swallow lead and their filth? Where were you when they forced rocks and physically abused me, huh, where were you? I was raised by a loving mother. I was happy living the life of a normal girl in a city of filth. She worked the nights and I understood what awaited me. I accepted said fate but my mother said no, she gave me a proper education, and I was set to work for your father’s company. It’s because of you, Mirai, it’s because I met you that I became who I am today, a worthless slave used for the pleasure of your father’s corporate hotshots. Even when you say you love me, even if I return the feelings, I can’t become your lover. We’re not the same, we won’t ever be the same. You’re innocent... I couldn’t stomach faking my innocence too. I’m a lady of the Night, Mirai, I was made so by your father and your family. I don’t think we could work out.”

“STOP IT,” he jumped and held her in his arms, “-I didn’t know... I didn’t know. Nikki, I’m sorry... I interviewed you and based my decision on your qualification. I never knew you endured such trauma; I never knew...”

“That’s it,” she pushed back, “-you never knew because you never cared. A lady in this misogynistic city won’t ever get far without sleeping around. I don’t know anymore. Come find me when you dare face the truth. Until then, don’t see me again.”

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