The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1073

Chapter 1073: “Dear Boss” [16]

A sound like a shattered window. A warm green light encompassed the room. Nikki’s wounds healed. Guards, astounded by the flash, held their breaths with tendency of ‘trigger-finger’. Igna casually lit a cigarette. The smoke brought the lass into a few coughs. The latter scraped like a grate, a guttural cough. “Where am I?” she gasped, and the smoke fell heavily onto her pillow.

“Welcome,” he said, stepping away from her face.

She wiped her eyes and looked about, “-where am I?” she asked.

“The cottage?” he replied with an inflection.

“The cottage?” she rose against bedrest, “-how long was I out?”

“Don’t know and don’t care,” he puffed, muffled sound of distress and pain snuck. Akin to how the light of healing escaped into the corridor, remnants of painful screams came into theirs. “-Nikki, you have something to say?”

“Mirai,” she gulped, “-he proposed.”


“Didn’t I say he would?”

“I refused.”


“He left.”

“Just like that?”

“I guess?” she seemed confused, “-why the interest in our private affairs?”

Igna pressed the silence and blew smoke toward the bed. The question she asked hung like an ugly truth, “-I take it back,” she backpedaled, “-thank you for healing me.”

“You sound more confused than me. Nikki, can you remember what happened?”

“I can’t,” her eyes shut, the pupils moved, she reenacted the scene, or tried at least, “-nothing,” it widened,”-nothing I can think of. I’m sorry, I don’t remember how I got here. The last thing I know was leaving the jeep. Nothing comes to mind after.”

He finished the last of the cigarette, and most of the smoke went upward. The ceiling thickened. The beating amplified, and questions turned insults. Table crashes or furniture, a vague auditory picture to paint the outside picture. Igna extended his fingers towards Nikki, “-you’re worthless to me,” the fingers sharpened, and he slit his thumb – the blood solidified, *Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads,* the aura of death reeked, she pulled back, the wall stopped the desperate attempt. With a glance at the door, Igna followed her intent, she swallowed, her heart dropped, and she pushed and threw off the covers, “-STAY AWAY!” Igna ambled. *To dwellers of the lower realm, inhabitants of the lower planes. Thy rank, thy status, thy prestige means naught. The powers of absolution run through my vein. Thy thoughts, thy will, thy fate; all rest nigh, all rest in the balance. Stare,* he narrowed, “-look deep, look hard, search, repent, and conclude,” threads shot into her skull and paralyzed her body, *Blood-Arts: Revelation,* the crimson link whitened. Her memories flowed into his mind. Images flashed, and slideshows of the previous event were set in grayscale.

‘What is this?’ he watched, her memories played from her perception. The vision cleared, he watched through her eyes and took on her frame.

“...I’m a lady of the Night, Mirai, I was made so by your father and your family. I don’t think we could work out,” the voices slowly faded into the moment.

“STOP IT-” he grabbed her arms.

‘Let me go,’ crossed her mind, ‘-you’re nothing like I thought. You’re worthless.’

“-I didn’t know... I didn’t know,” he elaborated.

‘You don’t have to say anything,’ said her deepest thoughts. ‘I’m far worse than you. I don’t have the courage to admit my shortcomings. I’m worthless... projection of my faults. I know... I know, you’re being genuine. You had nothing to do with my situation. Even still, you’re trying hard to win my favor, you’re trying to make things better. Why would you care for me, I’m not pretty, I’m not pure, I’m not smart. I’m worthless, my life is worth nothing, my body is worth not much more... why Mirai, why are you trying so hard.’

“-Nikki, I’m sorry... I interviewed you and based my decision on your qualification.”

‘I know, Mirai, don’t apologize. Stop looking at me with such pure eyes. You care, I know you care, I hate it, I can’t, I can’t stomach the thought of tainting you. I CAN’T DO IT!’

“-I never knew you endured such trauma; I never knew...”

“That’s it,” she fired, “-you never knew because you never cared. A lady in this misogynistic city won’t ever get far without sleeping around. I don’t know anymore. Come find me when you dare face the truth. Until then, don’t see me again,” she turned toward the forest. His voice came hastily, “-I know,” he firmed. “-I knew all along, Nikki, I knew they treated you badly. I know... my mother went through the same thing. So did my cousins. I saw them being abused, I saw my father, I saw him make his own siblings kiss his feet. I know my family is bad, we’re not pure. Mother’s royalty, even still, she can’t keep her face, she can’t keep her dignity. Father care only for money and power. Mother’s gotten ill from his abuse. I can’t live there. Father’s oppression, mother’s depression, the side family’s torment. I’ve seen it, I’ve seen them. I saw my cousin wrap a noose and kill himself. I couldn’t do anything, I was young. Didn’t know what to do. All he said was, “-take a deep breath and think for the future. Those fortunate to be graced by freedom are truly the chosen ones. It probably won’t make sense now,” he tussled my hair and pushed me out of the room. They found his body the next day. The wall had, ‘-I quit,’ painted in red. Nikki,” he walked, “-it’s selfish of me to expect understanding without listing the reasons. Please, hear me out one last time. If we have to end it, I want to do it properly. No regrets, please, let me be selfish this last time,” he stopped shy of her back.

‘You know pain too,’ she glanced over her shoulder and cracked, “-why are you crying?” her heart sank, “-Mirai?”

“Crying?” he wiped his tears and smiled, “-I’m not crying, I’m not.”

‘He’s quivering, he can barely speak, I know the feeling too,’ a lump locked her throat. He placed her hands into his, the jeep went northward to a retreat in the hills. They sat under the coming dusk, “-Nikki, you’re not the first one I’ve fallen in love with,” he toggled the engine, “-there was another girl like you. Someone who came from the slums, a hard worker, and a very charming assistant. She saw the world from a different view. I don’t know, I knew the day I saw her that she was special. She had an air of calm and confidence around her. Compared to the other women my father employed, she held her own and proved her worth with profits for the company. The perfect measure of talent and hard work. She was amazing. I was a trainee back then, learning the ropes of how father operates. Too big talent can be a double-edged sword. Her ambition grew, and she knew how to use her charms. I can only retell what I saw, I can’t say what went through her mind or if she even cared. Her promotion came shortly, father personally commended her effort. In ways the others didn’t see, she climbed the ranks using her womanly charm. Father assured me he hadn’t done so, there was no quip pro quo. He gave her merit and was rewarded with a hard worker. She was assigned as my supervisor, I was to learn from her. Her strong-headedness left an impression and a deeper feeling. I was in love. She looked like a queen, more so than my mother did. I looked at her files; her beginnings were humble, painfully humble. An orphan, with no family, only a little brother. Then it happened, she killed herself and left no notes, nothing. The company ruled it suicide as did the police. I knew she didn’t kill herself. Her face was battered, her legs and arms bruised. She was murdered, they murdered her. I rather not imagine how painful a death she experienced. Like her, there were others. No one came close to her talent. Why am I telling you this? Well, you remind me of me. In a way, it’s my selfishness. I hired you because I saw something of her inside you. Humble beginnings, a little brother, and a good resume. Your hire came with whispers. I then found out,” he lowered his gaze, “-that one of the managers ordered a hit on her. They had her killed... jealousy, envy, greed. They wanted nothing more than to stay atop the world even if it meant standing on a pile of corpses to do so. You came along and were like me before I met her. I decided I wouldn’t make the same mistakes. I only wanted the best. My actions said otherwise. Whispers began... rumors about your lustrous nature... the office talked. I checked if the rumors were true. I failed... you slept with one of the managers, rather, were forced into the agreement. I didn’t have evidence, I had nothing too out the manager. I thought if you were to become associated with me, as in we were in a relationship, the rumors would quiet down, they’d leave you alone. I didn’t plan on falling for you, my goal was to see you be left alone. Somewhere along the way-” he looked at her invitingly, “-well, I fell in love,” he smiled, “-I really fell for you. Father heard. I should have been careful, I was a fool, I was na?ve. He asked me into his office and said to leave you at once. I fought back for the first time. He didn’t say anything. He only looked with contempt. I left soon after. I made enemies of him and thus, incurred the wrath of his servants. Mother grew sick at that time...” he sighed, “-the rest is, well, not of importance. I’ve said what I needed. My actions culminated in the eventual attempted murder. I know they tried to kill you, I couldn’t do anything, my hands are tied. I’m father’s pawn,” he looked at the stars, “-we’re pawns one way or the other. A babe to her mother, a wife to her husband, a girlfriend to her boyfriend, and an artist to his art. Everything is linked, everyone is tied. We’re pawns, we’re pawns, we’re goddamned pawns,” the voice softened, “-Nikki,” he took her hands into his, “-I’m sorry for everything. We have our demons. I got you in your position. I don’t want you to fall anymore. Will you take my wings?”

“Your wings?”

“Yes,” he smiled softly, “-the world... the world. It’s hard. My cousins... Nikki.”

“Look at me,” he took his head and pulled, they kissed. The stars sparsely shone. They pulled away, “-I’m sorry too, Mirai. If my situation was better, I’d have hoped for us to be better. You’re my one true love, Mirai. I say this from my heart. No matter our situation, I want the best for you. I’m tainted, I’m cursed. You’re worth so much more... listen to your father,” she smiled, tears flowed relentlessly, “-you and I want the same thing. I want your happiness.”

“-I want for yours too,” he smiled.

“Don’t,” she rose her hand, “-we can’t make it work. It wouldn’t work. It would be like swimming against a flooding river. I’m tied by my own demons.”

“What do you mean?”

“Mirai, I can’t say anymore,” she stepped out of the jeep, “-this is goodbye,” the wind brushed, the trees cried, and the wind wept. The night’s coldness fell on their shoulders. The end was nigh. She lowered her gaze, Mirai started the engine and cruised away. He made passing glances at the rear view mirror. Regret whelmed, he grabbed his shirt and cried, “-WHYYY!”

Nikki fell to her knees. Warm tears flowed against her frosty cheeks. She wailed and screamed,’-why me, why us,’ she sniffled, ‘-why did it have to be us, why did it have to be us? I loved him, I fucking loved him... then why, THEN WHY, WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE US!” her roar intermixed with the forest’s nightly howl, “-why....”

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