The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075: “Dear Boss” [18]

“The young lady.”

“Indeed,” said Igna.

“How did you know?”

“I had a hunch,” he explained.

“You never fail to impress, doc.”

“And you never fail to deliver,” he returned, “-do take her from this humble establishment. I’ll see to Kepm’s treatment. Vacate the premises, the guests have suffered enough, wouldn’t you agree?”

“You’re right,” he ordered his men, “-thank you for the help, doc. Let’s keep our arrangement cordial, yes?”


“Until she decides to act,” Igna hinted at Umi, “-who knows the extent of how the pieces will move. No matter, I will see to it everything here is cleaned. Worry not, yes?”

“Thank you.”

Svipe and his men left. Guests breathed sighs of relief and entered their rooms. Staff returned to their duties. A badly wounded Kepm faced a crisis of his own. The wounds were terrible. Left to nature, infection leading to death might have plagued the poor sod. Sworn by the current character of being a medic, Igna tended to the man’s wounds. Corridors carried quite the sound. Igna kicked his feet over a window and gazed upon the cityscape. He saw the big cliff yonder, its lights, and ever-condescending hubris. ‘Gophy’s involved. The crest I destroyed belongs to the shadows. I guess she has a connection in the realm which allows her access. I did say she was free to return. Gophy’s not the same. I need to rectify the issue,’ a portal split reality.

“My king, have you called?” Vesper slithered into the room.

“Yes,” he answered, “-do you know anything of Gophy’s recent activities? I had the pleasant experience of fighting one of the Shadows. I doubt the child knew much of her past. It would seem a babe was taken from her home, perhaps even a mother helped conceived the child.”


“Vesper. I want a detailed report on who’s allowed to leave the Shadows. If one escaped, there may be others. If such is the case, have Formle look into the issue. You’re free to take any action thee wish.”

“Majesty, if the problem turns out to be Gophy, what will you do?”

“What else?” he emotionlessly blinked, “-we’ll eradicate her and her associates. On matters of trouble, has the Tower of Aria regained its monster population?”

“Yes, our army restarted their training. Newer, more powerful bosses rank at the top, many of whom have their place in the puppet army. We shouldn’t worry about potential turncoats – they’re bound by law to the tower and obey only commands issued by me or you, majesty.”

“Excellent. If matters grow odd, let me know right away.”

“Majesty, will you look into the disappearance of the Guardians?”

“No,” he returned, “-I must focus on Eira’s situation.”

She lowered her gaze, her posture said, ‘-disappointing’.

“Excuse you?”

“Pardon?” she inquired.

“I thought you had something to say. Please, speak your mind.”

Deep breath in, “-majesty, we’re in serious difficulties. By cultivating such a power domain – we may be on the advent of self-destruction. The core built on Kronos’ power has evolved. Everyone is changing, everyone.”

“Good, right?”

“No, not exactly. If everyone changes – what will happen to the founder? They know about their guardians, the four generals, and the one who rules over said generals; you. The Shadow Realm is liberal, we go into detail about how we’re free and speak of matters beyond this world’s limits. We’re home to gods. They’re right to ask questions and demand answers. Alas, without a strong enough pillar to support their mental capacity, I’m afraid they won’t know how to act or what to do. They need reassurance.”

“And? What I am supposed to do? I’m a believer in the hands-off approach. They can reach their judgment on their own. If their belief sadly grows against my wishes and the potential for revolt is struck, then, Vesper, we won’t have any choice but to exterminate our own. My domain, my way, my whims, my say. If anyone dares a revolt, I will simply exterminate the pest. A simple flick of the wrist,” he smiled, “-and they’ll be wiped from existence. It won’t come to such barbaric means.”

“But majesty, if you don’t intervene, who else will?”

“My purpose is to create lasting foundations. Consider Orin for example. There’s no clear leader to which the people bow. It will be the same for the Shadows. Let the people be diverse, let them do as they please. It is their world, and they are their own masters. We’re observers, not mediators. Like ants, we must only watch from afar and not perturbed the evolution. I fall into said category. Innately, I’m not from the Shadows, I’m from Orin, my views aren’t synced to the Shadows, and I rather it not. My distance is precaution, get to attached and one won’t be able to make the justification from logical and sentimental. Vesper, the monster folks, how are they mentally?”

“We live in peace on a separate continent. Trade routes and much of the exchanges similar to this world are mirrored. Consider us the nations of Monsters – you were right in saying the Shadows evolved. Forgive my asking, I was only worried about the future.”

“Embrace the difference and learn from diversification. It won’t affect much of the flow.”

“Understood, my liege. What of the alienated gods, must we recruit them?”

“Yes, have them be treated hospitably. I believe the castle is sufficiently big?”

“Yes, it is. We have quite a diverse group of strange deities. They’ve pledged themselves and surrendered their powers for a chance at a new life. I say my liege’s contact works wonders.”

“Good, long as they don’t interfere; they’re free to live. Vesper, I do expect results. Have the report delivered as soon as the investigation is over. Bring the traitor’s head into Orin when found, I will take pleasure in culling the sacrilegious.” The split, in reality, is stitched into form. ‘Gophy, Intherna, Miira, and Lilith. There is much to do. Vesper didn’t say it aloud, she knows I’m wasting time and she’s right. I’m stalling. Coming to Istra in search of Engratse is a fa?ade. I ran from my duties as King in Hidros, I ran from my responsibility as Founder of the Shadows. I ran from my children, they’re big and strong. I’m no hero, I’m not a genius, I’m a procrastinator, a time-waster. Excuses, I don’t want to fight, I don’t care for mind games, I’ve grown tired, I’m jaded. My end will come, I know how it unfolds – the mere thought makes this unnecessary. The curse of freedom.’

Kepm’s sheets rustled, “-where am I?” he sat upright and wandered his attention. A figure waited precariously at the window, feet kicked onto the ledge and puffs of cigarette smoke. “Who’s there?”

“Calm down. It’s me, Doc. Bring round a bottle, let’s have a little chat?”

‘A little chat?’ he glanced at a mirror, ‘-my wounds are completely healed. What the hell is this about?’ he brought a small table, set a chair, and poured drinks for the both, “-what did you want to talk about?”

“Tell me Kepm, what’s your story, who are you supposed to be and how does the Duquant fit in your little business?”

“To tell you the truth, Doc, I’m the gang leader of Allio. We’re a small band of traffickers who rules this part of the slums. We take in orphans and fellows who ain’t got a home. Our name’s not well-regarded. We’re not popular like the other gangs. Tell you, even the slum people hate us. We take from them, their children, their women, we take and we sell. Such is our business. I don’t really care about how it affects us. Long as those under my wing have a house over their heads and food in their mouths, I’m happy to screw over anyone. That bastard Svipe is a pain. You shouldn’t hang around him, Doc. He’ll backstab you the moment he gets what he wants.”

“Go on.”

“Take today. Allio’s pretty cool with the officials. I mean, we’re on good terms with Duquant. Why would I willingly take the mayor’s daughter as a worker if he didn’t give his approval? I don’t know what happened but things are not the same. I hid her because she’s one of us. As for why they choose to attack, well, better ask him. What can you do in my shoe, I bit and endured. You’re crazy, Doc, far crazier than I thought. Beyond recklessness, Doc. You belong in Istra... somehow, I feel like you’re made for this type of atmosphere, with all due respect,” they drank. The more drink Kepm had, the greater he delved into his private life, “-I’m an orphan, I think most of the people here are orphans. They have parents but not the ones who made ’em. Istra’s a piece of shit of a town. I hated every moment of it growing up. Not a good place to find your morals, I tell you. Man, I remember holding a gun when I was five, and I remember killing an old man with that very same gun when I was seven. My teacher, may the devil torment his soul, was what you’d say, evil incarnate. He had owned a house far into the wounds northeast. He took pride in killing people, I grew up with the geezer, he had no care for human life. He’d kill, slaughter, bury and pray to the Aedric lords. I think his prayers were answered, I don’t know. He groomed me... never found pleasure in killing another, it’s boring. You get used to it and sooner or later, you’re there taking the life of a kid without so much taking a moment to think. The moment I pulled that trigger, something deep inside awoke, and I cried. It was the first time I showed fear and regret. I killed a kid man, he was innocent, he robbed one of my stores to feed his kid sister... I shot him as if he was a fucking animal. It really screws with your head... I had, I had to change. I met her around that time. Uri Duquant is a rebel from the illustrious Duquant family. She showed me the meaning of family. I changed for the better I think, I understood the importance of caring for those who look up to you. I became a better man for them and my enemy’s worse nightmare. It’s a soothing change, I invite it,” he sipped, “-sorry doc, I have a habit of rambling when I talk.”

“Don’t mention it,” added Igna, “-you’re fine.”

“What will happen to me now?”


“You sure?”

“Yeah. I’m guessing the Duquant will throw a tantrum, I guess the mayor might be mad and send a few of his men. Doubt you’re in trouble since I shot two of his men earlier.”

The flushed man’s face gleamed, “-it dawned on me... are you the Doctor from the newspaper?”

“Yeah, that will be me.”

“THANK YOU,” he dropped on his knees, “-thank you so much for opening that hospice. You don’t know how many people of mine you have saved. It’s hard for men and women to work the night without the fear of the plague. Your hospice has saved them countless of times... thank you so much Doctor, thank you so very much!”

“Don’t mention it,” he smiled and stood, “-you’re fine. Take care of your followers as you have.”

And so, Igna exited the room with a newfound admiration for Kepm, ‘-he’s like me,’ he thought and headed into Nikki’s room, ‘-he started killing and realized the importance of family. Why do I get a funny feeling whenever I say, the importance of family? It sounds cheeky and I don’t know why,’ the lock clicked, and he entered a dull room. The bed was messy, the sheets half-hung on the floor, the windows were wide open and footprints marred a desk placed at the window. He walked to the wildly flapping curtains and inhaled, “-she escaped.”

“Master,” a purred summoned in corner of the room, “-I smell them. The clockwork soldiers. It’s not just them,” another presence materialized, “-not just them, Elize, I sense the presence of Godly mana.”

“So, they’ve made their move?” he grabbed the window’s ledge, “-I’m getting dragged into yet another conflict,” Elize and Cruse stood at his side, “-what are my chances?”

“At the current strength?” Cruse paused; “-I’d say 50-50. I don’t know for sure.”

“Using the Shadow Realm, an easy victory,” she meowed.

“I rather not make my target bigger.”

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