The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1090 - 1090 Venera’s Tome

1090 Venera’s Tome

“Esteemed Bringer of Death, Current Death Reaper, we welcome you to the Eipea Empire,” an orchestra roared amidst the golden sparkle of a richly decorated reception hall. Gods and goddesses, yellow gaze swallowed by darkness; Zeus and his entourage busied themselves.

“A welcome from the lord of Darkness?”

“Please do no fret,” added a very lavishly dressed Lixbin, “-we have no intentions of foul-play. Today’s the day of the reunion, the bound of Zeus and Artanos,” he held his glass high and drank wholly. Last events played. The memories of the final battle, not of life or death, but the battle for agreement. A fight between the current and last incarnation. Lixbin broke from Undrar and headed towards finely picked flowers. The palace regained much of its vigor. Zeus and Artanos pleased themselves, the duo hogged spotlights. The scene came from a fairytale, or so it seemed. A gala, whereupon the princess finds her prince charming.

‘Boring,’ Undrar sipped, her attention floated circle to circle, ‘-again, the same discrepancies of low-to-high-tier gods. The class system never ceases to amaze,’ she ambled to a tranquil corner, one hidden behind a pillar made to be a woman holding an upper terrace. ‘Poseidon?’

“Ladies and ladies, please pay no heed to my frame,” he smiled, “-I still bear the crest of the seas,” the palace flowers laughed at the jovial bald man. It didn’t take long for his chest to bulk, considering the battle was a few days past, ‘-he’s regained part of his power. Where’s she,’ the caution landed on Gophy, who was a little crossed. Her period breaks of staring into the distance – she’d roll her eyes at the mere sight of Zeus. Artanos admonished by a tightening of his brow and straightening of the lips. They spoke a few heated words – an observation, ‘-closed movements and rigid body language,’ Undrar gathered, “-the lovebirds are fighting,’ a certain part within felt satisfaction, ‘-such a lovely sight.’ Gophy darted her fierce gaze and left the main entourage. Wasn’t a big a loss as another goddess came and took her place beside Artanos. The latter rose his arms a little too late, Gophy left, he lowered slowly and faced Zeus with a brighter smile.

The goddess of Chaos slithered through the sea of gods; her lowered pressed lips randomly turned, there, ‘-blond hair?’ she slowed, ‘-Undrar…’

“She noticed…” a sip followed, “-why is she coming here?”




“Long time no see?”

“Why do you say it like it’s a question.”


“We met recently, during the battle.”

Gophy paused, “-I suppose we did,” her shoulders dropped, the posture yarned backward, it yarned to be at Artanos’ side.

“Aphrodite has made her move.”

“Aphrodite?” she glanced over her shoulder, “-that little cur-”

“Don’t bother,” Undrar sighed, “-I doubt Artanos’ the kind of man who’ll forsake your relationship for mere carnal pleasure. Besides, didn’t you choose him over Igna, there must be a reason why, yes?”

She breathed. “-Why bring up his name?”

“Gophy,” Undrar sternly narrowed, “-we need to talk, you and I.”

“I d-”

“A toast to the powerful Bringer of Death, the Death Reaper, Undrar!” came from center stage, an unwelcomed surprise as told by Undrar’s sudden bite of the lips. “Please join us,” Zeus rose his glass as did Artanos. The numerous deities pleasantly clapped.

“Join them,” said Gophy, “-I’m not needed at the moment. Go, they have things to discuss.”

“Still can’t stand Zeus,” she whispered, “-go outside, near the foundation, tis a good place for rest. There’s little to no guard detail there.”

Actions mean more than words, ‘-did she notice?’ Gophy watched Undrar’s strong frame walk to the stage, ‘-she looks absolutely ravishing. Placed against Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, Undrar holds her charm. Was I wrong when I thought I could compete?’ she followed Undrar’s direction, ‘-I left for love. I left because of companionship… years have gone,’ she reflected under the starry night, ‘-I love Artanos, he’s the one and only man for me. He understands me, he catches on to my quirks, and doesn’t push hard… why, why then did I feel so relieved when I saw Igna. I corrupt with ire… when he showed up at the church… I was beyond myself. Why, why then, why did I feel a sense of joy when he came, why do I feel this way…’ a gentle breeze tussled her curly hair, ‘-I don’t doubt my affection for Artanos. I had to leave the church, I had to find myself after I felt that way… I found resolve and returned to do battle with Artanos by my side…’ her gaze lowered, ‘-why then, why did I feel joy when we spoke. Why was I secretly hoping for his win… I could have ended the battle, I could have killed his precious daughter… I couldn’t. I took back my symbol and didn’t follow the deeper connection. I’m pathetic, I hate feeling this way, I don’t want to be left behind… it’s like the Shadow Realm again, Artanos will leave, he will leave me… just like Igna, he will leave to make a better future. I’m not great, I don’t deserve to be here. These people, them,’ flashback of the stage where Zeus, Artanos, and Undrar hammered the feeling deep, ‘-they’re running after a greater goal. In a way, they’re running after Igna… they still run after him despite his lack of attention. He’s ahead, no matter how much I sprint, I will never reach his side… Artanos too, we walked at the same pace, I had an equal, that I thought, but now… it’s not, it’s not the same. He’s found an ally and they’re moving forward… I’m left behind, again,’ her lashes fluttered, ‘-I’m hopeless…’

“Lady Aphrodite and lord Artanos sure do get along.”

“We do look good as one,” added a jestful Aphrodite, “-I’ll take my leave for now. Let’s resume our talk later, yes, Artanos dear.”


The trio retreated to a separate room, “-shall we discuss the matter at hand?”

“Which is?”

“The founding of a new faction,” firmed Zeus, “-we’re fighting against the birth of the Three in One.”

“Why this all of a sudden?”

“It seems,” Artanos widened his gaze, “-Lucifer has been killed.”

“This is news to me,” added Undrar.

“Well, it’s not confirmed yet,” Zeus meandered, “-only evidence is the lack of resistance in Lucifer’s ruled land within Draebala. It might be a ploy, we should proceed cautiously.”

“I have confirmed the disappearance of Lucifer’s constellation. When a god perishes, the associated star is snuffed. Which brings the matter to us,” he locked onto Undrar, “-I hear you sought Zeus and I’s help?”

“Incorrect,” she crossed her arms, “-I requested your help, Artanos. You see,” she looked at Zeus, “-the supreme god and I don’t stand on good terms. We’ve never been one to talk casually to one another. Creation, Death, and Time were but objects for the Supreme one’s taking. You thirst for power, Zeus, well, you once did. I sense maturity, you don’t seem to care about the trinity, would you explain?”

“I don’t need those powers anymore,” he smiled, “-I have the means to do what I want when I want. Such is the power of knowledge, and together with Artanos, I have reached my goal. We may not be one as individuals, however, I believe we want the same thing. You want to protect what Staxius has created. You wear your feelings on your sleeve, lady Undrar. The awakening of the Adjudicator means but one thing,” he slowed, “-annihilation.”

“Reality is threatened,” Artanos followed, “-there’s yet hope. The Adjudicator can be stopped, he’s not all-powerful, and there’s a limit to the man’s ability. Since the symbols have returned to their true form – nothing, he will require a lot of mana to satiate the ever-growing hunger. Such the weakness of the three in one.”

“Any proof, or are those baseless assumptions?”

“There’s a reason why the three in one is separated upon the birth of a new reality. The energy and mental fortitude required to handle the power are far beyond what we may guess or foolishly explain. Hence the reason why it separates. I’m sure he’ll feel the drawbacks soon. The Adjudicator will want to sprint into the fold. I’ve made certain he’s slowed, and so, he self-destructs. This is where we need your abilities, Death Reaper. As one of equal fortitude and might, I want you to fight Igna.”

“I refuse.”

It came suddenly, “-but why not, aren’t you fighting to protect what your friend built?”

“I am,” she nodded, “-however, I will not lead a battle of attrition for the sake of leading said battle. Do as you please, send your men to death…”

“You misunderstand,” Zeus interjected, “-we don’t need you to fight,” Artanos rose his arm, but Zeus defiantly ignored the caution, to which, Artanos pressed his forehead, “-you and I are of the same thought, we prefer frankness. Sugarcoating is a waste of time and effort. I know my ally, Artanos, is a master at deception – we were wrong to try deceit on you, lady Undrar. We seek immunity for our soldiers.”

“Magnam Immortalitatem?”

“Precisely,” he firmed.

Undrar hardened her gaze, ‘-Magnam Immortalitatem, the ability for the cycle of immortality to be shorted and allow the dead the reawaken in their old vessel.’

“The vicious cycle of self-destruction. Artanos, you understand why souls must go through the hall of rebirth before their reincarnation or judgment, yes?”

“Yeah, I know,” he lowered his gaze, “-to fight him, we will need the forsaken scroll. Undrar, please, grant us the powers, I beg you.”

“You don’t have to beg,” she stood, “-Magnam Immortalitatem is sealed for a reason. The wearer doesn’t know of the harm done to his soul. Just like crack glass can never be the same, so goes the soul of the dead. I can grant your wish. It will be a sword that’ll slowly drain the wearer’s life. When a certain limit is reached, I tell you, there won’t be redone. My job is to guide the fallen, and those who fight bravely will be led the Valhalla, and those who curse their death perish and fade.”

“We understand,” Artanos nodded, “-and we accept the repercussion that comes with the power.”

“In the end, you needed my power, not me?” she smiled, “-I suppose tis how to world works.”

*Under Oath of Death, unseal the Archaic Records and make tangible the scroll of Venera, the last to descend from the throne of Rebirth into the depths of the never-ending stairway to Detriment. Come forth, Magnam Immortalitatem,* a heavy tome dropped onto the table, the cover held a skull made of black iron, its socket burnt a white-putrid flame, “-here’s the tome. ‘-I beckon thee, Venera, for I, then your name, forsake rebirth,’ have the wearer speak those words whilst touching the tome. You must never, under any circumstance, open it. The chains are made to kill anyone who tries to force open the seal. It will return if there are signs of malpractice. Do I make myself clear?”

“Venera,” Artanos pressed his hands, “-one of the Death Reapers who ventured deep and found much of how Death’s power is portrayed as untouchable. She walked the steps to the preverbal hell of the Reapers, forsaking her future to find a greater understanding. She’s my idol,” he kindly looked at Undrar, “-the Tome of Venera is her diary. Filled with mystic writings and curses she discovered on her journey down. Her legacy would have been forgotten if not for the rediscovery of the tome.”

“Yeah, if not for that book, she’d have been forgotten,” Undrar sighed, “-with this, I’ve fulfilled my duty. Zeus, and Artanos, I wish you both success in battle. The war will decide the fate of reality. It pains me to say this… I’m on your side. I won’t stand and watch reality fade.”

“Thank you,” Zeus lowered his head as did Artanos, “-Undrar, we wish for you to join our faction as a general.”

“Fine,” she smiled, “-on conditions that I do things my way.”


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