The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1104 - 1104 The ’table’

1104 The ‘table’

“The better news has yet come,” Origin purposefully hid the truth, “-Igna,” a satisfied expression landed against Igna’s morose stare.

“Which is?”

He smiled, “-the table can locate and monitor anyone who’s ever braced this reality. There are a few conditions needed. Consider this like one of the satellites back home, the main difference as well as its advantage is the liberty to move freely in three dimensions. We can have a top-down, horizontal, or vertical, no matter the angle, the table will deliver. Also, it’s able to visualize and currently plot the individuals on the selected map.”

“This is good news. Surveillance will be far easier. How does the table work?”

“The authority of the Adjudicator, as the highest being on the ranking, the combined powers allow for the inconceivable to be conceived. A side remark, personal realms, like the Shadow Realm, can’t be invaded. Lest you obtain the specific authority to peer into their reality, the table won’t react. Bear in mind, the margin for the artifact’s inability to use is slim, very slim. What say you, Igna, enjoy my gift?”

“Enjoy?” he looked over, ‘-an artifact of such intrigue potential. Having the ability to mark and track people in real-time, if enemies attack, we’ll have a live feed, and anyone who dares flank or else use tactics will be rendered useless. To think Origin had this ace up his sleeve. I’m impressed, very impressed,’ therein, an idea popped into mind, ‘-tracking a singular person shouldn’t be out of the artifact’s effectiveness,’ he checked Origin, the man, smugly satisfied by the display, perked his lips and nodded.

“You don’t need to ask,” he walked across the room, “-I know, Igna, I know. We can track people too. I’ve already made preparations for Sathanas’ search. To correctly identify her location, we require a personal object, anything by which we may trace her mana link.”

‘Like fingerprints, each person’s mana waves are unique. The variation is hard to decipher under normal conditions, with the technology available at home, despite the development I spearheaded, there’s no way we could identify such minute details about a person’s link. Here, the trouble’s been resolved. The effectiveness will rely on how I use it, talk about pressure.’

“I’ll help,” Lilith added randomly – Origin joined her side and discussed heavily what to use.


“This is amazing,” the princes of hell looked about, checking the bookshelf, trophies of previous battles, and a strange portrait of a faceless man, “-completely breathtaking,” Asmodeus gawked, “-master, we should take this home. The artwork is sublime.”

“Can’t say,” Beelzebub shrugged, “-it looks too good to be true. Take it down.”

“Don’t be so envious, Beel, you should exercise some self-respect.”

“Coming from you,” he frowned at Mammon, “-you say so with chest whilst casually taking the valuables… might I ask you to not be greedy?”

As inexpressive as he could, Mammon took a larger golden plate, lifted his shirt, and hid the item, “-it is not greed,” he winked, “-I’m only borrowing the item. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“You guys are too loud,” yawned Vanesa, “-pops, what’s the matter with this table?” she leaned on its golden edge, carved to match the crest of various factions who took part in construction, “-it looks funny,” she climbed over, “-I could use a nap. Pops, why don’t we take the table home, this place is too-”

“-Never,” Origin suddenly interjected. Mix regards snapped, he furrowed his brow and breathed, easing the shoulders with an exhale, “-my apologies. I shouldn’t have lashed out. The table can’t leave the realm, otherwise, it would lose the assigned privilege.”

“Care to elaborate?” said Igna, now at the table and patting Vanesa’s tired expression, “-it should work regardless, isn’t that right?”

“No,” he split from Lilith’s side and faced the bookshelf, “-we can’t,” he flipped, walked around to the opposite side, there, he watched their faces and calmed the pace, “-if the table were to be removed, the realm wouldn’t stand as is. Considering the core of the Shadow Realm, Kronos’ sickle, this artifact is in its way the reason why the realm has such authority. The Adjudicator’s power has a huge backlash on the user, for the more he uses the power and the longer he stays without acting, the harsher grows the pain. Tis the plague and the safety mechanism behind any potential revolt staged by the Adjudicator. The table’s a softener, a split allowing for the powers to be evenly distributed and lessening the strain. If Igna wanted, he could take hold of the realm’s entire authority and lay siege, it would take him and the realm without the chance for safety. I’ve said enough, I’ll keep rambling otherwise. Long story short, the table remains, otherwise it won’t work.”

“There, I got it,” Lilith roared, “-Sathanas’ old socks. This should have mana, right?”

“It will do,” sighed Origin, ‘-better than panties. Knowing Lilith, she’d have handed me the most scandalous apparel she might have owned,’ he stared at Igna, “-let’s search for Sathanas.”

They stood at the head of the artifact whilst the others waited on the sidelines. A strange aura built, the war-room hexagonal shape twirled – laser-like lights fell from the ceiling. Cogs and wheels churned behind the walls, “-mana’s getting thick,” said Asmodeus.

“It uses quite a lot of power during the search.”

“So, should I toggle my element?”

“It would be wise if you had a regenerating source of mana. I’m afraid the concentration of the realm is currently lacking. Depending on the search, we may need to call forth power from the Shadows, are you okay with that?”

“Long as she’s found,” Igna rose his hands. A holographic display toggled in three-dimension, and a rectangular box opened, “-put the sock in,” said Origin. The fabric melted, specks of dust and ash vanished with a square-like pattern, the hovering box lowered, the lasers pointed at the edges of the artifact – orbs twinkled, “-now, pour your mana.”

‘Easier said than done,’ he reached inward, the blue projection snapped – a beam swallowed his hand, “-damn,” he cringed, ‘-it instantly wiped out my secondary reserve. Hunger… it needs to eat, my element won’t suffice,’ he reached to the side with the left arm, *-sever the chains of restriction, cross the boundary of normality, open the gates to the Shadows,* a fire hovered over his palm, *-transference of Mana: Link* ‘-this should quell the deficit,’ *poof,* the rumbling stopped. Origin precariously rose his head, “-Igna, did you fill the table’s reserve?”

“Yeah,” the hands lowered, “-had to take a small loan from the Shadows. Compared to that factory, my element might as well be a simple worker. Shall we get started?”

“Igna,” the tone lowered to a whisper, “-requirements for searching a particular entity is as follows. A mana link and the energy required to filter the realms also need the last known location. It may look fun and easy, but the drawbacks it’ll have are more psychological than physical.”

“Ah, dependency?”


“It won’t come to that,” he smiled, “-have you found Sathanas?”

The projection filtered, it scanned through thick and thin, “-will take a few hours, days even. I strongly suggest the princes leave for the academy. I’ll keep watch and inform you the moment we hit a lead.”

Curiosity held fatigue, now that the novelty faded, the heaviness of their tiredness pulsed. Yawns and slowed breathing carried the group, “-Lilith, take them to Ragno. Ask for Luci and have her show you to my manor, understand?”

No time wasted, the princes and princesses hurried home, “-Igna?”

“About the assistant. Will it be possible to link éclair and the sister-System to the relic?”

“I strongly advise against the link. If granted enough power, they could usurp the throne and make with it what they wish. I only recommend said action if thee have the utmost trust in the soul who’s to become the new heart.”

‘The soul I have the utmost trust in… this is strange. I didn’t expect that face to come to mind. The world is full of surprises,’ a portal opened, “-I’ll be back in a bit,” Oriantia to the Shadows, ‘-a breath of fresh air,’ he reappeared on the Rosespian manor’s balcony. “-A sight for sore eyes,” he stretched, ‘-the place sure hasn’t changed,’ flying airship, an ever-constant pulse of energy and mana. The castle seemed grander and more refined. Even the manor, decorations, and driveway seemed upgraded, ‘-expensive statues, fountains, and lovely porcelain pots, this place has changed, I was wrong. Shouldn’t have based my impression on the sky,’ he climbed into the attic, rummaged about the dusty boxes, and came upon a test tube hiding a rolled piece of paper, ‘-there, the teleportation scroll,’ he popped open the cork, unrolled the scroll and tapped. A flash blinded the room, “-where the hell am I?” a familiar face rose forth, “-wait, master?”

“Elixia, it has been a while.”

“Master, you’re alive?”

“Don’t go off killing me yet,” he winked.

“I know you’re alive,” she dusted her clothes, “-I meant the remark to be sarcastic. Suppose I should work on my sarcasm. Why have you brought me here?” she sniffed, “-the Shadow Realm.”

“Elixia, answer me this with either yes or no.”


“Are you willing to follow me?”



“Why, master, you look stumped?” she chuckled, “-obviously I won’t follow you. I’m not crazy nor am I strong. You’re way more formidable than I. Depending on where we’re headed, I might not be of use,” she crouched, “-you disappear then reappear asking for help, master,” her expression drooped, “-you must cease with the randomness.”

“Elixia, I’m serious. I require a new assistant who’s to help me in my quests across the dimensions. We’re no longer restraint by boundaries-”

“I get it, I get it. Master, I don’t really have a choice, do I? If I say no, you’ll simply carry on alone, while if I say yes, you might have someone to dump the menial tasks upon. Like you,” she leaned close, “-I seek fun. Like a master like assistant, if the job is fun, I’ll accept. Otherwise, send me home, I rather drink and party with celebrities.”

“Send you home, huh?” he grabbed and pinched her cheeks, “-don’t you take that attitude with me.”

“Lesh me go,” she babbled, “-I hursth.”

“The job is fun,” he eased, “-you have the opportunity to work as my secretary at Lucifer’s Academy. I’m the Director. What’s more fun than watching youth, it’ll be good entertainment, especially as the princes will join the faculty. Why not reign hell in, you know, hell?”‘

“Interesting,” she smiled, “-my answer is still no. Why did you call for éclair?”

“He’s no longer part of my problems. The man has the responsibility of a nation on his shoulder. I could never bother him, not since he’s worked hard to get where he is.”

“What about me?” she pouted, “-I worked hard making connections… besides, I was helping with lady Syhton’s work. She’s getting ready for the big finale – I hear there’s an intimate scene. The movie’s going to be amazing.”

“Elixia,” he grabbed her nape, “-like it or not, you’re coming with me.”


The portal reopened, and a fiery aura carried around the grounds, ‘-Intherna,’ he threw Elixia in the portal and snapped, the latter shut, ‘-I feel her presence.’ A glimpse of red-hot hair threw the balcony door, ‘-it’s her,’ he pushed the door, “-been a while.”

“Intherna, it has been a while.”

“How’s the Adjudicator doing?” she spun, her stronger aura threw Igna off-balance.

“What about you-”


“Send the Elementals,” the gaze returned, “-Igna, what are you doing here?”

“Am I not allowed to visit my realm?”

“Who said anything about permission,” her fierceness knew no bounds, ‘-for the first time in eons, I feel a pit in my stomach. Just how strong has she become?’

“Igna, I’ll ask again, why are you here?”

“On a tourist visit?”


“Say cheese?”

“… always the same, don’t ever change.”

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