The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1121 - 1121 Battle of the Academies [Finale] [1]

1121 Battle of the Academies [Finale] [1]

“Artanos, you seem to be in a grand mood.”

“Lixbin. You’re right, I’m in a great mood. Can you imagine the look on his face as our plan comes to fruition?”

“Yes I can,” out in the distance before the gods grow a rugged landscape of sharp mountains and cliffs. With the heavy moistured air, the impending sense of dread, and the occasional gust, Lixbin and Artanos paused. Cracks echoed behind; the remnants of the battle-scarred fortress breathed its last breath. The latter, a resounding thud from the fallen main pillar.

‘Artanos defeated Formle, we captured the central trading point and advanced. He easily overwhelmed the fortress and swiftly moves to Inux. The Aapith nation’s scared to react. They’ve neutered themselves. Eipea Empire’s the clear winner of this game,’ Lixbin’s memories took him at a time before the heavenly convention. He was abruptly visited by Artanos, who, with a kind smile and meaningful intent, strode across Lixbin’s property, “-visitor.”

Lixbin pulled from his research desk, throwing a half-adjusted regard at the voice, “-visitor?” he echoed, “-Artanos, my, I wasn’t expecting company. Do ignore the scatter.”

Artanos entered with a meaningful glance. The whole shed was scanned and showed misplaced papers, a broken water cup, and blood stains over the couch. A timid but present scent of deception hung in the air.

“I should apologize for the abrupt stop. Lixbin, will you join me?”


“I plan on betraying the Aapith Nation, they’ve outlived their use. Instead, I plan on joining hands with Zeus.”


“Zeus and Lucifer have a concrete agreement of non-aggression. They want the same thing, it’s hard to tear those of similar thinking apar-”

“Won’t be an issue,” he proclaimed. A gleam of curiosity, the dangerous look upon a feline’s gaze as she watches an unknown prey approach, “-you enjoy entertainment. How about we make a deal,” Lixbin pounced, like the feline sensing an opening.

“What sort of deal?”

“The kind that reads, when Zeus forsakes Aapith and joins us, you will let me use Cleopatra, who’s already stationed in Ragno.”

“What about me?”

“The connections between you and Leviathan are yours’ to decide. It sure was a wise move to use a proxy as opposed to revealing thineself. A sudden disappearance, doesn’t that sound lovely?” Artanos left whence he came.

‘The bait he dangles is too scrumptious for me to ignore. It’s too tasty, he knows my weakness and played on it. I love nothing more than for people to find flaws and use them to their advantage. Watching Igna doesn’t bring as much pleasure as it once did. I’m tired of his idleness – he beats around the bushes, goes off onto side jobs, and disappears. It’s no fun, not like Artanos, a man who has a purpose. I digress. Artanos, show me your resolve – and it tis entertaining, I will join the cause no questions asked.’

As he proclaimed, the news of Zeus’ betrayal of the Aapith nation slipped through the grapevines. Familiar footsteps, “-visitor.”

“A visitor?” an overwhelming sense of deja-vue hit, “-Artanos.”

He stood with purpose, “-so, I hear Zeus’ joined your side?”

“It was a simple matter. Our agreement.’

“You can have Cleopatra.”

“What’s the catch?”

“For I to be involved with the proceeding of the plan. I swore, and a god is no man to break a promise.”

“Swearing an oath as a god is as pointless as drinking soup with a fork. You don’t fool me, Lixbin. The moment boredom hits, you’ll leave.”

The god of Darkness gave a silent grin.

“-no matter, I care not for the oath. I’m here for my end goal. You can do what you wish, on second thought, there may be something you can do,” and so, a meeting was called between him, Cleopatra, and Lixbin. Finer details of the plan had the god drooling in anticipation, “-let’s recap. My plan is simple. We will use a fa?ade to hide my true intention. We’ll make it seem like we want Ragno, well, the land is wanted by Leviathan, and he can try to conquer. As for us, we’ll play the part of wanting the Tomes of Control, ones Ereena has hidden. I don’t plan to control time, not yet. Therefore, the tomes aren’t needed. Instead, I want to rule over Draebala, complete conquest. Cleopatra, you will be key in keeping Igna fixated. If I know the man how I think I know, he will become preoccupied with you and turn his gaze towards Dems. I’ll set the scene so the ploy is alluring enough to take Igna’s interest. I expect he will realize our goals – by the time it’s understood, we will have conquered a third of Zayan D’olsak. I predict the final battle to be in Inux.”

“They have the god of war on their side.”

“Leave Formle to me.” Thus, a convoluted method of the, ‘-bait and switch,’ tactic was employed. Wasn’t long before Igna danced to Artanos’ tunes. The slow, haunting echoes of defeat rattled his bones. Facades of grandeur crumbled, Artanos’ plan worked – and there, in the distance, clashes of energy marked the end of Inux.

‘Artanos was right,’ Lixbin stood beside the maimed body of Formle, ‘-he defeated the god of war and utterly destroyed their camp.’

“They won’t do much damage,” Lixbin remembered Artanos’ words, “-the army stationed in Draebala are puppets. The moment Formle falls, it’s complete victory.”

‘His words are scarily accurate. We’ve breezed through their defenses. What remains in the last siege, after which, Artanos will disable the castle’s teleportation circle and take hostages. Alas, Igna, he’s got you where he wanted. Sathanas’ capture has you quivering – what will you think when you see this,” a lantern ambered lazily, casting over-stretched shadows upon the rough walls, ‘-his children,’ he raised the flame, casting light upon the faces, ‘-Draconis, Raphael, and Saniata.’


“Don’t shout,” said a figure sitting deeper in the dungeon, “-Cora and Kaleem put up a great fight. Yuria too, she did her best considering her condition. Too bad. Your father is a fool. He never understood the true potential of the Floor Bosses inside the Tower of Aria. Their potential is subjective to their owner,” the affluent voice paused and lowered.


“Dead,” Lixbin replied, his lantern casting the cage’s iron bar onto the prisoners, “-impaled and placed before the castle. Formle died and your army,” he turned towards Artanos, “-is defeated.”

“Just you wait,” Saniata mumbled, “-just you-”

“Abandon all hope, children of Igna,” Artanos’s lean figure rose like long fingers stretching into the darkness, “-teleportation circle is off. I’m no fool to fight that man head-on. Instead, I will make him suffer and the best way to a cruel man’s heart is those who have meaning. Therefore,” he grabbed the bars, “-children. You will remain still; thy fate is in my hands.”

Meanwhile, back in Ragno – the feeling of uncontrol despair had Igna seething inside an empty office. “-How does it feel?”


“The academy sure is quiet.”

“How are you here?”

“Artanos,” she lowered her top, “-the mark of the god. You stripped me naked and failed to notice the truth. My lord was true in trusting him.”

“I assume you’re here in transient form?”

“Right, you are correct. My physical body’s already home. I came to have a look at the loser’s face,” she skipped passed the shelf, past the desk, and landed before Igna, “-that look on your face, the light of retribution burns. I should warn you, Igna-”

“Inux’s already under Artanos’ rule. I lost. Where’s Artanos?”

“On his way,” cheered Cleopatra.

‘I sense him,’ he puffed, ‘-the footsteps,’ the presence paused at the door and pushed. Igna rotated his chair and laughed, “-Skeptor of the East.”

“Director Igna Haggard,” the man shadily rubbed his palms, “-you fell for my trap.”

“You played the fool well,” he puffed, “-where’s Artanos?”

“Right here,” a shadow split from the vice-director, “-how did you like my surprise?”

“I must know, when did you use Skeptor?”

“Oh, Skeptor of the East is a member of my information core,” he smiled, “-he’s a noble born of the demon faction I recruited to check on Ragno. Igna, I must say, that face you have, the one where no matter the adversaries faced thee keep a cool head, it’s, honesty, it’s beautiful.”

“Compliments,” he puffed, “-tell me, what of my children?”

“Straight to the point. Draconis, Saniata, and Raphael are under my watch. I won’t free them, they’re bound. Sadly, at this point, Igna, you have nothing you can use to bargain. I’m not interested in Ragno, nor am I interested in the Shadow Realm. I got what I need and did so without resorting to cheap tricks.”

“No chance I’ll get them back?”


“I thought so,” he pressed the cigarette and casually looked at Artanos, “-you won.”

“That’s it?”

“Yeah, you won.”

“The victory feels like shit. Igna, you won’t even attempt rescuing them?”

“We know it’s pointless. Tell me, what of Formle and the attendants.”


“Complete defeat then?”

“Complete defeat it is.”

“Judging by the look on Skeptor’s face-”

“You understand quickly, feels good not needing to explain my words. Effective immediately, you are to forsake thy seat as Director of Ragno and hand over Lucifer’s symbol. Skeptor will take your place.”

Igna snickered, “-Artanos, you got what you wanted, yes?”


“In other words, the events here don’t affect your plans?”

“No, it doesn’t.”

“Despite the scheme to lead two wars. You’ve won one.”

“Where is this headed?”

“Simple,” he glanced, “-Ragno’s fate is yet decided.”

“You won’t dare kill Skeptor.”

“No, cutting off a few limbs shouldn’t be too much trouble. Artanos, you had your victory and came to seek the satisfaction of the triumph, to catch a glimpse of my sorry face. Sadly, Artanos, you won’t get the satisfaction. Ragno will remain mine.”

Skeptor stepped in and laughed, “-we have your children as hostages.”


“Are you not-”

“No,” he returned, “-they were captured and must pay for the weakness.”

“You truly are heartless, Igna,” said a woeful Artanos, “-I feel sorry for your children. To have a father who won’t bat an eye at their fate. Suppose I’ll have them sent to work in the heavenly plane. Unlike you, I have a sense of mercy I must uphold, I am, after all, a god,” the shadow imploded, leaving Skeptor to face his fate.



“So long, Igna. I had fun playing with the demons,” Cleopatra winked and vanished.

Satan, Leviathan and Viatnah’s forces stormed the yard. “-you’re surrounded, director. I sold myself to Artanos so I’d have a chance of purifying Ragno and its academy from its filth.”


He abruptly stood and walked past Skeptor like he was nothing, ‘-Artanos won. If he defeated Formle and the others, I shouldn’t underestimate their strength. As is now, I doubt the princes would stand a chance against his troops, titans, angels, and the gods. I’m really taking on the whole of reality at this point. I see a single way out of this predicament. If Artanos wants to take over Draebala, I’ll just have to take over the Aapith Nation.’

“You don’t look pleased.” Lixbin’s comment went over Artanos’ head. The gilded halls of Zeus’ palace carried the jestful tease, “-not a complete victory?”

“No,” he clenched his fists, “-Igna didn’t once bat an eye,” and turned to four plainly dressed servants, “-you heard?”

“You know they don’t hear,” said Lixbin, “-poor children and goddess, forced into absolution under the oath of Undaim.”

“He could have shown some concern… no matter. I’ll have my satisfaction sooner or later. Are the forces ready?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“We’ll move into the Aapith Nation’s territory. Draebala will be mine, and with it, Kronos’ testament.”

A harsh wind blew – the quietness cast a haunting atmosphere. A pin-drop silence went across the troops, the director walked out into the field without so much a look of concern, “-Director, you will pay for the sin of slaying my students.”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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