The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1124 - 1124 Assignment

1124 Assignment

“I thought as much. This meeting is dismissed. I have taken the liberty of informing the faculty, you needn’t worry, Skeptor and Memphe.”

Begrudging looks and unsatisfied agendas exited, leaving Igna with the new director, “-the campus is split with the new position.”

“Father,” she deadened her expression, “-you are truly a man who doesn’t care.”


“I admit, awakening as the heir to Lucifer feels weird. My body, my soul – it shrieks. Do you know what I’m feeling?”

“Excitement,” he added nonchalantly, “-you’re freed from prior engagements. There is no longer the need to hide behind meek, shallow humbleness. You’re fit to be one with the elites. Your initiation as one of my Jurors will wait. Take pride in thy hand and face the world head-on. You have a country to control, control to save, and perhaps, another to destroy. The academy is yours to rule, Teresa. Do not expect much from my side.”

“What will you do? All teleportation to Draebala and the heavenly realms has been cut. No way to invade far as I remember. What will it be?”

“Who knows?”

“No matter,” she tapped her desk, “-here is your assigned class. It’s nearly 08:00, homeroom. Go on.”


“Alright, supposed I should,” the assignment read, “-Class 3-2.”

‘Class 3-2. The troublemakers. They showed potential, and some of them did at least. I wonder if she did so on purpose. I did hear some complaints about their class being too hectic for any teachers here. Seems good,’ over the yard and into the other building, the same architecture with a different feel. Classes were full, homeroom followed as expected. At 08:01, the door slid – a pensive silence gonged. Igna’s leather boots clopped, and he entered with confidence and prestige, “-good morning folks.”

“Lord Igna!” Arde cried.

Lilia’s beautifully composed expression cracked – blood pulsed extremity to extremity, ‘-lord Igna,’ she quickly hid her hands under the table and lowered her gaze, ‘-what’s he doing here. After what happened the last time, I didn’t think… my heart, it can’t take this.’ Her pleading gaze unintentionally fell on Arde, who, with a conniving smile turned to Lilia and clapped silently, ‘-a pain…’ she gathered her breath, “-lord Igna, why are you here?”

“As of today, by orders of the director, I am to become this class’ homeroom teacher. Also, I’ve been assigned as the Head of Arts and Design. You will do well to heed my warning henceforth, children.”

“But my lord,” other unnamed students voiced, “-we saw you in the war. Defeat, death, are you sure?”

“I appreciate the concerns, however, the last thing I need is students worrying about this old fool. I’m your teacher, thus, I bear responsibility for your class. We’ll take attendance.”

A few minutes passed, “-on the subject of the upcoming student council election, I hear there is talk about class 3-2 choosing a representative. Did I hear correctly?”

“Yes teacher,” said a mundane-looking lass of curly short hair, puffed cheeks, and a slightly chubby outline.

“Annas, yes?”


“Go on.”

“We discussed the matter of our fate at the academy. If change isn’t brought, our side will surely fall.”

“You mean the resending of commoners?”

“Yes,” a cloud of doom and gloom hung.

“This settles it. We will run for the election.”

“My lord…”


“Teacher, we have neither funds nor connections. Winning a war without the proper preparations…”

“Listen. You don’t need to win to affect thy fate. It will be as has been planned. You, my students, need to put forth a strong case and raise hell. There’s fun to be had in conflict, and you will soon learn to thrive off political upheaval. How about this for our first class,” he turned to the board, “-allow me to teach thee the intricacies of politics.”

Rolled eyes, yawns, uncaring regards – such was the mood, one of disinterest and boredom. Igna had much under his sleeves. With a well-timed shot, the class horned onto him. He spoke short sentences, pushing forward the more interesting facts and changing the subject, stringing them in a cohesive retelling of olden tales. They were hooked. Before long, 10:15 arrived, “-and class is dismissed.”

‘Class is over?’ they looked around strangely, “-when did he?”

“Public speaking,” added Lilia, “-our new teacher is a beast.”

“Man, politics makes me want to sleep… this new teacher is nothing like I expected. What say you, class representative, any feedback on the guy?”

“I’d say,” the chubby outline beamed, “-he’s well educated. We’re in fine hands.”

Next step, introduction to the faculty, “-allow me to introduce the new head of arts and design. Lord Igna Haggard. I hope you all will get along?”

“Greetings people,” he waved, “-the name’s Igna. I understand seeing the director as a fellow teacher to be somewhat disconcerting. I say there’s nothing to be worried about. Les thee have ambitions that would endanger my position, I’d say we’re pretty much set for a friendly exchange. Anyway,” he turned to the Director, “-might I?”

“Yes,” they left without another word said.

‘Responsibilities as the head of a department is to lead research in various fields. Compared to a normal teacher, our job is to manage and control – which, in a way, lessens our workload. Paperwork and logistics can be handled by attendants, I have Yui, therefore I needn’t worry. Emmie Hens’ workshop,” built a hefty walk to the east, after the administrative buildings on a plot of land, in the inner district. The walk went through a trail of forest and greenery – particularly, a portion of the land surrounding said workshop was cleared and forbidden for construction, secluded. The lovely walk reached its end, and the foliage cleared into a gentle hill upon which rested a massive tower, an arcane tower if it were to be described. At the feet was a massive compound, the bulk of which was covered with ivy vines. The admiration was cut short. A figure holding an umbrella floated to winds’ mercy, it dipped and settled, and the ride – a rollercoaster of deathly proportions, finally reached climax, “-good morning, master,” said short dark-purple hair. Big rounded glasses hung over the dame’s rounded nose, “-morning, Yui. Why the wardrobe change?”

“I felt like change was in order. I am a full-time attendant for my master’s. I claim the position of secretary. Like any secretary worth her salt, I have to be sexually appealing – nothing screams appeal like glasses and tight-fitted clothes.”

“Yui. You’re watching too many of those dramas again. Why the umbrella?”

“An invention sent from the Shadow Realm. It’s convenient, apparently,” it closed into a quaint bag, “-shall we?”

“Here about the workshop?”

“Yeah. Tis the device that was jamming my signal. We’re close to pinpointing lady Sathanas’ location.”

‘We had a hit, she’s in Leviathan’s realm. Somewhere in his domain. We need to attack fast and with purpose. If they have time to react, they’ll transfer her to a place where tracking is impossible. I’ve lost plenty of allies – need to check on Draebala, they need proper burials. Here’s hoping Emmie has the items we require.’ A cobblestone path led to a gate, where, with a flick of a wand, the lock cracked. “-Another win for us.”

‘Strange,’ he slowed his step, ‘-the compound feels different,’ he reached out and pulled Yui’s shoulder, “-we’re being watched.”

“How this place is empty of life,” she tapped her watch and toggled a display, “-am I the only one who bothers to transfer information to your interface…”

“Don’t get me wrong,” he blinked, the interface appeared and froze, “-I’d love to use the work you proudly crafted… it doesn’t work here, we’re being jammed,” and blinked again, the interface vanished.

“Oh,” her tune changed, “-I feel something approaching.”

A coldness grabbed their neck, ‘-I know where you are,’ he pulled out Tharis and shot.


A heavy mass hit the ground loudly, “-there you go,” he holstered the weapon, “-a clockwork soldier. Injured in the previous battle,” they examined the corpse to see steam work innards and a lack of energy generation. ‘-hell you go,’ he stomped the soldier’s face, crashing whatever held its brain – and soon the dark aura faded.

“Up to you, Yui.”

“I’m on it,” she rolled her sleeves and confidently strode to the locked door. Igna took a cigarette break and waited in the shadow of the tower, ‘-I have to be ready for war. I won’t let my anger take over. They have my children and killed people I saw as close – my heart’s unbothered. Has the Death Element returned to its previous strength?’ he puffed, ‘-can’t say for sure. I need to get Sathanas back. Before battling Artanos and his faction, I need a faction of my own. Maybe I’ll bring the Shadows… the last defeat, it’s a foul taste, I have to return his kindness in full,’ he exhaled, ‘-these are recently made footsteps. A clockwork soldier, his wounds and relative operation time… I get it now.’

“MASTER, COME UP!” cried from an upper window, “-you were right.”

He flicked the bud, headed up the stairs, and entered the main hall fixed at the summit, “-these are the remnants of a device known as the TDT.”

“What again?”

“Transdimensional teleporter,” he said, “-you won’t find records of its existence.”

“How do you know about them?”

“Such is the foresight of Origin,” he walked around and examined the device. Hexagonal shapes containing ancient writing, an orb hovering above four edges of a pyramid and below another pyramid, this time, inverted. More rods were fixed around the device, “-tis the innards of the contraption. She must have worked on it. It’s a mess – suppose you could make it work as is now. The real form of the device is a pyramid the size of a coin, usually worn by those who required such abilities.”

“Don’t know about you, master, whatever we have here won’t fit in a palm.”

“Clever deduction.”

“No more sarcastic remarks…”

“No promises,” he went around for another pass, “-there we are. Bloodied handprints. I was right to assume she’d gotten away somehow.”

“What now, then, master?”

“She escaped with help from a clockwork soldier. It’s not hard when most of the attention is focused somewhere else. She must have stumbled into her workshop, crawled up the stairs, and teleported away,” he waved his hands over a particular hexagon, “-and there.”

“Congratulations!” the room shook, “-Igna Haggard, you figured out the password to the TDT. Sorry, my friend, this device is owned by me, by me, Artanos. Like Skeptor, Emmie Hens was also part of my forces. Don’t bother looking for the source, tis a transmission. And when you’re hearing this, I presume Emmie’s gone? Splendid. I did my part, Igna, you should focus on yourself. Word of advice from thy rival. Once I conquer Draebala, I will march against the Aapith Nation and put an end to your life, Adjudicator. Not much is known about thy powers – tis the only reason why I haven’t attacked. I’m no fool, you’re powerful, perhaps stronger than anyone who lives today… won’t do anything if you can’t protect those around you. Like the foolish king who sought power through conquest, cruelty will return, such as I believe the world’s natural order. I have your children – they will be safe, and I say so with a grain of salt. Depending on how the situation evolves, they may just become fodder for my experiments. Adjudicator, as the bringer of the end of times – for the sake of our survival, you will have to die. I’ll make sure to take what you hold precious one at a time. So long, your friend, Artanos.”




“Don’t worry,” he exhaled, “-this was planned,” he touched the device, *poof,* disappeared, “-and our hope to teleport into a realm without proper reference is shot.”

“What now?” she walked around, “-surely there’s something you can do?”

“Regardless of the form teleportation takes, one constant is a must – a stable and proper connection to the place of destination. Can’t very well jump into Leviathan’s realm – nor can I invade the heavens. Draebala’s under too much strain for us to make the journey safely. We’re stuck – he has us where he wants.”

“Are we giving up?”

“Who knows,” he sat, “-Emmie’s workshop is a good place to stay. I’ll figure out something. Yui, I appoint thee my secretary.”

“I’ll handle the paperwork for the academy, leave the boring stuff to me!”

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