The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1133 - 1133 Heavenly Virtues

1133 Heavenly Virtues

Blood upon Staxius’ face. It seemed right. Without any way to describe why or how – the sight of his sharpened jaw, ponderous eyes, and symbols of the ancient ones – it felt right. Azrael’s blood gushed, lining Orenmir and eventually his hands and arms. He dropped his elbow, and the archangel slammed harshly, almost to the point of hearing bone crack. “-Death comes for all,” he rolled her face with his feet, “-and you, archangel of death, will be one to experience the event first hand,” power gathered in his stance. Lightning struck the somber landscape – whispers of the deceases blended with the wind’s howl – Staxius’ heartbeat echoed like drums, and each thud pulsed a gentle shimmer across the golden lines over his body.

“Not on my watch,” a neigh followed by a heavy crash, “-damned fool,” a lady in armor rode upon a headless mount, “-you will not slay an archangel so easily,” the dame had the wounded over her shoulder, “-consider this battle yours, Igna Haggard.”

“If it’s not Undrar,” he clapped, and the surrounding vanished into pure white. She saw the world disappear, her horse, the wounded, the ground, everything faded. A simple pair of footsteps clopped, “-the harbinger of Death. Why allow an archangel to trump over the work lord Death has bestowed upon our names?”

“I won’t hear much from your mouth, traitor. You betrayed our master’s trust. Then again,” she stood and watched, there was only air in-between him and her, “-you were never the one I swore friendship towards. He’s long gone, that foolish boy I admired and enjoyed the company of.”

“Ah yes,” he returned her reminiscing, “-Viola, poor ol’ friend he so willingly abandoned.”

“He would never leave a friend.”

“Sorry to burst your ignorance,” he closed the distance, the pupils turned red and white, “-I would leave a friend if they served their purpose. Igna’s one to take the camaraderie and building a stable entourage to heart. What did it bring in the end, by caring for you, the generals, and many more allies, he found himself in a corner, locked without the strength to advance. He was strong, he could have fought if push came to shove, and that incarnation was an idealist at his core. The representation of what I was never able to show or do. Tell my children I loved them, tell my friends I miss them. Little things we take for granted. The joy it brought was temporary – he lost everything in the end, the sight of Sathanas, it was enough to shake a man’s soul. You joined the Heavenly council; I will not question your intent or say otherwise. My only purpose is to bring my will into reality. The balance will be restored. I will become the devil to change the world, for only a monster knows how a monster thinks. I know best,” he spun and waved, “-until we meet again,” the whiteness regained color. A jolt dropped her jaw, an electric shock from her memories, ‘-that wave,’ she blinked as reality blurred,

“-cast the teleportation,” said distant cries, “-she has the archangel, we’re returning home.”

Like that, Igna’s shadow disappeared – the forest swapped for a gilded hall and marble decadence, “-you’ve done an amazing job like always,” said a suave accent, “-just like he predicted.”


“Lixbin,” she exhaled and snapped, the steed puffed. Azrael ate the ground, chipping a tooth and bleeding from her chest, “-take her to the goddess of restoration. If you don’t act quickly, she’ll die.”

“Pfft,” said a passing deity, “-no way this girl’s going to die. She’s the representation of Death. Please get your information straight,” they clicked their tongues to the admiration of yes men and women, “-distasteful presence such as yours-”

“I calmly ask for you to excuse us from our presence.”

Lixbin’s coldness, “-I have more pressing matters to attend. Pardon me,” the deity and their entourage meandered. The god of Darkness’ fear horned Undrar.

“Can she really die?”

“We all can,” she exhaled, “-remember, he’s the Adjudicator, there’s nothing impossible to the man, nothing save the limits of his imagination. Will you take her or shall I carry the lass myself?”

“No, no, I will handle it from here.” Maids beckoned to his side with a raise of the hand, ‘-a weird curse. She spoke with reason. Azrael is an archangel, with her resistance she’ll easily fight the malady,’ to them, the attack was but a failed assault. To Undrar, as she walked from the flying palace to one of the remote islands used as gardens – the horizon and world ahead stretched beyond her wildest dreams, ‘-I’ve been focused on simple matters I didn’t take time to breathe fresh air and look at my surrounding. That wave and how he spoke. He’s the only person able to give clues whilst remaining utterly clueless. A master of the art of manipulation, the one I once called a friend. It’s him, it is him. the wave, it’s him,’ memories of their shared past rushed and burst out in form of tears. I’m conflicted… how should I approach the situation-‘

High heels and lavishing clothing paused a fountain in honor of Zeus, “-Undrar?”

“Gophy,” the harbinger returned her condescending leer, “-rare to see the lady of lord Artanos out and about. What brings you to the ground of the peasants?”

She gestured her posse, most of whom were handsome young men, who, without hesitation, threw dagger-like glares at Undrar, to leave. They did so with a healthy amount of arguing, though, through what Undrar saw, ‘-complaining idiots,’ left much to be desired. Artanos’ mistress gracefully climbed the stairs to where Undrar waited, “-I do beg your pardon, lady Undrar.”

“No offense taken.”

“You brim with a new energy, did something happen?”

“Why must you ask such personal questions?”

“Happiness is best shared, is it not?”

“I suppose you’re right,” they turned at the city below, “-question, Gophy, if you were Staxius and I happened to ask the importance of allies, how would you respond?”

“strange,” she scanned Undrar’s expression, “-I guess I’ll entertain the idea,” she crossed her arms in a toothache pose and thought, ‘-if I were in his shoe. I’d leave those who don’t matter?’

“You reached an answer,” Undrar gave a soft grin,”-to leave those who do not matter, yeah?”

“My, consider me impressed. How did you know?”

“Staxius’ inherent nature is something to be praised.”

“What about you, do you know the answer?”

“Yes, and I heard so from a man who knows him well. To Staxius, those who leave with his secrets are threats, taints on his prestige image. Igna, on the other hand, was one to surround himself with trustworthy people, like you and me. We are trustworthy – the inability to act was the turning point for our siding with the opposition. For me anyway, you chose romance above everything else. Not saying it’s wrong but you were careless.”

“Where is this going?”

“To those who have betrayed the Devil’s trust. He will return to collect and return he shall. I advise keeping a closer entourage made of people who can be trusted.”

“Why, it’s not like Igna’s going to come barging in.”

“He won’t,” she turned and mimicked Staxius’ wave, “-but I know someone who might.”

At that moment, Gophy’s heart of glass shattered, ‘-she waved like he used to. Her words weren’t without meaning. It’s her way of telling me Staxius’s reawakened. I don’t believe it-‘

“Lady Gophy, lady Gophy, please, we need your assistance,” cried smaller sized angel of beastlike features.

They hurried past the decoration and prestige, “-you’re here,” Lixbin breathed a sigh of relief. The large bedroom held quite the entourage of high-ranking individuals – archangel to the heavenly convention, “-Gophy, are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” she held Artanos’ hand and walked to the bed, “-what happened to her?”

“I can’t make heads or tails about this curse,” Artanos crossed his arms, “-no one here has any idea of what’s wrong with Azrael. Even the Goddess of Restoration can’t heal the wounds. We thought you’d be of help since, you know.”

‘Know that I was a confidant in service of the Adjudicator, I know,’ she shuffled to the bedside, ‘-no need to give me the side glances. I know you don’t like my presence, especially you, Zeus. To see me with Artanos even when you were certain to making me thy wife,’ a single look sufficed, ‘-this curse is-‘ she gulped, ‘-a slow acting aging. Azrael’s curse is not deadly, it’s slow never-ending suffering. The writings have the essence of… wait, is that Undrar’s symbol?’ she took a step back, ‘-that symbol can’t be real. It’s only there for one person’s usage, only one. Staxius.’

“Gophy, tell us.”

“An ancient curse,” she gathered her words from a confusing situation, “-I can’t say more. She’s not going to die. It’s a curse of eternal suffering. Azrael, I’m afraid, won’t be able to use her powers anymore. She’ll most likely be bedridden for the rest of eternity, however long that lasts.”

“Azrael,” clasped hands held the wounded, “-my sister, please do not fret. We will do what is must to restore your body,” the patron saint of animals and nature pressed her forehead lightly against Azrael’s palm, “-my sister, please do not worry. I will do what I must.”

“Ariel,” came a harsher voice, “-you know very well we don’t have the ability to make such a promise. Especially not since our brother has been lost to the ages.”

“Michael, don’t bring matters of foreign provenance to our current plight.”

“Dear sister Ariel, you were the optimist… without our brothers, your pride in nature and peace would have never passed.”

“Enough, Michael,” said a soft-spoken young man, “-no more backtalk to your kin.”

“But brother Chamuel…”

“No more brother.”

*Clap, clap,* “-no more arguments. Archangels, please vacate the premises. You have duties you must attend to. I will dig deeper into Azrael’s situation.”

“You better come up with results,” Michael thundered, “-for our support in battle will only come once you’ve proven your worth, God of Wisdom.” The archangel took their presence and lightened the room, leaving Zeus, Artanos, Lixbin, and Gophy, seeing the others follow the angel’s example.

“Nothing can be done about her?” Zeus turned to Gophy.

“She can be restored. Not saying anything about the goddess of Restoration’s powers – I’m sure the archangel of restoration will be more in tune with one of his own. It is easier to heal a family member than a stranger, given the complexity of the curse.”

“Raphael is not to be found,” Artanos sighed, “-I’ve petitioned the seven arch angels for the longest time. Like Igna, we must gather the holders of the seven heavenly virtues.

Most likely than not, those holders are tied to the archangels. It is hard to gauge who is who…”

“Such a task proven difficult to Artanos is one I shan’t get myself into. Do what is needed, my resources are at your beckon call, Artanos. We’re on the same team and seek only to establish our reality to flourish. In the end, there are things we gods are unaware of. Keep me updated,” he purposefully held his gaze on Gophy, “-don’t hide the truth,’ he voiced silently.

Deep cracks in the earth’s core, heavy tremors. The gates under the cathedral screeched. Makina and Enfia held hands. Staxius clawed the impasses – a sharp light emanated within. A piece of the soil holding a plant carelessly fell before the gateway. Light from inside touched the plant and instantly vaporized. Curiously enough, the light barely made a dent in Staxius, “-want to come?” he mischievously asked over the shoulder. They shook their heads in sync and stood far back as humanly possible.

A shiver went down his spine, ‘-this feeling of nostalgia. Deja-vue. I know this place; I know what it does… the light is the sign of the end. The one I ought to seek is the lawmaker,’ he raised his hands, ‘-heed my voice, powers of the Adjudicator, I have returned.’

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