The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1138 - 1138 The Farewell [3]

1138 The Farewell [3]

“At the risk of sounding impudent. Why have you called on me, mister?”

“At the risk of sounding impudent?” a mischievous smirk, followed by a tap of the bedroom door, “-your dress, young master,” said an attendant.

“Thank you,” he locked the door, shuffled to the reporter’s side, and dropped the dress onto her lap, “-you were getting crushed by the others earlier. Think of it as a favor from a whimsical man.”

“Who are you?” she looked around, “-to afford this room and be bowed to by the staff, you must be very affluent.”

“Oh, my identity is of no issue,” he lit a cigarette and sat facing the bright city, “-you’re the one who wrote the article and hosted the interview about the love life of Synthia and Romeo, were you not?”

“Yes,” she unbuttoned her outfit, “-the scoop got me a pretty penny.”

“Well, you’ve struck gold,” he puffed, “-the first seat to the drama of stars. Should be good research material. You’ll have to dress the part, can’t afford to stand out when there’s much on the line. You’re infamous among their circles – I’ve heard whispers of assassins being hired to end your life. Hey,” he turned, “-you might be a demi-human, but your body is still as human as it gets. A single well-placed bullet and it’s over.”

She grunted, “-death threats don’t affect me,” she stared and undressed, “-besides, if I were smart, I’d have never followed a stranger into a high-class suite.”

“Consider me impressed.”


“By the way,” she climbed onto the bed dressed in only her undergarments, “-you’re the first man who brought me to my panties without making a move, what sort of person are you?” she bit her lips, her bunny ears invitingly flickered, “-tell me more.”

“A man who has his hand tied,” he pointed at the door, “-you better cover-up.”

The lock didn’t do much, the handle dipped and a blonde-haired fellow wandered inside with widened arms, “-my cousin,” he proclaimed.

“Julius,” Staxius returned, “-we might own the hotel, however, I didn’t think ownership would throw etiquette out the window?”

He quickly scanned the room, “-did I intrude?”

“You sure did,” Staxius rose from his chair, undid the first few buttons, and meandered towards the half-exposed demi-human, “-this lovely flower was generous enough to allow a fool to have a taste.”

“My-” Julius held his breath, “-stop the play,” the shoulders dropped as did the casual smile, now upside down, “-I was under the impression you were engaged?”

“So was I,” he sat beside the reporter, “-I’ll be down in a few minutes. Could you keep the door close?”

“Fine,” he spun, “-cousin, please make it quick, I rather not miss the little chance we have of speaking.”

Silence set, “-apologies.”

“Julius Haggard,” she placed her hands atop his, “-you’re his cousin?”

“I suppose I am,” he smiled, “-you’re not going to undress only based on my status are you?” he leaned over, “-I bear the Haggard family name. Is that reason enough to get inside your pants?”

She crossed her legs and tightened her lips, “-I had to say it,” she bit, her jaw firmed, “-I-I, you’re right,” she exhaled, “-that name alone is enough for me,” she jumped and straddled Staxius, throwing her hands around her back and slowly kissing his forehead to his cheeks, “-yes, it’s vanity, it’s selfishness, and it’s lust,” her eyes watered, “…”

“Yeah, that’s enough,” he grabbed her wrist and raised them above her head, “-I’m not worthy of keeping your company. This could have been a one-night stand, well, I’d have said yes if not for the underlying feeling I sensed. You’re trying too hard,” he got on his feet, “-trying hard is good and perhaps it would have worked with another man. Don’t lump in with those lustful bastards,” he narrowed, “-if I want someone, I’ll have them with by my own means,” he threw a towel over her head, “-go cool off in the shower and get dressed. You can call me Lyoko. Give me a call when you’re ready, and I’ll come by to pick you up. Don’t waste this opportunity, Gemma, it’s the perfect chance to network and grow the brand.”

“Don’t storm off,” she dug her heels into the carpet, “-I demand an apology… WHY DID YOU LEAD ME ON?”

“For a lesson,” he smiled, “-what do you do when the other side refuses?”


“Simple,” he said, reaching for the handle, “-you get something they can’t refuse.”

‘…’ inspiration flickered, “-and, did you bring me here just to say that, or are you after information?” she snuck forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, “-we of the bunny people are very much known for our rapid reproductions. It’s a survival instinct – and honestly, I’m having a hard time fighting my urges,” her hands caressed his stomach and crotch area invitingly, “-you’re strong, give me your seed.”

“There now,” he tapped her head, “-no charging into battle unprotected. I’m not giving you anything,” he whispered, “-however,” he leaned towards her right ear, “-if it’s a trade, then I don’t mind sharing what I have.”

Staxius exited the room a few minutes later, ‘-she was easy to break,’ he wiped the lipstick on his face, ‘-I’ve never slept with a demi-human before. They’re quite the passion mongers. I hope she gets up in time – might have gone a little overboard with my spells.’

Gemma shook like a leaf, ‘-my first time,’ she gasped and giggled, ‘-and it was amazing. I’ve never felt so… I don’t know,’ she barely kept her saliva in check, ‘-he gave me the gift of knowledge and the gift of pleasure. Lyoko, a man of giving… it’s finally here,’ she looked outside, ‘-my work’s only getting started.’

Staxius casually made it to the star-filled lobby. Many guests were still coming. He took the path of least recognition and headed to the bar fitted next to the grant pool facing the city. Suits and dresses, pretty faces and harsh snarls, “-made it?”

“Julius,” he took a seat at the bar, “-how’s it going?”

“You tell me,” Julius sipped, “-did you sleep with her?”


“The reporter. I know her well,” he lit a cigarette and watched the various clicks, “-she’s made many stories on my starlets. It’s unnerving how she gets her information. I’ve tried to get a firm hold on what gets out… well, it’s whatever, she’s not hurting anyone. Makes for good publicity anyway,” he looked at Staxius harshly, “-Igna, where have you been all this time? You died… or so they say. The kingdom nearly fell… you should have seen mother, she nearly started world-war two on her own.”

“Bit of an overreaction I think?”

“No, it was worth the reaction. You’re the damned founder of this nation. Peace, as it stands now, wouldn’t have been possible. You made it happen. Granted there were a lot of hurdles up to this point and I take my fair share of the blame. I did feel used and abandoned – you were like that; I couldn’t blame you. It’s just how you are.”

“I use people,” Staxius sipped, “-and people use me. One hand washes the other. How are the children, and how’s the wife, I hope they’re doing well.”

“The wife keeps me up at night and during the day. We recently moved to Alphia – Apexi’s expanding our business.”

“I heard a little something about Alphia. What happened to the ministry of Internal and external affairs?”

“You mean Eira?” he looked around and pointed sharply to the left, “-why don’t you ask her.”

The stoic empress of Alphia arrived in the company of her husband, her first daughter, Gallienne, and her twins, “-been a few years since we last saw each other, she brought life to the loved ones. Been very unremarkable the last few years. Renowned warriors settling down, stars rising to power, and the distant curse of war and death slowly being forgotten and replaced by the Arcanum and the media. It’s welcomed evolution,” and there, Julius rose his arms at the imperial couple. Eira turned to turn to the counter, and she blinked, flattering her white eyelashes, “-it can’t be,” her composed pose crumbled, “-it can’t be…”

She dashed to his side, none was the wiser save a breath of icy-cold air, “-you’re alive!”

“Eira,” he grabbed her cheeks and smiled, “-you’ve grown so much, my daughter.”

Her smile crumbled, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the side, “-don’t tell me-”

“Staxius Haggard,” he returned, “-it’s me, I’ve returned. I died, Eira. I died. Igna’s no more. I apologize for not being able to stop the curse when I should have. I nearly lost you… it was one of the few last straws. Igna couldn’t handle the pain of loss… and here I am. I’ve returned.”

“Why…” she clenched her fist, “-after all this time… you return and say that…”

“I’m not that great of a father,” he smiled and stared over the balustrade, “-Eira, you are and always will be a strong woman. You’ve gotten older and have matured. You have a family and kids. It’s time to leave the past behind. By past,” he grabbed her hand, “-I mean me. I’m a Deadman walking, I don’t exist in this plane anymore, my time ended years ago. I accomplished what I set out to, and here, to see you happy with your family is a sight I’ll always cherish, my dearest daughter, Eira.”

“Father…” she lowered her gaze, “-I’m sorry for not walking by your side. I wanted nothing more than to stand at your side on the battlefield. Since I was abandoned, you were here, either as my father or my brother, it didn’t matter, I knew you were here. Putting a title on our relationship was a dumb idea… I know you were there, hidden deep inside Igna’s heart. I can finally say this with my chest,” she rose her gaze, “-thank you, father, for everything.”

A thud, ‘-my heart,’ he stared into nothingness, ‘-that smile, her aura… it’s the same one I felt so many, many eons ago. The first time she called out to me… that feeling, it’s remained for so long. Eira’s really my daughter…’ he smiled, “-thank you for giving me so many memories, Eira.”

“If it isn’t my brother-in-law,” came a confident-looking Markus, “-without your help, I’d have never taken back Alphia. Thank you, Igna.”

“Don’t mention it,” he smiled, “-and the twins, who are they?”

“Igna II Haggard and Staxius II Haggard,” said Eira, “-to honor the memories of men who gave us purpose and faith in the future.”

“I wish we could stay and chat,” said Markus, “-the premiere’s an excuse to deal with an uprising… will you join us at the tabl-”

Staxius rose his hand, “-no, but I appreciate the sentiment.”

“I guess they were right,” Markus unknowingly showed his sentiment, a flash of melancholy, “-the golden era of the Haggard has come to an end,” he inhaled, “-at least when it comes to the world. Brother-in-law, I’m grateful for everything you’ve done, I can’t stress it enough. I, as well as my family who couldn’t make it tonight, bid thee our respect,” and so, the imperial family of Alphia headed into the distance.

“You haven’t forgotten me, have you?”

He side-glanced, “-Aunt Elvira?”

“-and here too,” another lady grabbed and pinched his cheek, “-mother?” he blinked.

“We have to speak. Elvira, you can have him after I’m done,” she grabbed him by the hand and headed to a secluded part of the pool, “-Igna, why did you leave the mortal realm?”

“Mother…” he exhaled, “-Igna’s dead. He died trying to rescue Sathanas. Persephone, I should speak to you about Lord Death and his ties with Creation,” he went into details about the dual-personality.

“I knew he was a shrewd one,” she giggled, “-it’s good to see you in good shape. I won’t ask much, you’re here for one last time, aren’t you?”

“How did you-”

“I’ve been there myself, Staxius. I know that feeling all too well. Take in Orin and all that it represents. Make sure to speak to the allies you’ve left behind, perhaps recruit some for future endeavors, you never know.”

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