The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1145 - 1145 Elion

1145 Elion


“Excuse me?” he held off the execution.

“You heard me right, Watcher of the Shadow Realm. The promise thee made was to safeguard thy realm, not invade another. I came to confirm the suspicion, and it seems, as a Watcher, I’m not one who overstepped my boundaries, it was you. It’s always you, and there in lays the fact – the Watchers can’t be stopped from picking a side. We’ve held our truths for long enough, thus, I call upon my powers, as the Watcher of Estonia, I pull from the void fragments of my heart and split open reality, for nothing has meaning,” the layer covering his chest carved inward, a swift breeze and the Watcher imploded, seemingly swallowed in on himself.

Yonder, a sprinkle of cold water rained. Vengeance sat upon a throne made of dead bodies, one hand held a sword, the other the head of the monster. Condensation brought a fog, and those who witnessed the battle rose from their hiding spots. Staxius advanced, or what remained of it – a single pathway of ice cut the lake.

“Master, I have slain the beasts.”

“How strong was it?”

“Not worth mentioning,” he dropped his head, “-please call on me when there are more battles. I can’t shake this feeling of wanting to hunt, I must acquire blood, I must gain the ability to slaughter. Master, we’re walking down a path of no return, as your weapon and companion, I must warn thee of the coming dangers. Please let go of the notion of having fun in battle – we’re strong and must utilize the strength. No more holding back, even against smaller opponents.”

“I understand,” they exchanged a high-five. The fog settled; the lake’s level diminished. Staxius ventured into the village. His prominent shadow, seeing as the fog lingered, many held their breaths.

“Where are you going?”


Sharp hands held his elbow, “-where are you going?”

“Demi-human girl, where is your leader?”

“He’s over there,” she confidently pointed over a dissonate view, nothing could be plucked, though, in her mind, the area was as clear as day, “-follow me,” she said.

A campfire lit outside the hamlet, inside a cave used for food storage. The fire danced, casting shadows of hunched figures. “-Last report,” said an uncertain voice, “-most of the villagers have died. Others crushed. Gesborrow is no more I’m afraid. I found this,” he inched forward a red band, “-the mark of the leader,” said the scout, “-Elion, you should take it.”

Elion slowly held the fabric, ‘-father’s dead…’

‘There’s nothing to gain from these people…’ Staxius stepped out of the cave and lit a cigarette, the white landscape with dark trees and tall peaks was one to behold. Monsters prowled the vicinity, ‘-peculiar’, he puffed.

The demi-human girl followed, “-where are you going?”

“Third time,” he answered and went around the entrance, to some nice flatland echoing into the valley, “-third time you asked where I’m headed.”

“What are you?” she narrowed a skeptical gaze.

“Someone who’s on a journey to unite this land,” he puffed, “-Draebala’s in war, and their enemy is me. The Shadow Realm is ruled by my people,” he side-glanced, “-I’m here to conquer the land belonging to the Aapith Nation.”

“Don’t lie to me,” she crossed her arms, “-no one can bring such a thing to Draebala. The gods have their own plaything, a lady coming from Kronos’ sect. She apparently changed sides and is leaking information about her previous team, I don’t know what they’re up to.”

“How would you know that?”

“We Scavengers have our ways. Between you and me, Elion’s a child. He can’t lead our people, not yet. I’m here to aid his journey,” she opened her palms, a symbol of power hovered, “-I got by the name of Hesta, I’m a guardian spirit who transcendence into divinity. I was once hailed as the goddess of Harvest by the people. Alas, when the time changes, so does their beliefs. I diminished in power and was left with only my life and symbol intact. I don’t possess any powers, only my wisdom which I granted to Elion, the small boy who took pity on a stray and invited her home. I owe a great deal to the scavengers,” she stepped closer, “-and I know you’re not any simple man. You’re a god, like me.”

“Correction,” he snuffed the cigarette, “-I’m no god. Hesta, you shouldn’t get involved if you want to protect Elion. A great war comes, and I planned said war to be the last.”

“What do you mean?”

A glacial wind blew, “-you know shortcuts to Inux?”

“Are you stupid?” she threw her hands up, “-are you insane, Inux is under their control. We can’t approach a stronghold…”

“You can’t, but I can,” he smirked, “-I need to deliver a message.”

“I can take you there,” said a distant voice, “-I overheard the conversation,” Elion shuffled, “-my apologies,” he bowed, “-Hesta, I’m sorry,” he bowed again in her direction and dropped to Staxius’ feet, “-please, help me get revenge. They ruined our home, they took away our peace, the people of Draebala deserve more… I wish someone could understand the fear of battle, and what it means to live on a perpetual battlefield. I wish they’d understand our struggles and how afflicted our lives have become… there’s no hope for survival, my father’s efforts when down the drain… I can’t help it anymore-”

“I do understand,” he made no motion of helping the leader, “-I was brought up in a place called Dorchester, a land where war was waged constantly. I saw people killed, younglings abused, and mothers selling their bodies for a morsel of food. The stench of death, the rot of corpse… it’s all too common, Elion. I’m afraid I can’t help you,” he echoed.


“I won’t lead you or your people. That is something you should do. I will, however, think about it after I’ve reclaimed Inux. Guide me there in less than three days and I promise you’ll get a safe place for the Scavengers to regroup.”

“The confidence to give such a promise,” Hesta’s cynical gaze saw straight through Staxius, “-what if the promise fails, we’ll be bait. I’m sorry, Inux made the promise of protection, look where it landed them, dead and desolate.”

He remained silent, focusing his gaze on Elion, ‘-he’s seen my strength and knows what I can do. I extended a bait, and he asked to help, controlling his action from here on should be simple. Hesta’s wiser than she appears, she saw through my ploy and played the voice of reason. Too bad – it’s human nature to flock to light in the darkness. Even if the darkness screams worth of wisdom, the light, fake as it please, will always gain their attention.’

“No matter,” he dusted off his shoulder, “-the trip shouldn’t be hard.”



“I’ll take you there,” he nodded, “-Hesta, I’m sorry, I have to trust in him. Even if it’s the greatest mistake I ever make, I have to trust him now, and leave the future for the weaver of destiny to decide,” he turned to Staxius, “-I will make my promise. In exchange, I only ask for you to give us a place to convene… Gesborrow’s done.”


The preparation lasted a day – sunrise came the next morning. The dual orbs of sunlight rose over the mountains – casting gem-like shards of light upon the lake’s glittering surface. Where a boat kindly waited, the vessel was massive and decorated with ancient artifacts.

“The Scavengers’ praised possession,” Elion explained, “-we rescued it from a shore, it belonged to a warrior of the sea. A tribe whose name and influence once held terror over Draebala. It’s a fast vessel,” they hopped on board, “-sea travel’s easier, no monsters to worry about,” behind, at the mouth of the hamlet’ many graves lined the street. ‘-This is goodbye,’ Elion paid respect and climbed aboard. Everyone manned the deck, they went through the motions, pulling the anchor and calculating the wind, Elion stood at the helm confidently. Staxius and Hesta were opposite the stern, the bow.

“Just so you know, I don’t trust you” the ship moved and slowly advanced toward the river.

“Neither do I,” he returned, “-how good is Elion?”

“When it comes to handling a ship, I think that’s where he excels the most. The boy’s always been a favorite of the ocean. Tell me, Staxius, if your no god, how is it you think you can defeat Inux?”

“I couldn’t say what I am,” he puffed, “-did you think heroes and even demons for that man, of the olden days, knew what they were up to? The term was coined only after their stories were retold. It’s a simple affair, you don’t need to think about any of it. Of course, Draebala’s story won’t be known to anyone… the place’s forsaken.”

Thus, with their course set to Inux, a few days elapsed – the voyage turned long due to the instability of the seas near the shores. Elion masterfully plotted a course around and was scheduled to land at the farthest point.

“I contest your plan, captain. If we’re sailing at night, especially in traitorous waters known to be the death of sailors north of the lighthouse, this whole trip will be rendered useless,” arguments plagued the capital’s cabin hours before arrival.

“I appreciate the concern,” said Elion,”-if we approach them during the day, we’ll be shot out the sea. The best option is to arrive at night, there’s no full moon, and it will take a lot of concentration and luck to navigate through those seas.”


“You don’t need to do anything,” said Hesta, “-we will handle it from here.”

And so, pitch darkness covered the seas. There was nothing to guide nor to lead. Elion casually stepped to the bow and snapped; “-my gift is to see in darkness. I can easily make the landing. What about you, Staxius, will be able to take the town in a single night?”


Below deck, “-Elion’s gone insane. He wishes for us to die.”

“Calm down.”

“No, I will not, Hesta. He’s getting influenced by that man. He’d have never acted so rashly before. I hate this, we’re at the mercy of someone else…”

“Such is the price to pay,” said Hesta, “-we should put our trust in them. And if something goes wrong, you’ll be in the right to voice your concern. I will not entertain the thought of mutiny, not at this hour.”

“Fine,” they grudgingly waited.

Elion carefully followed the current into the lagoon – a feat that none saw or expected to be so smooth. It happened so quickly and easily they were shocked that they’d even arrive. ‘-There may be a lot of dangers with obstacles. If one knows the seas, he also knows that she has a plan for everything, I had to get the timing correct, just when the tide changes, and there, ride it.’ he looked at Staxius, “-this is far enough,”

“Right, I’ll be back in the morning,” wings sprouted, he darted into the night and came at the Castletown, ‘-the defenses haven’t been repaired. Just like I predicted, they don’t see the need for fortification. Who’s there to contest them anyway. And, as I thought, the battle brought a lot of damage to the remaining defenses,’ *Fifth-layer Spell: Detection,* ‘-that’s quite a lot,’ he sensed numbers in the thousands, ‘-are they all fighters?’ he hovered, ‘-a single entrance to the west, facing the pathway into the forest,’ he landed somewhere west, in the forest. Torches lit the castle battlements. Soldiers patrolled. ‘-Seems like I’m fortunate. I didn’t detect anyone of higher rank. Regardless, I have to show them the strength of the shadows, *Souls of the dead, thee who’ve sworn to serve me in life and death, arise from thy slumber for the time of the reckoning has come. Awaken from the eternal slumber and rise, come to my side. Blood-Arts: Ghouls Requiem.*

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