The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1148 - 1148 ‘-they’re still there, smiling.’

1148 ‘-they’re still there, smiling.’


“Saniata, is that really you?” Draconis and Raphael broke their shackles. An unconscious Staxius lay beside his daughter. Her wavy long hair fell over her shoulders. She held his head and smiled, ‘-I feel powerful, I have memories I never had before. I know things I didn’t know. My title of Celestial Guardian, the guardian of the separating plains holds a lot of weight. As it stands, I’m rival to even the guardian of Time, the one who keeps travelers from messing with the past,’ and there, as she held his head on her lap, a flicker of a mild flame flashed on Staxius’ stomach. ‘What was that?’

“What happened to you, sister?” Draconis and Raphael ran to her side.

“I changed,” she smiled, “-and I was saved. We should be happy,” she motioned a helping hand, “-we need to get pops into a bed.” The interval between day and night, the space where the air felt moist, the air crispy, and the sound chilly – the trio walked with their father toe towards the barracks. It felt like a dream, especially Saniata, ‘-I walk with a sense of knowledge. My steps reflect, and I see things I couldn’t before. Sparks of energy, higher lifeforms, spirits – I willingly convey my thoughts to the elements. Is this what becoming a god feels like?’ she looked around, ‘-I can see glimmers of their destiny, their fate written in gold or rust. The shiner, the better, and here, everyone looks dull.’

“What happened?” a curious Lixbin echoed from one of the stairs headed onto the walls.

“Why are you alive?” fired Draconis, “-did pops spare your life?”

“Yeah,” Lixbin shrugged, “-he said to meet in the dining hall. Looking at him now, don’t think he’ll make it.”

The outside noise faded; a deepening silence overwhelmed from within. Like claws stretching outward to grab one’s soul – Staxius found himself at an unknown place. ‘This is my payment?’

“Not your payment,” echoed numerous voices, “-we owe you our lives,” many ghast-like forms fluttered to and fro – visibility bloomed, and he stood inside a cave, in the middle of an elevation, a half-pyramid, on which lay slabs of metal covered in ancient writings.


“Where am I?” he studied the slabs, but nothing came to.

“Your core,” said a familiar voice, “-we’re inside your head. A reflection of what you feel and act upon. It is cold as ice, hard as a rock, and desolate like the open seas. The ancient writings are the boons offered to you by the ages. Conditions and powers laid in bold, such is the power of the three in one, to modify their ability as they wish. This part was never meant to be revealed, for with the ability to modify, comes the tumultuous act of self-preservation and harmony. Cast your gaze below,” he obliged – a sinking feeling pulls his heart, ‘-so many shattered slabs. Are those?’

“Previously failed combinations. You stand upon a pile of your failures. The four plates placed upon the pyramid are as follows, Alfred, Staxius, Igna, and lastly, the one who encompasses all, the Adjudicator. They contain their powers, their spells, and what they’ve learned. Previously the spells came from muscle memory and awakened randomly. Not anymore, you have the knowledge and there, within the words carved by your predecessors, now can pick and choose between which host to embody. Of course, you can always create a new persona – a combination of the four, alas, as the pile show, it will take an enormous effort.”

“Why am I here, I didn’t ask for power?”

“Of you did. By creating a new candidate for the position of Supreme God, you unlocked the last barrier holding the overwhelming power.”

“It comes with a big price,” he crossed his feet and sat, “-the curse of the three in one. Overwhelming power that eats one from the inside out. The more I use my powers, the shorter grows my lifespan. I’m immortal to the extent of how I choose to use what lifespan is allowed.”

“Such is the curse of being the Three in one. You, alas, bound by your tremendous strength.”

“The only way to win is to allocate my powers to other hosts. Creation, Death, and Time.”


“I can’t do that, not yet,” He lay on the ground and gazed into the light cast by crystals, ‘-I knew something like this would eventually happen. I understand why I had the urge to create a foundation from which others could spring. It was a fear embedded in the beginning. I remember parts of the other reality – it was a crude but happy place. If not for his coming to life, we would have lived.’

“What will it be, time grows nigh for daybreak.”

“I will return when the time comes,” he stood in front of an empty slate, ‘-a balancing act, huh,’ he stared at the words; Immortal, God-slayer, All-knowing, Death. ‘-Well,’ he waved his hands, some of the writings changed, ‘-won’t affect much since I can wield the three without a problem.’ An unseen force pulled his soul into the crystals and shot him out, passing countless frames of history, ‘-is this-‘

Thus, the legend of the Celestial Goddess was born, ‘-clad by her wavy blue hair, the guardian of the Celestial seas appears and graces the listless lives of troubled sailors. Her call is akin to one of a mermaid, beautiful and melodic. She rules the ocean to the dismay of the God, Poseidon, whose authority waned over time. She appeared suddenly, answering the plight of a lost hero seeking revenge. And thus, with a wave of her hands, she conjured a magical weapon from the very sea that had taken his friends’ lives. An ocean of idyllic gold – the sea of eternity. Alas, the goddess’ power was too great, for when the god Poseidon knew of her hubris, he took to his brothers and invaded her kingdom, set to be the mighty Atlantis. They attacked with valkyries and undead demi-gods – wailing and slaughtering her people. She rose to arms, fighting equally against Poseidon and his brothers. Her battle was cut short – her closest aid, Ralph, turned his sword against his mistress. The island fell, and she was bound to the tallest tower, forced to watch as tsunamic waves crashed and plunged her domain into the seas. There was nothing left- the ocean regained its might and Poseidon reconquered his realm. The Celestial Goddess, fates unknown but revered to this day as a powerful goddess, was without people’s knowledge, granted a far greater responsibility and station. She became the Guardian of the Celestial Seas.’

“The legend of Saniata,” he pulled into reality, “-so that’s what happened.”

Comforting lights and good smells, ‘-what is this?’ he woke to a distressing sight, ‘-Lixbin, Cleopatra, and my children are sharing a drink and a warm meal. This smell is reminiscing, what happened?’

“Pops,” said a slightly tipsy Saniata, “-good morning,” her greetings got the attention of the others, “-He’s awake!” Lixbin proclaimed.

“Don’t worry about how this happened,” narrowed Raphael, “-let me explain,” he went into a short summary, “-in the end, we found that we were all forced under Artanos’ thumb. We’re all responsible for each other’s plight. As you accepted Lixbin and forgave, I think, Cleopatra, we thought we should respect our father’s decision.”

‘This worked out for the best,’ an orangish glow poured from the outside by the slated windows, “-I have a place to be. Lixbin, Cleopatra, meet me to the north after the forest,” he clapped, *Portal to the Ragno widened!*

“About time,” Elixia and Yui stepped through, “-about time, master.”

“My bad,” he clapped and cast a huge barrier around the town, *Once living now dead. O’ thee who’ve lost thine life to mine blade, thee who held regrets in the mortal world, I grant thee a chance at life. Be one with those who are to serve me, Blood-Arts: Ghoul Revival* those lost in the fight was pulled into the abyss, *Souls of the dead, thee who’ve sworn to serve me in life and death, come to my side. Blood-Arts: Ghouls Requiem.* and rose in the courtyard, “-I’ve revived those whose souls were untarnished. This should give some manpower to rebuild,” he looked at Elixia, “-you know the drill. If we need more manpower, free to call upon the Shadows.”

He stepped out, the dining hall blossomed with life. Not long ago, the place was dead without a single shred of hope or energy. None cared about tomorrow, there was nothing save the cold harshness of Inux’s location. The gloomy skies always dampened the mood, and more often than not, the courtyard would be muddy and desolate. Heavy rains are good for some but lacking in vigor.

‘I didn’t come from the main gates,’ he slowly walked, a gentle shower cut across the land, ‘-I feared to see what was there,’ he summoned a cigarette and puffed. The barred gates held blood, the walls drenched in bloodstained hands, wasn’t hard to imagine the sight, ‘-people clawing to get out, soldiering crying to get in. A complete waste of life – total annihilation,’ the memories of wars. He reached into one of the pillars, flicked the cog, and opened the gates. A sharp gust slapped. Lines of stakes lined the path, bodies hung off trees and off battlements. In the crowd of decomposing bodies, ‘-there,’ he came across a familiar face, ‘-Cora, Kaleem, Yuria, and Starix,’ he shook his head in disdain, ‘-you were killed brutally. Fighting to defend the land I asked thee to keep. I failed as a leader – taking territory without being present is akin to a death sentence. I should have been here and expanded the Shadow Realm’s influence. In a way,’ he rubbed his hands at the cold air, ‘-this is perfect. Artanos fought and knows the power of the Shadow, he knows they’re weak. He’ll underestimate us if ever we’re in a battle. The deaths were not in vain,” he conjured the Hands of Lamentation and plucked them off the spikes, laying their bodies to rest just under the archway, ‘-the souls have been tainted. Can’t revive or save them. They died believing in a cause. I could try to bring them back, but it’ll mean reversing time… might not be beneficial. Knowing Artanos, he’s keeping track. Besides, your masters, the Guardians of the Shadow Realm, have taken their own path. Only Intherna remains… it’s not worth the effort. The best I can do is cleanse your soul,’ *Souls who’ve been lost and are bound to this world for perpetual suffering, heed my call. I, Staxius Haggard, grant thee salvation. Follow mine voice, tis the place where the dead are reborn, tis the place where wrongdoers are to be purged – in my name, those who are to be judged, will be judged, and those who are to be saved, will be saved.* fragmented parts rose, ‘-I can see them,’ he smiled, ‘-they’re still there, smiling. They never gave up, even when we conquered their world, they never-‘ he exhaled, ‘-this is the only thing I can do to save them,’ *Living or dead, I invite all to the realm of absurdity, serve me and my companions, be one of a greater family. Forgo the past and look towards the future, one in which thou art be immortal and without regret. Box of Soul: Shadow Realm Transmigration.*

“-you’ll be weak, but have your memories. It will be a chance to start. Go forth and live a peaceful life. be at ease,” their half-material bodies shuffled towards a white portal, they stopped, mumbled a few words, and bowed, and the portal vanished, ‘-thank you,’ he shook his head and sighed, ‘-they never change.’

“Elion, we can’t do this anymore!” tention below deck spilled into his quarters, “-we have to get back to our families. We lost enough time here. It’s apparent the man didn’t win. We need to go save our families!”

“I will hear none of it!” he echoed.

“I dare you,” came a visceral screech, “-take one step against Elion, and I will have your heads,” Hesta growled, her kukris shimmered with the rising sun.

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