The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1152 - 1152 Unexpected Guest

1152 Unexpected Guest

‘Didn’t expect the trip to last this long. I was honestly surprised when Staxius suggested I keep him company. We made a contract long ago, but now, it feels like it doesn’t matter. I have my reservations. I remember the Silver Guardians days fondly –raising Eira and conquering Dorchester. Those days were filled with trouble and heartache. He always had attachment issues. He might not admit it through the cool guy persona, but Staxius is afraid of losing people. He says otherwise and hides the emotion very well, but I know, I felt it, I know how he truly feels. Every death, every action he made resulting in a loved one’s death has chipped away at his core. He cares… but not anymore. The fine line holding his sanity has been dug through,’ they sat around a campfire. Staxius conjured a tent and some supplies to last the night. ‘-we camp like this all the time now,’ she held a bowl of soup and fondly stared at the sky, ‘-you can feel the danger linger. A cold sensation always pressing down your neck. The two moons, their unusual color, and the haunting purple gaze it echoes. There few things I’ve seen so pretty.’

“Fenrir, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good.”

“We’re nearly at the Emerald City,” he continued, “-a few days more.”

“Still against the idea of flying?”

“Yeah, I rather keep a low profile. You never know what’s out there.”

“Are you seriously going to try to take the Emerald City using intellect instead of might?”

He paused and stared over his bowl, “-don’t think I’m up to it?”

A frigid gaze washed her face, “-there’s no need to unleash the aura at me,” she shrugged off his energy and continued her meal, “-you’re still the boy I meet in the Alps. Never change.”


“What do you mean?” he went back to eating, “-and I guess you’re right,” he exhaled, “-compared to Artanos, I feel like my time and energy do not matter. Whatever scheme I concoct he effortlessly counters it. I don’t know anymore, it’s just weird.”

“Not weird, you’re just too weak.”

He held her eye for a bit, and broke the stare with a casual chuckle, “-some more?” he asked reaching over the pot.

“Yeah,” she extended her bowl, “-I’m right, aren’t I?” a breeze pushed the lovely aroma across the forest, “-he is smarter than you.”

“I guess.”

*Ruffle,* Staxius instantly grabbed Tharis, ‘-heard something?’ he gestured, she nodded and slowly reached for a bottle of accelerant, ‘-on my mark, throw it on the fire,’ he mumbled. She nodded once more.

‘This is going to explode,’ she carefully chose the landing spot, ‘-they shouldn’t have been able to pass my wards.’

The tussles intensified, the steps amplified, ‘-I can’t feel their auras. Is the forest disturbing my detection?’ he gripped Tharis. Golden jewelry spits the forest, a very feminine figure crawled through, “-guys, this is the place,” mumbled a familiar face, “-If you want some, here’s your chance,” she licked her lips and ambled to the fire. Strong guardsmen followed behind with silver armor.

“A campfire in this forest, are they fools?”

“There’s no saving the weak,” said another.

“What will it be, lassy – get on your knees or we’ll strip you over that pyre,” despite the helms, one could easily sense their lust.

“Fine,” the lady stood with her back to the fire, she reached for her top and seductively undressed, the flames shook, “-go!” Staxius signaled; Fenrir threw the accelerant into the fire after poking a little hole.

*Hand of Lamentation,* he grabbed the lady by the neck and pulled all the while in front of the fire, the explosion caused a blinding glow, “-go to hell,” three pulls of the trigger, three fallen bodies, *Mana-Control: Wave,* he pulled away the energy, such retarding the flames. The lass fell on her bottom and gasped, “-give me some food,” she cried with her arms behind her back and legs spread as if a child cloud gazing, “-didn’t think I’d find you so easily.”

“What are you doing here, Cleopatra,” mumbled a less-than-excited Fenrir.

“Don’t have to be so mean,” the fire pulsed and emphasized her bust and natural form greatly, “-I do have a way of leading men on. It’s one of my many talents.”

“Fair,” he simply extended her some food, “-Lixbin put you up to this?”

“Yes and no. I had a choice. You see, some scouts from the Resistant faction escaped that night. I was sent to track ’em. I did for a bit, then lost the trail until I came upon these idiots with this,” she reached into her cleavage, pulled out a scroll, then threw – Staxius caught it as did her chest to the spilled soup, “-noble born on military duty. They’re from mid-tier families and should have some way in, you know, political affiliation.”


“By becoming their ideal,” she winked, “-in their eyes, a goddess rose from a lake, which was actually me being pushed up by some scavengers, I dawned only my golden jewelry which caught the moonlight. They fell for it as easily as men did in the mortal world. Using my figure and the imagination of what if I could, you know, get their blood to pour downward very effective strategy. I planned to get information and then kill them… didn’t go as I thought. This forest restricts mana. I was a damsel in distress… thought it’d be over until I smelt it, food.”

“Lured over by food.”

“I knew it was you guys,” she winked, “-no one cooks like the Alchemist.”

Fenrir shared Cleopatra’s laugh, Staxius simply shrugged and read the letter, “-Honored citizen of our Emerald City, I, Duke Emri of Emerald City, humbly extend an invitation to a celebration of our city’s triumph and to honor our allies, the Eipea Empire. As such, I graciously extend this offer to my fellow patrons. Those related to the noble bloodline are welcomed. Present the seal on the night of the banquet and passage will be granted. The celebrations will last five days.”

“What does it say?”

“Banquet,” he returned Fenrir’s question, “-festival starts in two days and lasts five. There’s going to be banquets and all that noble stuff, you know, courting women, enjoying the thrill of a secret fling, an opportunity to grow one’s name and prestige.”

He intently looked at Cleopatra, “-continent. Tell me.’

“Yeah, the three slobs are impoverished nobles from a once prominent family. Sons of said respective family. It’s well known those unable to keep their status and prestige will follow the sword to feed their family. Such is the way of the nobility – based around warriors and adventurers, those who’d stand up against the cruelty of those who’ve plagued Draebala. You get the idea,” she returned to her food, “-they live a day’s walk from here. To the South West, a village called Etolie. Not exactly a village, more like a retreat for the rich. It’s built on a cliff that overlooks a majestic plain of meadows with mountains running in the distance. The monster attack in that area is close to none. Enemies naturally gravitate away – it’s one of the reasons why families set their homes there.”

“Planned it out, didn’t you,” he stood, “-we have the seal and know where the family lives. This turned out great, I appreciate the help, Cleopatra.”

“Just doing what I want,” she dozed off.

“Think we can trust her?” Fenrir narrowed.

“Don’t know,” he stared the invitation, “-all I know is we have to thank her for the leeway she made. This is going to make everything a little simpler. Go get some rest, we’re leaving later.”


‘As for this,’ he carefully examined the letter and provenance, ‘-the events line up a bit too nicely. Is this a ploy to draw me out?’ he lit a cigarette, ‘-a festival out of the blue, especially with the threat of war. This will announce their allegiance against the Aapith nation and put the Emerald City at risk. The letter looks authentic… Eipea, I must believe Artanos has a hand in how things are going. If I stand a chance, I’ll need to get him away from Zayan D’olsak,’ he tapped his phone, and an interface widened, “-what is it?” came an exhausted sigh.

“Elixia, are you in Ragno?”

“Yeah, getting ready for the election. We’ve done what we can, it comes down to voting day now.”

“Good – I’ll need a favor from the Shadow Realm. Get in contact with Minerva, give her this message,” and it read as follows, “-Athena, Great Goddess who owes me many favors, I need to claim one of the said favors. Rally a team of the strongest warriors we have in the Shadow Realm and leave immediately for the main continent – Yui will pick the appropriate location after scanning the area. I want a full-out battle – leave no man standing, I want destruction, the full might of the Shadows. Use relics, ancient spells, anything I have readied in the war coffers – hell, contact Vesper for assistance too. Hit them hard and hit them quick – as loud as you can, decimate and liberate one of the harder strongholds they’ve captured,” the message ended, “-Elixia, get in contact with the Aapith Council of Demon. Send Cruse over as my spokesperson, “-Cruse, you must travel to the council of Demons and relay this message. ‘To the demons who have lost the war for countless centuries, I’m here to level the battlefield. A specified location will be provided in a few days – I will strongly consider marching a considerable force to occupy the territory I’m about to free. Signed, the Devil,’ like that, the messages were delivered.

Minerva rose from her desk with drool, a somber figure waited in the shadows, “-who are you?” she gasped.

“A messenger from the Devil,” the demonic shadow handed the latter and vanished.

Meanwhile, in a Phantom-owned strip clue, Cruse received his message with angel’s dust on his nose, “-a message from father?” he stepped from the entourage of up-and-coming idols, “-sorry ladies,” he grabbed his coat and threw it over his naked top, “-my dad’s calling.”

“Ditch that old man and come with us,” a nude lass purred.

He snapped at regard, “-don’t you dare talk down to my father,” he tightened his fist, “-you’re lucky aunt hates cleaning mess. Otherwise, you’d be a stain on the wall, damned whore,” *spat,* he kicked the door and left, ‘-finally getting called into action. Now this is fun.’

The fire casually crackled, leaving only ashes as morning rose. Staxius, Cleopatra, and Fenrir arrived at Eipea, “-this place is heaven,” he blinked, “-nothing like the bleak always death-filled landscape below.”

“Climbing the mountains is akin to climbing the stairway to heaven. This is one of the reasons why nobles made it their place.” Lovely houses were built on a massive cliff that hung over a colorful valley. The place was breathtaking with its meadows and gentle trees. Their vantage point, a hill behind said arrangement of houses felt warm.

“The beauty is loss with those large pillars scattered around the village.”

“Warding obelisks,” said Cleopatra, “-used to ward off monsters. Come, what we’re looking for is over there,” the bright and cheery overshadowed the truth of mid-tier to low-tier noble homes. Set on a plain just below the cliff, a place far somber and closer to what they knew, “-the mighty on top and the rabble below,” said Cleopatra, “-with nobility too. Well, at least the slope-like arrangement of the buildings is a treat to the eye,” and she was true, the stonework was intricately beautiful. Most, if not all the roads were sloped into the valley, a place with signs of terraforming, “-follow me, we’re close to their family home. The next step will be yours, Staxius.”

“Understood,” he tapped his waist, ‘-nothing need be said.’

They entered the first home, a casual-looking residence with two floors and a spacy yard, similar to the neighbors.

*smack,* “-You’re going to get married and that is final. No more going to the fields, I don’t care!”

“Please don’t hurt her, she’s just a kid.”

“Shut up, we need money for the banquet – daughters are meant to be married away, don’t you get it?” he cried, “-that’s why I get for falling in love with a commoner!”

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