The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 113:

Chapter 113:

(AN: Thank you very much for my new pat reon: Agolcan Acioglu, Caleb To, Leonardo souza carvalho, Samuel Heffer, LemonOx Kaine, Jake Santos, and Peter Far. Wish you all the best and stay healthy and be successful. Enjoy the chapter, thank you once again and peace out girls scout!)

A group of people appeared in front of the <Hanging Garden of Babylon>... They are Sirzechs and the other faction leaders of the DxD world. But they're not the only one...

Other groups of people from another universe/world also arrived here one by one... They are the higher-ups of that said world.

This is not the first time for Sirzechs's group to see the Flying fortress but this is indeed their first time visiting it directly like this... They're awed by the sheer size of Babylon alone...

There are three entrances leading inside and those groups of newcomers lined up on their respective entrance...

Sirzechs's group entrance coincidentally located right in the middle.

There are actually more than three entrances but the other entrances are for special cases.

"That's a big tree..." Azazel muttered when he saw the giant tree located right in the middle of Babylon.

"If I remember correctly, Rose said that it's the <Yggdrasil> tree... Damn, our <Yggdrasil> back home is nothing compared to this..." Odin muttered in amazement.

"Welcome to the <Hanging Garden of Babylon>... The residence of the highest ruler of the <Netherworld>." Ultinia who's guarding the middle entrance welcomed their group.

She welcomed them with a professional smile that usually adorned her face.

"O-Oh, greetings, Lady Ultinia." Michael greeted her politely in the place of others. He somehow still felt some fear of her... Because behind that smiling face, there is a hidden personality that could instill fear to those who are caught unprepared. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned indeed...

Sure her main element consists of <Holy> element just like his and the other angels but Ultinia <Holy> element is not a simple <Holy> element... It's an energy that is imbued with Issei's draconic aura.

If he somehow got hit by her <Holy> element then he won't leave unscathed even if he's <Holy> element user himself... Her <Holy> element could devour his <Holy> element and worst come to worst then his condition will be just like Irina's... He will need constant refuel of <Holy> energy from others...

That would be extremely ironic considering he's the leader of the Angel faction...

"We have been expecting your arrival. Now please excuse us... Girls." Her smile doesn't falter even when she took notice of Rias and her peerage amongst the group. She clapped her hands lightly and the other Kalars immediately inspected them...

Only after they confirmed that there's no hidden weapon and the like in their possession that they gave a green signal to Ultinia: "Ultinia-sama, they're clear."

"Um, then right this way." Ultinia took a side step and opened a pathway for their group.

When they passed Ultinia's post, they met with Brunhild and the Valkyries next: "Halt!" Her cold and strict voice resounded from within the entrance hallway.

"...How come they look so different? I mean, sure my Brynhildr is a strict one herself but she doesn't come close to this Brunhild..." Odin whispered in a low voice while he sweated a little seeing how sharp and cold this Brunhild gaze is.

(AN: Reminder. Brunhild is from Issei's side while Brynhildr is DxD side).

Even Brynhildr herself has to agree with her impolite boss words... She sees herself a serious woman but it seems that her strictness doesn't come close with this other Brunhild...

"I don't really know myself, old man... Nor could I imagine my favorite lucky go around pervert student managed to claim all these women to himself like this... I guess his dream being the Harem King is not just a dream anymore..." Azazel responded while smiling wryly.

Brynhildr ignored their mutterings and proceed to report their arrival to the higher-ups...

"I'm sure that I don't have to remind any of you... Remember where you are right now and don't do anything stupid or I will make sure that you pay dearly." Brunhild narrowed her eyes dangerously but she seems to be aiming at a specific group... It's none other than the Gremory heiress and her cohorts...

But Rias and the others are obviously not like the old them... They stay calm even when they're exposed to Brynhildr's bloodlust. Even the once cowardly Asia seems calmer now...

"W-We can assure you that we won't do anything reckless and that includes my little sister along with her friends." Sirzechs said while he stands in front of Rias's group.

"It's fine, onii-sama... If you deem us have done something wrong during our stay here then please feel free to claim our heads. We won't resist in the slightest." Rias stepped forward and voiced out her words.

Sirzechs's who saw this sigh bitterly but soon he stepped aside... He guesses that his beloved little sister has truly changed now...

Whether that it's a good thing or not... He supposes it's a good thing...

Sairaorg and the others who are standing nearby Rias's group sweated slightly feeling amazed by their bloodlust...

'What a crazy bloodlust...' They all thought to themselves... The Kalars could keep their calm but it seems that the Valkyries can't do the same as them considering that Issei is their savior... He's the one who freed them from their previously hellish life in the hands of the already deceased Odin after all...

But they felt a little awed by Rias and her peerage since they could face this bloodlust head-on...

Vali is also a little impressed with the current Rias Gremory. It looks like being separated from Issei made them more mature, he thought to himself.

The door leading to the interior buildings of Babylon opened and Rossweisse who's wearing a business outfit steps out with a clacking noise of her high heels. Only then the Valkyries took back their bloodlust...

They paid their respect to their captain who just arrived. Even Brunhild paid her respect: "Greetings, captain."

"Um, greetings to all of you as well." Rossweisse responded to their greetings.

"Oooh, Rose~ over here!" Odin waved giddily seeing his "Granddaughter" picking them up... He really couldn't stand being exposed to all these glares coming from the Valkyries especially by Brunhild herself...

Sure they're not really aiming those glares at them but it still nerve-wracking to say the least...

Rossweisse who saw Odin sighed wryly before telling them to follow her: "Come this way, everyone..."

Odin and the others hastily followed Rossweisse the moment she finished speaking...

When they went inside, they are welcomed by a large hall filled with a lot of people of different races.

There are an information counter and the like dedicated to guests.

It's like a gathering hub or guild hub you could say...

"...Amazing..." Serafall muttered but then something caught her eyes almost instantly: "Ne ne, Rose-chan! What are those counter over there for?!" She pointed at a specific counter where a group of children wearing a magical outfit lined up could be seen.

"Oh? That's the children from the school Ise opened... And that line of children are children who wanted to grow up to be a magician. They're here to take the test to advance their specific classes..." Rossweisse explained with a smile.

"Oooo~ So they're the future magical children!? Can I meet them!? As their senpai being the senior magical girl, I need to give them advice and tips in advance!" Serafall said with so much enthusiasm that they started to attract attention to themselves.

"Who are they?"

"I don't know but since Rossweisse-sama is the one leading their group then they must be a big shot themselves."

"Hmm, I wonder if they're a ruler of another world..."

A murmur such as that could be heard across the giant hall...

"O-Onee-sama... Please cut it out! You're embarrassing us!" Sona tugged her big sister's clothes while feeling embarrassed because they suddenly became the center of attention of almost everyone's there.

"But but So-tan... They're the future magical girls you know?! It's not every day that we could get so many candidates at once!" Serafall continues to push on: "I need to offer them a spot for the Magical Girl Milky Spiral show!"

"They're not that kind of magical girls and some of them are boys..." Sona said with a sigh feeling embarrassed by her big sister's childish act.

"It doesn't matter! They can be magical boys!"

Sirzechs and the others could only smile wryly at Serafall but they're used to her antics so they don't feel that embarrassed, unlike Sona who wishes that she could just find a hole and jump inside it...

"Oh, right. You mentioned that Ise opened a school once in the past... How's it like over there?" Azazel asked Rossweisse feeling interested in the school Issei opened.

"Well, there are multiple reasons why Ise opened a school... The school is very welcomed here since it allowed any race to enter it and regardless of their and their parent's status. All of them are treated equally." Rossweisse put her index finger on her chin while explaining...

"One of the reasons why he opened the school is because of how he likes children just like you all know and the other reason is it's for our children..." She flashed a loving smile while reminiscing about the past which captivates almost everyone who is present.

Odin feel extremely gratified seeing how happy his "Granddaughter" seems right now... Even Brynhildr felt really happy for her former kouhai...

"Our children will obviously not be normal children considering who their father is... And to avoid the situation where they're being treated differently, Ise purposefully opened a school to educate other children to treat others nicely regardless of their race and identity... He also doesn't take any fee from those who are poor so those children can have proper education."

"Maaa~ how wonderful! So Ise-sama has already thought that far ahead for his children?" Gabriel clapped lightly feeling awed by Issei. Michael, Sirzechs, Azazel, etc also nodded along with her statement.

"Yes! In fact, according to Da-Vinci, he also already prepared the baby room and even their respective toys up to the age of five... But once in a while, I felt like he's thinking too far ahead at times... Not that it's a bad thing or anything but it's just that I hope he will let us do something for our babies... I mean, they're not even born yet but he already thought like three steps ahead of us, their mothers.." At first, Rossweisse nodded jubilantly but soon she smiled wryly by the end of her statement...

"Have you thought of the baby's name as of yet?" Odin asked her.

"Well, not yet... We were thinking to wait for Ise's return first." Rossweisse shook her head gently.

"I see..." Odin sighs wistfully for her. Until now they still can't find him... They felt sorry for Rossweisse and the others but there's nothing else they could do other than to hope for the best.

"Ah, that's right... How are you feeling, Kiba-kun?" Rossweisse changed the topic of their conversation and suddenly spoke to Kiba.

"Eh?" Kiba let out a stupefied voice for suddenly being the topic of their conversation. Even though "he" turned into a woman, it seems that she's still not comfortable wearing a girly outfit...

She's wearing a plain t-shirt and blue jeans... But she does wear a bra though... Her busts would be too eyecatching if she doesn't wear it considering how big it is...

"I mean... You basically have been living your whole life as a boy... So how are you doing now as a girl? Any discomfort? If you want then I can ask big sister Semiramis to change you back, you know?" Rossweisse asked while smiling apologetically.

"O-Oh, it's fine... I mean, it's kind of weird at some part but I don't really have the intention of going back... I failed Ise-kun being his friend after all..." Kiba said with a smile of her own.

"You know that he never blames you for it, right?" Rossweisse said with a sigh.

"I know... But I still can't just let it be like that. So I take this 'change' as my punishment instead." Kiba flashed a wry smile when she finishes speaking.

Tsubaki and Reya who saw her being like this could only sigh bitterly... They still couldn't believe that their previous crush turns out to be a bona fide girl...

"I see..." Rossweisse nodded at Kiba words: "Then, how about you Sona-san?"

"Eh? What about me?" Sona asked cluelessly.

"I heard from the others that you're somehow engaged to Ise... How did that exactly happen anyway?" Rossweisse inquired curiously.

Sona's face exploded in red when she heard Rossweisse's words but thankfully, her savior is here...

"Rossweisse-sama, didn't we told you to take it easy... You're pregnant so please be more careful about your health. Issei-sama would blame us if anything were to happen to you and your baby..." A sudden strict voice could be heard from behind their group and when they look over they saw Rakia exhaled tiredly at Rossweisse.

She's accompanied by Shuri, Raynare, Kalawarner, Venelana, and Grayfia themselves.

Both Baraqiel and Akeno widen their eyes for a brief moment when they caught the sight of their past wife and mother... But soon they snapped out of their daze since they both finally able to accept that this Shuri is not the past Shuri they once know...

"A-Ah, it's fine... I'm still in the early stage of pregnancies and I'm sure to be mindful of my own safety..." Rossweisse scratched her cheek feeling shy of everyone's eyes on her.

"And besides... The ring Ise gave us will surely protect us and our children from any harm." Rossweisse flashed her ring along with a blissful smile on her face.

There are multiple envious gazes locking into her wedding ring when they saw it... Rias's group for one clenched their fist with so much force that their whole hand turned white...

They're not jealous of Rossweisse but they're feeling regretful of their stupidity since they supposed to have their own rings by now but because of their mistakes, they lose that chance...

How laughable... In the past, it was they who were the closest to Issei but now...

Rossweisse is basically the last person who entered the race but she's the one who finishes first...

"That's still not an excuse... Shuri, Raynare, Kalawarner. Please escort Rossweisse-sama back." Rakia doesn't buy her words though so she told her friends to take Rossweisse back.

"Understood... Then please excuse us, Rossweisse-sama." The two of them responded when their names are called and they immediately surrounded Rossweisse preventing her from escaping.

"A-Ah wait!" Rossweisse tried to struggle but the three maids won't let her.

"Please don't make it harder for us, Rossweisse-sama. Think of what Issei-sama would've done if they saw his pregnant wife being left unattended like this. We can't possibly allow him to feel discontented now, can't we?" And with those words alone, Rossweisse loses any fight in her and allowed herself to be escorted away...

"Ah, Rose..." Odin said feeling pitiful that his "Granddaughter" is being dragged away from him...

"Then if you would please excuse me. Venelana, Grayfia, I believe you can lead them to their destination."

"Hai" Both Venelana and Grayfia answered respectfully. Rakia then excuses herself shortly after since she's also pregnant after all...

Along the way to their destination, Sirzechs's group had a conversation with Venelana and Grayfia such as how are they doing over here and the like... Of course, they're not being mistreated at all and if anything they're feeling content working here.

Venelana being the most satisfied since she can act freely in here without really minding her status... She's basically just a normal girl over here unlike when she's still acting as Zeoticus's wife.

After walking for a while, they finally reached their destination. They're lead inside a monitoring room where Mertel could be seen holding a holographic device in her hand.

"Mertel-sama, we've brought them." Grayfia said towards Mertel.

"Um, just a moment..." Mertel answered while she still tinkers with the device in her hand.

After waiting for a moment, Mertel finally set her gaze on them.

"So... I heard that some of you wanted to be an <Overlord>?" She asked with narrowed eyes.


After she announced her arrival, the Little Demon Empress slowly enter the courtyard...

The courtyard is a beautiful garden filled with flowers and greeneries... There's no roof and the clear blue sky is in full view from below. Birds and the like are free to enter and exit the courtyard but the Little Demon Empress forbid anyone else from entering this place and whoever breaks this rule, the penalty is death...

The palace maids are also not an exception to this rule.

Issei could freely travel back and forth from the <Sky Profound Continent> to the <Illusory Demon Realm> so it's not like he needed this courtyard but since the Little Demon Empress went on her way to make this place for him then he might as well use it...

Issei was standing in front of a lotus pond while watching Bai'er running around the place with Su Ling'er... Both of them are being surrounded by birds and butterflies alike which earned a happy giggle from Su Ling'er while Bai'er has a thin smile adorning her face. It's clear that they're having a lot of fun right now...

At the nearby table, there's a variety of snacks ranging from simple french fries and a bunch of cakes...

Bai'er had a sweet tooth, something Issei discovers recently. Su Ling'er who Issei picked up not long ago also shares the same taste as Bai'er it seems.

The Little Demon Empress who saw the variety of food at the table is amazed even further knowing that all of those exotic looking food is cooked by her benefactor personally.

She already tried his cooking once by chance and she still remembers the taste until now... It becomes harder for her to eat other food ever since she tasted his cooking once...

She almost drooled when she caught the faint scent of the sweet aroma emanating from the freshly baked cake but thankfully she can prevent embarrassing herself in front of her benefactor...

"You can help yourself if you want to." Issei said without looking at the Little Demon Empress.

The Little Demon Empress body shook slightly since it seems that her benefactor found out about her hidden thoughts... Her cheeks immediately reddened by a little bit.

"N-No, it's fine..." She said in a low voice trying to gain her bearings back.

Issei doesn't say anything else and then he proceeded to throw some food pellet into the pond where there's a bunch of koi fish in it.

All of them are grouped in front of Issei but they don't act rowdy at all like they used to. But rather, they seem so organized that anyone who doesn't see it with their own eyes then they wouldn't believe it...

When both of them are still enjoying the silence and soothing atmosphere... Su Ling'er trotted over dragging Bai'er along with her.

"Big brother Ise! Can I bring little sister Bai'er to play outside?" Su Ling'er asked with sparkling eyes.

"Oh? Let me accompany you two then." Issei gently smiled at her as a response.

"No no no! Big brother can't come! Ling'er and little sister Bai'er wanted to... wanted to... No matter what big brother can't come!" Su Ling'er tried to come up with an excuse but failed to come up with one in the end... So she only puffed her cheeks denying Issei participants in their little plan...

Even Bai'er crossed her arms making an "X" sign signaling that he can't come with them.

She and Bai'er wanted to buy some gifts for Issei so if Issei tag along with them then it won't be a surprise anymore, right?

"Hmm... Okay then... But take big sister Zin and Naru with you, okay?" Issei raised his eyebrows at them but then he smiled softly while he pats their heads.

Zin and Naru immediately appeared behind Su Ling'er and Bai'er ready to escort them on their little trip.

"En!" Su Ling'er smiled widely and Bai'er also smiled thinly at his words.

Then Issei gave each of them pocket money... After they said their goodbye, both Bai'er and Su Ling'er went towards the city market while being accompanied by Zin and Naru...

"Should I send some escort from my side as well, your excellency?" The Little Demon Empress offered.

"No need... Naru and Zin can keep them both safe and too many people following them will only attract unnecessary attention to themselves." Issei refused her offer.

The Little Demon Empress nodded gently at his words.

"So... I take it that things went well on your side?" Issei asked the Little Demon Empress.

"Ah, yes... Things have proceeded quite well so far. I managed to root out all of the traitors and any hidden spies from the <Profound Sky Continent> thanks to your excellency help. The people have also calmed down to a certain extent and for once, after hundreds of years... The <Illusory Demon Realm> welcomed its peaceful state once again..." The Little Demon Empress said in a voice filled gratitude.

The kingdom is not fully stabilized yet but it won't be long before it happens... And when the kingdom has been fully stabilized, only then she will start her last part of revenge on the <Sky Profound Continent>...

"I see..." Issei nodded slightly at her words.

"...May I ask you a question, your excellency?" The Little Demon Empress suddenly asked after a brief silence.

"Hm? Go ahead." Issei finally turned his head slightly in her direction.

"How can you tell that there was a traitor hidden amongst my subjects and how can you tell that Duke Ming and Duke Huai will arrive at the Golden Crow valley back then?" The Little Demon Empress asked curiously.

"...Do you remember when I said that I've already marked Duke Ming soul with a <True Death> mark?" Issei thought for a second before he asks the Little Demon Empress back.

"I do" Of course she remembers it... Since even she who's nearby Duke Ming felt chill down to her soul.

"Well, <Death> is one of my divinity... I have the capabilities to see through a person's soul... Whether they're contaminated by 'Sin' or not..." Issei said while his eyes color glistening in a rainbow color for a brief second.

"When I first saw Duke Huai, I can tell right away that he's inherently evil down to his very core... I just gambled to see if my guess is correct or not so I secretly sent Naru to follow Duke Huai when we left the Yun residence back then and when she followed him to Duke Ming's place, that's how I know Duke Huai will come to the valley and that he's also a traitor... I took a guess that he will feel extremely threatened and should head to his greatest backer asking for help or advice since there's no way someone with his strength can contend against you on his own if he's truly a traitor and my guess is proven to be correct." Issei said calmly while the Little Demon Empress become amazed yet again...

Doesn't that make him the perfect King then? Without being able to be betrayed by his subordinates?

But then she remembered something: "So that means if I were to decline your request back then... My fate would've been sealed?"

"...You could say that. In a way, I forced Duke Huai to make a move earlier than he supposed to..." Issei said as a matter of fact.

She went silent after hearing Issei's words... What he said back then where her kingdom would mostly last for another year or so is not an empty words at all...

Just like the Golden Crow said... If he wanted to do something to the entire <Illusory Demon Realm> then he doesn't really need to lift a finger on his own... He could just use the kingdom's internal strife and the kingdom would destroy itself from inside out...

Of course, he could also use his overwhelming strength to obliterate the Illusory Demon Realm but he won't do such a thing since he's inherently kind and won't include innocents lives...

"Do you blame me?" Issei suddenly asked her.

"Eh?" The Little Demon Empress let out a stupefied voice when she heard Issei's sudden question.

"If it wasn't for my interference, perhaps you will have more time and who knows... Maybe there will be a miracle arrived at your front and your problem would've been solved at that time as well. By then you shouldn't owe me anything..." Issei looks at her straight in the eyes.

"...No... I don't blame your excellency..." The Little Demon Empress went silent for a bit before she gave Issei her answer.

"Oh? And why is that?" Issei raised an eyebrow at her response.

"Rather than hoping some sort of miracle to happen then I rather take whatever currently presented right before me... To me, meeting your excellency is already the biggest miracle there is..." She said softly not shying away from Issei's gaze.

"...I see." Issei was a little surprised but soon smiled thinly at her words.

When Issei turned his gaze away from her, the Little Demon Empress cheeks blushed slightly and she can sense that her heart is beating slightly faster... She was a little smitten when she saw his smile that was directed at her just now...

Lieyan who's residing inside the <GoB> had her nose went so big feeling proud for having such a great descendant... She gave Xiaotao a mocking grin but the latter just plainly ignores her provocation which earned another annoyed tongue clicking from the former...

"Oh right, your excellency... Could you help me with this?" The Little Demon Empress who calmed herself down carefully took out document pages related to the Kingdom condition...

"Hm? Let me see..."

Issei helped her a little before when she's stumped on some problem considering the kingdom economy... He by chance saw her being troubled by it and when he gave her his advice, she managed to solve it quite quickly...

Ever since then, she will sometimes ask Issei for some advice about this kind of stuff... The guidance he gave her is quite revolutionary after all...

The Little Demon Empress gaze turned gentle whenever they're having their little private session...


-At the city market-

Su Ling'er little party attracted quite a bit of attention to themselves because of their beauty but it's nothing a little bit of intimidation from Zin and Naru can't handle...

An intimidating aura from two peak Monarch cultivator is not something any normal person wanted to provoke after all.

So although they attract a bit of attention to themselves, there's not a single person dared to come close to them... Sure they're beauties but what use is it if they were to offend such powerful individuals? They will only lose their lives in the process...

"Hmm, I wonder what gift that will make big brother happy... You know what big brother like, Bai'er?" Su Ling'er tilted her head feeling confused of what gift she should get for Issei.

Bai'er herself also seems confused since this is the first time she went out shopping on her own... She can only shake her head gently at Su Ling'er question.

After all, she never saw Issei buy stuff for himself. He only bought stuff for her... Well, maybe he bought some food ingredients now and then but that obviously won't work as a gift now, can it?

"Then how about big sis? Big sis, do you know what big brother like?" Su Ling'er changed her attention towards Zin and Naru.

"I'm sure Master would love anything that you buy for him, lady Su Ling'er" Zin answered softly.

Both Zin and Naru covered their bodies with a robe since their normal getup is not a good example for children... But the robe still couldn't hide their voluptuous body from the male onlookers'...

"Uuu, but Ling'er wants to give something special for big brother... And Ling'er already said that big sis Zin and Naru can just call Ling'er without any honorifics!" She said with a pout.

Zin and Naru could only smile thinly at her.

But their conversation just now is heard by someone unexpected...

Behind them, there's a young man whose eyes suddenly opened wide and his entire body felt like it had been electrocuted... This young man is Yun Che himself...

Su Ling... er!?

The name that sounded in his ears instantly caused a stir in his heart. The face and figure of a girl uncontrollably surfaced in his mind.

Su Ling'er, the girl who was his heaviest pain, the girl whom he was the most sympathetic for, who was also the biggest regret in his lifetime, was engraved deeply in his heart. Her eyes were forever that gloomy, as she had forever been silently caring, keeping watch, spending all efforts, and waiting for him However, even after all the efforts that she had spent, until the moment she died, she never managed to wait for his return.

He knew that she carried a blood feud, yet, in the end, he never knew what her past was. She refused to tell him, and even until her death in his arms, she was unwilling to tell him whose deadly hands she died under Because she was unwilling to pass on another layer of vengeance to him, who had long lost himself in his own vengeance. However, the more important reason, was still himself If he could have cared for her more, and was more persistent in knowing about her past, he could have definitely known of her enemies much earlier.

That bamboo grove, that small, simple and crude bamboo house, that small creek that was forever so clear, the girl who stayed there, who would only wait and keep watch for him formed all of the memories of him and Su Ling'er. She had gave her everything for him, truly, without any regrets, from the bottom of her heart. Yet he had never done anything for her, not even the simplest of promises. When he embraced her for the last time, his heart was so broken that he cried and wailed loudly. No matter how he hatefully smashed his head repeatedly against a rock, he was unable to get back the chance to repay her in the slightest.

Whenever the memories regarding Su Ling'er surfaced, he would always suffocate for a moment from the pain in his heart.

He turned his gaze and looked towards the little girl who's holding the hand of another heavenly beauty that he recognizes along with other two mature beauties he has never seen before.

When he looked at the small girl who just spoke... Her small face... And what made Yun Che absent-minded was that this little girl's features were filled with Su Ling'er's reflection!

Alike! They're so alike!

Her contours, eyebrows, nose, lips, chin all of them were so very similar to Su Ling'er's. When they were joined together, she looked so much like a smaller and younger version of Su Ling'er. Only her eyes were evidently not the same. Because, the eyes of his Su Ling'er were always so dim, and were always filled with sadness that could cause one's heart to ache. While this little girl's eyes were sparkling even brighter than a gem, and even more spirited than a stream, as though they had gathered the purest of spiritual energy between the heaven and earth.

She too, was called Su Ling'er, and had exactly the same name as the Ling'er he had already lost Yun Che froze up on the spot. Facing this little girl who had the same name as her, he was destined to not just ignore the scene. Because the name "Su Ling'er", had toggled that forever most sensitive, and weakest nerve of his. If he had the opportunity to repay her even the slightest bit, even if he had to sacrifice half of his life, he would not hesitate in the slightest.

"Ling er"

Su Ling'er's face surfaced in front of him. Within his blurry vision, it slowly overlapped with the little girl's. He subconsciously walked forward and reached out his hand wanting to touch her...

But before he could reach her, his extended hand is grabbed tightly by Naru.

"You... What do you want?" She narrowed her eyes threateningly at Yun Che. She recognizes Yun Che but that doesn't give him the excuse of touching Su Ling'er out of nowhere.

Naru's words woke Yun Che up from his hallucination. Realizing his loss of decorum, he hurriedly regained his senses: "I'm sorry, senior... But this young lady looks like someone I know."

"That still doesn't give you the excuse of touching her." Naru still doesn't let go of her grip on Yun Che's hand.

Su Ling'er who heard the commotion turned her head and when she saw Yun Che, she felt something stir inside her mind.

She blinked her eyes and said softly: "...Why does this big brother looks kind of familiar... Uuu... Ling'er head hurts..."

Su Ling'er suddenly entered into a state of deep thought. With her finger pressing on the side of her head, she tilted her head as she looked at Yun Che, as though she was trying hard to recall something.

Yun Che who saw Su Ling'er went into thoughts hastily shouted: "Ling'er! Do you recognize me?! It's me, Yun Che!"

"Yun Che?" Su Ling'er went into a daze once more but soon she crouched on the ground holding her head: "It... hurts..."

"Lady Ling'er!" Zin who's standing beside her hastily inspected Su Ling'er. But she found nothing abnormal...



Naru who saw this immediately pushed Yun Che to the ground pinning him by the head without giving any room for him to move.

"What did you do!" Naru growled angrily at him. She can't have anything happen to Su Ling'er or Bai'er since she's entrusted with their safety by her King himself.

Yun Che coughed a bit of blood because of the impact but he still doesn't take his eyes off from Su Ling'er.

Bai'er who saw Su Ling'er seems in pain started feeling very worried... Su Ling'er is the first friend she had ever since she leaves that fearful abyss after all...


"Your excellency... I know this is not much but please receive these gifts..." After a brief private session, the Little Demon Empress took out a bunch of treasures she received using her own efforts.

She doesn't offer him a profound currency since she knows that it is absolutely useless for him... Well, as far as she knows, most items she offered to him are also useless but at least it's worth is better than a simple profound currency.

She caught a glimpse of his wealth at first hand after all... Even the "pocket money" he gave Su Ling'er and Bai'er just now is enough to make anyone from her kingdom live a full life for at least a couple hundred years...

There are a bunch of high ranked weapons reaching as high as the Tyrant Profound Realm and crystals mixed amongst the so-called "gifts" of hers... Rare flowers, rare herbs, rare pendants, etc...

Emperor Profound artifacts were already incomparably rare, but Tyrant Profound artifacts were far more precious. In the entire Illusory Demon Realm, every one hundred years, on average, only one new Tyrant Profound artifact would appear. Presently, if all the Illusory Demon Realm's Tyrant Profound swords were added up, there might only be a dozen or so... But in these so-called "offerings" from her, there are seven of that said treasures...

This is the benefit of power and prestige! If it were anyone else then they won't be able to receive even one of these rare treasures...

Issei's strength and prestige are mostly only known within the inner circle of the kingdom... Only select few knew of his existence behind the Little Demon Empress's current kingship. They can deduce to a certain extent that only because of Issei that the Little Demon Empress able to rout out all of those traitors in a short amount of time...

Even her sudden increase in strength is most likely related to "him"...

"Hm? Oh... Thank you." Issei casually takes a few pieces of treasures as a symbol.

The Little Demon Empress sigh wryly seeing how nonchalant he is... Not like she can blame him since none of these treasures could really be of use of him anyway...

After he's done taking a few pieces of treasure, she took back the rest since she knows that he won't take any more treasure no matter what...

Then they both welcome another silence... Issei doesn't say anything else and the same goes for the Little Demon Empress.

The Little Demon Empress keeps gazing at his figure with some infatuation inside her eyes...

She couldn't help but let her mind wander around thinking of what the Golden Crow said before... What will happen if she were able to gain his favor? When that time comes... Could she be blessed with his successors? That way, not only will her family bloodline continues but it will also become far much stronger than ever before...

She subconsciously grasped her hand tightly and put it close to her stomach... How good would it be if she could really gain his favor...

Issei's body suddenly jerked slightly since he can feel through his connection with Bai'er that the latter started feeling restless. His aura spiked for a brief moment when he sensed Bai'er restlessness.

"Your excellency?" The Little Demon Empress called out to him sensing the sudden spike to his aura.

Issei doesn't say anything else and he immediately created a spatial opening towards Bai'er location... The Little Demon Empress left in a daze seeing that Issei suddenly left her behind...


When Issei arrived at Bai'er location. He saw Su Ling'er crouching on the ground holding her head while sweating profusely and Bai'er is next to her trying to comfort her along with Zin.

Issei who saw this scene immediately picked up Su Ling'er into his arms: "...B-Big brother..." Su Ling'er let out a weak voice when she saw Issei.

"It's alright... I'm here now." Issei gently stroked her head and that calmed Su Ling'er to a certain extent...

Bai'er worriedly looks at Su Ling'er who's currently inside Issei's embrace.

"Don't worry, she's fine." Issei comforted Bai'er softly.

"M-My King!" Zin who saw Issei appeared hastily kneeled in his direction.

"...Explain" Issei narrowed his eyes dangerously at Yun Che who's currently being held to the ground by Naru. If the explanation isn't up to his liking then he won't mind killing Yun Che right here right now...

"It's like this..." Then Zin explained what happened so far.

Yun Che eyes are fixated at Su Ling'er still and when he saw that someone has picked her up, he gritted his teeth angrily but when he's about to shout, he saw the newcomer clearly...

He froze up since he recognizes those clothes and voice... He becomes stupefied seeing the face under that mask is such an otherworldly face...

Issei who finishes listening to Zin's explanation now understands of what happened to a certain extent...

He can deduce that Yun Che must've known Su Ling'er in his "past" life.

For some reason, he can see that something is wrong with Su Ling'er soul... It looks like there's a hidden and locked part deep within her soul. And it's somehow connected to the <Mirror of Samsara> since he can sense the mirror energy residue on her soul...

He inspected her condition when he arrived and he doesn't see anything wrong with her physical body and when he inspected her soul, that's when he found the abnormality...

It looks like it "reincarnated" both Yun Che and Su Ling'er back to the past. But since Su Ling'er is not the true master of the Mirror, it only sent a part of her soul back while Yun Che has his soul fully "reincarnated"...

Perhaps at some point in her past life, she accidentally came into contact with the mirror when it's power is fully charged... That's the only explanation he can come up with since as far as he knows, Su Ling'er is just a normal human being...

Issei soon snapped out of his thoughts when he saw that they started to attract attention themselves. Well... To himself to be exact...

It looks like what the Little Demon Empress feared before will happen soon enough... It will be a long day for the palace's staff it seems...

"Take him back." Issei said towards Naru who's currently holding Yun Che down.

"As you command!" Then Issei created a spatial opening back to the Little Demon Empress's palace.

Naru dragged Yun Che back with them just in time for Xiao Yun who was present saw Yun Che being dragged away... Xiao Yun hastily ran back to the Yun residence to report this incident...


Back to the courtyard at the Little Demon Empress's palace.

The Little Demon Empress is taken aback when she saw Issei brought Yun Che along with him: "Yun Che?"

She has vivid memories about Yun Che since he's the grandson of Yun Canghai.

But when she saw how he's being tossed to the ground by Naru, she felt things are not so simple...

"You recognize her, don't you, Yun Che?" Issei said towards Yun Che who's on the ground.

"...Yes, I do." Yun Che took a deep breath to calm himself down and then he answered calmly.

"Is it during your "past" life?" Issei asked which made Yun Che felt alarmed since he never told anyone about him being a reincarnator.

His eyes went wide for a brief moment and when he's about to deny Issei's words: "No need to deny it. I can tell that you're a reincarnator."

The Little Demon Empress who heard this also felt surprised.

[...He's a reincarnator? What's that supposed to mean?] Jasmine asked feeling confused by what Issei said.

When Issei took out the <Mirror of Samsara>, only then Jasmine started to catch on of what Issei meant by "reincarnator" just now.

"There's no way that you ever meet Ling'er since you are from the <Sky Profound Continent> while she's from the <Azure Cloud Continent>. And considering your current age... It would be very unlikely for you to meet her in this lifetime." Issei said calmly towards the stupefied Yun Che.

<Azure Cloud Continent>? Isn't that the continent name on his second life?!

"Although the distance from the <Profound Sky Continent> to the <Azure Cloud Continent> isn't that far. You shouldn't have the capabilities to travel between the two continents freely unless you can create your own spatial opening... Even if you're currently at the peak Monarch level right now, it would've took you at least six whole months to fly from one continent to the other. And You're clearly still far from reaching the Emperor level strength, needless to say about reaching the Monarch level... As for finding a spatial opening between the two continents? There's no spatial disturbance that I discover during my stay there."

And it's more unlikely for Yun Che to kill that Tyrant profound beast who possesses the Heretic God Water seed inside its body... Even if there is a spatial opening between the two continents, it would be very unlikely for Yun Che who's only at the Spirit profound realm to safely passes through it...

Unless someone helped him in the process that is...

"The only explanation that I can come up with is that you two have met in your "past" lives... Now tell me... How come Ling'er seems to be in pain when she saw you? Her memories are also forcibly locked on its own. This should've only happened if there's too much pressure or stress on a person's soul... In other words, her memories of you are not a happy memory." Issei narrowed his eyes at Yun Che dangerously.

Even now Su Ling'er face is a little pale whenever she saw Yun Che's face... She hugged Issei more tightly whenever she felt pained.

Issei's words have been filtered time and time again within Yun Che's head, making his originally impatient and disorderly brain even more chaotic Now, he suddenly raised his head as if lightning struck his brain... And when he saw the pained look on Su Ling'er face, he felt pain in his heart as well...

"Th-Then... Does that mean that this Ling'er..." His voice sounded hoarse with disbelief.

"...Yes... This Ling'er is most likely the same Ling'er you once know in your previous life since she also went through the 'reincarnation' process just like you although her memories are not fully unlocked, unlike you..." Issei confirmed his guess.

The sudden facts exploded Yun Che's brain. All the blood in his body practically began to boil. He looked at both his hands and violently trembled all over

Yun Che growled from the bottom of his throat, then fiercely reached out and pounded his head. He was occasionally mad with joy and then occasionally had a nervous breakdown the Ling'er he was madly in love with was still alive... How badly he treated her until her last moment in the past... The guilt he felt is extremely unbearable and it's so painful that he wishes that he could just die...

"...I actually did transmigrate because I was originally poisoned to death in the <Profound Sky Continent>, and in the <Azure Cloud Continent>, I fell off a cliff when I was twenty-seven years old After waking up, I returned to the Profound Sky Continent, and awoke under the condition in which I had been poisoned to death All the way until now. And Ling'er, was my most important person in the Azure Cloud Continent, but..." He gritted his teeth regretfully at the end of his words.

[These sorts of things actually happened to him?!] Jasmine was truly startled. She had heard of the legends concerning the Mirror of Samsara, but she hadn't seen the Mirror of Samsara and its powers at all. If what Yun Che said was true, then it would fit perfectly with the Mirror of Samsara's "passing through the reincarnation cycle" in the legends! Only the Mirror of Samsara could achieve these things!

"...Seeing your expression... I know the answer to my previous question... It's best that you forget about her and live your life normally. If Ling'er regained her memories, I'm willing to bet that she would just suffer more. You can leave... Considering your relation with Ling'er, I won't kill you." Issei said towards Yun Che in a cold voice.

"..." Yun Che wanted to say something but his words are stuck in his throat when he saw the pained look on Su Ling'er face.

"It's fine, Ling'er... Go to sleep for now... The pain will disappear soon..." Issei cooed Su Ling'er who's inside his embrace gently.

"...En." After giving Issei a forced smile, she fell asleep soon after... When she wakes up... All those memories of Yun Che will disappear completely...

Yun Che slumped down on the spot while he reminisces how he treated Ling'er in their "past" lives...

Su Ling'er met Yun Che and ended up falling in love with him, but when they met, his master had already been killed so he was so caught up in his revenge and hatred that he never really paid any attention to her, only using her for his desire and to get rid of his stress with him using her as his sexual outlet... Despite all that, she still stayed with and took care of him...

She eventually got killed by someone and upon her death, he realized how much he loved her and he needed her in his life. She never told him who her killer was because she knew that he would do anything to try and avenge her and she didn't want that.

During her past life, not much was known about her life before meeting Yun Che as she was either never willing to talk about it or Yun Che was never interested in listening.

But it's most likely because of the things that involved her and her father which basically has been avoided since Issei has helped them before... So it's better if she doesn't regain her memories of her past life back or it would only bring pain just like Issei said...

'In my heart, there are as many wounds as there are on your body But I don't regret it becoming the girl that accompanied you when you were alone Even though it was painful it was also very blissful... Elder Brother Yun Che If later, when you're lonely, and there's a girl who's willing to stay by your side Then she must be an angel sent to you by the heavens Don't let her be hurt again okay?' It was her last words to him before she died...

Even though she said she doesn't regret it... Deep down she must've been felt very heartbroken seeing that the man she loved only realizes her feelings towards him during her deathbed...

"Move. My King has told you to leave." Naru said coldly at Yun Che.

The Little Demon Empress doesn't say anything during the whole incident and she acts like a complete bystander...

Yun Che then stood up lifelessly from the ground and the Little Demon Empress called one of her maids to escort him out...

Outside the palace, the Yun Family is crowding the entrance and only after seeing Yun Che that they felt relieved... But they felt taken aback seeing how gloomy he is right now...

They wanted to ask him what happened but he won't give them any answers...

Yun Canghai was about to get some answers from the Little Demon Empress but thankfully Yun Qinghong and his wife managed to stop him...

Hence, the karma ties between Yun Che and Su Ling'er have been completely severed on this very day...

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