The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 12:

Chapter 12:

Issei came to realize his feelings kind of amplified when he's looking at the 2 woman before him, Its like he's looking at his own kin, even though he knew they are not his kin.

He just couldn't help it when seeing their pride, passion and determination that they possess for their beliefs which just like him when he's defending those who he once hold dear. Its like they hold a certain charisma that attracts him.

He assume it must have something to do with their skill trait because he feels a certain attraction towards them.

Even now he can feel their charisma attracting a Dragon kin such as himself, no wonder there's so many wyverns and a dragon outside but they never attacked this place. This castle is the only intact building he saw during his observation while he's still free falling in the sky.

He can tell if another Dragon other than him came into contact with their 'Charm' then that dragon would instantly submit to them. But because he's a special 'case' which means he's not a Dragon from birth. He won't submit right away and only feels a certain attraction towards them. And the fact he has the will of The Dragon of Domination which doesn't allow him to submit, also holds a certain credibility which assist him resisting their charm.

And even without the oath he will never break the promises he made. Even when he's still human he always fulfills his promises no matter what.

But he can feel something odd with the Black Jeanne. If they are supposed to be the same then their power shouldn't be differs that much. But from what he have seen so far her powers are way beyond the White Jeanne, its like an adult fighting a children.

He stopped his trains of thoughts when the White Jeanne speaks

Jeanne - "I hereby declare. The mountains may rise and fall, and the sun might wither away, and the sea may claim the land and swallow the sky. But you will always be my Lord. And the stars might fall from the heavens, and night might cloak the earth, but until darkness dies, I will always be yours as long you don't abandon me. I, Jeanne d'Arc swore this oath to you. Issei Hyoudou, my new Master, let it be known that if I broke this oath of mine. Then let my soul perish for eternity."

She speaks with fervent gaze while still kneeling. Then her oath manifest itself like a chain, heading towards Issei and it bind her own soul with him.

Issei eyes widen with shock, he never thought she gonna bind her soul to him... And while Issei still shocked he heard the Black Jeanne clicking her mouth then says

Black - Tsk! If you ever betray your oath then knows that I will destroy your soul without hesitation and watch it burn! And I'm dead f*cking serious!

Then she also got into one knee and swear an oath to him

Black - "I hereby declare. Become a part of me, as I become a part of you. And ever after, I promise myself to thee. Each day we share, I shall be honest, good, and true. If this you seek, heed my Call. From this moment on, there is no other for me but you. If there are any who dare to hurt you. I shall see them staked afore me and shall leave their bodies in ruin! I, Jeanne d'Arc Alter swore this oath to you. Issei Hyoudou, my new Master, let it be known that if I broke this oath of mine. Then let my soul perish for eternity."

Then the same thing happens to her soul, just like Jeanne. It binds her soul with Issei's soul.

Issei's brain went haywire because he can't process what just happen... When he's still out of it. Black Jeanne scream at him.


Issei's snapped out of his confusion and asked them loudly.

Issei - W-What!? Why the hell did you two swore an oath to me! Are you out of your mind!?

He couldn't help become flabbergasted because they took him by surprise, he never thought they will swore an oath to bind their soul to him!

Issei - I know I also swore an oath to you two. But that's because I know I won't betray my oath!

Black - And you think we will betray our oath!? Don't think you're the only one who can do that! (as in won't betray the oath)

She screams back at him, she's pissed that he thought they will betray their oath to him like they are not trustworthy or something.

White Jeanne only keep the same posture from before without saying anything but the look in her eyes says it all. Her unwavering faith, love and passion for him like it will never wane away for eternity.

Issei - I...

He don't know what to say because he's still having insecurity about his past, but then he realized what they just did are basically saying they will never betray him either.

And once more his thoughts are broken when Black Jeanne got up and grab his collar with both of her hands, then she scream once again at him but this time at point blank range.

Black - Don't you dare compare us to the ones who betrayed you before! Or I will take you down with me to hell even if Its gonna cost my soul! Then I shall watch you burn in stake along with me!

Then she did something that once more blow Issei mind... She kissed his lips while still grabbing his collar.

Issei - !!!

He widen his eyes from shock.

White Jeanne also become shocked from what she saw. Her mouth is wide open from shock.

Black Jeanne continues kissing Issei but because this is her first kiss its kinda clumsy.

Then she ended the kiss but still glowering at him with a red face, "Now do you believe me!?" She screams out of embarrassment.

While Issei gonna say something he feels someone pulling him from behind and forced him to rotate his face, what awaits him is another surprise.

Yes, you guessed it right. This time its the White Jeanne who kissed his lips and its also her first kiss.

After a while she stopped the kiss.

Jeanne - Do forgive my rudeness Master, but I don't want to lose against my little sister.

Black - Who's your little sister!?

Black Jeanne cut in right after Jeanne finished talking.

Jeanne - But I am the first one who swore an oath against Our Master, so that makes me your elder sister. Right?

She says that while tilting her head and make a cute smile against the Black Jeanne.

Black - RIGHT YOUR HEAD!!? I don't accept this! I want a redo!!! Hey stupid Master hurry and restart our oath!!!

She proceeded to grab Issei once more in the collar and swing him back and forth. Issei's finally snapped.

Issei - Cut it out you idiotttt!!!

Both Jeanne are surprised from his sudden outburst.

Issei took a deep breath and knead his forehead because the amount of stress he got are overwhelming... first they swore an oath without his acknowledgement then second they kissed him by surprise now they are swinging him around like he's some kind of toy. He's a proud Dragon for God sake!

Issei - *SIGH* Didn't I told you both that you have your own Freedom, so why in God's name did you two bind your soul to me...?

He says that with a sigh

Both Jeanne look at each other then the White Jeanne says

Jeanne - But we did just as you said.

You said we have rights to choose our own path. Then our choice are to serve you as our new Lord.

Black - Hmph! What the idiot said! Its not like we have any place to go after this, so we might as well follow you. Don't worry I will cancel my assault against this country, It will be more interesting to see them fall on their own. And don't you think its gonna be more satisfying to watch them keep worshiping a corpse for their entire life?

Jeanne respond to that are only a wry smile, but she knows deep inside her 'little sister' don't hate their country that much anymore. After all this is still where they were born, even if the Lord is no more they have found their new Lord to serve.

Issei - ...Fine, suit yourself. But tell me if you want to cancel your oath in case you changed your mind.

Both Jeanne - We won't change our mind / Hmph! You can forget running away from me!

Black Jeanne - And call me Jalter, I don't want to be called with the same name as this idiot. Besides the oath clearly states for eternity, so we can't cancel it even if we wanted to.

Jeanne - Oh don't be shy, little sis~

She suddenly hugs Jalter and rub her face against her.

Jalter - Knock it off you idiot!!! Get the hell away from me!!!

Jalter become ashamed and she tried to push Jeanne off of her, but she doesn't really hate it to be her little sister. To be honest she's kinda happy because finally someone accepted her. But she's to shy to admit it.

Issei just stare blankly at both of them, but then he remembered about that thing which summoned him here. So he asked them both

Issei - Did any of you summoned me?

Jeanne and Jalter become confused by what he meant but then they realized that he's not human. Because they can clearly feel his aura when he spoke his oath, which clearly belongs to a Dragon.

Jeanne - Now that you mention it... I think Jalter knows something about it because I'm not the one who summons all the Wyverns outside. And We aren't supposed to be able summon them in the first place...

Jalter - Tch! Yes I'm the one who summon them but I got a little help from this thing

Jalter proceeded to brings out a black holy grail and that alarmed Jeanne

Jeanne - <Black Grail>!?

Jalter - Um. IT is indeed a <Black Grail>... This is what enables me to summon the Wyverns and Dragon outside, and I don't remember how I got this thing in the first place.

Because I suddenly just got here along with this thing in my hand.

Issei - <Black Grail>?

Jeanne - Its the total opposite of <Holy Grail> , If <Holy Grail> can grant a wish without a side effect then <Black Grail> comes with a side effect.

Issei - And I'm guessing Jalter wished for the destruction of this country and it grants her wish by summoning bunch of Wyverns and Dragon, and the side effect shall be. It won't just be this country alone that will be destroyed. But also the whole world if its not stopped.

(My definition on the <Black Grail> are that they will fulfill the wish of their possessor but with their own way, so if Jalter have a bad luck the grail might just summon some demons/monsters and they will kill her too. But because a dragon kin is summoned she's pretty lucky because dragon kin won't attack her and even obey her command)

Jeanne - Exactly...

Jalter - ...And I can't cancel it even if I want to, once it granted a wish then it won't stop until the wish is fulfilled...

The atmosphere become tense for them.

Issei - Let me see it.

Jeanne - You can't Master! Its too dangerous!

Jalter - She's right. I won't let you touch this.

But Issei just ignore their words and took the <Black Grail> from Jalter hands without her even realizing it.

By the time she realizes the <Black Grail> is not in her hands anymore, Issei already started looking into it.

Jeanne & Jalter - Be Careful!!!

They screamed at the same time fearing something will happen against their new Lord/Master.

But nothing happened and when they both become confused the <Black Grail> emits a bright dark light and blinded them for some time.

And when they open their eyes once more, Issei are nowhere to be seen and the <Black Grail> are floating on the air while still emitting a black aura.

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