The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 140:

Chapter 140:

(AN: Again a reminder... My knowledge of ATG is barely passable and what I've written could be mistaken so take what I said with a grain of salt or whatever. Some people seem to forget the earlier chapter warning so here's another reminder from me... If I somehow butchered your favorite novel then I'm sorry and you shouldn't read this fanfic of mine since I write the story to my liking... Sorry for my little rant).

(AN: Thank you so much for the donation, Johhny, srinu acharyulu, victor89PR. Sorry, this is the fastest I can release a chapter @Johhny . And it's only possible because I have a bit of free time than usual).

The first thing Jie Yuan said after she emerged from the spatial opening Issei created was disbelief: "Where where is she? Where is no no you're lying to me she can't still be alive you're lying to me!"

When Jie Yuan had returned to the Primal Chaos after millions of years of exile, she had been so calm that it was almost scary.

But now, her eyes had lost their color, her aura was chaotic, and her body was trembling she looked like a wild animal who had suddenly lost its mind.

"Lie to you? Do I even need to?" Issei asked calmly.

Jie Yuan regained a bit of clarity of mind when she heard Issei's words, but her aura was still erratic as she stared at him with glowing black eyes. She said, "it's impossible that I couldn't detect her if she was still alive you you have to be lying to me!"

"If you really think that way then I won't take you to them."

"..." Jie Yuan immediately snapped her mouth shut.

She's too afraid... afraid that Issei is giving her false hope.


"...Them?" Jie Yuan frowned at this: "What do you mean by 'them'? I only have one daughter."

"You will understand soon enough." Issei said dismissively before he continues speaking: "Do you recognize this place?"

They're standing above the abyss where he met Bai'er.

Jie Yuan swept a glance at her surroundings before continuing, "This planet has an ancient presence, but its aura is unusually thin. It's obvious that it has suffered some sort of external impact a long time ago and gone through at least one catastrophic destruction, if not more. That is why its land is so scarce"

Suddenly, her voice was cut short before she could finish. Her cold, indifferent eyes suddenly started shaking with indescribable emotion She abruptly turned around and looked left and right erratically. She even lost control of her spiritual perception as it enveloped the entire planet.

Her pupils started shaking more and more violently. In the end, even her body was starting to tremble involuntarily.

This aura could it be could it be...

"I found most of the Heretic God <Seed> on this planet. And he also left behind his soul fragment here." Issei narrated his knowledge.

"I first met his soul residue around three years ago. He requested me to find 'something' in this place at first but soon I know that what he wanted me to find is his daughter... This planet also has multiple True God legacies such as the Phoenix, Golden Crow, and Primordial Azure Dragon."

"Oh, I also 'found' the <Sky Poison Pearl> on this very same planet."

Jie Yuan continued to stare into the distance and perceive the entire planet with her spiritual perception. Her aura was slightly erratic, and she looked like she wasn't listening to Issei at all.

"Lieyan, who was the Golden Crow soul remnant told me that this planet was the very first planet the Heretic God had created a long time ago. It's just that its current location seems far removed from where you remember it to be..."

Issei continues to tell her what he knows...

Jie Yuan continued to stare forward as her eyes turned misty. She muttered to herself distractedly, "It's still here it's actually still here"

This planet is the place where she and her husband formed their ties and consummate their marriage.

Jie Yuan then frowned slightly as she stared at the bottomless abyss beneath them. She muttered to herself, "Why is there a pocket world here And where is my daughter?"

"This is the place where I found your daughter. Her only 'companions' here was the sea of Netherworld Udumbara Flowers and the roaming mindless beasts... And she didn't have a body, not even a complete soul. She had to stay in this dark abyss and the nether energy of the Udumbara Flower field to keep her soul from dissipating... she was all alone for who knows how long... she couldn't speak and she could barely show her emotions back then..."

Each word struck her hard accompanied by an excruciating pain... She couldn't even begin to imagine just what kind of nightmare her daughter has to experience...

When a child was in pain, their parents normally felt it ten times worse. It was something Issei could understand since he's also a father now.

"It seems that trash called Mo E has a battle with your husband to decide your daughter's fate. That was the battle that decided your daughter's fate. At first, the Heretic God seemed to have the upper hand over Mo E, but Mo E then used the Ancestral Sword to beat the Heretic God."

Issei told Jie Yuan the Bing'er speculation of that fateful battle. It was just a speculation, but Jie Yuan didn't doubt his words in the slightest.

It was because she knew Mo E's character better than anyone.

He was an absolutely righteous and stubborn god. After learning that she had copulated with the Heretic God and given birth to a taboo, he had gone so far as to employ the Ancestral Sword and lowly tricks that he normally would never use to exile her from the Primal Chaos.

He would never have allowed their child to live or allowed himself to lose that fight.

"Perhaps it was because Mo E was ashamed of the way he won, he changed his mind and allowed part of your daughter to live. However, he demanded that the devil part in her must be destroyed and that no one must know that she was your and the Heretic God's daughter."

Jie Yuan, "..."

"In the end, her body was destroyed, and her soul was cut apart however, the Heretic God just couldn't bear to destroy the devil part of her soul in the end. So, he took a great risk and used a special method to trick Mo E, hiding her devil soul in this place. That was why she was able to escape that world-ending calamity and survive to this day."

"And as for her soul another half, I found her inside the <Primordial Profound Ark>," Issei said while he summoned the Ark above them.

The Ark looks completely different from how it was back then.

It looks really majestic and full of life with the greeneries growing around it.

The aesthetic look it currently has is the complete opposite of the past Ark.

Jie Yuan dazedly look at the floating Ark.

"After your daughter's soul was separated, the Heretic God entrusted the part that was allowed to live to the Sword Spirit God Clan. Later on, it seemed like the patriarch of the Sword Spirit God Clan had completed her soul with his own divine soul before remaking her body afterward." Issei found the record of Hong'er life from the records he found on the <Primordial Profound Ark>.

"After that, she lived with the Sword Spirit God Clan as the patriarch's daughter. The patriarch treated her like his own daughter, and she was also loved by her entire clan. Therefore, her life during those years was probably quite pleasant"

"But... After the war began, the Sword Spirit God Clan became the first god race that was destroyed by the devil race. To keep her safe, the Sword Spirit God Clan had put her into this Ark and sent her away into the gaps between space. That was why she was able to escape that calamity as well."

"Oh right, it seems this Ark is also known as the <Spirit World of Heaven and Earth>," Issei added.

"The Spirit World of Heaven and Earth? Did you just say the Spirit World of Heaven and Earth?" Jie Yuan's reaction grew a little intense.

It was because she knew that the Heretic God had gifted the Sword Spirit God Clan the Spirit World of Heaven and Earth back when he was still the Creation God of the Elements. Considering that the spatial divine energy of the Spirit World of Heaven and Earth had been engraved with the World Piercer itself, it was definitely possible for it to endure in the gaps between space for a long time.

"Yes... She was poisoned by a devilish poison that was quite ferocious so she was kept in stasis within the Coffin of Eternity by her guardian to keep the poison from spreading further throughout her body, but it seems that due to the poison affecting her soul she lost all of her memories."

Issei shows a projection of the moment where he met Bai'er and Hong'er for the first time.

Jie Yuan's gaze stays fixed on the girl inside the projection...

She stared at the girl with half a soul sleeping amidst a sea of Netherworld Udumbara Flowers.

The light of the Netherworld Udumbara Flower was cold and mysterious, but it was also the only thing that kept her company in this world of darkness.

In the sea of flowers, Bai'er slept with her arms held close to her chest and her legs curled upward. She looked like a sleep loving cat who was a little afraid of the cold. She also looked very quiet and lonely no one could look at her without feeling a heartache.

As for Hong'er condition... She's not any better...

She's locked inside the Coffin while the poison is corroding her from inside out...

Both of them have suffered so much for only a little girl who doesn't seem to even surpass ten years of age...

A single tear had slid down Jie Yuan's cheeks slowly before it fell down to the bottom of the abyss below them...

It was the tear of a Devil Emperor.

Slowly, Jie Yuan touched the tear stain on her cheek. Perhaps even she couldn't believe that she was capable of tears.

Her eyes never left the two girls inside the projection.

"Even if we were wrong" Her mutter sounded like the sleep talk of a painful nightmare. "Even if we were doomed to suffer the heaven's wrath for breaking the taboo of gods and devils what wrong did our daughter do?"

"What wrong did our daughter do"

Every word that Jie Yuan uttered contained a pain that felt like an arrow rain piercing through one's soul.

From the moment she saw them, even though it's only a projection, she immediately knew that they were her daughters.

She should be overjoyed for reuniting her daughters after millions of years of separation.

But when she saw her daughter as a lonely, broken soul who was stuck in a world of darkness for millions of years and in a coma with poison wreaking havoc inside her body...

Her joy and excitement were extinguished by a pain that was worse than even the millions of years she suffered outside of the Primal Chaos.

"Taboo of Gods and Devils? Heaven's Wrath?" Issei raised his eyebrows at her words before he burst out laughing: "Hahahahaha!"

This is the first time for him to laugh in such manner.

Jie Yuan's eyes darted towards him almost immediately while gritting her teeth: "Why are you laughing!? And where are my daughters?! Where are they!!?"

"Why am I laughing? Heheh, I'm laughing because of how ridiculous your words were." Issei stopped laughing and replied in a cold voice.

"Taboo? Since when love between a simple two different races is taboo? Who decides that? The Heaven? Heaven's Wrath? There's no such thing! Let me ask you this... Did any of you ever heard the voice from heaven itself?! Or did you ever see this 'Heaven' of your punish anyone just because they're husband and wife from a different race?" Issei asked with a scoff.

"All of that is entirely fabricated by those hypocrites just so that they can justify their idiotic cause! Even that 'Voice of Eternal Heaven' from the Eternal Heaven Divine Realm is also a voice from some old fart who cling to their pathetic life!"

Jie Yuan is at a loss for words after hearing Issei's speech and she didn't know that they're still currently broadcasted...

But those who heard their conversation is utterly dumbfounded while they started to question themselves...

The Eternal Heaven God Emperor who just returned had his face blanked out... He knows... he knows the true existence of the 'Voice of Eternal Heaven'...

No wonder ancestor didn't say a word about him... It's because she doesn't dare to extend her divine sense towards him!

His ancestor must've decided not to tell him about Issei's existence to avoid trouble but who would've thought that... he's the one who caused trouble instead! He provoked an existence that he should never provoke just to keep his image to the public eye!

And even then, it's all for nothing... he already heard from his servants of what has happened so far...

They've been dancing around on top of his palm from the start! No wonder he said that he will catch up to them back then...

It was because he wanted to set up the projection for the entire world to witness! He already expected the outcome between their confrontation with the Devil God!

When he thought till here, the Eternal Heaven God Emperor felt like slapping his face a hundred times... to think that he was this stupid and couldn't comprehend just why his ancestor didn't warn him before...

The other God Emperors who stayed here also share his thoughts... They've lost all face!

Qianye Fantian, Yue Wuya, and Xing Juekong's faces went completely pale like a sheet of paper...

"Look at your 'descendants' on the Northern Divine Region. They are permanently trapped in a cage of darkness and treated like livestock. If they dared to take even one step out of their cage, they would be hunted down by the successors of the god race."

"If cruelty, murder, and oppression are sins then who are the true sinners here? Why hasn't the 'Heaven' and its 'wrath' bring judgment upon them? The bearers of the so-called righteous way have brutalized, murdered, and oppressed those very same people just because they can use the <Darkness> element. Just because no one called out that they were a sinner so the 'Heaven' said that they're not a sinner as well?"

"Those bystanders are also foolish... They have never questioned why the 'devils' are an evil that must be eradicated. They never even considered that the malice they applied to the devil people was tens of thousands of times worse than what they received!"

"On the 'evil' side, we have a mother who's extremely anxious and worried about her daughter's fate but on the 'righteous' side, we have a father who's willing to sacrifice his own son and daughters, his own flesh and blood just for his own personal gain."

"If the former classifies as 'evil', then how about the latter, the so-called 'righteous' one who are the real 'devils' here, I wonder?"

He was addressing the question to Jie Yuan and all those who heard her words. Every word he said shook the heart and pierced the soul.

Jasmine and Xun'er closed their eyes while a single line of tears dropped from the corner of their eyes... The gratitude they have for Issei is already boundless... perhaps they couldn't repay his benevolence for them in this lifetime...

Why were the devils evil? What had they ever done to deserve such a fate?

The question froze everyone present...

From the moment they were born, they were told that the devils were heretics that couldn't be allowed to exist in the world. They were told that the devil people were dark, cruel, sinful, and malicious creatures and that killing them was the righteous duty of any profound practitioner.

It was the most common of common senses just like a man and woman or fire and water.

No one had ever questioned it because it was laughable and in some cases, even sinful to try.

Why were the devil people evil? What kind of unforgivable sins had they committed? Had they caused a calamity so terrible that there weren't enough books in the world to describe how heinous it was?

...They were shocked to discover they couldn't come up with a single answer.

It was because they didn't need a reason. It was the belief and common sense spread by the king realms and the upper star realms after all.

For a million years, the denizens of the Northern Divine Region had been forced to hole up in their cage under the oppressing power of the three divine regions.

Worse, the "cage" slowly shrank because the amount of darkness profound energy in the Primal Chaos was decreasing. Every year, countless devil people died to strive for an ever decreasing amount of realms and resources.

It was only natural to look down on the Northern Divine Region and make fun of them. It was a meritorious achievement that everyone took pride in.

If someone were to try and tally the number of devil people who died due to oppression for the past million years or so, they wouldn't be able to. It was a terrifying and unimaginable number.

If murder and oppression were sins, then the three divine regions wouldn't be able to repay their debt even if the next ten thousand generations of their people spent their whole lives atoning.

"Open your eyes and ears mongrels! And ask yourself if what our Master said is true or not. Who is the true 'devil' here? Was it that woman who's anxious about her daughter's fate or is it those old farts who said that they will do everything they can to 'protect' this world from the 'calamity'?" Esdeath asked with a sneer.

No one answered her question... or to be exact... no one dares to...

Since they know the true answer to her question... it's just that no one there dares to admit it...

They all felt too ashamed to even look at her...

"Hmph... pathetic." Esdeath scoffed. These bunch of trashes couldn't even admit their mistake...

Were they insulted? No.

Were they angry? No.

Were they sad? No.

Were they lost?


The revelation was so thoroughly shocking that all thoughts and emotions were wiped from their minds including their faith.

"If just because someone can control the <Darkness> energy is enough to be called the 'Devil' then come... I want to see if your so-called Heaven will bring its wrath upon me." Issei said while taking off his mask.

His visage is shown for the first time for the entire world to see...

Not only Jie Yuan but everyone who watches the projection becomes dumbfounded...

They thought that the face beneath that mask is some old man who has lived for who knows how long since he is a <True God> just like the Heaven Smithing Devil Emperor...

No one expected that the face under that mask would be so... charming...

But what they saw next made them shudder to their very core.

Issei released a huge amount of <Darkness> energy coated in a crimson aura that it can be felt from million realms away! His white hair turned pitch black and his red eyes glowed brightly just like that of a true devil.

The whole space around Issei is shrouded with endless darkness as if it could devour the whole world...

As far as they can see... they can only see infinite darkness...

All of them who witnessed this shuddered greatly.

"...If Master isn't someone that we know then we would've thought that the 'crimson calamity' from the prophecy is him." Xiaotao said softly.

"Um... Indeed. But thankfully he's not like these bunch of pathetic trashes." Lieyan chimed in.

Bing'er only gives a faint nod to their statement.

"So where is it? Where is this 'Heaven Wrath' that you speak of? Here I am emitting a huge amount of Darkness energy that could destroy countless realm if I wanted to, but I'm still standing unscathed right in front of you." Issei asked.

"..." Jie Yuan can only look on in disbelief... She has never seen anyone emitting such a large amount of Darkness energy before in her entire life...

Even if the other Devil Emperors are with her right now and combined their force... they still won't be able to come close to Issei's darkness.

Had Issei only showcased his strength and said that Xing Juekong and the others are evil then the people would agree with him but they won't completely believe him as well. It will only out of fear at that point...

But he simultaneously showcased both his strength and the true side of them at almost the same time so it is easier for them to believe what he said.

Someone with this kind of strength doesn't need to fabricate lies if he wanted to... he could just make them submit!

"Hail to our King!" They heard a shout coming from around the convention arena.

They saw countless 'Devils' arranging themselves in an orderly fashion with a single woman in the lead.

The God-Emperors who saw this woman had their eyes widened in disbelief... since that woman is Chi Wuyao along with the other 'Devils' who are supposed to be locked inside the Northern Divine Region.

All of them are kneeling towards the projection above them.

Since when?! They never receive any warning from those who are guarding the border of the Northern Divine Region! Is what inside the God Emperors mind right now.

Whereas inside the 'Devils' mind, they now believe Chi Wuyao completely. They used to doubt her before this but now they truly believe that the only person worthy to be their King is him!

Even though they respect Jie Yuan more since she's the actual ancestor of the 'Devils', the correct decision here is to worship Issei who has more power to ensure their race survival.

"Your Majesty long live!" One of the higher-ups from the 'Devil' race shouted.

"Your Majesty long live!" Soon the others also followed suit...

"Hmph hmph! He just attracted another annoying bee!" Jasmine puffed her cheek when she saw the passionate look of Chi Wuyao.

Chi Wuyao's arrival here is not a coincidence. Issei sent a signal to the charm he gave her and when he activated it, the charm created a portal for them to go through.

Issei already activated the portal when he's about to go to the "Wall".

Then he created an invisible barrier that hides their presence. And besides, Chi Wuyao could see everything from Mu Xuanyin's eyes so she's already prepared beforehand.

Bing'er herself also already warned 'her' about the possibilities of today's outcome. While the specific time isn't set, that doesn't stop Chi Wuyao to have her whole race to prepare themselves...

So when the signal arrived, they can immediately set off.

"Chi Wuyao." Issei said.

"At your command, my King." Chi Wuyao answered respectfully whilst still kneeling.

"Don't let any of them leave."

"I obey!"

Then Issei cut off the projection...

Even after the projection ended, an oppressive silence still enveloped the entire arena...

Now that the truth was now exposed, the depths of their boasting, their shamelessness, and their vileness were dragged out into the open, even they were so ashamed that their scalps were numb.

This is especially true for Xing Juekong... but more than shame, he's more afraid of what's going to come soon enough...

Yue Wuya also shares his sentiment and as for Qianye Fantian, he was thinking of something else altogether...

"All of you hear what our King said... If any of you dare to even think of escaping this place then you should know the consequences." Chi Wuyao said with narrowed eyes. Her tone is still a bit seductive but it also has some threatening tone to it as well.

"Isn't this ironic... A few hours ago, all of you are still standing above acting all-powerful and mighty... but in a blink of an eye... your reputation hit rock bottom! Hehehehe... And Xing Juekong, I have to say that you're really amazing... Not even us, the 'Devils' are willing to sacrifice our own children without a second thought. You have truly widened this Queen horizon. Hahahaha!" Chi Wuyao said mockingly towards the shivering Xing Juekong.

"You talk too much woman. Just do as you're told." Esdeath said in an irritated voice.

"Heheh, sorry Mistress, I just couldn't help it." Chi Wuyao giggled seductively.

"Mistress?" Esdeath's eyes widened briefly before she gave an approving nod: "Um, good good. I like this title."

"...Master won't make you his mistress, you pervert." Sirius said bluntly.

"Tsk, you don't know that! Just you watch! I will successfully seduce our Master soon enough!" Esdeath said in a boastful voice.

""No, that's impossible."" Altair and Sirius said at the same time.

Xiaotao, Lieyan, and Bing'er also nodded in agreement.

Esdeath who saw this gnashed her teeth begrudgingly.


"You... Just who are you..." Jie Yuan asked cautiously. That display of strength just now is beyond her comprehension.

Back in the God era, there's no one that could come close to his strength. Even that old fart Mo E only manage to win because of his ploy and using the Ancestral Sword.

"Who am I is not important. Come... I'll take you to them." Issei said while he took back his <Darkness> energy. His pitch-black hair turned back into pure white.

Jie Yuan froze for a brief second before she took a deep breath and give a firm nod.

The next second, her body is enveloped in a golden aura and she instinctively closed her eyes because of how bright it is.

Once she opened her eyes again, she's greeted with a heavenly sight... The scenery that she currently saw manages to awe her to no end and also made her entire body froze.

Row green mountains surrounding the crystal clear lake made the area unique... Hundreds of spirits roam the area. Whether it be the forest, lake, mountains, and sea of flowers...

What's odd is that some of those flowers shouldn't have existed in the same place, such as the Netherworld Udambara Flower that is known to only grow at a place with extreme Yin but here they are blooming brightly next to a flower with extreme Yang properties...

She has never seen such a beautiful place in her life before... But what made her frozen stiff is something else...

At the center of this heavenly sight, she saw three little girls riding a dragon-like creature with a happy smile on their childish feature.

Even though the three of them look very young, they're still beautiful enough to captivate anyone who lays their eyes on them... If given enough time then these three girls would undoubtedly grow into heavenly beauties...

The Wood Spirit race that is currently residing inside the Ark who saw Issei wanted to greet him but with one signal from him, they stopped in their tracks.

"Why don't you greet them?" Issei asked the stupefied Jie Yuan.

"..." Jie Yuan doesn't react to Issei's words as if she doesn't hear what he just said.

"You want me to tell them in your stead? That you're their mothe-"

"Don't!" Jie Yuan shouted before Issei managed to finish his words: "Don't... Don't tell them..." She said in a soft voice.

"Why? Do you think you're unworthy to be their mother?" Issei asked.

"..." Jie Yuan once again doesn't say anything but her silence can be taken as an answer.

"If you think you're unworthy then don't you think you should just stay with them until you're worthy enough? But fine... I will respect your decision and I won't tell them your real identity but in exchange, you should stay by their side. Treat them properly from now on and don't even think of running away."

"I..." Jie Yuan wanted to say something but in the end, she got nothing to say.

"Stop making excuses. They've suffered enough... Now it's time for you, as their mother to atone for your 'sin'." Issei said calmly.

"I've taken the liberty to name your daughters since they can't remember anything... I called them Bai'er and Hong'er."

"Bai'er... Hong'er..." Jie Yuan muttered dreamily. She's quite fond of this name...

"Her real name was Ni Jie..." said Jie Yuan softly.

Ni Jie, defying tribulations...

The name was made using the word "Ni" from "Ni Xuan" and "Jie" from "Jie Yuan". Behind the name was a hope that their daughter could break through all tribulations and live in peace forever After all, her birth itself had been the world's greatest taboo.

It was also at this time that the three girls catch a glimpse of their dearest elder brother/father.

"Ah! It's big brother!" Hong'er pointed at Issei with glee.

"Gege/Father!" Both Bai'er and Nyaruko shouted at the same time.

The three of them flashed an ecstatic smile before they jumped down from their respective mounts and run straight in his direction.

Jie Yuan shivered all over the moment she saw them running in their direction This ancient Devil Emperor was so powerful that she had caused an entire group of Divine Masters to piss their pants in terror. But now, she was panicking so much that she was at a complete loss for words or action.

Even when she witnessed Issei's display of strength, her reaction wasn't so intense.

Issei smiled at them before crouching down to catch the three little troublemakers who threw themselves at him.

"Hehehe! Big brother, are you here to play with us?" Hong'er giggled while rubbing her face on his arms.

The three of them held him tightly and affectionately. Anyone can see that they're really attached to Issei.

"Heheh, big brother is here to introduce you to this big sister. She will be accompanying all of you as your new friend from now on." Issei said while rubbing their head.

"Ah?" Only then did they realize that there was another person besides Issei, they turned to stare at Jie Yuan in puzzlement.

However, they didn't look away even though their puzzlement had passed. They continued to stare at Jie Yuan blankly until their doubt took on an indescribable shape.

Their sudden approach had caused Jie Yuan to freeze up completely. She stared at them as they stared at her the mother and daughters who had been separated for millions of years were finally reunited.

"Nyaruko, come..." Issei said while lifting Nyaruko wanting to give the mother and daughters some space.

"Father, who is this big sis? Why did she have a similar aura to-"

"*Ssh*" Issei put his index finger in front of her mouth in a hushing motion.

Nyaruko nodded in confusion at him. Even though she's still confused, she obediently shut her mouth.

"Do do you still remember me?" Jie Yuan asked softly as they continued to stare blankly at her.

When a soul was split, their memories would fall apart completely, so it was impossible for them to still remember Jie Yuan. As one of the highest existence in this world, Jie Yuan should know this better than anyone.

Who would've thought that even a Devil Emperor would want to deceive herself sometimes?

The two of them didn't answer her question. They suddenly raised a hand in an attempt to touch Jie Yuan.

It was true that they couldn't remember Jie Yuan or the past at all.

But they are still Jie Yuan's daughter. It was a relationship so rooted in every corner of the soul that it could never be replaced or erased.

Jie Yuan's body froze for the umpteenth time seeing their extended hand but her body instinctively crouched down letting the two of them touch her cheek.

"..." Her daughters' warm hands came into contact with her face. She could sense their confusion and the trace of instinctual intimacy in her.

Jie Yuan tried to put a hand to their cheeks, but her hand simply refused to move closer past a certain point. Her lips trembled, and she wasn't able to say a word for a very long time.

It was because she was afraid that it was a dream that would pop at the slightest touch, that her bloodstained hands would tarnish her perfection, and the infinite regret she held close to her heart...

The regret and self blame she has eclipsed her desire to hold them close.

"Hold them," Issei said softly.

Jie Yuan's body shivered for a brief second and she hesitates for a moment but in the end, she slowly wrapped her arms around Hong'er and Bai'er.

When she finally managed to hold them in her embrace, like a broken dam, tears started to pour out from her eyes.

The girls in her embrace had a complete life, body, and soul. Their face was also exactly the same as usual, and the aura they carried was something she would never forget for eternity.

It was her daughter's aura after all.

Hong'er and Bai'er. They were both the daughters of the Heretic God and the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor.

"Their" birth and existence was a taboo that was rejected by the world itself. "Their" mother had been exiled after they were born, and "their" father had become discouraged after "their" soul had been split in half. One of them led a happy life, but could never know who her true parents were. The other could only stay hidden in an abyss of darkness and live alone forever...

"Their" fate was sorrowful and difficult, but miraculously both had managed to escape the calamity that had destroyed both the god race and the devil race.

She started to cry without a sound because she's trying her best not to frighten her precious daughters.

Both Bai'er and Hong'er also instinctively cried on their own while still feeling confused.

It took her a good while before she stopped hugging them.

Jie Yuan was staring at them distractedly. Didn't he said that they...

As if he could read her mind, Issei sends a voice transmission.

Jie Yuan who received the voice transmission dazedly look at him while immense gratitude started to fill her gaze.

"...So, who are you, big sis?" Hong'er asked in a crisp and true voice after staring blankly at Jie Yuan for a moment: "And why did I suddenly cry again? So weird..."

Jie Yuan felt like she was floating as she watched Hong'er's high spirit, stared into her star-like pupils, and listened to her spring-like voice. She actually couldn't say a word in reply.

"Eh?" Hong'er blinked and carefully stared at Jie Yuan for a long while. Then, she smiled brightly at her before saying, "I may not know who you are, big sis, but I can tell you that you're very pretty. Don't you think so as well, Bai'er, big brother?

"En!" Bai'er nodded with a smile.

"Um... She's indeed pretty." Issei nodded along with Nyaruko.

Not only was Jie Yuan's face completely covered in scars, but they were also scars that could never be healed. Anyone would've been frightened to see her the way she was right now. However, they had told her that she was pretty without hesitation, and their gaze and expression were such that it was impossible for anyone to doubt their sincerity.

The corner of Jie Yuan's lips seemed to curl into a tiny smile. "You think I'm pretty?"

"Yep!" Hong'er nodded seriously. "Your looks are a bit unusual, but Hong'er still thinks that you're very pretty."

"..." Jie Yuan pursed her lips tightly and smiled. Again, her tears started falling uncontrollably.

"Big brother!" Hong'er called out with a bright smile.

Issei understood what she wanted. Issei gives a faint nod before a white light started to envelop Jie Yuan's whole body.

"You" Jie Yuan stared at Issei in shock. "Darkness profound energy and light profound energy co-existing in a person's body? How could such a thing happen!? You What exactly are you"

Jie Yuan who's enveloped with this light should've felt pain since she mainly uses the <Darkness> energy but oddly enough, she felt comfortable instead.

She didn't realize what's happening to her body right now because of how shocked she is.

"See! I knew big sis is very pretty!" Hong'er said with a giggle.

Jie Yuan's shock is swept away by Hong'er voice.

She tremblingly put her hand on her face...

It's gone... her scars are gone...

She can't feel any scabs nor roughness she usually felt. All she feels is a smooth skin without any blemish...

Issei snapped his finger and a mirror presented itself before her...

She looks at the face reflected in the mirror with disbelief... Is this really her? Her face...

She has already completely forgotten how her real face looks like... It's been so so long...

The face reflected in the mirror has long dark hair and beautiful face that could rival almost anyone Issei has ever seen. She's at least on par with Qianye Ying'er in terms of looks alone.

One thing that stands out the most is her striking yellow eyes.

(AN: No jade-chan this time guys... sorry T^T).

"I'll give you some room. Hong'er, Bai'er go and play with this big sis for a moment, okay? Big brother will be back soon." Issei said with a gentle smile.

"Okay, big brother! Ah, right big brother, Hong'er want more snacks!" Hong'er said with a cheeky grin.

"You little rascal... Didn't big brother already gave you some 'cake' recently?" Issei in astonishment.

"It's big brother's fault for making it too delicious! Hong'er just couldn't help but eat all of it, you know!" Hong'er said with a pout.

"Fine fine... it's big brother's fault." Issei said in defeat while carrying Nyaruko with him.

Bai'er giggled at the sight of her big brother admitting defeat.

"Big Sis, who are you?" Hong'er then asked Jie Yuan once again with a curious expression, "Big brother said that you're here to be our new friend. Is that true? And your body seems to be giving off a very strange feeling, it's as if as if ugh"

Jie Yuan set her gaze back at Hong'er and said with a gentle smile: "En... Big sis will be your new friend."

"Your name is Hong'er and Bai'er?"

"That's right!" Hong'er smiled, brows arcing up, "This is the name big brother gave me! I like it very very much!"

Bai'er also nodded with a happy smile on her face.

"Hong'er, Bai'er, do you like him?" Jie Yuan asked.

"Him? Does big sis mean big brother? Of course, we like him!" Hong'er and Bai'er's eyes suddenly turned much brighter when they were asked that question.

"No one in this whole world treats Hong'er better than big brother! I don't ever want to leave big brother in this lifetime!"

"Bai'er as well. Bai'er wants to stay by gege side forever."

Both of them answered without hesitation.

Jie Yuan, "..."

Everyone, the ones she loved, the ones she hated, her kinsmen, her enemies they were all dead.

That era had long ended, and everything had turned to dust. Even the entire Primal Chaos had changed so drastically.

Only our family, our daughter is still alive in this world.

She placed her hand over her heart and her eyes trembled and felt a foreign sense of warmth The millions of years of piled up hatred and resentment in her heart and soul suddenly disappeared They had completely disappeared and even she herself could not find a single trace of them.

The hatred that I had once thought was engraved into my bones, the hatred that I thought would never dull even until the day I die, actually turned out to be so utterly small and petty.

Everything has been destroyed, except for our planet, our daughter

So what do I have to resent, what do I have to hate...


Issei soon returned back with a bunch of 'cake' in his hand.

This cake is only a cake that Hong'er can eat since the component of that said cake is special.

He also brought some cake that Nyaruko and Bai'er could eat though.

"Yay! Big brother you're the best!" Hong'er who saw this hopped giddily before she pulled Issei down to the ground. Once she succeeded, she sat on his lap while she started to eat the cake greedily.

"No need to rush like that... Geez, you have cream all over your face..." Issei said with a wry smile.

Bai'er sat on his other lap while Nyaruko is huffing in jealousy since she just lost against Hong'er and Bai'er in their rock paper scissor game.

The winner gets to sit on his lap while the loser doesn't.

But soon she forgot her jealousy and start eating her own cake.

Jie Yuan's eyes glistened at this sight...

If... If he's still alive then... would he be in this man's place right now? Being surrounded by their daughter...

Jie Yuan looked at Issei who's treating her daughter so gently with complicated emotions in her eyes. But there's also jealousy in her gaze... She wishes she could take his position right now.

"You seem to treat them extremely well..." She muttered.

"Of course, I think of them as my little sisters after all." Issei said whilst wiping Hong'er mouth.

"Your little sister, was it..." Jie Yuan said while looking at the overly attached daughters of hers.

Her eyes turned to stare at Issei's gentle face as they went through a series of subtle changes. After that, she suddenly said in a soft voice, "All of these things are things that I owe you..."

"Owe me? You owe me nothing. I only do it for them, not for you." Issei said bluntly.

"Perhaps... But I'm eternally grateful for what you have done for them." She muttered once again.

"Say... should I merge their souls together again?"

Issei's hand froze for a moment before he narrowed his eyes at her: "What do you think?"

"...No. I shouldn't."

"It's good that you understand."

Even if they originally one, the current Bai'er and Hong'er have their own personality and memories. If they merged their soul together then it would mean that they will be 'killing' one of them or even both of them at the same time...

"...I'll treat this as compensation from the heavens, to let me have another daughter." She said in a low voice.

"What do you want as repayment?" Jie Yuan asked.

Does he need something from her? She doubts it... He's far more powerful than her.

"You don't need to do anything other than staying by their side from now on," Issei said offhandedly.

"That's not... Nevermind..." Jie Yuan frowned at his words but soon gave up.

From their short interaction, Jie Yuan could already guess just what kind of personality Issei has.

"I believe that your clansmen will be coming here soon enough?" Issei inquired. He can sense multiple auras outside the wall before.

"Indeed... Many have passed away one after another over the past millions of years, but some still live to this day. However they number less than a hundred today. The world outside the Primal Chaos is very dangerous. We able to survive is only due to the World Piercer."

"But I assume you know of this since you're clearly not a person of this world." She said with certainty.

"Ah, I'm not from this world," Issei admitted instantly.

"As I expected... you're the anomaly that passes through the wall back then..." Jie Yuan said while remembering the past where she caught a glimpse of humanoid silhouette passing through the barrier.

"It took me several years to build a passage on the Wall of Primal Chaos. I had thought that the god race would definitely notice my efforts and prepare a 'welcoming party' for me, and I didn't want my entire race to charge foolishly into danger and perish alongside me I never thought that they would go extinct before us."

"Besides my clansmen, there are creatures that roam the void outside. I could kill a few of them with the World Piercer assistance but... The World Piercer doesn't have much power in it anymore." Jie Yuan raised her arm and looked at the glowing red spike that was the World Piercer.

"At first, I thought that I would be able to restore its power very quickly, but looking at the Primal Chaos' aura today forget several months, even several thousand years still won't be enough to recover enough power to bring them here. They'll have to rely on themselves."

"They've been anticipating this for a very, very long time," said Jie Yuan coldly as she stared into the distance.

"Those creatures are mindless beasts that have been corrupted by an energy that is foreign to you. As for your clansmen... I hope that you can convince them to let go of their revenge, otherwise..." Issei warned.

"Convince them? Do you seriously think I can convince them all?" She said with a frown: "Do you even know what millions of years of hatred, torture, pain, despair, and death really mean? It is true that it wasn't enough to twist my true nature but the same cannot be said for either True Gods or True Devils! Everything they have suffered was enough to turn them into actual devils through and through!"

"The god race may be extinct, but their hatred must be vented somehow! No one can stop them until they're finished venting, not even me!"

"As their emperor, I am the one who saw them all suffer, hate, turn insane, and finally over millions of years how can I stop them after everything!"

"In fact, they were the victims who got caught in a plot against me! What right do I possibly have to stop them!"

"What is this world fate have anything to do with you anyway? You will surely leave this world behind someday and whatever happens to it shouldn't have anything to do with you, am I wrong?"

"Indeed. Whatever happens to this world is not my business and I surely can't understand what you and your clansmen feel." Issei nodded at first before he continues speaking: "But I already made a promise. Once I made a promise then I will see it through... I'm a man of my word."

"If you can't convince your clansmen then there's only one thing I can do... I will kill them even if they're innocent in the first place... The lives they're about to take is not someone who has wronged them."

Jie Yuan, "..."

She doesn't doubt that Issei is capable enough to kill her clansmen but... convincing them? It's easier said than done.

"I will try my best..." In the end, that's all she could say.

"Um... You stay here with them. I still have some business to take care of."

"No, I'll come with you." Jie Yuan shook her head.

"Why?" Issei said with a frown.

Jie Yuan gestured at Hong'er and Bai'er.

When Issei look down, he saw them started to dozing off while Nyaruko has already fallen asleep.

"Oh..." Issei said in realization.


Issei returned to the convention arena followed by Jie Yuan.

Everyone there immediately tensed up when they saw their arrival. They feel amazed at Jie Yuan's new appearance.

The God Emperors stance such as the Eternal Heaven God Emperor is more down to the earth even compared to when they welcomed the Dragon Monarch arrival.

News of the Devil Emperor's return had not yet been extensively spread. Nor did anyone dare to recklessly spread it, but the news had already been covertly passed to the ones who needed to know. Even those who were still in the dark could sense that the atmosphere of the God Realm had changed slightly.

On a side note, it seems that the Dragon Monarch has already returned to his domain.

Not that Issei care since he has no business with him.

"We welcome your majesty and the Heaven Smithing Devil Emperor!" The surrounding Devils said while kneeling with Chi Wuyao in the lead.

Issei give a faint nod while Jie Yuan doesn't pay any attention to them.

She set her gaze at Xun'er instead.

"How can I help you, senior?" Xun'er asked with a smile.

"...My husband was the strongest and proudest god in the entire god race! I refuse to allow you, the person who has inherited his strength to become a useless person who relies on the might of others! Understand?"

Jie Yuan was certainly not joking. Especially that phrase "He was the strongest and proudest god in the entire god race".

She also doesn't care if Xun'er has some connection with Issei. She's still not allowed to rely on his strength.

"Yes, this junior understands," Xun'er replied with determination.

"I hope that you truly understand." Jie Yuan turned to Issei and said, "It seems that your connection with her is not simple. I can sense a trace of your energy inside her body."

Issei shrugged at her.

"And the three of you..." Jie Yuan said towards Xiaotao, Lieyan, and Bing'er.

"Nice to meet you again, lord Heaven Smithing Devil Emperor." Xiaotao said softly.

"How miraculous... to think that I could see the Phoenix, the Golden Crow, and the Ice Phoenix in one place like this..." Jie Yuan said in slight amazement.

Her words once again made the onlookers feel shocked.

Issei look at Xia Qingyue's group who's awaiting his command.

"*Sigh* I guess there's no more meaning to continue this convention..." He said apologetically.

"It's fine, young master." Xia Qingyue said gently.

"Qingyue... I have some news about your mother's whereabouts. Do you want to know?" Issei asked.

Qingyue's body froze at this...

"If you don't want to know then..."

"Please tell Qingyue, young master." Xia Qingyue hastily said.

"...Very well. Your mother is located in the Moon God Realm. She's... the wife of the Moon God Realm King. Her real name is Yue Wugou."

Not only Xia Qingyue but Yue Wuya, the Moon God Realm King eyes also widened at this revelation.

"You can sort it out between yourselves if you want," Issei said while creating a spatial opening heading towards Yue Wugou's location.

Xia Qingyue hesitates for a second before she went inside the spatial opening.

"Be prepared Yue Wuya. Depending on the result of their meeting... It might be the end of your realm." Issei said towards the trembling Yue Wuya.

"But... It also depends on Jasmine and Xun'er here." Issei gestured at Jasmine who has a cold gaze.

Xun'er's expression is still calm when it comes to Yue Wuya.

"As for you two..." Issei set his gaze at Xing Juekong and Qianye Fantian next.

"Jasmine. Feel free to do whatever you want."

"Wait!" Qianye Ying'er shouted: "My father has nothing to do with this. I'm the one who's responsible for the death of your brother."

"And you will pay for that!" Jasmine said before she headed for Qianye Ying'er direction.

Both of them have a little staring contest between each other.

"I wonder... If it wasn't for his help, would you still be able to face me like this." Qianye Ying'er said with a sneer.

"Perhaps not... I know the only reason why I and my mother standing here today is because of his benevolence... But that doesn't change anything! I'm willing to sell my body and soul to him as repayment if needed! But for now, I will have my revenge!" Jasmine said softly at first but in the end, her voice turned cold.

"Really? It's true that the Heavenly Wolf Xisu died because of me, but is it completely my fault when he's the one who willingly sacrifices himself for me? I didn't order him to sacrifice himself, rather he does it on his own."

"You used him!" Jasmine growled before she launched herself towards Qianye Ying'er aiming for her neck.

Before Jasmine could reach her, Qianye Ying'er raised her arm slightly and opened her palm. A blue light landed at the center of her palm before a melodious ringing followed. "Do you still recognize this, Heavenly Slaughter Star God?"

The object in her hand was a tiny, simple bell. The string was made from colorful vines, and the bell was carved from colorful jade. Right now though, it was flowing faintly with blue light.

Jasmine stopped, her grim pupils trembling a little. Not only her, even Caizhi and Xun'er recognized this bell.

It was the first-ever gift their younger self had made together and gifted to her older brother, Xisu. The bell held her purest, sincerest wish... the wish that her older brother would always be safe no matter where he went.

In fact, she had stood on her toes and tied the bell onto his waist herself.

However, the bell had been missing when he returned home with his dying breath.

"You" Jasmine's vision blurred for an instant and she gritted her teeth.

"Relax, I didn't steal this from him. He was the one who gave it to me when he knew he was going to die, right before he returned to the Star God Realm."


"Honestly, I thought that the day I would need to use this would never come, but it appears that his thoughts weren't wasted after all." Qianye Ying'er shook the bell lightly, and the blue light covering the jade bell suddenly left its host. It quickly spread out and transformed into a blurry figure.

A person's figure.

His face was blurry and unrecognizable, but whether it be Jasmine, Caizhi, or Xun'er were still shaken when he appeared in front of them.

It was Xisu's soul shadow!

Jasmine couldn't mistake him for someone else even if his voice and soul aura were another ten times fainter than they were now!

"..." Their expression didn't change, but they were obviously transfixed by the increasingly distinct shadow of Xisu.

After so many years, they didn't think that they would have a chance to meet their son/older brother's soul in such close proximity again.

A weak voice came from the soul shadow. "You've grown up, Jasmine, Caizhi. And Mother, I'm really glad now that you're safe..."

"..." Their eyes tremblingly look at him.

"Caizhi, I didn't think that you would be the one to inherit the Heavenly Wolf's divine power. Once, you were as fragile as a young butterfly. But now, you've grown to the point where you could drive even the Lady Goddess into a corner even though it's with the help of your big sister... Both you and Jasmine are my eternal pride."

Xisu's voice was gentle and warm. He hadn't said much, but nearly half his soul shadow was gone already. Clearly, the fragmented soul he imbued the bell with was far weaker than the one in the ring. Xisu continued before Jasmine could reply. "I must have told you not to take revenge for me after my passing, but I know that neither you nor Jasmine will listen to me. That is why I left behind this, the most precious gift I have ever received, with her."

"It is my wish that both sides will be able to lay down whatever grudge and hatred they bear for my sake"

"Lady Goddess, they are my closest relatives. I ask that you don't hurt them considering all that I've done for you. Otherwise, I who have given you my life will never forgive you."

"Mother, Jasmine, Caizhi. The Lady Goddess is a dream I'm willing to spend my whole life chasing after. I don't mind dying for her, so it goes without saying that it is my lifetime wish to see her safe and sound."

"Don't take revenge for me, for there was never any hatred between you. I won't be able to rest easy if any of you were hurt."


The unstable soul finally dissipated without a trace.

The blue light that was covering the jade bell earlier was also gone completely.

"Son/Brother!" They shouted in terror.

"Ise! Please help him!" Xun'er and Jasmine pleaded sobbingly.

"I can't... If his soul is still complete then I could still revive him but what we just saw is less than a percent of his soul. I could take ahold of that said soul and perhaps 'revive' it just like I did with Xun'er but... to do so, I basically need to find a complete soul of others and fuse them together... When that time comes... There's no difference between him and someone else anymore." Issei said with a sigh.

"No..." They started to cry softly after hearing his words.

Even if Issei were to 'revive' him then it won't be their son/older brother anymore...

The cost of leaving a fragment of one's soul behind was a great amount of lifespan and soul origin. Xisu was already near death at the time, but he still chose to leave behind a fragmented soul with Qianye Ying'er.

One of the reasons he did this was to protect Jasmine and Caizhi. He knew that the sisters would want to take revenge for him, but he knew even better just how strong Qianye Ying'er was. The Lady Goddess would very likely have the upper hand if they attacked her recklessly In that case, he hoped that Qianye Ying'er would acknowledge his wish and let them live considering everything he had done for her. His soul shadow would also stop the sisters from carrying out any future acts of vengeance.

Going by the same logic, the other reason he gave Qianye Ying'er the bell was to save her life in case the sisters were able to corner her.

However, it was obvious that Qianye Ying'er had no intention of honoring his wish, at least not the part where he asked for Jasmine and Caizhi's safety. Not long after Xisu was gone, Jasmine almost succumbed to the Southern Sea God Emperor's poison. Of course, the real mastermind behind the poisoning was none other than Qianye Ying'er.

Qianye Ying'er was immune to all forms of emotions unless her father was involved. Qianye Ying'er might be someone Xisu was willing to give his life for, but Xisu was just a useful tool for Qianye Ying'er. She wasn't moved at all by his death.

In fact she was still using him after he was dead.

But there was no way Jasmine and Caizhi could ignore Xisu's wish, especially considering his last line. "I won't be able to rest easy if any of you were hurt".

He was practically putting a curse on himself to protect Qianye Ying'er.

How could Caizhi or Jasmine kill Qianye Ying'er after that, even if their hatred for her was ten thousand times greater than it was?

There were too many people who went mad in pursuit of the "Lady Goddess". There exist several pinnacles in this world such as the pinnacle of wealth, the pinnacle of authority, the pinnacle of the profound way, and so on and Qianye Ying'er represented the pinnacle of beauty.

Out of all the people who fell for Qianye Ying'er, Heavenly Wolf Xisu might just be the one who loved her the most.

Unfortunately for him, the woman he fell for was literally the most heartless woman in the entire world.

Issei didn't know if he should feel respect, regret or pity for Heavenly Wolf Xisu.

In the end, Jasmine chose to lower her hand.

But her killing intent hadn't retracted in the slightest.


There was a tiny rip in space, and Jasmine snatched the jade bell from Qianye Ying'er's hands

Qianye Ying'er doesn't try to stop her.

"You can revive someone from the dead?" Jie Yuan asked in disbelief. She thought of her husband but thinking of how many years have passed since his death then... it seems unlikely for his soul to linger this long...

And that's probably why the Phoenix and the others are still alive right now...

Jasmine slowly looked at Qianye Ying'er and said, "You're right to say I cannot kill you."

"Oh?" Qianye Ying'er raised her eyebrows slightly.

"But someone else can." She then looked at Issei: "Ise, kill her... Kill her and I will give you my everything."

"Count me in," Xun'er added.

"Me too." Next is Caizhi.

This time Qianye Ying'er body is frozen stiff. How could she forgot about him...

"...Very well." Issei said softly. In the next second, he reappeared in front of Qianye Ying'er and gripped her neck tightly.

"Cough..." Qianye Ying'er coughed painfully before she snorted derisively at herself. "Once upon a time... I thought that all men except my royal father were low-born... I thought that none of them even had the right to enter my sight, much less touch a hair on my body.... Who would've thought that I would fall this far And that man is only indirectly involved with my current predicament... what a joke what a joke"

If it wasn't for Issei involvement then her plans would've succeeded.

"Except your royal father, you say?" Issei chuckled lightly at her words.

"...What's so... funny?" Qianye Ying'er frowned at Issei.

"Qianye Fantian." Issei ignored her question and called Qianye Fantian's name.

"Y-Yes?" Qianye Fantian answered with a stutter.

"If I say that I'm willing to spare your life in exchange for your daughter's life, would you accept?"

"I accept!" Qianye Fantian's reply couldn't be any faster but it's as if he remembered something he turned to his daughter: "Ying... You should understand... Without me, the Brahma realm will..."

"I understand." Qianye Ying'er simply said.

"So, what do you think of this, Qianye Ying'er?" Issei asked the woman in front of him.

"What do I think? I do not need to think of anything... If my life can be used as an exchange for my royal father's and realm then so be it... Consider it my obligation as his daughter." Qianye Ying'er answered sharply as if she's not the least disappointed with Qianye Fantian's reply.

"Is that so? What a good daughter... But, do you know how your mother die?" Issei asked without changing his expression as if he already anticipated her answer.

"Of course I know." Even though Qianye Ying'er doesn't understand why Issei would suddenly ask this, she still gives him her answer regardless.

Her mother died because of the past God Empress and Crown Prince ploy.

Back when her mother had died, Qianye Fantian had not only investigated her death himself but also personally executed both the god empress and the crown prince in a fit of rage. His actions had shaken the entire Brahma Monarch God Realm, but what was more important was that it had also deeply shaken Qianye Ying'er, who had always been resentful towards her father.

After that, he posthumously conferred her mother the title of god empress and also swore that she would be his last god empress, his only god empress.

This coupled with the trust, regard, and love that he showed her meant that it was only natural that the feelings she had for her mother would gradually be transferred to her father. Thus, he became the person she trusted the most in the world, the person who was closest to her, and the only source of warmth and intimacy in her life.

"Really now? Are you sure about that?" Issei gives a faint smirk at her.

Qianye Ying'er gaze suddenly stiffened before she looks at Qianye Fantian in disbelief.

"Royal father... My mother, she did you kill her?"

This sudden and exceptionally abrupt question caused Qianye Fantian's flinch.

"Go on, tell her the truth," Issei said mockingly.

"...Yes. I did." Qianye Fantian finally admitted.

Qianye Ying'er's beautiful eyes suddenly focused as the last illusion within her shuddering heart and soul was completely shattered into oblivion. "It was really you It was really you!!?"

"Heh heh," Qianye Fantian gave a dry chuckle. "It seems that you already guessed it and sensed it a long time ago, why did you never ask about it or believe it to be true? Was it because you didn't dare to? Or was it because you weren't willing to?"

He had frankly admitted it and he was not the least bit worried about her finding out since she's about to die anyway. One could even hear some disappointment and ridicule in his indifferent voice. Qianye Ying'er's eyes started trembling even more intensely as her voice grew hoarse. "Why Why did you kill her!?"

A big reason, perhaps it could even be said to be the biggest reason, why Qianye Fantian had become the only weakness in Qianye Ying'er's heart was because he had been "good" to her mother. It was why she would be willing to sacrifice her life just to save him.

Even when she had those moments of doubt... she would firmly suppress those suspicions and think that they were doubts that she should not be having.

However, everything had suddenly changed.

Qianye Fantian's tacit admission coupled with the few words he had said after, was a destructive impact on Qianye Ying'er's soul. It was such a cruel blow that no one else would be able to imagine it or put themselves in her shoes.

"Why?" Qianye Fantian wore a tragic and sorrowful expression on his face. "Isn't the answer already as clear as day? Of course, it's because of you."

"Your innate talent did not only surpass all of my other children, no one in your generation in the entire Eastern Divine Region could match it either. This coupled with the viciousness, single-minded focus, and ambition I could see in your eyes made me feel as if I had witnessed the birth of the first female Brahma Heaven God Emperor. Compared to the successor that I had previously selected, your brilliance was far more dazzling."

"But alas, the you back then had a fatal flaw, and that fatal flaw was your excessive care for your mother! After that, I even found out that the most important reason for your fervency and ambition toward a profound way was actually because you wanted to obtain an even higher status for your mother. Heh how pitiful that was, how laughable."

Qianye Fantian shook his head and it was as if he still felt the pity and disappointment that he had felt back then. "Thus, for your sake, and for the sake of the future of the Brahma Monarch God Realm, I had no choice but to act. I would lavish you and your mother with my undisguised affection before intentionally letting slip that you would become my successor. This would consequently arouse jealousy and panic in the hearts of the god empress and the crown prince. From then on, their desire to kill you and your mother were only to be expected."

Qianye Ying'er clenched her teeth tightly as her entire body shook.

"Your mother died in my hands. This was a grave matter that concerned the future of the Brahma Monarch God Realm, so I could only do it myself. After that, I personally executed both the god empress and the crown prince before posthumously conferring the title of god empress upon your mother." Since he has nothing more to hide then he might as well...

The world has already known of their true nature so what's there to hide? The most important thing right now is to survive! He doesn't dare to tell a single lie fearing that Issei would kill him for it.

Qianye Fantian kept addressing them as "the god empress" and "the crown prince" and had not even mentioned their names once because he had already forgotten their names. Even though they were once his personally chosen empress and crown prince, they seemed to be nothing more than two specks of dust that had been swept away, not even worthy of being remembered by him.

"The reason why I had to go to such great lengths to orchestrate these events was because I was afraid that once your mother died, the feelings you had for her would have nowhere to go. I was even more afraid that you would lose your goal and ambition because of this. So I had no choice but to do what I did, causing the feelings you had for her to gradually migrate to me. You could even say that I put a lot of thought into your upbringing."

"But what I never imagined was that the memory of your mother still refused to dim, even though so many years had already gone by." Qianye Fantian shook his head as he gave a sigh of lament. "What a pity, what a pity. And what's even more tragic is that you seem to think that I was the one who caused the death of your mother."

"No," Qianye Fantian said as he let out a sigh. "In fact, I can't even remember her name or what she looked like. If it wasn't for some special reason, why would I have stooped to personally dealing with a woman like that with my own two hands?"

"In the end, the one who caused the death of your mother wasn't me. It was you. If you had not been so dazzling and had not valued her so much, she would not have died such an early death."

Qianye Ying'er's body slumped even further under Issei's hold, her body had not stopped shuddering for a single moment and underneath her golden mask, streams of tears swiftly flowed down her face.


No one had ever seen the Brahma Monarch Goddess' tears before and no one had ever imagined what it would look like to see the Brahma Monarch Goddess cry.

But at this moment, from the very moment, the first tear started rolling down her face, her tears flowed uncontrollably, just like how her heart and soul had completely collapsed She stubbornly refused to let out a single sob, but she was not able to stop the tears leaking from her eyes.

In her lifetime, she had witnessed countless deaths and seen more despair than she could even remember, but at this moment, it was the first time she had so clearly understood what despair was

Even when she knows that she's about to die she still didn't descend into despair, but now...

She, Qianye Ying'er, the Brahma Monarch Goddess admired by the entire universe, the future Brahma Heaven God Emperor. Her background, cultivation, status, authority, and appearance... every single one of them stood at the highest peak of this universe. Only the Western Region's Dragon Queen was worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as her.

She had undoubtedly stood at the pinnacle of this universe and she had always held the rest of the world in contempt. This was especially true for men, not a single one of them had ever truly caught her eye even if that man was the number one God-Emperor in the Southern Divine Region.

When the profound practitioners of the God Realm mentioned the three words "Brahma Monarch Goddess", the words that accompanied that title were "lofty and beyond one's reach".

But today, it was only today that she discovered that her life had actually been so tragic all of these years. No, practically her entire existence was a tragedy.

She thought that she was not only Qianye Fantian's chosen successor, but also the daughter that he loved and trusted the most, and the latter was even more important to her than the former But it was only today that her eyes were finally opened. It turned out that she was actually only a doll dancing along on his strings, and it had always been the case!

He did not just personally steal the most important thing in her life, he had even made her feel constant gratitude and respect towards him because of this After she had used her own life to save him, she had instead become an abandoned child that he could not even be bothered to waste any effort on because of the sacrifice she had made.

"If I were to nurture you once more, it is true that you will be able to become the cornerstone of the Brahma Monarch God Realm once more. However, given your current situation... it looks like we won't have that chance anymore. What a pity indeed..." Qianye Fantian said as he shook his head. "Now that it has come to this, I have no choice but to select a new successor again."

As he looked at Qianye Ying'er, whose mind and spirit had completely collapsed, there was not even a trace of love or pity in his eyes.

"Now you understand why I find it funny?" Issei asked Qianye Ying'er while his grip started to tighten.

Jasmine, Xun'er, and Caizhi almost felt pity for her...

"Please... Please spare her! Please spare young miss!" Someone shouted in the eerie silence that is enveloping the whole arena.

Qianye Ying'er dull and muddy eyes staring at the elderly man in front of her as she mumbled in a lifeless voice, "Uncle Gu"

"If you spare her then I'm willing to give this treasure in my hand to you!" He said while presenting a stone seal towards Issei.

"Gu Zhu, you!" Qianye Fantian face darkened. He had never imagined that the person who was least likely to betray him would actually trick him He had tricked him for a girl who's about to die!

"That's the Primordial Seal of Life and Death!" Jie Yuan shouted in surprise.

Her words caused another bout of commotion in the arena.

Primordial Seal of Life and Death is ranked third among the seven mysterious heavenly treasures. Birthed in the heart of the primordial universe, its existence is linked to the Primordial Universe itself, as long as the primordial universe keeps existing, the seal will also keep existing. In the whole primordial universe, it's the only object that can grant eternal life, it's coveted by every living thing.

Just carrying the seal, your lifespan will never decrease, nor will you age. But it doesn't make you immortal, as you can still be killed by external forces.

"Hm? Seal of Life and Death?" Issei looked uninterested at the stone seal.

"It's nothing but an item that could barely keep someone immortal. The moment that old man let go of that seal then he would lose his life." Issei said plainly.

"Who would've thought that you still have someone that truly cares for you?" Issei said towards Qianye Ying'er.

"But sadly for you... I have no interest in that thing." Issei said with narrowed eyes.

"Help me take revenge." Her voice was very soft, but the hatred contained within it was enough to cause the air around her to solidify.

"And why would I help you?" Issei asked back.

"If you help me... I'm willing to become your slave, your dog... for eternity!" Qianye Ying'er's lips and the joints of her fingers were incomparably white, but her eyes stared straight at Issei and she did not look away even once.

"Why do I even need you? There's nothing in your possession that could interest me. To bargain with someone, you need something equal or greater as the price... Whereas you on the other hand... You have nothing that could interest me." Issei said blandly.

"...Please... I'm begging you... Please at least... avenge my mother before you kill me..." Qianye Ying'er started to beg desperately.

"..." Issei silently looks at her pleading expression.

Qianye Fantian's body started to shiver once again seeing their interaction.

When Issei is about to say something, he sensed a familiar presence near his location.

There's a red summoning circle presenting themselves not far away from him...

"What is that?" Jie Yuan said with a frown. She sensed a foreign aura coming from this 'profound formation'.

"That's..." Issei muttered in a daze.


A loud sound resounded after the summoning circle completed themselves.

Two humanoid figure started to take shape right before their eyes...

Once Issei saw these two figures, he muttered in disbelief: "...Grayfia, Venelana?"

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