The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 147: Side

Chapter 147: Side

Ophis appeared right in front of Amou and Momoyo.

The three of them look at each other silently.

Azazel and the others gulped audibly sensing the tense atmosphere.

Shirayuki and Kozelotte appeared not long after. Kunou Hyoudou who saw them flashed a grin to which they returned with their own smile... Shirayuki flashed a happy smile while Kozelotte flashed a wry smile instead.

"...Pfft, hahaha, she's really similar to mom eh, sister?" Momoyo is the first to break the silence while laughing.

"Indeed." Amou nodded.

"...The two of you... are my offsprings?" Ophis said with glimmering eyes.

"Hmm, you could say that I guess?" Momoyo replied while tilting her head a bit: "It's surprising how similar your scent and aura with our real mom is. If it were anyone else then they would've mistaken you to our real mom."

Ophis walks forward before she made her body grew to her adult form. When she stood before them, she immediately pulled the two young girls into her embrace.

"Geh?!" Momoyo choked a little because of how tight her embrace is but she didn't try to push her away. Amou's response was only a small frown.

"...Mine." Ophis mumbled possessively. She treated the two of them just like how a girl would treat their beloved teddy bear.

Azazel and the others had their mouth went wide agape seeing this sight of Ophis.

"Err..." Momoyo sweated at her possessiveness.

"We're not yours." Amou said.

"Mine!" Ophis raised her voice for the first time.

"Okay, that's enough." Kunou Hyoudou finally separated the three of them.

She easily pried Ophis away from Amou and Momoyo.

"They're not yours, they're my daughters." Kunou Hyoudou said.

"...They have my energy signature and scent. That makes them my offspring." Ophis reasoned.

"No no, while your energy signature and scent are similar to their mother, your bloodline is different." Kunou Hyoudou corrected: "Someone could have similar power, scent, and even face but their blood and soul is not the same. Just like how me and that Kunou for example."

The small Kunou becomes startled when she suddenly becomes the center of attention.

"Our scent and aura might be very similar but we're completely different in the end. There can't be two people with the same soul unless they're a special case."

Just like Ophis and Lilith, Kunou added inside her mind.

Ophis frowned deeply at this... It's not like she doesn't know but she's quite desperate to have a kin of her own.

"Well then, let's go back, shall we?" Kunou Hyoudou looks at Shirayuki and Kozelotte who give a nod as a response.

"Ehhh, do we have to go back so soon?" Momoyo whined.

"Remember what you promised to your father." Kunou admonished.

"Buuu..." Momoyo and Amou pouted.

"U-Umm... Excuse me!"

"Hm?" Kunou and the girls look at the small Kunou who just spoke.

"P-Please help me rescue my mother!" She bowed deeply in their direction.

Kunou raised her eyebrow at this. She can relate to the small Kunou since she has been in the same situation before.

"Let's help her, Kunou kaa-san!" Momoyo said excitedly: "We can beat some bad guys up and also help your other self in the process! It will be a win-win situation just like Nobu kaa-san often says!"

"Um, win-win." Amou nodded in agreement.

"*Sigh* You two... I knew this would happen." Kunou sighed for the umpteenth time.

"I-If you want a payment then we can think of something..." The small Kunou said desperately.

"...Nevermind, we'll do this one for free. I have been into the same situation as you before after all so I can understand your desperation." Kunou said with an understanding smile.

"R-Really?" The small Kunou widen her eyes at this.

"Yup, my mom was also kidnapped by the hero faction in the past. My world Ise helped me rescue her and that's also one of the reasons why I fell in love with him." Kunou giggled in reminiscence.

"I-I see..." The small Kunou blushed slightly while looking at the clueless Hyoudou Issei.

"Now then, let's find your mom, shall we?" Kunou smiled in encouragement.


"Hmm... Found them!" Kunou said simply. All she needs to do was extend her aura to cover the whole of Kyoto and she could easily found their hidden location.


"No." Grayfia said sternly: "There's no need to hold the meeting over there. We can do it here as usual."

"It won't be any different even if I have the meeting over there, right?" Issei retorted: "And besides, I have a good reason to hold the meeting over there. We have no information on that world... What if there's someone over there that could threaten them?"

"That's impossible and you know it, dear. If there was someone who could possess some threat to you then Nyarlathotep would've informed you right away. Isn't that right, sister?"

"Ufufufu." A giggling sound can be heard from Issei's shadow and Nyarlathotep could be seen emerging from it.

She wrapped her arms around Issei's neck lovingly: "While that's true, that doesn't mean I should refuse my husband's wishes, right~?"

Grayfia sighed at her words, she knew this would happen.

"Come on, Fia. It would be fine, I promise." Issei flashed a loving smile to Grayfia.

"...You're so unfair, dear... You know I won't be able to refuse you when you use that smile..." Grayfia pouted with a slight blush adorning her gorgeous face.

Even after all these years, they're still unable to resist his charm.

"Now, let's go meet the other you, dear husband~" Nyarlathotep kissed Issei's cheek with a mischievous smile: "I wonder if the other you are as powerful as you... or at least, the potential to reach our heights."

"While I highly doubt that other Ise would be as powerful as you... I guess it won't hurt to take a look." Grayfia said.

Issei beamed at her words. Now he can pick up his little princesses personally.

"We should send someone to scout the area first. Even if it seems safe so far, it doesn't hurt to be careful." Grayfia added.


Somewhere secluded in the city of Kyoto...

"Heh, I told you that you won't be able to defeat them, Cao Cao." Vali said grinningly.

Vali arrived here wanted to fight Cao Cao but it seems that somebody else is ahead of her. She's feeling a little annoyed that she's unable to have a fight with the rumored strongest Human.


"Haha, I always wanted to do this in the past."

Kunou is laughing while Cao Cao of this world is already beaten to a pulp before her. Not even his mother would be able to tell that he's her son!

Whereas for his team, they're in no better shape since Amou and Momoyo is having 'fun' with them.

"They're so weak!" Momoyo groaned.

"Weakling." Amou nodded with a lazy tone.

"Err, it's not that they're weak but it's just you girls are too strong," Azazel said with a sweat.

Even he would be having a little trouble if he were to fight Cao Cao and his team all at once.

"Wh-Why did the True Longinus doesn't work on you..." Cao Cao bemoaned in pain.

"Hm? I wonder?" Kunou said with a smirk: "That's something you won't comprehend in this lifetime of yours. Now, where were we? Oh yes, another serving of beatdown~"



But Kunou doesn't listen and proceed to beat him yet again...

"She's quite scary... To think that little girl would become like that." Azazel said wryly.

Hyoudou Issei and the others nodded dumbly at his words.

"Ouch, that's gotta hurt." Bikou said with a wince seeing Kunou who just land a hit on Cao Cao's crotch. All men in the viccinity felt that...

"Nyahahaha!" Kuroka only laughed jovially at the sight of Cao Cao and his team getting their ass handed to them.

"I-Is that really Kunou?" Yasaka of this world said in disbelief.

"Okaa-sama!" The small Kunou hugged her while sobbing.

She has just woken up seeing her mature daughter beating the man who kidnapped her.

"Hum?" Kunou's body jerked slightly when she sensed a familiar aura.

Out of a portal, come out two identical women with little disparity clad in a military-looking outfit.

"Is this the place?" The first woman said.

"Um, it is. Now let's get this over with... I'm quite uncomfortable not wearing my maid outfit."

"*Sigh* Be more dignified, sister."

"Tch, I'm not a king anymore, remember? I'm but our Master's maid. Why don't the other us take my place anyway?"

"She's busy remember?"

"Touche." The second woman snorted.

"Eh? Why are you two here, Altria-nee? Salter-nee?" Kunou asked feeling a little baffled.

"Master said that he will hold the meeting with the Mon Gal kingdom here." Altria informed.

"You know how he is... he and his overprotective nature." Salter chuckled in an amused tone.

"Ah... Right..." Kunou said with a wry smile.

"Oh?! That sounds interesting!" Momoyo said giddily: "Will there be any fight later on, Salter kaa-san?"

"Probably not. You know that the Mon Gal kingdom is completely loyal to your father."

"Ehhh, lame~"

"Heheh, we can have a spar later on." Salter ruffled Momoyo's hair roughly.

"Yes!" Momoyo cheered.

While the girls are chatting with each other, Azazel and the others are feeling stumped at their sight.

"Who are they? Why do they seem familiar?" Arthur of this world said with a frown. Le Fay also frowned deeply while looking at the two newly arrived women.

"Of course they seem familiar to you and your sister, they're the original Pendragon, Arthur Pendragon but she goes by the name Altria Pendragon now and the other one is her 'Alter-ego' you might say." Shirayuki informed them as a matter of fact.

"WHAT?!" All of them let out a dumbfounded voice at the revelation. Even Cao Cao and his team who are on the ground are in disbelief.

"But but..."

"She's supposed to be a man? A parallel world, remember?"


If it was before they meet Shirayuki and Kozelotte then they would have a hard time accepting all of this.

"Hm? Is that Master of this world?" Salter said feeling intrigued at the drooling Hyoudou Issei.

She walks towards him with a calm step whereas Hyoudou Issei still had his eyes glued onto the bountiful heavenly breasts.

"Hmm..." Salter suddenly grasped his face and forced him to look at her: "They're a little bit familiar but that's about it... Their strength is also vastly different." She mumbled.

"What do you expect? Another Master?" Altria said with one of her eyes closed.

"Heh, I suppose not... There can only be one Master." Salter smirked and she then let go of her hold on his face: "Let's finish this."


""Heed my summon, Loyal Knights of the Godking!"" The two of them shouted with their right hands held forward.

Out of thin air, thousands of mechanical golem that are shaped like a Knight emerged. They're arranged in an orderly fashion.

But they're a little bit different in appearance. Altria's knights are white and golden colored while Salter's knights are black and crimson colored.

"I command thee, go and protect this place from any foes," Altria commanded.

"I command thee, go and kill everyone who dares to bring harm to your King." Salter commanded.

The <Knights> visor shone brightly before they execute their order. The first thing they did was to head towards Cao Cao who they deemed a foe.

The killing intent they emit is so thick that even those who are not their target felt fear.

"Wait, ignore them." Just when Cao Cao and his party thought that they will die, Kunou's voice resounded.

Only then the <Knights> withdraw their killing intent and leave Cao Cao behind.

"Hm? You don't want them to be killed?" Salter asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No need, Salter-nee. Let them handle this." Kunou said while pointing at Azazel's little group: "Besides, we're not the ones who should decide their punishment. I'm satisfied enough being able to beat him up!"

"O-Oh, leave it to us." Azazel stuttered while Rossweisse immediately apprehends Cao Cao and his team. Then he used his communication device to broadcast what's currently happening before him: "Oi, Sirzechs, Michael... You guys might want to come here."

"Um. With that out of the way..." Salter tapped a device in her hand: "Area clear. Send in the maid team."

When the maid team arrived, Azazel becomes further dumbfounded: "...Scratch that, You should come here immediately... Bring Rias and the others while you're at it... This ought to be very interesting." Azazel muttered.

"I-I-Is that... Buchou?" Hyoudou Issei said with his eyes bulging out of the socket. The mature red-haired heiress looks so stunning that he becomes completely smitten at first sight.

Asia, Xenovia, and Irina who's present is also dumbfounded at the sight of their other counterpart who just arrived.

Kuroka is just as surprised seeing the grown-up Koneko. Looks like it's in their genes since the grown-up Koneko looks quite voluptuous not losing against her elder sister.

The mature Rias's group didn't say anything nor do they look distracted by the sight of their other counterpart. They are completely focused on their task at hand.

They prepared some snacks, beverages, and the like for the upcoming meeting. Altria summoned a small open room surrounded by pillars. In the middle of the room, there's a giant table with one special chair that looks like a throne.

"Wh-What's going on?" Azazel asked with a sweat seeing this lineup.

"Our Master wanted to hold the meeting in this world. But that's not his true intention... His true intention is he wanted to pick Yuki and Koze on his own." Salter informed.

"S-So the other Issei will come here?"


While they were conversing, Sirzechs, Michael, Rias's peerage, and Sona's peerage arrived at the same time.

And just like Azazel, they're completely dumbfounded.

"Announcing the arrival of the First Queen of the Mon Gal Kingdom, the Lamia Queen, Alipheese Fateburn XVI." The mature Rias said.

They look at her direction where a portal is created and a woman steps out from it, or should they say slither out of it. It's not just a normal woman but she's a Lamia. She looks exotic and very confident in the way she brings herself befitting of a Queen. Her body is very bountiful whether it's in the breast or ass department.

From the ass down, she has a heavy snakelike tail, uncoiling to a full thirty feet long. Dark red scales cover it, gradually becoming lighter as they reach the tip, where her scales are flame red.

Her skin is soft purple, with darker purple marks swirling down her left side. They begin on her cheek, spiral down over her arms and torso, and end at her hips. She has a light silver hime cut, reaching down to where a human's knees would be.

Her thick bangs reach below her eyebrow, decorated in the middle by a dark red eye-like marking. Large, dark purple horns crown her head, flopping downwards towards her face like curving rabbit ears. Her sly eyes are yellow, with thick, dark eyelashes. She has elven ears. long, pointed features that gently sweep upwards.

"Announcing the arrival of the second Queen of the Mon Gal Kingdom, the Succubus Queen, Minagi."

The second woman is almost naked with how skimpy she is dressed but she still looks quite elegant despite her skimpy outfit. She has three pair of white bat wings and her hair color is split in the middle, the left side is fully white while the right side is light pink in color.

There's a tribal tattoo that can be seen on her body. And as expected of the Succubus Queen, she has a drop-dead gorgeous body that could make men succumb to her charm.

Every man in the vicinity with the exception of Michael slumped forward at her sight subconsciously.

"Ise!" The younger Rias pinched her pawn's side with a growl. She's fine with him ogling her adult self but she can't let him drool over just any other woman!

Grayfia is pinching Sirzechs's as well.

Azazel and few others didn't have anyone to stop them from leering at the sexy Succubus.

Michael is distracting himself to not look at the Succubus Queen by having a small conversation with the mature Kunou.

"May we know what this meeting is about?" He asked politely.

"Hm, it's nothing much really... It's just them reporting their achievements such as taking control of another world and such with a little competitiveness." Kunou responded: "Ah, but don't worry, it's not like we purposefully invade other world and taking it by force. It's a voluntary one."

"O-Oh, I see..." Michael nodded with an awkward smile. Looks like his worry was seen through...

"Announcing the arrival of the third Queen of the Mon Gal Kingdom, the Alraune Queen, Kanon."

"Announcing the arrival of the fourth Queen of the Mon Gal Kingdom, the Scylla Queen, Hiruko."


The mature Rias keep announcing the arrival of the Queens. There are seven Queen in total.

The fifth Queen is a Harpy Queen, the sixth is a Slime Queen, and the seventh is an Arachnia Queen.

The Queens stood on their respective place waiting for their King arrival.

"All the Queens from the Mon Gal kingdom are present." The mature Rias informed Altria and Salter.

"Um." Salter nodded before she used the same device as before: "Master, all of them have arrived."

Finally, the last person that needed to be present in this meeting will soon arrive. The Mon Gal Queens had their eyes transfixed at the final portal location... which is located behind the throne.

"Announcing... The arrival of the <Supreme Overlord> the supreme ruler of the <Netherworld>, Issei Savant Hyoudou." The mature Rias said with her eyes glistening longingly.

And from the portal, a man wearing an intricate black mask walked out of it followed by two beautiful women behind him... Grayfia and the others had their mouth wide agape at the sight of the first woman since it's the other Grayfia.

Just like how Hyoudou Issei becomes smitten at the sight of the mature Rias... Sirzechs is smitten silly at the sight of the other Grayfia since she looks so devastatingly beautiful...

Even Grayfia Lucifuge herself had to admit that this Grayfia looks more beautiful than herself... How did she maintain her looks?! She looks younger by a few years compared to her! She thought jealously to herself.

But even though she admits defeat, that doesn't mean she would allow her husband to look at other women like that despite the other woman's identity. Hence, Sirzechs received another pinch from his wife...

"Dearest father, dearest mother." Shirayuki called happily.

The second woman is none other than her birth mother, Shen Xi.

"Shi'er." Shen Xi said with a gentle smile.

"Papa!" Kozelotte jumped at Issei's embrace and immediately snuggled her head into his chest.

"Are you two fine? Did anyone here bully you?" Issei smiles dotingly at her and gently patted her head in the process. He also gives Shirayuki a gentle pat.

"Bully them? Hehe, you surely jest, husband... With their strength, it would be them who bully others." Shen Xi said with a giggle.

"Jeez, Ise. If you're planning to come here on your own then we should've just went together!" Kunou said with a huff.

"Heheh, sorry." Issei chuckled.

"He actually thought of it right after your departure." Grayfia Hyoudou said with a sigh: "Now let's stop the reunion here first. We have a meeting to attend."

"Ah." Issei nodded. Both Kozelotte and Shirayuki step aside along with Shen Xi.

"Your majesty!" The Queens called out with a devoted look on their faces.

Issei gives a nod at their greeting: "Let's start the meeting."

Only after Issei is seated on his chair that the Queens took their respective seat. Altria and Salter stationed not far behind him acting like a bodyguard while Grayfia is at his side with some paperwork in her hands.

Shen Xi is standing in the sideline with her daughters. The mature Rias's group obviously serving as maids.

"...So that's the other Issei..." Azazel and the others muttered in awe.

The way he carries himself is quite awe-inspiring.

"Why is he wearing a mask though?" Xenovia said while tilting her head: "Is he shy?"

"Shy? Hahaha!" Momoyo who heard her words laughed: "If our father didn't wear his mask then there would be a catastrophe!"

"Catastrophe?" They said confusingly.

"You mean there's something special about his mask? Maybe a power limiter of some sort?" Vali asked curiously: "That would make sense actually..."

"Eh, you could say that." Momoyo snickered to herself.

"Your majesty, I've managed to conquer five worlds this year." The Lamia Queen said proudly.

"Don't say it like we're invaders, Alice," Issei said while reading the report given by Grayfia.

"I manage to dominate four worlds, your majesty~" The Succubus Queen said seductively: "Can I get some rewards~? Perhaps... A night with just the two of us together under the sheet? It won't take long, I promise. You can just let me handle everything and it will all be over when you count to a hundred~"

"The way you said it also seems wrong... Remember that there are my daughters here, Minagi."

Issei propped his chin with one hand while looking at the report: "On the report here it says that you forcefully took control of one world, Kanon. Why is that?"

"Hmph, blame that world ruler. He tries to force me into marrying him! Despite knowing that my heart is already taken." The Alraune Queen said with a pout: "Now my king~, would you be so kind to give me some of your 'nectar'~?" She fluttered her eyelashes at Issei in the process.

"Hmm, I see." Issei nodded at her words ignoring her request which made her pout yet again.

"What about that world you reported before, Hiruko?" Issei asked the Scylla Queen.

Unlike a normal Scylla where their lower body consists of tentacles, she retains her human legs while her tentacles sprout from her behind just like a tail would.

"Sadly... That world is no good." She said with a sigh.

"Oh?" Issei mused waiting for her to continue.

"That world is basically at its last leg already... The original inhabitants already went extinct. It's only a matter of time before that world becomes engulfed on its own." The Scylla Queen said regrettably.

"I see..."

"It would be best if your majesty to just destroy that world."

"...Very well." Issei nodded lightly after thinking a little bit.

"Want me to destroy that world for you, dear husband~?" Nyarlathotep once again emerged from Issei's shadow. She leaned on his side while grinning.

"No need." Issei shook his head: "Besides, I know you would just bring Nyaruko with you and told her to destroy it instead. There's no need to teach her that kind of stuff."

"Aww~" Nyarlathotep whined.

Issei lightly tapped the table before him with his index finger. There's a light crimson glow at the tip of his finger.

Somewhere in the multiverse, a world suddenly exploded on its own...

"It's done. Fia, erase that world from the list."

"Yes, Issei-sama." Grayfia bowed lightly.

"What? What he means by it's done?" Vali frowned deeply.

"Ise just destroyed the world that they were discussing," Kunou said as a matter of fact.

"...Huh?" Not only Vali, but even the others also become stupefied at her words: "Y-You're kidding, right?" She continued.

"No. See this..." Kunou curled her tail making it shape like a circle and in the middle of that said circle, there's a projection of the planet that just exploded: "This is the world they were talking about."

"...But, we didn't sense anything from him..." Vali argued still in a state of disbelief.

"Of course you won't sense anything. You guys are too weak after all." Kunou shrugged: "Here, let me help you to see a glimpse of his power."

Kunou enveloped them with her foxtails. The moment the enlarged tails enveloped them, they almost felt like fainting because of how overwhelming Issei's strength is.

"Okay, that's enough. More than that might be dangerous." Kunou withdraws her tails after just a few seconds and they started breathing heavily while sweating profusely.

"Sorry about that, I forgot to limit your senses," Kunou said apologetically. She just forcefully enhanced their perception so that they could see a glimpse of Issei's strength but it looks like she messed up a bit.

"...I think I understand why the other me married him." Le Fay of this world muttered to herself after being silent for a while: "He's nothing like that pervert."

Kuroka of this world's eyes is shining brightly while looking at Issei who's currently conversing with the Queens. Her tails are flailing around just like how a cat found its prey... Others might felt horrified by that display they just witnessed but she felt hot instead...

Rossweisse blushed deeply while fidgetting on the spot. She's feeling envious of her other self who's married to this Issei...

The young Rias and her peerage also felt surreal of the sight of the other Issei.

Whereas Hyoudou Issei himself feels respect seeing the other him who's surrounded by so many big-breasted beauties. But more than respect, he felt extremely jealous! How come they're so different!

Ddraig who's inside him shed tears of envy as well... But not because of the other Issei's harem but rather because of his strength. If this Issei is his host then how great it would be... He won't be called the Oppai Dragon damn it!

[...Vali.] Albion who's inside Vali said solemnly.

"...Ah, I know... I won't try to provoke this Hyoudou Issei." Vali for the first time felt fear. If it was only Shirayuki or Kozelotte then she wasn't that afraid but this... This is on a whole other level.

What kind of concept is it? Being able to destroy a whole world with just a tap of one's finger! Not even the biblical God or even Great Red itself capable of such a feat!

The same thoughts are circulating within their mind... No matter what happens, they must not offend this Issei! It's a relief that he doesn't seem to be an evil person.

"Can you explain to us just what it meant by 'conquering' world?" Sirzechs inquired.

"Ah, it's nothing complicated really. We would visit a world to see if they needed some help and the like... They could just pay us something in return or they could submit their world under our rule. But you don't need to feel concerned, under our rule can be considered under our protection as well. All they need to do is pay taxes just like how the government work in the human society and they're also need to be ready if someday they're needed for something such as defending against enemies attack or going to war." Kunou explained.

"I see..." Sirzechs nodded understandingly: "Then what about that world Issei just destroyed?"

"That world is basically under the brink of destruction with no hope left. It's better for it to be destroyed as soon as possible or there might be some unforeseen accident that could happen such as that world 'infecting' other world."

They nodded once again and asked no further question... They waited until Issei's meeting is finished.

"Now that the meeting is over..." Alipheese or Alice had her eyes glistening brightly. Her snake body slowly crept up towards Issei trying to coil itself around his body only to be slapped away by the Scylla Queen tentacles.

"Not so fast, Alice." She smirked.

"Why you! Stop getting in my way Hiruko!" Alice growled.

"Ne ne, your majesty... How about we leave those two old hags behind and have fun on our own~?" The succubus Queen said seductively while approaching Issei. She purposefully pushed her breasts forward trying to entice Issei.

While this Issei is not fazed by her action, the other Issei had a massive nosebleed.

""Who are you calling old hags you slut!!!"" The two shouted.

"I'll take that as a compliment. I'll gladly become your majesty's personal slut~"

*PAK!* *PAK!* *PAK!*


"I said mind your language." Issei sighed: "And Kanon take back your tendrils from my leg please."

"Ara? I've been found out~" The Alraune Queen giggled mischievously.

The other Queens also started encroaching upon Issei. Such as the Arachne Queen who's using her string trying to pull Issei towards her...

"Altria, Salter, if you would." Issei said tiredly.

""Understood, Master."" The two of them responded.

"Okay, that's enough. The meeting is over, you can go back now." Salter said while pulling two of the Queens and threw them away into the portal.

"Ahhhh! Your majesty!" They shouted just before they went inside the portal.

"W-Wait, your majesty! Please wait! At least let me get some of your sem-"

"Okay, nope. Out with you." Altria tossed the indecent Succubus Queen away.

And just like that, they're thrown away one by one like a sack of potato... Until only Alice left behind. The reason for that is because she has been silent during the whole ordeal.

"What's wrong Alice?" Issei asked seeing her being so silent all of the sudden.

"...It's nothing." Alice sighed: "It's just that I've missed you, your majesty."

"..." Issei looks at her before sighing to himself: "Take this with you. These vials contain a small amount of concentrated <Mana> from me. Share them with the others, understand? I will send more of the appropriate payment for each and one of you later on."

"Ohhh!" Alice's eyes shone brightly at the sight of the seven vials that are given to her.

"Thank you, your majesty!" Alice jumped at Issei and hugged him tightly. Altria and Salter didn't stop her because Issei told them not to.

Her tails started coiling themselves around Issei's waist and if Issei isn't wearing his mask then she would've rain his face with kisses.

"Ne ne, your majesty. Can you take off your mask just for a little bit, please?" Alice implored while still hugging Issei and sitting on his lap with his tail coiling around his waist.

"You know that won't be a good idea, right?"

"Tch..." Alice looks discontentedly at Sirzechs's group.

Their body shook greatly sensing her penetrating gaze. They hurriedly averted their gaze while feigning ignorance.

They weren't really invited to this meeting so they felt a little guilty for getting in the way...

"Just go back for now... I'll pay you a visit later," Issei said while patting her back.

"Really?!" Alice exclaimed in glee.

"...Ah." He finally nods.

"Hehehe, I will be waiting, your majesty." Alice said before she unwrapped herself from Issei.

She winked at Issei one last time before disappearing into the portal...

"Haah..." Issei sighed tiredly for the umpteenth time.

"Fufufu, you're finally going to accept Alice, dear?" Grayfia chuckled behind him.


"Hehehe, we will leave it at that, I guess." She said before setting her eyes on the nervous onlookers: "Now then... Shall we have a talk with them, dear?"

"Hm?" Issei looks to the side while he flinched slightly at the sight of his wives' other counterpart.

Damn... How come they look so alike? He thought wryly to himself. Especially that Kuroka who had her eyes glistening brightly with her tails flailing about. She looks just like his Kuroka whenever they would do their nightly activities together...

"SENPAI!!!" Hyoudou Issei dashed forward while kneeling at him in the process.

"Please teach me how to be a harem king! Please, I beg you!" He begged desperately.

Ophis also float towards Issei and said bluntly: "Give me an offspring."

"..." Issei becomes speechless at this sight.

The mature Rias's group looks quite a bit melancholic when they saw this perverted Issei. Then they look at their other counterpart and felt slightly envious since they didn't make the same mistake as them...


<Tenrou Island>

"S-Sister!?" A young blonde girl said feeling surprised.

"O-Oi, Erza! You have twins?!" A young man with pink colored hair said.

"U-Unbelievable..." A beautiful girl with long white hair said.

"Maybe that's Erza from Edolas?"

"No, you flame brain, she looks nothing like that Erza! She clearly uses magic just now!" A spiky black-colored hair young man said with a scoff.

"What did you say droopy eyes!"

The two young men glared at each other.

"M-May we know who you are, miss?" A small looking old man asked cautiously.

This girl who looks like one of their guildmates just beat the hell out of that black dragon... Even all of them together couldn't put a scratch on its body back then. But here she is easily defeating that same dragon in the same fashion but in reverse... That black Dragon couldn't even put a scratch on her body!

While they're speculating just who is this woman is, their friend who's also named Erza had her eyes widen: "...Nee-san?" She said in disbelief.

"Why are you calling me nee-san? You're clearly older than me." The other Erza laughed. The reason why the other Erza called her nee-san is because she's stronger and looks older than her.

She is 14 years old while the other Erza is 19. The former only looks a bit more mature because of her bloodline.

"I-Is that really you?"

"What do you think?"

"W-Wait, you knew her, Erza-san?" A petite girl with long dark blue hair asked.

The dragon woman is none other than Erza Belserion Hyoudou while the other Erza is her parallel self, Erza Belserion Scarlet.

"Y-Yes... She's my step-sister, you could say..." Erza Scarlet nodded dumbly but soon she hurriedly asked: "I-Is father with you?" She asked hopefully.

She and her mother are under their care for a period of time until Issei told her to join Fairy Tail. Issei can see that the Fairy Tail member is a group of good people.

He could just take Erza Scarlet and her mother with him but she decided not to since he couldn't just bring every single person he met with him. Just like he said, he's trying to limit himself... Despite the failure over the so-called "limit" so far.

Erza Scarlet cried wanting to go with Issei but with a few words of persuasion and some promise, she finally relented and joined Fairy Tail soon after.

"Um, he's currently not around." Erza Hyoudou shook her head.

"I see..." Erza scarlet said disappointingly.

"Where's your mom, by the way? How come I didn't see her with you?" Erza Hyoudou said while looking around. She jumped down from the black Dragon unconscious body.

"She went away soon after you left with father... She said she will fulfill the promise she has with him. She sometimes pays me a visit though..."

"You have a mother Erza?!"

"Be quiet you idiot! Can't you see that they're in the middle of something!?"

"Who are you calling an-"


Erza Scarlet knocked the pink-haired young man into the ground taking him out in the process...

"Your friends sure are rowdy." Erza Hyoudou laughed out loud: "Oh, there's also a spirit here." She said looking at a young girl who seems shocked that she could see her.

"Sorry about that..." Erza Scarlet said while fuming a little.

"Don't mind it... But promise? Oh... 'That' promise huh..." Erza Hyoudou said wryly.

"Um... She's so determined that she practically almost neglected me for a few months." Erza Scarlet sighed. Not that she minds though since she knows that her mother loves her dearly.

"Hey hey! Sorry to intrude on your reunion, but what and who are you? What magic did you just use? I can tell that it's not <Take Over> magic but it's something else! And how come you can see me?" A young girl who has very long, wavy, pastel yellow-blonde hair that reaches down to her feet with a small ahoge on top of her head and large green eyes with no pupils, peachy skin, and a slight child-like build asked curiously.

"Me? I'm a Dragon, obviously. And my name is Erza Belserion Hyoudou." Erza Hyoudou said simply. She flailed her dragon tail and wings to make her point across.


"Do you know Igneel!?" The pink-haired guy who just got knocked out cold become startled awake at the revelation.

"Igneel? Dunno, never heard of him before." Erza Hyoudou shrugged: "But how come you're so weak, sister? Have you been neglecting your training? Now that just won't do."

"Ergh... No, I'm not neglecting my training... It's just that since father isn't around to guide me, my strength is unable to increase anymore..." Erza Scarlet said.

"Excuses, I can tell that you're very weak and your strength barely increases ever since our last training together with father. Now come with me, I will train you personally and this time I will make sure that you're able to use your Dragon form." Erza Hyoudou caught the flinching Erza Scarlet by her scruff and dragged her along.

Her friends become flabbergasted at that... What the hell? She's already very strong perhaps even stronger than their number one magician but here she is saying that she's basically never trained herself?! And Dragon form? Since when Erza has a Dragon form?!

Erza Scarlet struggled under her grasp but the other Erza is not having any of it.

"W-Wait, miss! What about this dragon!" The small old man shouted while pointing at the unconscious black Dragon.

"Hm? Oh, I almost forgot." Erza Hyoudou said in realization. She then literally kicked the black dragon in its ass sending it flying far away until it becomes a fleeting star in the sky...

Their eyes and mouth become wide agape in shock seeing this.

"I won't do anything to it. That will be my sister's job when the time comes." Erza Hyoudou said with Erza Scarlet still flailing around in her hand: "I can't believe such weakling could easily defeat you, sister... What will father say when he saw this..."

"D-Don't! Don't tell father, please! I-I'll train!" Erza Scarlet said with a pale face.

"Oh, you will train alright... Like it or not. I won't let my sister be so weak that some random lizard wannabe king could kick her butt so easily." Erza Hyoudou grinned evilly.

"Th-That Erza is even scarier than our Erza..." A blonde-haired girl said while shivering slightly. Her friends nodded rapidly at her words while shivering on their own.

And with Erza Hyoudou's help, they finally went back towards their guild...


"Where did he go?"

"Damn, we lost him!"

"Search around some more, he shouldn't be too far away!"

Somewhere nearby, an old man could be seen hiding in the dimensional gap while muttering to himself: "What the hell? Did he have to be so angry? All I did was did a little harmless prank!"

"There he is! Catch him! Don't let him escape this time or we won't be able to face Master!"

"Crap! Run!"

In the void, a lone old man is being chased by six woman could be found...

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