The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 169: Side

Chapter 169: Side

"Hey! Are you guys still going at it?" A bored but vibrant voice resounded clearly within the guild.

The "delinquents" who are surrounding Ryo jerked their bodies at this voice.

"Y-Yuel-san!" They hastily turned around and said awkwardly.

Ryo also looks past them to see the one who just spoke.

It is a stunning young girl who looks like in her teens. She has long silky black hair and striking red eyes. Her most striking feature is her pair of fox ears and large fluffy tail.

She's wearing a Miko outfit with some plated guard in her arms and legs. There's also a red ribbon and large bells tied at the base of her fox ears.

As for her weapons, she seems to be carrying a pair of unique-looking swords. One of them is red and the other one is blue.

"A-A nekomimi..." Ryo muttered while being entranced at her sight. To think he would meet a Fox girl wearing a Miko outfit! Lucky! He shouted inside his mind.

He started thinking of a way to gain her attention but what the system said next made his body froze.

[Princess Yuel Hyoudou. The daughter of Lady Yasaka Hyoudou. She's a Nine-Tailed Fox Dragon Maiden. Her combat prowess is amongst the top despite her young age, just as to be expected of the descendant of this world Supreme ruler. She's currently an S-rank adventurer. The odds for the current user gaining her attention are basically zero.]

"..." Ryo's face started twitching a lot after hearing the system introduction of this fox girl in front of him.

Why is it the beautiful woman he met so far is either the wife of this world Supreme ruler or his daughter instead... Where's his fated encounter, damn it!

And what's with her rank? If she's only at S-rank despite her parents' lineage... Just how strong is the EX-rank?!

[There's an even stronger rank above EX-rank but it is not officially classified. Most of the Supreme ruler wives are above EX-rank. They call those who above the EX-rank the <Ultimate True God>.]

'What about the Supreme ruler himself?'

[The Supreme ruler is in his own class. A special rank only applies and belongs to him, <True Godking>.]

"..." While Ryo is inquiring about some information from the system, the "delinquents" are being reprimanded by Yuel.

"How many times do I need to tell you, stop doing such things to rookies! I know you mean well? Although I don't really understand what's this so-called "template" you guys often talk about but don't take things too far." Yuel scolded the group of 'delinquents'.

"Yes, Yuel-san~" But instead of feeling disheartened, they seem to be enjoying her scolding.

They keep grinning to themselves while their eyes mellowed to the maximum.

"Don't mind them too much, Rookie. They're just joking with you. They might look like this but they're actually not that bad." Yuel sighed and said to Ryo.


"Haha, sorry about that, bro! We're just joking with ya!" The mohawk said while he patted Ryo's shoulder.

"Ya see, we're also from another world, just like you. And we wanted to give our fellow otherworlders a typical template even if it's a cliche one."

"Right right, the template where the newbie got harassed by their senior in the guild is quite a cliche, aren't they?"

"Sorry that we can't give you the template where you encounter a bishoujo princess in distress... It's just that... This world's princesses is hella strong, you know?!" They actually shed tears at the mention of this world's princesses.

"What he said! I can't believe the youngest princess here could even kill an actual Dragon barehanded if she wanted to!"

"..." Ryo become flabbergasted at their antics.

"What are you saying? The Dragons in this world serve Chichiue. So we won't go killing them around." Yuel berated.

"We know, Yuel-san~" They once again turned their stupidly grinning face at Yuel.

"Jeez... You guys are already at D-rank. Stop acting like a delinquent and go raise your rank already." Yuel said while shaking her head.

"Ohhh! To think that Yuel-san could remember our lowly self!"

"I can die happily now!"

They once again shed their tears.

Ryo couldn't believe that this group of thugs is at D-rank already... They look ridiculous but they're apparently quite capable.

"Anyway, you can go to that side to register. You're new here, aren't you? I've never seen you here before." Yuel approached Ryo and started inspecting him.

"Yes, I'm new here..." Ryo said while feeling overwhelmed by Yuel's presence. Being this close to another transcendent beauty is not good for his heart... In a lot of ways.

The fear of getting his heart ripped out by the supreme ruler because he offended his daughter comes to mind and Ryo couldn't help but shudder.

The system has already informed him that the Supreme ruler is extremely doting on his daughters and he doesn't want to cross the line.

"Mm, and I see that you're an otherworlder just like these guys." Yuel nodded: "And you're also a Japanese? How come there's so many Japanese that got transported here?" She said feeling a little baffled.

The ratio of Japanese to other countries such as America, China, Korea, Russia, etc is basically 8:2.

"That's because we Japanese has a special trait, Yuel-san!" The group of "delinquents" said boastfully.

"Oh? Is that so?" Yuel said while tilting her head: "How come I don't know about this? I'll try asking Chichiue and Hahaue later I guess since they're both Japanese as well."

"Please don't!" They screamed in terror.

Who knows if she suddenly said something misleading when she's talking to her daughtercon of a father! The memory of one particular chuuni idiot that got obliterated out of existence by the Supreme ruler a while ago is still fresh in their mind...

That idiot thought too highly of himself and thought that he's the "protagonist" and he also thought that every beautiful girl in this world should belong to him... now look where he is now... deader than dead!

Well, even if that Supreme ruler didn't do anything, they might've done something to him first since not only is he a chuuni idiot, but he's also a lolicon! The princess that he tried to "court" back then is barely 10 years old!

The dumbass even pulled the "candy" stunt on the loli for God's sake! Just how mentally handicapped is he?!

Actually... Most of the otherworlders thought that they're the protagonist at the start but after a few incidents, they are faced with the harsh reality that they're basically just a mob and not the protagonist...

Eh, such is life... And reality can often be disappointing more often than not.

But it's not that bad once they got used to it. They could use magic and so on after all.

Yuel tilted her head at their frantic expression. What's so scary that it made them go pale like this? Well, whatever she guess.

"...Nee-chan, are you done yet?" A slightly sleepy voice called out from behind Yuel.

"Nn? Ah, I am. Sorry to keep you waiting, little sister." Yuel grinned apologetically at the newcomer.

"Oh! Narmaya-chan is here as well! Lucky!" The group of thugs pumped their fists excitedly.

"Who?" Ryo muttered and look past Yuel: "Huge!" He commented at a certain asset of hers. But in the next second, he hastily covers his mouth.

What a blunder! He just said his thoughts out loud! He started to have a cold sweat thinking if someone happens to hear him just now.

The girl wears a white robe that extends to her leg, she wears a sleeveless black shirt under her robe and black hotpants coupled with matching black boots. Her hair is colored white coming close to light blue. Her eyes have a unique starry pattern that almost matches her mother albeit not as pronounced compared to the former.

Her ears are slightly elongated and she also inherited her mother's large horn although not as big yet. And as Ryo commented before, her breast size is quite big for someone of her age.

[Princess Narmaya Hyoudou, 12 years old. Just like Princess Yuel, she's also an S-ranked adventurer. She's a fully pledged True Dragon. Her esteemed mother's name is Lady Tiamat Hyoudou. The user should be glad that nobody happens to listen to your blunder just now because if not, the user would've died right at this very second.] The system said.

The corner of Ryo's eye started to twitch furiously. What the hell... Just from a single mishap, he could've lost his head just now!

"...Who?" Narmaya muttered in a sleepy expression while looking at the "delinquent" group.

They slumped down to the ground feeling depressed.

"A-Ahaha, well, you guys can show the rookie around. We will take our leave now. See you guys later." Yuel laughed awkwardly and waved at them: "Now come, little sister. The others should be waiting for us already."

"En..." Under the respectful gaze of the surrounding adventurers, Yuel and Narmaya then left the adventurer's guild.

"Well, that's that... I guess we're not worthy enough to be remembered by Narmaya-chan." The mohawk delinquent said depressedly.

"Now come, rookie! We'll show you around!"

"O-Oh, thanks."

"Don't mention it!" They said with a grin: "Now, let's go!"

They then went towards the registration counter while explaining some stuff to Ryo.

They reached the reception counter and the receptionist who's from the elven race welcomed them.

"Welcome to the <ECH> Adventurer's Guild, how may I help you?" The elf said with a professional smile.

"Go on, rookie. You can register yourself here."

"G-Got it."

"You're here for registration? The registration is for free and you will receive an ID card but please don't lose it or you will have to pay some fee for it." The elf explained.

"O-Oh. I understand." Ryo said nervously and also feeling slightly excited.

"Then let's get started, shall we? Put your hand here, please." The elf clicked a few button on the counter and a projector emerged in front of Ryo.

Ryo put his hand on the projector where a hand symbol is located.

Once he put his hand there, his status emerged soon after.

"So you're an otherworlder? Noted. No criminal records on your past life... So what's your intention of becoming an adventurer?" The elf questioned: "Ah, don't take your hand off the identification screen, okay?"

"I-I wanted to earn an income from it and train myself to survive and to serve the Supreme Overlord well!" He answered with an answer he thought is the best.

"..." But all he receives is silent treatment from the receptionist.

The smiling face of the receptionist never disappears but her eyes are not smiling at all.

"Uh, dude... It's best if you tell the truth." One of the delinquents nudged his back.

"That device can tell if you're lying, you know?" They whispered.

"See that red light on the corner? That means you're lying..."

"..." Ryo gulped and looked at the blinking red light.

He took a deep breath and said nervously: "I-I wanted to become stronger so that... so that I can have my own... my own..."

"Speak up please." The elf raised her voice.

"So that I can have my own harem!" Ryo sputtered out.

"..." Ryo closed his eyes ready to be jeered.

But he doesn't seem to receive a jeer or ridicule from the receptionist or the delinquents behind his back. Ryo felt like he wanted to bury a hole and go hide inside it. To think that he just said his true feelings like that...

"Understood." The elf simply nodded and started typing.

"???" Ryo cast a confused look at them. Why didn't he get laughed at?

"What's wrong?" They asked him.

"You're not going to mock me?" Ryo asked cautiously.

"Huh? Why should we?" They blinked confusedly.

"Ah, so that's it... Do you think we will mock your dream? Hahaha, of course not, bro!" They realized his confusion and laughed out loud.

"You're not the only one who has that dream, you know? Even this Kaito here wanted to be a harem king!" They pointed at the mohawk delinquent.

"The receptionists here are professionals, they won't laugh at your dream. Unless your dream is to cause trouble, they won't bother you."

"O-Oh, I see..." Ryo scratches his head in relief.

"And you need to remember that every receptionist here is strong, so don't try to flirt with them unless you want to get beaten black and blue." They warned him.

"G-Got it."

"A harem is not that uncommon in this world. Even the Supreme Overlord has more than a thousand wives."

"O-Oh..." Ryo already knows that from his system so he doesn't get too surprised.

"Yeah, as long as one is reliable there's no problem with how many women surround you!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"But... The thing is... Most beautiful ladies here have set their eyes on the Supreme Overlord itself!" They suddenly lamented.

"He's already hella strong and rich but as if it wasn't enough, he's also drop-dead handsome as well! Is there any justice left in this world?!"

"..." Ryo becomes speechless at their words.

"Quiet down, please." The elf warned.

"Y-Yes!" They saluted.

"And Ryo Fujiwara-san. It would be best if you don't spout lies that are related to the Supreme Overlord. If anyone who truly devoted to him heard about it, they won't let you scot-free. This time it's only a warning since you're new here." The elf retracted her smile and cast a warning gaze at Ryo.

"I-I understand." Ryo gulped.

"Um. The rules for an adventurer are stored within your ID-card. You can read it at any given time by just accessing it with your magic. There are some rules that are absolute and there are some that are not mandatory. Please read the rules carefully to prevent any mishap from happening. With that said, here's your ID-card, and we from the <ECH> company hope that your dream will come true." The elf smiled once again while giving Ryo his ID-card and after he receives his card, the elf gives a slight bow towards Ryo.

"Gratz, rookie! You're one of us now! Let's celebrate your registration!" The "delinquent" group cheered at Ryo.

Ryo dazedly looked at his ID-card. This is it... This is the start of his adventurer life!

When Ryo and his new group left the building, the elf narrowed her eyes at the status monitor.

All of Ryo's stats are quite normal for an otherworlder. Most of his status is in the range of 10 to 15. While his dexterity is quite high for some reason, sitting at 29, his luck status is the most abnormal... His luck is at 999, almost reaching 4 digits.

The average human status that comes from a world without magic is around 10 to 20 while athletes and experts are at 30 to 50. Few could reach the 100 and they are already considered a monster in normal human society.

"Hmm... how weird." The elf muttered: "Is it because of his system?"

Ryo indeed could be considered lucky. On his first day, he could meet 2 of the "higher-up" and on his second day, he meets with 3 new "higher-up". And not only that, but he also receives compensation that could be considered a "Beginner" package from Nightingale herself.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah? Shuri-sama!"

The elf becomes startled when she heard a voice coming from behind her. When she turns around, she saw Shuri standing behind her.

The elf hastily pays her respect.

"Raise your head. What's so weird about that boy?" Shuri asked with a smile.

"U-Umm, it's like this..." The elf narrated the boy's status to Shuri.

"I see... Another otherworlder? Hmm, his <Luck> is indeed abnormal... And he also possesses Kathryn-sama's <System> albeit it's a flawed one... Well, I will report this to Ise-sama." Shuri said.

"H-Hai!" The elf bowed one more time.

"Fufufu, no need to be so tense. Your merit here will be properly rewarded." Shuri said with a slight giggle before she teleported away.

The elf started to hop on the spot feeling giddy hearing that she will be properly rewarded. Her workmates cast a jealous gaze in her direction...


Issei was about to say something when he sensed another presence coming their way.

"Hm? Princess?" He muttered. And as if on cue, a spatial opening appeared in front of him and Shirayuki stepped out of it.

When she appeared, the Gods froze in their place at her overwhelming beauty.

They thought that this girl looks so alike with this male God.

"Dearest father." Shirayuki beamed happily at Issei.

"What are you doing here? I thought you're with your mother?" Issei smiled fondly at her.

While he's at it, he snapped his finger and Crimson chains started to bind the nearby Gods that are surrounding him. Only those who are fighting against Nero didn't get chained but they feel stupefied at this sight.

"Where are you looking!" And Nero takes advantage of this and killed a few more Gods in the process: "Hn? Shirayuki-chan?" But she finally also notices Shirayuki's presence.

Nero sensed an attack coming her way and ducked slightly: "Oops, aren't you precious? Tou!" She kicked her assailant and resumed her "dance".

She didn't need to worry about Shirayuki since Issei is at her side. And besides, it's not like Shirayuki is weaker than herself.

"Nn, it's nothing. I just wanted to see you." Shirayuki said with a smile.

"Did your mother and the others know that you're here?" Issei asked while patting her head.

"..." Shirayuki's body jerked slightly and she averted her eyes to the side.

"Princess?" Issei lifted his eyebrows at her reaction.



"They didn't know that I came to see you..."

Issei smiles wryly at her guilty expression.

"Am I bothering you, dearest father? Do you need any help?" Shirayuki hastily changed the subject and looked around.

"Err, of course not. And no need. Father has already got everything taken care of." But then he remembered something: "Ah, but since you're here already, how about fighting some of them, princess? You can use this chance to increase your strength."

"En, Shirayuki obeys." She said softly.

"You can start with her." Issei pointed at Luo Hao: "No need to kill her and don't use your <Chaos> energy, princess. Try to match her with the same strength and hone your skill that way."


"...Are you mocking me, Godking? You're sending your daughter against me instead of facing me yourself?" Luo Hao gritted her teeth for being treated as another training dummy.

"So what if he is?"


By the time Luo Hao realized it, Shirayuki was already standing right in front of her.

Luo Hao hastily retreated and she couldn't help but having a cold sweat.

If Shirayuki wanted to end her just now then...

Looks like it was her mistake for being distracted by her anger.

Luo Hao took a deep breath and took her stance: "My surname is Luo, with the given name Cuilian, and style Hao. The leader of the holy cult, the one standing astride the martial pinnacle." She introduces herself once again.

"...Shirayukihime Shen Hyoudou. The firstborn daughter of the Supreme Ruler of the multiverse, Issei Savant Hyoudou and the daughter of the Primordial Azure True Dragon God Empress, Shen Xi." Following Luo Hao, Shirayuki also introduces herself.

At her revelation, whether it's the Gods or Erica's little group, they become utterly speechless.

His identity is beyond their wildest dream... They already speculated that they're a King but never they guess that he's a King of the entire multiverse!

"...Shen Xi? Your mother is from the same homeland as me?" Luo Hao isn't that surprised by Issei's identity but she's more surprised by Shirayuki's mother.

"..." Ignoring her question, Shirayuki releases her aura.

"Looks like I've been disrespectful..." Luo Hao said before she also releases her aura.

"Ooh, it's been a while ever since I've seen Yuki-chan had her battle," Nero said while situating herself at Issei's side.

"Good work." Issei praised.

"Hehen, but of course! They're nothing before the great me!" Nero said boastfully.

Much to the remaining Gods' horror, looks like she has already finished her "battle".

Only now that the remaining Gods realize their doom. Only Izanami and the few others had already expected this.

They stayed kneeled on the ground even until now hoping that they will be spared at the very least.

Luo Hao's crystal-like hand sprang out wanting to grab Shirayuki's shoulder but the latter sidestepped to the side.

Luo Hao has already anticipated this so she immediately did a follow-up with her elbow.

Shirayuki gracefully lifted her hand to stop Luo Hao's incoming elbow.

A large amount of magical power flowed out from Cult Leader Luo Hao's body and she channeled it into her hand wanting to breakthrough Shirayuki's defense but to no avail.

"The way of the heavens is bright and clear, the way of the earth is untroubled and tranquil, the way of mankind is empty and serene! Ho!" Roaring with an intensely imposing manner, she pulled back her elbow and did another attack with her other arm.

Shirayuki also lifted her other arm and punched out to match Luo Hao's attack in a calm manner.


In the vast plaza the two were standing on, cracks started to appear on the floor radiating from the spot where they stepped. The stone-paved plaza was virtually smashed.

Luo Hao felt her blood boils excitedly and she couldn't help but praised out: "Good strength."

"You're not bad yourself." Shirayuki praised back.

Although Luo Hao praised her, she knows that Shirayuki is taking it easy on her. She felt bitter at this but she's also feeling grateful... She knows that she will lose straight away if Shirayuki went all out from the start.

As someone who pursues strength, Luo Hao also wanted to face strong enemies to hone herself even further. The reason why she challenges Issei is also because of that.

If she dies in the process then so be it. At the very least, she will be able to catch a glimpse of true strength.

She's what you call a complete battle maniac.

Shirayuki respects this side of her quite a bit as a fellow martial artist. Just from skills alone, perhaps Luo Hao could match her.

Unless Shirayuki uses her divine energy then it will take a while to completely defeat Luo Hao. But what's terrifying about Shirayuki is her comprehension that she inherited from Issei.

Her battle instinct is only second to Issei himself.

Luo Hao also didn't use all of her <Authority> since she realizes that Shirayuki is fighting her with pure raw strength and plain magical energy, not divine energy. Besides, most of her <Authority> that she stole from the God she slays are not applicable for direct combat.

Taking the opportunity of Luo Hao being slightly distracted, using her free hand, Shirayuki punches out. Time seemingly followed Shirayuki's movements, and although Shirayuki's fist looks slow, how could it be so simple?

Seeing that she's unable to dodge, Luo Hao decided to block her attack which is the correct choice albeit she still took some damage.

If she tries to dodge Shirayuki's fist then her injury would be even more fatal.


Luo Hao's face changed, violently spitting a mouthful of blood. She had been beaten back by a punch.

But instead of feeling irritated, Luo Hao smiles happily.

Using some kind of magic, her clothes instantly transformed. It was a robe reminiscent of the ladylike attire of enlightened female immortals. A luxurious outfit similar to a mandarin gown with an opening at the chest offered a view of her lustrous milky white skin.

"..." Shirayuki frowned at her attire: "Are you trying to seduce my dearest father with that getup?" She couldn't help but blurt out.

"Hm? This is my battle attire. And as for seducing your esteemed father..." Luo Hao glanced at Issei and the growling Nero who notices her gaze. But Luo Hao ignored Nero's gaze and flashed a smile instead.

"If I lose... No, if facing you who barely uses your full strength already took everything I have. Facing your esteemed father seems nothing but a pipedream. I know my limits. Then as the loser, I'm more than willing to be his wife, concubine, mistress, or even slave, whichever you see fit. Such is the fate of the defeated... And even if he won't accept me... A good death is its own reward." Her smile is innocently adorable, a very wonderful smile of a maiden.

Perhaps this is the first time that she has ever smiled like this.

"But enough of that! Now, again!" She shouted before she sprang forward once more.

"Master! You mustn't fall for her charm!" Nero fumed.

"...Do I look like I will just lay my hand on any woman I see?" Issei said speechlessly at his jealous wife.

"Hen! If my number of sisters aren't as many then I might believe you!" Nero said with a pout.

Issei smiles wryly at her words. He couldn't deny it... He's indeed quite fickle in love.

Perhaps it has something to do with his Divinity. If a woman truly comes at him with pure love, he will also become affected by it albeit not completely.

"But I can't really blame you... If you're not as fickle then we won't be able to become your wives..." She muttered in a low voice: "And knowing all that, we're still willing to become your wife... So some fault also lies in ourselves..."

Issei shakes his head and pulled her into his embrace.

"...I love you." He said lovingly right next to her reddening ear.

"...Say it again." Nero practically melted into his embrace and she immediately started to act spoiled.

"I love you."

"Again." Nero's ahoge started to sway furiously.

While the two of them are acting like a dumb couple, Shirayuki and Luo Hao's fight is still ongoing.

"Truly marvelous. This kind of battle won't happen that often. I'm glad that I get to witness this!" Sun Wukong laughed gleefully at their battle: "Now if only I have some peach to eat..." He lamented.

Luo Hao's each and every strike carries an indomitable will and tyrannical might, relentlessly chasing after its target whereas Shirayuki adapts to every strike that Luo Hao throws at her.

From time to time, it was quiet as an ice pool. From time to time, it moved like the sound of thunder. Shirayuki's martial arts alternated their situation, continuous and unending.

Ever since she was 9 years old, Shirayuki had played many instruments and was proficient in speech, verse, dance, and arts of all kinds, in terms of military strength, she was equally magnificent. All for the sake to make her dearest father proud.

When the news of her mother's "mistake" comes to light, she works even harder wanting to lessen her dearest father's anger towards her mother.

And how could Issei didn't realize it? One of the reasons why he forgives Shen Xi at the end also has something to do with his precious little princess. Of course, Shen Xi's dedication also plays a large part.

Issei often told her that he's already more than proud of her achievement so far and there's no need for her to push herself so far. But Shirayuki insisted that she couldn't fall behind him.

What else could he do but support her at that point?

Issei feels gratified and his eyes are filled with pride and love while watching Shirayuki who's exchanging blow after blow with Luo Hao.

As if she could tell that her dearest father is watching her, Shirayuki's attack started to get more and more explosive that Luo Hao started to feel overwhelmed.

But instead of feeling horrified, she becomes more and more thrilled. During their whole exchange, her grin never fade. She looks just like a child that has discovered something fun.

Blood trickled down from the corner of her mouth but she holds it in. Her body is screaming at her to stop and take a rest but she still pushes forward.

Her will and determination didn't lose out against Shirayuki's.

Never in her life, she has fun like this... Even the first time she slew her first God loses out to the current exhilaration that she currently feels.

She couldn't help but let her thoughts wander around... If fighting his descendant is already this thrilling... Just how fun will it be if she were to go against him directly? Just the thought alone made her shudder in anticipation!

Luo Hao suddenly abandoned her defense taking some hit in the process but she tanks it with her monstrous strength.

An uppercut, at the same time stepping and kneeing, followed by a series of short punches, knee strike, middle punch, and then a spinning aerial kick, a two-hit combo without touching the ground!

As swift and fluent as someone who stood at the martial peak.

Her attacks force Shirayuki to retreat and fly upwards.

Shirayuki's eyes glimmered slightly before she countered Luo Hao's movement. Luo Hao almost landed a hit but unfortunately for her, Shirayuki's battle instinct prevails over hers.

Akin to a floating butterfly, Shirayuki floated forward breaking through Luo Hao's barrage of attacks, and landed a solid hit right into the latter's stomach.

Luo Hao coughed a large amount of blood and crashed into the ground.


She coughed uncontrollably on the ground and struggled to open her eyes to see Shirayuki gracefully land on the ground.

"She's not bad, isn't she, Master?" Nero praised.

"Um." Issei gives a nod: "In my opinion, she's far stronger and more determined than that old fart I killed before."

"Old fart? Which old fart?"

"Just some old fart... I can't remember his name. His soul should be with Ereshkigal right now being cleansed." Issei said with a shrug.

"Oh..." Nero also shrugged losing interest.

If Voban were to know that his killer doesn't even bother to remember his name, he might've died out of anger once again...

Meanwhile, the struggling Gods ceases their struggle seeing that they can't break free from their restrain. They can only reign in their arrogance since they now understand that Issei is not someone that they can hope to defeat...

"...Splendid." Luo Hao muttered her praise between cough: "You didn't bring shame... to your father's title as the Supreme King. *Cough* *Cough*!"

"As his eldest daughter, that's a given." Shirayuki simply responded.

"Indeed..." Luo Hao tried to stand up once again but she can only stay seated on the ground.

"...So this is it, huh. I guess this is my limit." She muttered self depreciatingly while looking at her trembling hands.

"It was a good fight. You're really strong." Shirayuki praised.

"Heh, what a joke. I couldn't even get you to fight me seriously." Luo Hao groaned: "Well, do what you want. Take your reward as the winner... You can kill me or do whatever you want."

Shirayuki looked upwards to seek her dearest father's opinion.

Issei who realizes her gaze smiled softly in return: "Do as you please, princess."

Shirayuki blinked twice before she thought to herself.

"...How about working for my father?" She said after thinking for a bit.

"Work for your father? You mean becoming his servant?" Luo Hao said with a frown.

"Um." Shirayuki nodded: "With your talent and will, I'm sure you could be more of use to my dearest father when you're alive rather than dead. We could always use a talented individual like you."

While observing Shirayuki from above, both Issei and Nero sensed yet another presence coming their way.

"Mu? She's here?" Nero mumbled.

Not only them but Shirayuki also recognize this presence.

Her face paled instantly and she was about to run away when that particular someone gripped her shoulder tightly.

"And where do you think you're going?" A stern voice resounded.

"Eek!" Shirayuki shuddered. Her head comically turned around and saw a furious-looking Forzelotte behind her back: "Forzelotte kaa-san..." She squeaked.

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