The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 2:

Chapter 2:

Issei got out of the cave and look into the sky, realizing it's still night he was wondering how long has it been since his transformation but meh he doesn't really care since he doubts anyone will be looking for him, he went to the nearby lake and dive in right away.


After a while he pops out headfirst from the lake and then floats on top of the lake thinking what's his next course of action should be, 'Hmm... I wonder what do I do from now on... Azazel-sensei must be still pretty busy, the same goes with the other faction leaders... guess I will think about it later'.

So he went to the shore of the lake and realize he still hasn't seen at his new looks he got after the transformation, well he knew for sure he got taller since his pants now kinda too tight on his legs. 'Wonder what I looks like now' so he look at the lake surface and saw his new face and body, his hair seems a bit longer now it went pass his neck also the color is a bit darker compared to his old shiny brown hair each single strand of his hair looks so soft and silky that people will think if he's a girl just from his hair alone, and his face looks so handsome that he even wonder if that's really him although you can still see his old looks a little bit, his skin is smooth as a baby bottom that even will make women envy, his eyes which used look goofy now looks sharp like a seasoned warrior, his eyes now changed to a wine red color and his pupil looks like a dragon eyes which is a slit but it went well with the rest of his face, his eyebrows now looks thicker and shaped sharp like a sword but also looks soft enough that you can see each single eyebrows if you look clearly, under the corner each of his eyes there's a single black claw shaped tattoo, each and every single parts of his face is so well sculptured, his pointy nose, his thin but full lips to the edge of his chiseled face that makes you wonder if his face crafted by the God himself although everyone knows that the God is already dead but it can't stop makes you wonder.

(AN: You can check my patron page to see all the images, it's for free).

Sadly his body still looks skinny but you can still see the outline of each muscle from his body especially his 6 toned abs that look firm yet soft at the same time because of his baby soft skin that glistens under the moonlight, and if he fills his body a bit more he will have the most perfect body that will make every single woman blush and lost in a trance just by looking at it and his penis, oh boy does he looks happy when he looks at it... he used to carry the length of 7 inches with 2-inch thickness but now it went to 11 inches and 3,5-inch thickness that will put every guy in shame if compared with him. "Damn... is that really me?!" The boy couldn't help but scream out loud, and he started touching all over his body just to make sure and pinched his face to make sure this isn't a dream.

"Ouch! It hurts! So it is not a dream...." with that realization he also knows what happens so far is also not a dream, all of that betrayal and heartbreak he felt. Although he wished all that to be a dream but he knows its real and reality won't change itself, even now he still feels a bit of love to his old beloved especially his master no... ex-master Rias Gremory but then what's come with it also comes with a feeling of rage and betrayal and with that, he erased whatever feelings he has for his old beloved 'I swear I will make you all regret!'.

"Fuhhh.... I'm a bit hungry now that I think about it... luckily there's tons of fish in this lake." So with that said he jumps back into the lake and catch a bunch of fish and started cooking them with his newfound fire breath 'Huh cool I guess I can breathe fire now since I'm mostly dragon' sadly at the first few try he burnt the fish to ash because he can't control his fire breath but after a few try he gets the hang of it and successfully cooked some fish although not that delicious because there's no seasoning and a bit burnt here and there but hey he doesn't care and ate with gusto.

After a while he's full and started thinking once more what will he do from now on. 'I guess I should leave a message to Azazel-Sensei at least and as for Kiba and Gasper... Nah they better off without knowing what happened to me so far, can't let them be more worried about me after what they have been through' He knows his friend Kiba cover for his work on the devil contract but there's nothing he can do about it when Rias never give him one thinking he will f*ck it up just because of that 1 slip up where he ran away from the guy whose wish is to transform to a magical girl and Kiba attitude of not letting him taking some of his work also doesn't help because he kinda feels the situation isn't that good anymore with all that cold attitude they gave issei so he rather doesn't let their master be more angrier than as she is now.

'Well, I guess I just do that before I go see what the world has to offer and I especially need new clothes hmmm guess I can buy them online through the devil service because I can't really waltz through a clothing store and expect not to be thought of as an exhibitionist now can I' Although he doesn't really care what people think about him, but he still have some shame and sure as hell don't want to be seen as a naked pervert on top of his title of the perverted trio of kuoh highschool. Unknown to him if any girls or boy(if they have special taste) saw him now they might just went to him like a pack of hungry wolf and devour him right there and then, but because he only thought of himself as handsome and not the most handsome guy that even put archangel Michael in the dust.

So after he went to his home and see no ones home not that he care if there's one anyway, he went to his room and order some clothes online delivered.

(Oh he already recorded the video and leave a voice message and all that happens to him before he underwent the transformation which you should know if you have read the original fanfic which i linked from the note from the Prologue)

He went and try to read some books only to find out he can memorize each book just from reading it once, 'Wow guess I have Eidetic memory now from that transformation' so he started absorbing every book he can find like a sponge and when he's out of the book he started googling stuff he would like to know and after a while he stopped because he thinks he already has the knowledge he needs, after a while, there's a flash of light and his package he ordered is here 'Huh neat with all the teleportation'. He put his old pawn pieces on a box and put it in his drawers and went to his delivered package.

(AN: And god damn I don't know how to describe clothes so hey just gonna post a link to you guys what it looks like if my description is shite you can google Killia from Disgaea 5 and his outfit is kinda like that but with an addition of the black shirt).

He opened his package and got his new outfit out from the box, his outfit consists of a jacket with white furs on the neckline and a red dragon motif on its back, a black sleeveless shirt and black tight jeans, a fingerless black glove and a brown combat boots. Overall he looks badass.

After a few moments of adjustment he started finding what's new power he posses on his body but during his investigation, there's suddenly a black rift under his feet, 'What?!' then he fell through the rift. And the room went quiet...

'Kuh, what was that rift and where am I' after he opens his eyes he started looking around 'Is it a dimensional rift? Are Ophis or Great Red did this?' so many questions going on his head and then there's a voice in this pitch darkness, the voice sounds sultry and melodious and its obviously a woman voice.

(AN: Once again remember I don't know much about the details of the characters and I will just make it up according to my wish so any fanboy out there no offense but if you do take offense I don't care :D)

??? - Oya, now aren't you still alive boy? I wonder what are you supposed to be doing here?

Issei - Who!? Who's there?! Show yourself!

LD - Now aren't you rude? Don't you know the etiquette of introducing yourself first before you asked somebody else? Well, I will let it slide for now since you interest me, you can call me Lady Death.

And that's when issei saw her, 1 of the most beautiful women he has ever seen with that well-endowed body, that looks like an hourglass and the mature aura around her.

The old issei might start drooling over his boobs and beauty but not the new him, all he had in his eyes now are appreciation and not lustful like his old looks, and he only out of it for 3 seconds. 'Hooo, that's a first for someone snap out of it so quickly when they looked at me and his eyes don't have any lust in it and only appreciation and I have to say he's quite interesting and hmmm yeah most handsome boy I ever saw too...' She found the boy quite intriguing and she licks her lips when she saw his face and toned body 'Wonder what's his size down there is it as great as his body? sigh but now that he knows I'm LD(Lady Death) he might just fear me like the others...' But even then she never saw any fear on his face only shock and wonder.

Issei - Lady Death?! You mean the one who governs life and death that even Hades feared?!

LD - Pfft, please Hades is only a puny god before me and he thinks he's all that powerful just because he comprehends a tiny concept of death and life, so tell me boy, why are you here when you are clearly still alive? Hmmm from your aura I can tell you're still a hatchling... a dragon hatchling if I must elaborate and quite young too from your aura, oh that's quite interesting you awaken your 'Aura' only recently and from what I've seen your not even 1 year old yet... Now care to tell me your secret, boy?

'What?! How she knows that?! Wait considering if she's the true LD then it won't be surprising she knows that... But I'm still not sure if she's the real deal, I need more information to prove she's the real deal.' Issei thought in his mind.

LD - Hmhmhm... I can see you're doubting my real identity boy~ now will this prove it?

Then LD started collecting souls on her fingertips and makes them do her bidding and make them eat each other or explode themself and do stuff that even Hades can't do and spread her aura to show him. 'She's real!!' then she stopped her action and asked the boy once more.

LD - So does that prove it to you, boy? Now, will you tell me your secret for little ol me? please~?

She started teasing the boy in front of her with her voice and come closer to touch his cheeks with her soft hands and rub it softly against her hands. 'Fufu~ even then he still doesn't fear me after I showed him a bit of my power, quite the interesting boy indeed~ either its ignorance from his young age or he's just a plain fool? but from his eyes, I can see its neither both of them and something else, pride? will? determination? and desires to be loved? maybe all of them but I can tell he will achieve great things in the future considering his young age...

Ohh~ what's this he got the Sekiryuutei inside his body even though he's a dragon himself? and I can sense a bit of death and life aura from him, which is weird because it supposed to not exist within a living being and only a being that has been dead once and live once more can possess it and even then its quite rare to see it this pure.... even Hades become partly skeleton to get where he is now but this boy, on the other hand, is still whole and I can't see any defect on his body.... hmm how many mysteries are you hiding boy~? must you interest me this much? It makes me want to claim you myself if u keep interest me, Fufufu~ now that would be nice wouldn't it~?... And maybe, at last, I can find my own beloved to accompany me after all these times...' She holds a strong distrust of others, and even if one might call themself her ally, whether they be necessary to her or not, they will be dealt with.

This is simultaneously due to the fact she boasts absolute confidence in her own power (though this is restricted to her own domain) but that's because she can feel from her so-called allies fear and distrust to herself and the greed they have for her beauty, what she experienced herself from the man who swore his loves for her only to be betrayed when that said man only wants her power and keep her as a trophy.... a trophy as how he can claim herself as his, not as his loved ones but only as a trophy... She doesn't really care about powers all she wants is to be loved for who she is not what she is... sadly there's never any man ever grants her wish but from what she feels from this boy there are no such things, there's distrust but what you expect from a people who just met each other? but there's no greed or even fear from his eyes... only pride for what he is and appreciation for her beauty she can tell he's not pretending because as the Goddess of Death she can tell when a person is lying or not just from looking at their souls and she sees none of it inside his soul.

His soul is so pure that it attracts her so even though she had seen a lot of souls herself she never saw one this pure... so beautiful... so enchanting... But her trains of thought stopped when the boy took a step back and it makes her heartache when she lost her touch against his face that makes her lost in reverie, but it doesn't show on her face and she still has her smile the whole time.

Issei - first of all my name is Issei Hyoudou, and as for why I'm here I don't know myself since I just suddenly got here myself and as for your other question about my secret that isn't your business isn't it.

LD - Fufu~ then I will call you Ise if that's fine with you?

Issei - I don't mind...

LD - Then, Ise, why don't you fear me? Even after knowing who I am? Usually every person I met so far feared me when they know who I am? As for your secret fair enough~ it's not my business but don't you afraid if I force you to tell me, you do realize you are at my domain right?

'Hmm guess his arrival here have something to do from his aura of death and life' She thought to herself.

Issei - Why should I fear you? If you think you can make me beg for my life just because you're stronger than me then you are sorely mistaken if I will do that, sure you are stronger than me especially if it's in your domain but so what? If I die then I die, but I will never beg for my life I prefer DEATH over HUMILIATION! So you can stop threatening to kill me and be done with it as you see fit but know that I will never go down without a fight and even knowing I won't win at least I die with a fight and not die like a coward who begs for his life!

Issei stated with conviction and pride, and you can tell from his voice and eyes there's not a single lies nor hesitation when he said all that and especially for LD who can see souls, she can tell from his soul that its all true, he meant every word he said and that makes her shiver and widen her eyes... shiver from excitement and a long lost feeling from her heart, the feelings she thought will never surface again after her betrayal, the feelings she buried deep within her heart and just by looking at the boy- no... Issei's face who's clearly eons younger than herself she can feel it threatening to burst out from her chest, the feeling called love...

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