The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 5:

Chapter 5:

Issei - What is it?

Issei finally turned around after she called him and glad she really already wore her clothes once more because she still can't help letting his libido run amok after what he saw just now and the fact that a Dragon attracted to those that are stronger than them doesn't help at all considering he just recently changed and still can't control his Dragonoid desires for the better.

LD - Well you see...

After a while LD finished telling him that she can release and revive Ddraig from the [Boosted Gear] and asked him if he's willing to do so, even though she knows what his answer will be she have to confirm it so there would be no misunderstanding will happen between them. And his answer just like she expected but she becomes even more surprised when she saw what he did when he heard that she can release and revive Ddraig from the [Boosted Gear].

Issei - REALLY!? Please I will do anything if you can release Ddraig! No matter what you asked of me I will do it as long it doesn't go against my principles!

He bowed down 90 degrees even with the dragon pride forcing him not to do so, he still goes against his pride to beg for his trusted partner freedom without a single hesitation because he owes Ddraig too much already after all this time.

He added the words at the end just in case she asked him to kill innocents or something evil like that(****, etc) because even if he changed most of his attitudes after the transformation, in the end, he still what he's used to be, kind and selfless even if it's toned down by now. He now won't hesitate to kill his enemies like he used to but he will never kill innocent bystander, he despises even the thought of killing them

(AN: Imagine if she asked him to kill a child etc he's not some xianxia protagonist).

LD - Oh, won't you regret it if you lose the [Boosted Gear]? And you might die you know?

LD couldn't help ask him that, because he doesn't hesitate in the slightest when she asked her question and she went even more mind blown hearing his second answer to her second question.

Issei - Why should I? He's the best friend and partner I could have asked for, he already helped me so much already while all I do is bring shame to the name of Sekiryuutei by earning the title Chichiryuutei(Oppai Dragon) and he even brings me back when I almost succumb to my despair of being betrayed by the people I loved, considering after what he has done for me so far my life is a pretty cheap price to pay. Even if you asked me to die right now just to save him I won't even blink and end myself right here right now!

Issei said all that without even a shred of hesitation and the look of his eyes and the conviction of his voice coupled with his now out of the world handsome face its fatality for both women.

It made both women who heard and saw him this way become absent-minded and blushed deeply and can't help fell in love with him all over again.

Ddraig hearing him say that become speechless... but ecstatic because the man she chooses as her mate doesn't hesitate to do all that just for her. She even shed tears inside the [Boosted Gear] and becomes choked with emotion that she has to pretend she didn't hear all that and faking she's asleep right now.

But LD has it much worst because she can feel his kingly aura going on full throttle, the aura of the Dragon King of Domination to be. She felt her heart thumping madly and feel like it's about to burst out from her chest and her body is faintly shivering because she's holding herself back just from pouncing the man in front of her and have her way with him in reckless abandon and she's also drooling a bit, and if Issei paid attention to her more he would realize there's something wet going down in between her legs and at the edge of her lips there's a bit of drool flowing out, but because he's looking at her straight in the eyes to express that he's deadly serious so he won't realize it, which is good or she might just do what she's holding back from out of shame and will add another black history of him being dominated once more from the same woman twice. But this time it will be even more shameful because he will lose his virginity from being reverse raped...

After a while, she tried to get herself together by taking deep breaths and wipe her drools by faking a cough, but even then she's still shivering a little bit because down there she's still a bit wet.

LD - *Cough* D-Don't worry I won't ask you to go against your principle. All I ask is for you to give me a chance... A chance to let me get to know you better, hoping you will tell me what happens to you and share it with me considering we are both have been betrayed by the people we once loved. But don't worry I will still set Ir- I mean Ddraig free regardless if you will tell me or not.

She almost let it slip and that make Ddraig almost screamed out loud just because of the tension she's getting.

Issei couldn't help asked "But why?" even though he can tell that this woman somehow has feelings for him he has to make sure so there's wont be any more tragedy befell him less its gonna be another drama involved which honestly he can't take another one considering he already been through that sh*t 2 times, 1st Reynare, 2nd Rias, etc.

LD just put a smile from the bottom of her heart and look into his eyes like he just did to her and told him "Because I've come to know that I have fallen in love with you".

This time its Issei turn to become absent-minded, and somehow he can tell that this woman in front of him really does feel that way unless she's an even better actor than all his exes combined. But he's still not ready to try a new relationship of his own considering the stuff that just happened recently at him.

That's also why Ddraig doesn't want to tell him about her real gender considering all that. He still wasn't sure if he can fully trust the woman before him because they just met each other so he needed more time, so all he can say is "Sorry... but I need some time to think about it, but please I beg you to set my friend free," He bowed once more.

LD eyes flashed a brief of sadness but she's also a bit glad... If he accepts her right away that would be more weird considering how he gets over his past so fast like that. That also means he's considered her wish seriously and not just randomly agreed with some empty words and filled with lies, so she cupped his face once more and still put the same smile and said: "As you wish, dear". Which is a new thing for Issei because his old lovers would force him to say it right away and don't care about his own feelings.

Then LD let go of her hands from his face and started to tell him the procedure... After telling him that Ddraig told him he will be fine don't worry. So after a bit of questioning Issei agreed to start the procedure.

Ddraig - [See you soon. Partner!]

Issei - Ah, see you soon!

So with that said LD pulled Ddraig soul out of [Boosted Gear] and tell Issei her plans about the training which he gladly accepts because he needs to get the hang of his new body and become stronger to finish his purpose.

She gives him a bunch of options that available one which she will train himself or have him train himself by going to different worlds other than his current world, which he finds surprising because he never thought there would be different worlds or even universe other than his current one.

But LD isn't really surprised considering the strongest from his world is The Great Red which is the guardian of the dimensional gap and LD proceeded to tell him all the wonders of different worlds and he becomes more and more excited knowing there's even a bigger adventure awaits him and he can't wait to experience it himself.

There's a universe consisting of Pirates, Ninjas, God of Destruction and many more but LD reminded him not to get ahead of himself because there's a bunch of beings that even stronger than Great Red or even herself out there so with that revelation it cooled Issei excitement a little bit and realize the truth. The truth of there's always someone stronger than you and to get past that he have to become the strongest himself so he can travel between worlds freely and protect his new loved ones when he gets one himself and doesn't make the same mistake of mistaking fake love and true love.

Then LD also told him about his Life and Death aura because it's pretty rare to get it but she doesn't ask him how he got it because she knows he will tell him about his past eventually. But Issei gets the general reason why he might achieve that aura considering he already died at least three times in this lifetime of his.

(AN: 1st from Reynare, 2nd from the Samael blood? forgot its exact name, 3rd after he pulled the evil pieces from his body and reborn as a dragon)

So he's pretty much an anomaly who's able to cheat dead 3 times and that might be why he came to LD domain in the 1st place because the 'system' might think of him as either already dead or he became a species of Death God like LD herself albeit not pure Death God like LD. If its put to level LD understanding on the Dao of Death is lv.100 while he's still lv.1

Hades never fully understand it hence why he become a part skeleton and you could say he's false death god.

(AN: Just my bs dont take it seriously though lol so people knows the power lv a little bit ).

You could say Hades domain on the underworld is like semi-pseudo of LD domain that's why some souls could escape his 'system' because its flawed and that said souls can revive once more. (


Of course, there are no souls ever escaped from LD domain hence that's where the saying "When Lady Death comes for you, you will never be able to escape from her clutch" came from.

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