The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 53:

Chapter 53:

-El Quixote-

When Issei's party returned to El Quixote he told Kathryn to start preparing.

Then Issei told Ben and Pancho as well, soon the army is formed and they started their march towards the Abel Mountain.

Rocinante who heard the movement of the army movement become taken aback and started telling his men to gather more info on why is this happening, but every man he sent never returned. Even the men he sent to kidnap Lorenzo also never heard of again.

He felt like something is very wrong, at first he thought they just become unfortunate and send another party of Outlaws again but the same thing happened over and over again until he knows that kidnapping Lorenzo wasn't an option so he thought he gonna wait for Issei's party to make a new plan.

Issei already told the Kalars to be prepared for any suspicious activities that come out from the Bigbux Company and without Rocinante knowing it his place is basically a prison for him. The irony of how he loves that company of his only to become his own prison in the end...

Being the devoted race they are, the Kalars took their king order very seriously. They never let their guard down from day to night, they switch between shift without anyone ever knowing they were there in the first place.

The Kalars stealth skills are top notch in the forest but that advantage of them are forgotten because it's been so long since the last time the humans went into war with the Kalars after all. And with their wind magic, there are no sound step can be heard or even leaf falling from the tree because their steps become so light with their spells.

Even Issei only noticed this when he first got chased around by them before, that the Kalars can be a perfect assassin with their mobility and skills.

Now because they don't need to maintain their facade of being a semen lover they unleashed their true self. They actually despise procreating with other men that are not their king but now that their king has finally appeared they can finally say goodbye to their old life.

There was a lot of men trying to enter the Kalar forest in hoping to meet the Kalars once more and thought it's gonna be easy to get a Kalar to jack them off or something, but they all have been rejected by the Kalars.

There are some men trying to taunt them but all they receive is cold stare from the Kalars and that give them the chills because they never saw the Kalars having that look on their face. They can't try to force themselves either because they mostly stay on top of the tree so the men can't get to them. Which is good for them because if they do try to force themselves on them then... They will lose their "Junior Brother" forever...

Ben and Pancho have been notified that they could send a messenger to the forest in case they want to give some intel about some stuff.

After a while, the Knights arrived at the designated location and launch their plan of gassing the whole Monster Burrow.

And all of this is broadcasted to the whole country, and people are cheering for the Knights because after this they finally can rest easy from the Monster Burrow attack.

While Issei is observing around the area in case of some mishap about to happen, every Rocinante spy is already subdued the moment they leave his Company.

Rocinante - Just what is going on out there?! Damn... I can't let this continue, something must have gone very wrong...

Finally, Rocinante decided to head towards the King castle himself to ask the King about what's happening.

The moment he stepped out of his company the Kalars told 1 of them to report it to Issei.

Kalar - My king, Rocinante has left his Company and are heading towards Ben Quixote place just like you expected.

A Kalar appeared behind Issei to inform him, her face holds nothing but love and devotion towards her king.

Issei - Um, thank you for your hard work. You've done well.

Kalar - ?! Th-Thank you for the praise, my king! But it's nothing worth praising because all I do is deliver the message.

The Kalar got surprised because she never thought Issei will thank her, she becomes ecstatic being praised by Issei.

Issei - Nonsense, no matter how small the job is it's still a job. And if you do a good job you deserve a praise no matter how small it is. And send my thanks to the others as well.

Kalar - H-Hai!

The Kalar can't wait to brag to her friends that she got thanked by their king personally.

Issei - Um, time to start the plan.

Issei already expected this and so he told Kath and co to start at the broadcasting studio while he went to the King palace.

Gurigura - Kath, we're ready!

Gurigura busily ran around the hectic broadcasting studio, finished checking on everything, and gave a lively shout.

Riche - Haah... Sponsoring a magivision show's awfully expensive... All that boat money is just gone.

Kathryn - Should be fine. A lot of people are gonna see this broadcast. As it says that it's 'brought to you by the Kingdom of Eden' it'll get us more than money.

Riche and co were currently in the magic broadcasting station in the capital, where Kathryn was using Pancho and Riche's names to start the plan.

Kathryn - Now, it's time to start. Everyone prepared?

Pancho - Hrm... I'm nervous. W-What's this word in the script?

Riche - Calm down, will you? It's a simple vocabulary.

Kathryn - No more talking. The film reels are set up, so let's begin the broadcast!

With Kathryn's shout, the broadcast station staff gave the cue for the announcer to start talking.

The constantly-replaying video on the magivisions in the streets all switched to something else in unison, once again surprising and drawing the attention of the public because they were watching the Monster Burrow events just now.

Man 1 - W-What's going on?

Man 2 - Maybe there's an important announcement?

Man 3 - Perhaps it has something to do with the Kalars weird attitude recently?

Young Announcer - I know this is unscheduled, but we have a special show for you. There's an important announcement about the Bigbux Company CEO, Rocinante.

Despite the abruptness of the broadcast, the citizen calmly watches what's going to be aired soon.

Pancho - I-I'm General Pancho, and I'm here to tell you the truth about the CEO of the Bigbux Company, Rocinante.

Pancho keeps looking at the script while he's saying that.

Kathryn - Not a great performance... He's pretty stiff.

Riche - No big deal. The viewers could find that endearing.

-El Quixote, King's Office-

Rocinante and Ben also saw the magivisions.

Ben is pretty nervous because he knows that this is it, this will be the time.

He acts normal when Rocinante arrived to ask him about what's happening with the army of Knights when he almost got trapped by Rocinante's question but thankfully the magivisions distracted Rocinante's question.

Rocinante - Agh, what is the meaning of this?! Go to the broadcasting station and end this charade at once!

Bodyguard - Sir, people have been sent. Please give it some time...


Pancho - First... To prove everything I say is the truth, I have something special prepared.

Kathryn - Alright now... Bring it out.

Kathryn gave the signal for a large glass of water to be brought to Pancho.

Pancho - Th-This water came from the Fountain of Truth. Its effects are known to all of you, I'm sure.

Man 1 - That's the cursed spring the Kalars are so protective of?

Man 2 - If you lie, you die... Is that seriously more than just a rumor?

The people who're watching started discussing the water.

Pancho - I assume some of you think this is fake. So first, let's prove it's not... Hey, bring him in.

Knight - Sir!

At Pancho's command, a Knight brought over a slovenly-looking man.

Outlaw - Th-The hell? What the fuck're you taking me here for?!

Like he was confused by the sudden events, the man looked around with bewilderment.

Pancho - This person is as you can see, an Outlaw.

Following Pancho's line, the Knight grabbed the man's hand and held the black ring up to the camera.

Pancho - Out of greed for money to play around with, he murdered his friend. But he professes that he's committed no other crimes.

Outlaw - I just gave into temptation once! Besides, it was an accident. We just got into a fight and it happened.

Pancho - Very well. Drink this water and state your case. If you survive, you'll be released.

Outlaw - R-Really?! Heheheh, then don't mind if I do... Gulp, gulp... Pwah!

Pancho - As you can see, he drank it. Now I'll drink the same water.

Pancho took the cup from the Outlaw and drank what was left in it.

Pancho - Now neither of us can lie. Again, did you kill your friend by accident?

Outlaw - Of course! I swear to Mother Eve, it wasn't on purpose... Uh, ah... Aaaah?!

In the middle of his statement, the man started to scratch at his throat, fell to the ground, and thrashed around.

Outlaw - Ah, agagagah... Gh, ungh...

After some flailing, the man finally let out a quiet groan and ceased moving. There's a bit of blood leaking from his mouth.

-El Quixote, Capital-

Girl - Eeeeek! It's the Kalar Curse!

Man - I-It's real! The stories about the Fountain of Truth were real!

The citizen started to become restless seeing all that.

Kathryn - Good, this will make it easy to understand and it'll be easy to draw on their fear. This whole performance will be more effective later.

Pancho - You understand now, don't you? With that in mind, let me ask that you accept what I now say as the truth. We have a recording of Rocinante that he's planning to ruin the country for his own personal gains.

Then they broadcasted the recording about Rocinante's conversation with his employees and bring out evidence that Issei got from his office.

They don't broadcast the recording that he's talking with Kuro because it will make the citizen in a state of panic even more and there's no need for the innocent to know about the <Snake Crest> just yet. Rocinante could've also point out that the King is his subordinate if they uncover his true identity to the citizen.

The whole citizen becomes surprised hearing the recording and seeing the evidence made them furious at Rocinante. They angrily shout to bring Rocinante to jail and stuff like that, they've become a big angry mob.

-King Office-

Rocinante - Gah, end this broadcast already! Cut off all sponsorship!

Bodyguard - S-Sir... We can't! The broadcasting station is surrounded by Pancho's closest followers.

Rocinante - Then retrieve the magivisions on the streets! Those were provided by my company!

CEO's Secretary - It can't be done... There's too many!

Rocinante - Grr... Are my magivisions being used against me?... And how did they get their hands on that recording and evidence?! Curses! If it comes to this...

Then Rocinante looks towards the King with menacing eyes.

Ben - Wh-What are you planning to do, Rocinante?!

Rocinante doesn't respond to Ben question but he told his man to knock him out, then he suddenly shouts towards the corner of the room.

Ben knows this was gonna happen so he let himself become knocked out pretty easily.

Rocinante - Monsieur Black Knight! Please assist me, lend me the monsters you have, I will pay you back later!

Kuro - ...Very well...

Then there's suddenly a voice coming out of nowhere, and with that, there's suddenly a bunch of monsters appearing out of thin air.


Pancho - Now while I'm still in the effect of the water, I confirm that this is all true, and it's not fabricated in any way... As you can see I'm still standing here alive and well, so that means I'm not lying. Now we will apprehend Rocinante into custody so don't worry, justice will be brought to him.

After a bow from Pancho, the broadcast ended.

And there's grand applause given by the citizens towards him.


Pancho - H-How did it go?

Once it was over, Pancho let forth a waterfall of sweat.

Kathryn - Well, passable. You were shaky at the start, but I had no real complaints by the end.

Riche - Good job, Pancho.

Pancho - Th-Thank you...

Gurigura - I think the Knights are back.

Gurigura was looking out the windows when she informed everyone of the Knights arrival at the capital.

Then Pancho told his men to head towards the Bigbux Company to seize it and head towards the King Office just as planned.

Kathryn - Seems like we just made it in time.

Outlaw? - Good job, everyone.

Kathryn - Hey, good work.

Outlaw? - Eheheh, thanks. A realistic performance, wasn't it? It's tense being on magivision, though.

The man smiled cordially and slid the black ring off his finger. That Outlaw just now was a hired actor from Pancho's men and that water is also a fake, because it's quite risky using the real Water from the Fountain after all.

Kathryn - But, Ise sure is amazing being able to find all that evidence... Just what I expected from my husband-to-be.

Riche - He's also our husband... Oh and Kath, You're not gonna be the fourth wife by the way~

Kathryn - Whaaat?! What do you mean? You mean he has another wife out there?

Riche - Well...

Kathryn acts smug thinking she will have a wonderful husband such as Ise but her smug face ticks off Riche a bit so she told Kath about Tio and Semiramis.

Kathryn - ...

Kathryn is speechless hearing all that but she accepts it pretty quickly.

Kathryn - Cheh... Too bad I'm not the fourth, but It can't be helped if it's like that.

Even though she said that she's pouting right now. She felt a tiny bit jealous of Tio being able to be the 4th wife, but she's not jealous of Semiramis because what's the point of getting jealous on a Goddess? If anything she's feeling proud because her husband-to-be can make an actual Goddess fall in love with him.

Knight - Th-There's trouble, General!

Pancho - What is it?

Knight - The squad that went to see the King was attacked by a monster at the palace!

Pancho - What?! A monster appeared in the palace?!

Riche - Welp. Guess he showed his true colors already, just like Ise expected.

Knight - It was a large, flying monster! The creature took the king and fled toward the Burrow.

Pancho - The Monster Burrow?! Then we won't be able to mobilize the Knights.

Kathryn - Damn, so those flying monsters people spotted sometimes were always under Rocinante's control.

Riche - I see, so should we go now, darling~

Issei - Ah. It's time.

Pancho - I-Issei-dono? How come you are here? Weren't you supposed to be protecting the King?

Issei - Don't worry, he's okay, just being knocked out. Think of it as his punishment.

Pancho - B-But still...

Issei - We're gonna save him now so it's fine. Let's go girls.

Everyone - Hai!

Pancho - Issei-dono... The king, no, my uncle is in your hands!

Issei - Ah.

Then Issei's party teleported to the base of Mountain Abella where Kath already prepared something to go up there.

Kathryn - Behold my invention and be amazed. You're about to witness history!

Kathryn bragged as she unraveled the package that has been sitting here for a while. A red creature popped out.

??? - Uppy!

Gurigura - An Uppy?

Kathryn - I used bestowal skills to train him, so he's like a servmon. His name's Mr. Edison. He's smart enough not to attack people.

Mr. Edison - Uppy?

Gurigura - Ahahaha, he's so cute. Does he like bread?

Kathryn - Make him too happy and he'll breathe fire, so watch it.

Gurigura - Okay!

Kathryn - Now just to tie the leaf bag to the basket with rope, and... There, done. Tadaaah! A creation that uses heat in order to fly... Let's call it a 'Hot air balloon'!. Well, in Ise's world this thing is kinda old but here it's a brand new creation!

Issei - ...Ou.

Kathryn - Back when my house blew up, I noticed something. The heated air sent everything hurling high into the sky. That kinda energy could carry people no problem! Get on. We'll use this to fly to the Monster Burrow.

Riche - Hey, have you actually tested this? We're not just hoping this works, are we?

Kathryn - Don't worry. My doujins managed to fly!

Riche - We're not doujins!

Kathryn - Shut up. Just get on! There's no time for testing!

Issei - It will be fine, if anything happens I can save you all. And I'm sure Kath knows what she's doing.

Riche - Ugh... If you say so, Ise.

Riche muttered that they couldn't complain to her if something happened and got in the basket last. Kathryn then placed the uppy in the middle of the basket.

Kathryn - Alright! Do it, Mr. Edison! Use your fire breath's energy to fill that bag!

Mr. Edison - Uppy!

At Kathryn's command, the uppy made a booming sound and breathed fire. The heated air filled the leaf bag, rounding it into a spherical shape before their eyes.


Gurigura - Oh, it floated!

Kathryn - That's it! More! More!

Mr. Edison - Uppyyyyy!


When the bag was finally full of hot air, the basket of five people and one monster soared to the sky.

Gurigura - Woooow! We're flying! We're actually flying!

Ramius - So this is what it feels like to fly. The sky seems... Close.

Gurigura - You're awesome, Kath-nee! Now we can get to the Monster Burrow!

Kathryn - Well, we can't keep having Issei teleport us anywhere without drawing suspicions from the <Snake Crest>... I'm leaving it to the wind since I can't steer this, but according to my calculations, this should take us straight to the peak.

Issei - I can do something about it in case it goes in the wrong direction, don't worry.

Riche - ...

Issei - Riche?

Issei is confused about why Riche suddenly become quiet even though she keeps talking when they were down there. But suddenly...


Issei - Whoa, there!

Kathryn - Hey, sit still! Wait, you have a fear of heights?

Riche - No no no! Let me doooooown!

Kathryn - Calm down or you'll mess with our trajectory! Hey, hold her still! Or she's gonna fall off for real!

Riche - Eek! Fall off?! Nooooooooooo!

Ramius - Better use qi to put her to sleep.

Ramius about to hit Riche with her qi when Issei just cradles her in his embrace and that manages to calm her down albeit she's still shivering a little bit, and she's clutching at Issei body really tight.

Ramius - Oh... Nevermind. She seems to calm down after getting into Ise's embrace.

Gurigura - Eheheh, Ise-nii embrace is very warm and safe after all.

Kathryn - ...Geez, what a scaredy cat...

Riche - ...Heights are scary... Small spaces are scary...

Kathryn - You're claustrophobic too?!

Issei can only smile wryly at that but he thinks it's very cute though.

Issei - There, there...

Riche - Uuuu...

The balloon finally made its way toward the Monster Burrow.

Mr. Edison - Uppy!

When the uppy stopped breathing fire, the hot air balloon slowly descended onto the peak of Mount Abella.

Riche - M-Made it. Thank goodness, I'm... Alive.

Kathryn - You just flew a bit. Don't be such a drama queen.

Riche - S-Shut up!

Ramius - Is this the Monster Burrow? Looks like a cave.

Issei - Ah. Let's go and save Ben.

In the deepest part of the Monster Burrow, King Ben woke up and began questioning a nearby man wearing a twisted grin.

Ben - What is the meaning of this, Rocinante?! Were the monsters in this dungeon summoned by you too?!

Rocinante - Come now. You usually show me more respect than that.

Ben - Anyone abducting me deserves no respect!

Rocinante - But don't you see now? The technology to tame monsters really does exist.

Ben - I see, so you were with <Snake Crest>?! Just what is this ability?! 'And where is Issei-dono?!'

Rocinante's ability to control the flying monster compelled King Ben to ask, though more out of curiosity than fear. He knows he will be fine but what's scary is still scary after all...

Rocinante - This.

Ben - ...What's that?

Rocinante - Please, Your Majesty, you need to study up. Have you never heard of <Adan's Blood>?

Ben - That drug that's been showing up everywhere?! Is that <Snake Crest's> doing too?!

Rocinante - The one you're thinking of is the cheap stuff. This is a special product, for <Snake Crest's> administrators alone. Using this gives you the sense that you can do anything, accompanied by a real feeling of happiness. Also... For some reason, it lets you communicate your will to monsters.

Ben - That's awfully convenient... With that, the world could be freed from their threat...

Rocinante - Well, these are monsters we're dealing with. If they're orders from someone they consider beneath them, they won't obey.

Ben - Still, it's worth researching. If I accepted your original sales pitch, would you have offered it to me?

Rocinante - You should've gotten in on my offer. Well, thanks to your rejection, I did realize that the Monster Burrow was empty all along.

Ben - Gh... What do you plan to do with a pitiful king like me?!

Rocinante - That broadcast foiled my plans, but crisis brings with it an opportunity... I still have ideas.

Rocinante confidently smirked and raised his hand to the broadcasting team he'd brought with him.

Thug - We're ready to shoot. Using those we still have left, we should also be able to broadcast no problem.

In the dungeon full of monsters, the men reluctantly making preparations had black rings on their fingers.

Ben - Outlaws... That means you're the one who's bringing them to my country...

Rocinante - Oui. While you may not be aware, this country's been invaded by a great amount of Outlaws. Who was brought in by moi of course.

Ben - And? Do you intend to make me apologize for all this or what?

Rocinante - Heh heh heh, my monsters are going to brutally slaughter you, on film. When the public sees that, they'll believe the gassing plan failed and I will use that chance to make a comeback while they all panicking and after that, I will send these monsters to the cities.

Ben - Th-These monsters here are your doing?!

Rocinante - By way of using a crucible to summon them, yes. Even with my connections, arranging all this wasn't cheap. Now, be glad. You get to turn your ancestor's lie into the truth. Time for my magnifique show to begin!

??? - Oh? What show could it be?

Just as the broadcast was about to start, there's a sudden voice coming from behind Rocinante. And when he turned around his men are all dead already.

Rocinante - Sacre bleu! H-How did you get here?!

Issei - We flew, obviously. Just like you.

Riche - Maybe if you calmed down and thought this stupid idea through, you could've gotten away with it. Now your chances of both business and victory are out of the window.

Kathryn - We heard everything. <Adan's Blood>... I knew you were the one behind it!

Rocinante - Gah. You shouldn't eavesdrop, you impudent brats.

Ramius - How does <Adan's Blood> let you control monsters?

Rocinante - I-It just does... This wonderful product can bring people happiness!

Ben - Y-Yes... If we just have that drug, humans won't need to fear monsters any-

Gurigura - Don't be tricked!

Ben - Hrm?!

Ramius - <Adan's Blood> destroys your sense of judgment. It's caused more people to become Outlaws than you can count.

Riche - As I'm sure the CEO is well aware. If it were so great, he would've sold it through his company a long time ago.

Rocinante - Grrr...

Ramius - Your company's also been secretly hiring Outlaws, hasn't it? We already have the evidence.

Kathryn - And Pancho's leading some Knights to raid the Bigbux Company right about now.

Rocinante - Y-You can't do that! That company is mine!

Riche - Nope. Companies belong to everyone involved in them.

Rocinante - Ngggh... N-No they don't! I built that Company! I made it grow!

Issei - Hmm. I can give you that Company back as long you tell me where is the <Snake Crest> base of operation is. So, do we have a deal?

Ben is surprised by Issei's words but he chooses to stay silent.

Rocinante - Gh! B-But...

He can't tell them that he doesn't really know where it is because there's someone who picks him up to go there. So only that teleporter knows where their base of operation is...

Issei sensed a presence coming from a corner and know that it's Kuro.

Kuro - Rocinante... Bad news. Your company's been seized by El Quixote. You have nothing left... And Issei Hyoudou, you can forget asking the <Snake Crest> member where our base is. Only the teleporter and the Supreme Leader knows about its exact location.

Riche's and co are also surprised seeing Kuro here but they got used to it pretty quickly and they are not that afraid because Issei is here with them.

Issei - ...I see... And why are you telling me this?

Kuro - ...No particular reason.

Issei narrowed his eyes on Kuro in suspicion.

Rocinante - What...? N-No... I can't live without money...

Riche - ...Why are so obsessed with money?

Rocinante - With money, you can even buy life. When the debt collectors came after me, I saved my own life by hiring Outlaws to kill them all. Life can't match the value of money! Money, money, my everything, my life, nobody can have iiiiiiiiiiiiiit! My... MONEEEEEEEEEEEY!

Kuro - That's it, release your desire! Show us your greed!

Rocinante - Guhah, gohwah... Gugheeghee... Gheegyaaaaaaah!

Kuro - There we are. That release of desire is the true essence of <Snake Crest>. The potential of humanity...

Kuro confirmed Rocinante's transformation was complete and snickered as he dissolved into the shadows.

Ramius - Gh, running again, you coward?!

Issei - ...

Issei felt like something is weird with Kuro because his aura isn't that corrupted like the rest of the <Snake Crest> member.

Rocinante - Gugyaaaaaaaaah!

Completely transformed into a monster, Rocinante attacked the group in a mad fury.

His monster form is that of an Ant Queen holding a golden stick but its abdomen is made of like a lump of meat with hundreds of human arms sticking out, and each arm is wearing a golden bracelet.

Issei stopped his trains of thought after realizing Rocinante's coming at them. He just calmly draw his sword and cover it with <Haki> then slashed horizontally at Rocinante direction.

After Rocinante walked a few steps more, he suddenly stopped at his place. And a few seconds later his body is bisected from the middle. Then he plopped down into the ground.

The girls are pretty used seeing Issei's capabilities so they are not that surprised but they still feel awe at him. But not Kathryn because this is the first time he saw Issei glimpse of power.

And she has to admit that he's really cool when he does that, he felt like her heart thumped madly once again seeing him like that.

Bisected by Issei and sprawled on the ground, Rocinante barely managed to move his fingers, coughing up blood as he murmured like a lunatic.

Rocinante - Money... My... mo-...ney...

Riche - On the verge of death, and still thinking about money...

Kathryn - Too bad you can't bring money to the afterlife.

Rocinante - Money... Guhah...

Gurigura - His body is disappearing!

Rocinante continued to murmur about money as he died... And then his body vanished without a trace.

Riche - Just like Rochefort... How is it that people can turn into monsters?

Ramius - He wanted to start a war just for money. No human being would consider that. He'd already given up his humanity, I'm sure.

Issei - Indeed...

Kathryn - Fascinating, but that's not enough data. There's a monster called a lycanthrope that can transform, but I think those are gal monsters.

Riche - Oh right, Is the King okay?

Gurigura - The King passed out when he saw the CEO transform.

Riche - Thank goodness, it looks like he's alright. I bet Pancho's worried too, so let's get him home... I, like... Really don't wanna ride that thing again, though...

Kathryn - Hey, Ise. Let's tie her up so she doesn't struggle.

Riche - H-How rude! I'm already used to it! I won't lose my cool this time, promise...

Issei smiled wryly seeing their antics.

The party confirmed King Ben was safe and exited the cave, but they broadcasted the cave to prove that it's empty so the public can feel safe along the way. And all of them cheered for knowing that the Monster Burrow terror is no more.

But on the way back in the hot air balloon, Riche did indeed lose her cool and made a huge scene until she latched on Issei's body like a koala.

Riche - Nooooooooooooooooooooo!


Upon his return, King Ben Quixote revealed to the public that his savior is Issei's party and the people cheered at them. At the same time, he announced that the CEO of the Bigbux Company was one of the leaders of a criminal organization and that the company had been seized by the government.

He told that Rocinante has been apprehended already, but his body sadly has been eaten by the flying monster. He informed the Kalars are not to be harmed because they also assisted them in the process and sadly they will be stopping collecting semen from the human.

That made some men cry in sorrow while the women sighed in relief.

Then, after that, he told Issei's party that he wanted to thank them in his office.

Ben - El Quixote nearly made a grave mistake. Thank you so much.

Pancho - We cannot thank you enough, Issei-dono. Thankfully, no innocent people have been harmed in the process thanks to your intervention... Were I in his position, I don't doubt I'd be led along by <Snake Crest> as well. So I thank you once again, Issei-dono.

Issei - It's fine. As long you keep your words then I won't tell anyone either.

Ben - Ah... We agree with your conditions, we won't bother the Kalars anymore and the company is yours...

Issei - Don't worry, I will still let people in this country work at the Company. And you can let the Knights that are unemployed act as the company bodyguard if you want.

Ben - Ooooh! Thank you very much, Issei-dono!

Both Ben and Pancho bowed at Issei because they are in his debt once more because he solves so many of their problems already and they are eternally grateful at him.

Lorenzo - As expected of Issei-sama!

Lorenzo worshiped Issei to no end which kinda makes him a little embarrassed because of it.

Pancho who saw Lorenzo gaze at Issei now knows just who is the one she loved, even he has to admit defeat at Issei so he thought it's totally normal for Lorenzo to be in love with a man like Issei.

Ben - If I'm allowed to ask, Issei-dono. Who are you going to appoint as the new CEO?

Issei - Hm? That will be one of my wives.

Ben - O-Oh...

Pancho and Ben can only nod in awe at Issei's capabilities.

Then King Ben send a letter to the Kingdom of Eden for the service of Issei for his country. So it's to be expected that Issei will be promoted once again.

Issei - Thank you. Then let's head back to Eden to report this.

Before they leave, Lorenzo told Kath good luck!

Lorenzo - Ehehe, good luck, Kath. I'm sure you'll have a fun night.

Kathryn - A fun night... Urgh...

Kath blushed deeply thinking she's gonna be Issei's wife soon.

Lorenzo - ...But after that, it will be my turn... Ehehehe~

Lorenzo muttered that inside her mind while having a silly smile on her face.

Issei - Let's go, Kath.

Issei called Kath.

Kathryn - ...O-Okay... Be gentle...

Issei - ...Sure?

Issei was confused at what Kath meant by that, she keeps blushing and hangs her head down as they left El Quixote for the Kingdom of Eden.

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