The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 58:

Chapter 58:

While they were looking for a spot to take off they saw a giant purplish squid nearby a cliff. For some reason, the squid has a leg of a human on it's lower body...

Issei - Hm? What's that?

Riche - What?... Ah! That's a king squidman!

Kathryn - Oh, you're right.

Ramius - The rumors said that they are a very rare ingredient.

Gurigura - And taste very tasty too!

Issei - Oh, is that so? Then I'll get it.

Issei makes a quick work of the squidman before it tries to jump into the ocean, he throws away the human legs part though because no matter what he won't eat that part nor will he let his wives eat it either. Just the squid part is enough...


Issei - How about around there- hmm?

When they found the spot to take off Issei pointed to a somewhat open area and asked Kathryn but then he saw something wrong in the distance.

Gurigura - A ship's being attacked by monsters! The passengers are fighting back, but it doesn't look good...

Riche - We need to help them quick!

Issei - You guys get on the hot air balloon, I'll go on my own.

After he said that Issei jumped into the sea and he ran across the water surface.

Gurigura - W-Woah... Ise-nii sure is great...

Ramius - Umu... To think he can run on top of the water.

Riche - Just like the ninja on my manga!

Kathryn - This is not the time to feel awe!

The party rushed to get the hot air balloon ready, then flew off into the sky.

When Issei arrived at the scene there are so many wounded people in the vicinity and he hurriedly kills every monster in sight at a fast speed and apparently, there's some Outlaws as well but Issei killed them all.

The wounded people cheered at him when he killed all the monsters and Outlaws around them.

Then he heard a loud scream of a woman. And he noticed that voice, it's Natal's.

Natal - EEEEEEEEK?! Let go of me you mindless monster brute!

She appears to be captured by tentacles with her skirt pulled up, Natal shouted at the monster known as a Jellyfish MK II.

But all of her screamings is useless against a monster who can't understand human speech.

The tentacles constricted even more tightly against her body and it almost made her pass out because of it.

And the tentacles made its way towards her genitals and the thought of it taking her chastity away frightened her so much that she finally let go of her pride and ask for help.

Natal - Someone... Someone help me... Aah, please help me!

Just before Natal was overcome by despair, the countless tentacles were severed setting her free.

Natal - Eek!

She dropped down from the air and somebody catches her fall.

Issei - Good, looks like I made it.

Natal - Y-You're... Wait! The Monster!

Issei - Don't worry.

Natal - What do you mean?! That monster is still- Eh?

When she looked behind them she thought the Jellyfish might still be alive but its body is in pieces already. That Jellyfish monster is known for their regeneration but it seems even it can't regenerate after being cut to pieces like that.

Natal - W-When did you...

She never saw how did Issei manage to do that in just a few seconds. Even she struggles to fight that monster, but he can kill it in an instant.

Issei - Are you hurt anywhere?

Natal - E-Eh? No... I don't think- Ouch!

She twinges in pain at her ankle and it is quite bruised.

Issei - Hmm, it seems that you twisted your ankle. If you don't mind I could carry you to the nearby city. I also saved the passengers and knights who were with you back then, they are wounded but it's nothing fatal from what I've seen so far. Don't worry about them, my wives should be arriving at this moment and took control of the situation over there. You can take it easy for now.

Natal - ...U-Un... Th-Thank you...

Natal blushed to see his face up close so she averted her face while conveying her gratitude in a low voice. She never had any man that could take control of the situation like Issei before. Usually, it's her who's in command.

Issei - Oh? So you can say thank you after all.

Natal - Wh-What do you mean?! I know how to be grateful you know?! A-Also... I grant you the permission of simply calling me Natal, no titles or honors necessary.

She pouted at him and then she tries to act prideful like always by saying she allows him to call her name without any honorifics.

Issei chuckled at her words because he thought her pride won't let her say gratitude towards someone else but apparently, he's wrong. She does have a funny way of conveying her gratitude though.

Issei - Ah, you're welcome then, Natal.

He proceeded to call her name just like she wished for and smiled at her in amusement.

Natal blushed deeply seeing his smile for the first time and she felt smitten by it. She has never been saved by another person before especially by a man, this is a first for her and she could say she enjoys being saved like a damsel in distress for once.

Because people around her or the one who tries to court her is far weaker than her so she got no interest at them, sure some of them are quite handsome but what's the use of a handsome face when they got no power to back it up?

Her requirement for a husband isn't that high, to be honest, all she wants is for her future husband to be stronger than her and can protect her from any harm and also can love her for who she is and not because of her family background. Sadly on the Humpty Kingdom, all the men here is usually a chef so they basically got low combat capabilities that it almost negligible. And most of them are courting her only because of her family background, there's no love included whenever they courted her.

Sure there are some men who enlist themselves to be a Knight but their personality and strength are far too lacking compared to her. And most of the Senior Knights are already married or far too old for her taste. So she acts prideful whenever she met someone on instinct to make those who tried to court her only because of her background feels inferior and back off.

But from the intel she got, Issei is already one of the richest men in the world, and he appears to be refusing any arranged marriage that comes his way by stating he won't marry anyone he doesn't love. And as for his strength? She already saw it first hand so there's no doubt about it.

It appears the reason why he's promoted so fast in the first place is not because of pure luck or behind the scene manipulation as well.

So he's basically the perfect husband candidate for her.

Just like Issei expected Riche's party is already arrived on the scene and helping the survivors.

Ramius - Good work as always, Ise. Oh, Natal?

Natal at this moment is still looking at Issei's face while blushing and anyone who saw her face right now can tell that she's a girl in love... Riche and co who saw that smile wryly because it seems their husband has smitten another woman without realizing it.

Riche - Ahaha, geez... I wonder if our husband is a natural born lady killer. Maybe he's Vassanova on his previous life? (AN: Just a reference to Cassanova).

Ramius - Umu, not that I can blame her either because he's too outstanding after all.

Gurigura - Eheheh, Ise-nii is really a great man to even able to smitten a prideful girl such as Natal.

Kathryn - *Sigh* I got nothing to say... Considering he can govern a whole race, it's no surprise he can also govern a prideful girl like her.

The people who survived the ordeal thanked Issei's party profusely and after a while, there's finally Knights who had noticed something amiss and rushed out from the capital, only to be relieved to find Natal safe.

Knights - Lady Natal! Are you okay?

Natal who heard their shout finally snapped out of her thoughts and look towards them.

Natal - I-I'm perfectly fine. This gentleman here saved me along with the others as well. But they are badly wounded so it's quite unfortunate.

Knight - Well, as long as our <Thousand Knight> is safe, there's no problem.

After that, they took care of the survivor and when one of them are offering their hands to carry Natal themselves, they are refused by her and she told them to take care of those survivors first.

The Knights thought how merciful she is but actually, she just wants Issei to be the one who carries her.

Riche and co. knows her true objective but they didn't point it out.

Issei tried to put her down but every time he does that she will always act like it hurts a lot while shedding fake tears at him, and Issei can only smile wryly seeing her acting like this.

And his wives are just giving him teasing smile, while Natal seems to be ignoring their gaze on her.

Finally, the Knights finished taking care of the survivors, and they about to head into the capital.

Knight - Lady Natal, we've already finished patching up the survivors, now shall we return to the capital?

Natal - Good. Umm, Issei... Would you like to come along with us heading back towards the capital?

Issei - Oh, sure.

Natal - Splendid! Now let's go return to capital you lot.

Knights - Understood!

Issei - Umm... Natal. Why don't you ask your subordinates to-

Natal - Yes?

Natal cut off his words and smiled brightly at him while she tightens her arms around his neck when he's about to ask her that she could order her subordinates to carry her instead.

Issei - ...Nevermind.

Issei mouth twitched a bit because she seems doesn't have any intention to walk on her own just yet.

Riche and co. tried to tell her to get down and walk on her own but she ignores them and only keeps smiling while hanging on Issei's body. So they just give up trying to make her walk on her own, to be honest, they like this personality of her better than when she's act all prideful before.

She keeps asking Issei what's his hobby, etc. When she heard he does like cooking she becomes even more ecstatic because she also has the same hobbies as well, which is surprising considering how prideful she is.

They keep discussing food and cooking topic along the way, Issei also enjoying getting more knowledge about cooking as well and vice versa. Natal admires Issei even more after listening about his experience, she never heard some of the food he mentioned before so she thought he invented them himself.

Riche and co. who are seeing their interaction pledged to themselves to learn more about cooking when they had the chance, but they soon give up because they don't seem to have the talent for it...

After a while, they finally arrived at <Humpty>.

Issei - So this is the capital of Humpty... So many foods stand.

There are so many food stands and restaurant along the streets and they seem to be competing with each other, there's also a lot of food store that open for 24 hours. Humpty are well known for their food after all so it's no surprise when almost all the stores here are a food store.

Natal - Yes. We are very proud of the food we serve in our country, you should totally taste everything we have to offer. Most of our food is using a special ingredient that can only be produced here, which is the "Sugarcubes".

Natal told Issei about their special ingredients that makes all the food at Humpty very tasty and he nodded to himself to see if he could somehow use it for his cooking as well.

Knights - Lady Natal. We are in need of your assistance for something if you could please follow us.

There are a bunch of Knights coming at Natal direction the moment they stepped their foot into the capital, Natal who heard that reluctantly left Issei's party. She already walked on her own before they entered the capital albeit reluctantly...

Natal - Very well... Um, Issei. Do remember to visit me later, okay? I will be at the castle, so be sure to remember it.

Issei - Got it.

Natal - Then good day to you.

She bowed courteously towards Issei once more but she still ignoring Riche and co...

Riche - ...It looks like she doesn't acknowledge us.

Ramius - Umu. It seems all that's in her eyes is just Ise right now...

Gurigura - Eheheh, I like her this way better though.

Kathryn - Well, what can you do? A girl who's in love is mostly like that.

Then Issei and his wives decided to enjoy the food Humpty has to offer. They enjoyed every food that they can get their hands on, Issei noted every food he ate and tried to ask the owner what's the secret recipe is but they said the same thing which is "Sugarcube".

Their Sugarcubes is not like the Sugarcubes on his world, it appears to be a special seasoning from what Natal told him.

Sugarcubes are the most unusual crop in the already unusual crops of the Kingdom of Humpty. Not to be confused with actual cubes of sugar that they resemble, Sugarcubes are a miraculous kind of spice that enhances the flavor of any dish they are included in. The Sugarcubes were created by Mother Eve as part of her gifts to make the World of Eve more amenable to her human children.

Despite this intent, humanity either never learned about the Sugarcubes or forgot about them, only rediscovering them in modern times. In the interim, the place where the Sugarcubes grew had become another of Mother Eve's ruins. Out of a desire to cultivate the crop, the ruins were heavily modified, and are now known as the Sugarcube Factory. Sugarcubes are now one of Humpty's most important exports and are used in nearly all prepared food inside the nation itself.

So he noted to himself to buy some of them to add to his own cooking later on.

At some point, Kathryn separated herself with Issei's party and after a while, she came back.

Issei - Where are you from, Kath? Eating something you like?

The girls have their own preferences, Ramius likes meat, Riche sweets, Gurigura bread while Kathryn likes something light to eat. So it's normal if they separate themselves to eat what they prefer.

Kathryn - I'm not eating. Just doing a little shopping.

Issei - Shopping?

Gurigura - Hey, Kath-nee, what are all those cards in your pocket?

Riche - Oh! Those're the cards that come with Bind Seeker Chips!

Kathryn - Gack!

Issei - What are Bind Seeker Chips?

Ramius - They're potuber chips, but each bag comes with a random card with a unique illustration.

Issei - Oh...

Riche - ...Just how much did you eat?

Kathryn - I... I threw away the chips.

Issei - ...That's kinda wasteful.

Riche - As punishment, gimme that rare card!

Kathryn - You just want it, don't you?!

Gurigura - You shouldn't waste food. There are lots of people out there who'd love to eat, but can't...

Issei nodded to Gurigura statement.

Towa - That's right. There are people in Humpty whose job it is to collect leftovers and use them in things like fertilizer, so give your uneaten food to them.

Kathryn - But see... If I gave them an unopened snack, they'd know I bought it just for the card and it'd be all embarrassing.

Towa - They'd just think it's childish.

Kathryn - I know it is, but it's hard to stop when you're a collector... Also, who are you?!

Issei - Oh, if it isn't Towa.

Towa - H-Hai. It's nice to see you again. I came over because I heard your voices, and it turns out it really was you.

Kathryn - Oooh, Riche told me about you. You're that girl who's traveling the world, right?

Towa - Um, Issei-san... Who's this? She wasn't with you before, was she?

Issei - Yeah, this is my new wife, Kathryn.

Kathryn - Just call me Kath. I hear you've helped out my husband and the lesser wives.

Riche - Who are you calling lesser wives, fifth?

Kathryn - Shuddup...

Towa - Oh no, they've done more to help me... 'Wait, another wife?! And all his wives are pretty in different ways... But it's not really surprising because Issei-san's nicer than most Knights and very handsome too... So I understand why he's popular...'

Issei - Hm? Something on my face?

Towa - N-Nothing!

She blushed because she seems to be staring at his face so intently.

Issei - Going around collecting stories again, Towa?

Towa - No, I'm running errands for my dad. I've been to Humpty countless times already.

Issei - Hm? Do you live around here?

Towa - My home's in the State of Hamlet City. It's straight north of here by ship.

Issei - You crossed the sea to run errands?

Towa - When it comes to food, there's no better place to go.

Riche - Sounds like you're sent down here a lot. Do you sell imported food or something?

Towa - My dad runs a hospital. We need to make food for the patients, so I come here to buy recipes and the necessary ingredients.

Riche - I see, and if you're giving food to sick people, I'm sure it's important to make sure it's nutritious.

Towa - Yes, but the recipes use Sugarcubes, so we do modify them for our own use.

Kathryn - Well, it is over twice as expensive as regular sugar, and I doubt the rich flavor's good for the patients.

Issei - Sugarcubes again huh...

Kathryn - You could say Humpty's prosperity is built on it. No joke.

Riche - I've got an idea... Towa, if you wouldn't mind, could you teach Ise some things?

Towa - O-Okay! Of course, I'd be happy to. I'll be ready momentarily.

Towa giddily put down her bag and took out some pictures as usual.

Towa - Let's begin. Today's story is about the Kingdom of Humpty.

Gurigura - Yaaay! *Clap clap clap!*

Then Towa proceeded to tell a story about how the Humpty Kingdom came to be along with Poppins race and how Sugarcubes came to be.

Towa - ...And because of that, people who had once declined due to the abundance of raw food were now working and studying for the sake of delicious cooking. Everything in the Kingdom of Humpty, for better or worse, is decided by food.

Issei - I see.

Towa - Remember to brush your teeth after eating sweets, and don't eat so much that you get sick.

Riche - I-I'll try...

Towa - And that's the history of this country in a nutshell and the reason we need Sugarcubes.

Issei - Thanks, that was really easy to follow.

Gurigura - I love your stories, Towa!

Towa - Eheheh, thank you.

Issei - Oh right, so as thanks for always teaching us stuff, do you want to go eat with us somewhere?

Towa - Huh?! Eat with you, Issei-san?! Is this like a d-d-d...'DATE?!' Uh, um... But we... We haven't even met each other's parents...

Kathryn - The hell's she talking about?

Riche - Dunno...

Man - Lady Towa!

While Towa was blushing and panicking, a well-dressed man ran up to the group.

Issei - Who's this?

Towa - He's from the hospital. I'd asked him to ship away the food I bought.

Man - I-It was being delivered by ship, but soon after the ship departed, it was attacked by pirates!

Towa - O-Oh no, then what happened to the people on the ship? What happened to the cargo?

Man - All stolen along with the ship, I'm afraid...

Ramius - What were the Knights doing?

Natal - The Knights said they tried to stop them, but they left without any guards. Even though they tried to warn them...

Issei - Natal?

Natal who just left their party a while ago appeared in front of them once again. Apparently, the assistance they needed from her is about Towa's case.

Towa - But they asked them numerous times and they never offered them guards in the first place.

Natal - *Sigh* Complain to the pirates. All these recent kidnapping incidents have left us with few men to spare...

Ramius - Especially considering a whole unit almost got wiped out if not for Ise's interference.

Natal - Indeed... I was attacked by pirates and monsters at the same time. Thankfully Issei was there so we have avoided the worst case scenario...

She smiled brightly towards Issei.

Riche - Anyway, Towa... Sending out a ship under these circumstances wasn't a good decision.

Towa - I heard the pirates were kidnapping people, so I thought if the cargo was food, it'd be safe.

Natal - The kidnappings simply stand out. Nobody's saying they wouldn't attack trade ships.

Towa - ...

Issei - Were you in a hurry or something?

Towa - ...They were delivering snacks.

Gurigura - Snacks? So... Sweets?

Towa - Yes, the sweets in Humpty are delicious. They're even loved throughout Hamlet. We normally hand them out to the children in the hospital, but due to the recent pirate attacks, we stopped receiving shipments. I just couldn't stand to see the disappointed children...

Issei - ...

Man - Aren't you supposed to be Knights?! Go arrest them! They can't have gone that far!

Natal - I'm telling you, our hands are full.

Issei - We'll go.

Towa - Huh? You will, Issei-san?! I couldn't ask you to do that.

Issei - It's fine, we can handle it. Could you tell us where the pirates went?

Man - The pirates seemed to be towing the trade ship to Udon Island.

Kathryn - It's the island east of this one. I'm sure we can get there by hot air balloon.

Issei - Alright, then let's go.

Despite Towa's reservations, the party decided to head to Udon Island in pursuit of the pirates.

Natal wanted to come with Issei as well but he told her that she just got injured so it's better for her to take it easy. She felt touched for his concern for her so she reluctantly agreed to stay behind and it's not like she could really go with them. Because they're indeed short-handed right now and it was just her being selfish just now hoping to go with Issei together.

So they headed towards Udon Island.


Riche - By the way, Ise, is there a reason you agreed to take care of these pirates?

Issei - Hmm?

Ramius - We're going after <Snake Crest>, so chasing suspicious people seems natural to me.

Riche - You normally ask if we agree before making decisions, but didn't this time, so I was curious.

Issei - Oh, right. Sorry. I didn't really think about it.

Riche - Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not saying you did anything wrong.

Ramius - I didn't feel like anything was off myself...

Gurigura - Me neither...

Kathryn - So what's the reason? Trying to show off to storyteller girl?

Issei - Why you come up to that conclusion... I just can't let them get away stealing from the children you see. Try to imagine if that's our kids they are stealing from, won't you be mad as well? Not that stealing is right in the first place.

When Issei said that the 4 of them blushed deeply and each of them started thinking about their future kids.

Ramius - 'Ise and my kids... Umu...'

Ramius almost had a nosebleed thinking about their future kids. She can't wait to have one herself but sadly that Goddess called dibs on Issei's first child. Unknown to her, in the future, there will be a strong contestant for Issei's first child.

Riche - 'I bet Ise and my kids will be very cute! Now I know how onee-chan feels... I would cuddle my kids all day long as well...'

Riche had a goofy smile on her face.

Gurigura - 'Eheheh, Ise-nii and my kids... I would prepare tons of bread for them so they don't starve like me when I was small.'

Gurigura just smiled joyfully while promised to herself to never let her kids starving. Not that will ever happen because Issei is super protective of his children along with his other wives in the future, they even wiped an entire faction from the other world just because they made his daughter cry in the future.

Kathryn - 'Gh... This idiot husband making me think about it... But... It's quite nice... Having a little genius of my own...'

Kathryn also started nodding to herself while smiling cheekily thinking how her kids will be a genius just like her.

Then they got even more pumped to deal with the Outlaws, and Issei sweated at them thinking what's making them so hyped like this. Well, he doesn't need to do anything because the 4 of them defeated the Outlaws in no time. He just observing the area for any mishaps that might happen and he found the pirates tries to escape when they realize they're in a disadvantage.

Issei of course won't let them escape.


Ramius - I don't sense any foes in the area. That seems to be all of them.

Issei - There were some who tried to run away but I got them all as well.

Riche - They seems to be pretty organized. And they said something interesting... Apparently, they're kidnapping people by someone else's request.

Gurigura - Maybe the pirates have a base somewhere in Humpty.

Kathryn - Let's try asking them.

Issei - Ah. Oi...

Then Issei started questioning them about their secret base, all Issei had to do is do a little torturing and they all started telling them the truth. It seems the one behind this is <Snake Crest> indeed.

And the one who requested this is a man named Jabber Wock a well-known chef in Humpty. And the destination of their delivery is at the Sugarcubes factory.

They are pretty surprised when they find out about the truth from them. But not shocked because they've already expected this to some extent.

So they decided to investigate it soon enough after they reported their success to Towa so she can rest easy.

Issei - Let's untie the crew.

Sailor - Thank you so much. Now I'm sure we can safely set sail, so we'll be heading out.

Issei - Ah, be careful.

The party watched the ship depart, then decided to return to the capital of Humpty and report to Towa fist.


When the party informed her that the ship was safe, Towa's face brightened with joy.

Towa - Thank goodness... I appreciate the help. Now I should finally be able to see the children's smiles again.

Issei - What'll you do now, Towa?

Towa - I'm staying here for a little longer. I'd like to make the hospital food as good as I can.

Issei - Alright, take care and good luck. Be careful on the way home.

Towa repeatedly bowed to the party as she went off into the streets alongside the hospital personnel.

Issei - So Towa's from a hospital.

Riche - I get why she tells these stories now.

Ramius - To tell children who can't leave the hospital about the outside world... I assume.

Riche - Anyway, seeing her hard at work has got me motivated too.

Kathryn - Alright then, let's go investigate that Sugarcubes factory.

Issei - Ah.

Then they sailed using the pirate's ship to the island where they're producing Sugarcubes.


-Sugarcubes farm-

There are some guards there but Issei just knocked them out.

Issei - These are Sugarcubes?

The organized farm was filled with lines of Sugarcubes, with some harvested ones sitting in piles off to the side.

Riche - Bigger than I thought.

Kathryn - In the right environment, they can apparently grow larger than a human being if left alone for a few months.

Riche - Wonder how many calories they are.

Issei - Don't eat those. It has the smell of <Adan's Blood> in it.

Riche - ...Ueehhh... So it is true after all... This whole place belongs to <Snake Crest>.

Issei - Ah. Let's go further ahead to search for more clues.

The party resumed searching the ruins.

As the party was proceeding through the ruins, they heard the footsteps of several people around a corner.

Gurigura - Armed adventurers, maybe? Seems like they're on patrol.

Issei - No, look at their right hands.

They looked closely and noticed that the guards had glimmering, black rings on their fingers.

Riche and co. - Outlaws!

Outlaw 1 - Th-The hell are you people?!

Outlaw 2 - Intruders!

Issei - Funny how you call us intruders while you're Outlaws yourself.

Outlaw 3 - Oh fuck!

The men quickly hid their fingers, but that in itself was incriminating.

Outlaw 4 - They saw! Don't let them escape with their lives!

Outlaw 5 - Yeah!

The Outlaws feverishly drew their weapon and attacked the party.

Issei - I could say the same thing to you.


There's only 1 slashing sound but all 5 of them died at the same time with their heads cut off.

Issei - Let's go.

Ramius and co - Un.

Ramius - This reminds me of Lancelot's purification plant.

Riche - Yeah, there's no doubt about it anymore this place belongs to the <Snake Crest>.

Issei - But it's not their base of operation because the guards are too few and the places are too easy to found.

Riche - Either way, there has to be some secret here. Let's investigate.

Issei burned the dead Outlaws bodies and resumed their search of the ruins.


Ramius - Seems to be a dead end... Wait, there's a door.

Kathryn - Chibikko, think you can open it?

Gurigura - Hmmm, doubt it. A key doesn't open this door.

Issei - I could bust this door open but let's not do that because who knows what will happen if there's a sudden mechanism that will trigger an alarm or something.

Riche - But then how do you open it?

Gurigura - I think it works like the drain, where it's remotely opened by something.

Ramius - Then there should be a way to open it somewhere in these ruins.

Issei - Ah, let's find it.

The party gave up on the door and decided to search for the mechanism to open it.


Gurigura - Ugh...

Upon entering a room, the party noticed an offensive stench.

Kathryn - What is this? A meat factory?

Gurigura - What kinda meat?

Ramius - Hm, I'm the meat aficionado in this party, and even I don't recognize it.

Riche - Eerie, though.

Compared to an average meat factory, the room was abnormally covered with blood from the floor to the ceiling.

Issei - ...

Issei has a bad feeling about this because he could smell human blood on this room as well.

Riche - Why would a Sugarcubes factory even need to process meat?

Some randomly-strewn-about piles of Sugarcubes had absorbed the blood and turned a dark red.

Issei - Alright, let's investigate a bit more.

The party was disturbed by the room but decided to search every nook and cranny just the same.

Riche - Is this a bookshelf?

Gurigura - Why's a meat factory have a bookshelf?

Ramius - Looks like it's been sitting here for a while. In fact, it comes off like they've been using a data archive as a meat factory.

The party checked the bookshelf and found records about the Sugarcubes.

Riche - In times of Legend, Mother Eve apparently made these ruins after wanting something sweet to eat.

Kathryn - Was there really no simpler solution?

Ramius - Strangely, it doesn't seem like the Kingdom of Humpty always valued these ruins so much.

Riche - Not only that, it looks like they had trouble even getting enough people together to pick enough Sugarcubes to not block the entrance.

Kathryn - Everyone knew Sugarcubes were sweet, but they didn't feel like they were valuable enough to travel down here for, I guess...

Riche - Well, they did have fruit growing everywhere anyway.

Gurigura - Ise-nii, there's a lever next to the bookshelf.

Issei - Hm? Good work, Gurigura.

Issei patted Gurigura head.

Gurigura - Eheheh~

Kathryn - A liver?

Gurigura - Nope, actually something other than meat. Looks like it should trigger something.

Kathryn - Well, it can't possibly hurt to pull that. Let's see what it does.

Gurigura - Okay!

When Gurigura pulled the lever, they heard something moving far away. And just like they expected the locked door before is open now.


Kathryn - Another horrific room...

The party peeked into a blood-splattered odorous room.

Issei feeling is getting worse because of the human blood smell is even stronger in here. And this scent belongs to a woman...

Gurigura - Hey, know what this is?

Ramius - It's a betabeta stone. They're mainly used for recording erotic video and audio.

Kathryn - That's true, but they're just as good for recording anything else.

Riche - Maybe this was a rec room.

Kathryn - ...I've got a bad feeling, but we might as well watch it. Might give us an idea what they're doing in these ruins.

The party put the betabeta stone in the player and hit the play button.


What they see is the worst thing they have ever seen... It was a video recording of how a monster raping a woman but then the monster started to eat the woman alive mid-sex.

The girls face are pale while Issei blood is boiling in anger right now his eyes turned into slits and he clenched his fist so hard that there's a crackling sound from it. But he soon took a deep breath to calm his self.

Kathryn - Urp... D-Disgusting... This is beyond fucked up...

Riche - Doesn't seem like it was faked, either...

Gurigura - It was real for sure... She was brought here and eaten by that monster.

Riche - Then does that mean....?

Riche looked at at the disorganized piles of betabeta stones in shock.

Issei - Ah... It's real... I can smell human blood scent all over this room and the previous room as well...

Riche - ...There were that many victims?

Ramius - I've seen this woman somewhere before...

Gurigura - There was a search request out for her in town.

Ramius - I see, I must have seen her on a poster.

Kathryn - But what's the point of all this? I can't imagine recording this nasty shit is <Snake Crest's> plan...

Issei - It doesn't matter what is the reason for them on doing this, all I know is they will be dead when I see the perpetrator. Jabber Wock was it? Good...

Jabber is already sentenced to death by Issei and the moment they met it will be his demise.

Ramius - Yes, of course. Let's make him pay.

The party swore to avenge the recorded victims.

Gurigura - Here's some more documents.

Kathryn - Ack, they're covered in blood. No use trying to read these now.

Riche - And I have an idea where the blood came from...

Ramius - ...

Gurigura - Ise-nii, there's a lever here.

Issei - Alright, let's use it.

When Gurigura pulled the lever, they heard something moving far away.


Outlaw 1 - Found them! You're the ones who took out my pals?!

Kathryn - Tch, we've been caught!

Outlaw 2 - If they find out someone got in here, we'll end up as monster food too. Sorry, but you'll have to die.

Outlaw 3 - Heh heh heh, you're not getting away from us.

Ramius - Unfortunately for you, we're in an awful mood right now.

Riche - What are you feeding kidnapped girls to monsters for?!

Outlaw 4 - Dunno, we're just following orders.

Outlaw 5 - Seeing those horrified women gets me hard, though. Why don't I feed you to the monsters too?

The moment he said that suddenly his body exploded into pieces. There's a blood splattering all over the place but not a single drop of blood made their way towards Issei's party.

Outlaws - H-Hyiiiiiiiiii!!!

The other Outlaws screamed in terror seeing one of their pals suddenly exploded like that.

Issei - I'm in a really bad mood right now... So, die.

Soon after they all joined their first pal fate. Death without a corpse.

What he did to them is the same on what he did to Rochefort before.

The girls aren't shocked at all when they saw the Outlaws body exploded like that because they are also angry for what they did here.

Ramius - Now that we've found out what's happening here, I doubt Jabber will let them off lightly.

Kathryn - But just what's the deal with this place, anyway? What's feeding women to monsters do for <Snake Crest>?

Gurigura - Maybe it's just Jabber's hobby.

Kathryn - If that were all, it'd be easier to do it somewhere more discreet than here.

Riche - Is he doing this in these ruins for a particular reason?

Ramius - Could it have something to do with the Sugarcubes? They do sprinkle <Adan's Blood> on it after all.

Issei - Let's just resume our investigation for now.

The party decided to resume their search of the ruins and proceeded deeper inside.


Riche - These documents look relatively new.

Kathryn - Looks like a monster observation records.

Gurigura - Sounds like this cage was made just to hold monsters. It won't break easily.

Ramius - They were observing monsters? Could it have something to do with how <Snake Crest> controls them?

Kathryn - Wait a sec, I'll give this a read... Um, let's see here... Despicable...

Issei - What's it says?

Kathryn - They just jotted down notes about how long a monster could stand starvation, or what kinds of women it prefers to assault.

Riche - Are they studying monsters?

Kathryn - No way's it even that academic. Honestly, this just seems deranged... First, they give a monster a woman. Even a monster will get attached to a woman after having sex long enough.

Riche - I doubt romance is a thing for monsters, but I guess they could just like the woman physically.

Kathryn - Then they starve the monster and write down every nasty detail that transpires until it's forced to eat the woman it's attached to.

Ramius - Monster or not, I have to feel bad for it in that situation...

Gurigura - Ise-nii, there's another lever here.

Issei - Alright, pull it.

When Gurigura pulled the lever, they heard something moving far away.

Issei - We've seen enough here. Let's go.

They went deeper into the factory to see what's that lever opened just now, and they found a room that appears to be a Butchering room.

There are giant Sugarcubes and some kind of meat hanged inside the room, and on the cages, they saw a group of women being locked up inside it. While on the other cage there's a bunch of monsters.

The group of women seems to be in despair because they thought they will join their predecessor's fate, which is to be fed to the monster or being eaten by Jabber himself because they saw it before when he ate human flesh in front of their very own eye...

Apparently, they breed the monsters because of <Adan's Blood> is extracted from a monster. The more faithful a monster is to its desires, the better <Adan's Blood> it produces. Which is shocking because they never thought that <Adan's Blood> is actually made from monster blood.

Riche - Archfiend Adan... It's said that when his desire-filled body met its end and burst apart, its fragments are what became monsters... So it's true after all.

Kathryn - So this might've actually been Adan's real blood at one point?... So ridiculous...

Ramius - And they are exporting them by hiding it in the Sugarcubes... Good plan because nobody will suspects a thing like that.

Gurigura - The most dangerous thing, though, is it makes you an <Adan's Blood> addict without you ever knowing.

Issei - Apparently, Jabber have been feeding the Queen of Humpty Sugarcubes every day, so it's safe to say that she's pretty much his slave now... Let's just free the women for now.

Then they released the captured women and killed all the monsters.

The women shed tears of gratitude after being freed by Issei's party, so they collected every single evidence here to apprehend Jabber, not like he will be alive anyway after he's being judged.

After the party left the building, they handed the kidnapped women off to the adventurers and head back towards Humpty Capital.

Along the way they met a half-poppin named Erimo, apparently, she's delivering food ingredients to the castle just now. She's very friendly as well.

Erimo is a half-human, half-Poppin tinkerer and inventory, originally hailing from the Kingdom of Humpty. Erimo lived most of her life in the capital city.

Riche informed Issei that if they wanted the best ship then Poppins is the best ship builder in the world. But sadly the Poppins are considered an enemy after they sell ships to the Central Kingdom during the Arthur Tragedy. So they hid themselves from the world.

The Poppins are capable of living comfortably within temperatures of -100C and 80C, suffering from no adverse effects after being coated in nuclear waste or poisonous gas, and breathing underwater or within a vacuum as though air were present. This extremely high level of adaptability, when coupled with their small size, allows for poppins to be able to live within almost any space, making them a surprisingly resilient species. Despite their astounding environmental adaptability, poppins are not totally immune to all ailments, and can still be killed from a disease.

Outside of their excellent environmental adaptability, poppins possess exceptionally intelligent and crafty minds. Members of the species are naturally inclined towards invention and practice a specialized form of construction known as Karakuri to build complicated and incredible mechanical devices entirely through intricate combinations of springs, gears, and pulleys. Through technological prowess and creativity, poppins have devised countless helpful devices to assist them in daily life, including large mechanical soldiers and tanks to guard their territories against intruders, excavation machines to use for mining resources, and transportation vehicles to assist in moving great distances. Poppins technology is considerably more advanced than most of what can be found on The Continent.

Sadly they are incredibly perverted as well so most of their invention is for that kind of stuff as well...

Hearing all that Issei asked Erimo if she could build him a ship and of course he will pay a good amount of money for it.

Erimo said she is willing but she has no access to the Poppins technology to build one because they hid themselves for being seen as a traitor.

Issei felt it's too bad but there's nothing he can do about it. After chatting a while, they finally decided to depart. Erimo invited Issei for a drink but before he could say anything Kathryn dragged him away.

She doesn't want Issei to turn into The Sex God in the middle of the city and Riche's and co agree as well with it. They don't want their husband turned into a rapist after all.


At the entrance to the palace, the party requested an audience with the queen before being approached by Natal.

Natal - Ah! Issei, you're here. Did you come here to meet me? I'm flattered, and because of that, I allow you to have dinner with me tonight.

She rapidly talks on her own that makes Issei sweat a bit.

Issei - Umm, Natal. We're here to meet the Queen... Err, as for your dinner invitation maybe later.

Issei hurriedly added the last sentences because he saw her eyes started tearing up when he doesn't respond to her dinner invitation. After hearing his confirmation her face brightens up once more.

Natal - Okay! And are you indeed the ones asking to meet Her Majesty?

Issei - Ah. We have some evidence about Jabber involvement with the <Snake Crest>.

Natal - What?

Issei - Here, see for yourself.

Natal at first thought she misheard it when he said Jabber is involved with the <Snake Crest> because he is the best chef on their Kingdom, so you could say that he's a National Hero of their Kingdom. But if he's involved with the <Snake Crest> then...

After Natal read and watch the evidence they got she turned pale right away because of how disgusting Jabber conduct is.

Natal - B-But this is just... Urp... Disgusting...

Natal almost puked after seeing the video recording.

??? - What's going on here?

There's a middle-aged man with gray hair in a butler suit comes out from the palace, his hair is gray with a mustache on his face. He has an average face. (AN: /wiki/Hatter?file=Hatter-face.png his face.)

Natal - H-Hatter... The thing is...

After hearing her explanation and seeing the evidence Issei had, Hatter's face also went pale and he's feeling shocked to the core.

Hatter - To think that Jabber is a man who would do such a thing... And Her Majesty is addicted to his cooking because of those Sugarcubes that contains <Adan's Blood> in it... But if what written here is right then Her Majesty is Jabber's pawn basically.

Natal - Um. And Her Majesty won't grant any audience unless you have some rare ingredient...

Issei - Will this do?

Issei took out the King Squidman to see if it's rare enough so they could be granted an audience with the Queen.

Natal - Wait, can this be?! Isn't this King Squidman?!

Hatter - This is certainly valuable. Well prepared, and remarkably fresh, too... I'll take this to Her Majesty at once.

Natal - Did you slay this King Squidman, Issei? As expected from the man I approve of, now let's go meet Her Majesty.

So they went inside the palace.


They finally meet the Queen of this country, Queen Queenbelle. She's what you called obesity at its finest. (AN: /wiki/Queenbelle?file=Queenbelle-portrait.png here you go if you want to see what she looks like if my description is not good enough for you )

Queenbelle - Are you the ones who brought the King Squidman? Much appreciated. I've heard such rumors of its flavor that I needed to taste it for myself to find out if they're true.

Riche - Nice to meet you. I'm the princess of-

Queenbelle - Forget the introductions, I don't care where you're from. Can you help in the pursuit of gourmet cuisine or not? That's all that matters in Humpty.

Riche - Is that your personal belief, Your Majesty? I'm curious if you might have picked it up from someone else.

Queenbelle - I can tell you're getting at something, so just ask what you want to. And I'm not interested in formalities. I was a commoner before I became Queen. I married into the position after the King first set eyes on me. He's since become too sickly to handle the job, so I took the throne.

Issei - I see.

Riche - Then I'll just ask. Do you know anything about an organization called <Snake Crest>?

Queenbelle - Hahaha, so quick to drop the games, Princess of Eden. I like you, so let me give you an honest answer... Yes, I do. But don't misunderstand. I know they're a dangerous bunch trying to start a war, but that's the extent of my knowledge.

Riche - Do you know anyone who you suspect might be part of <Snake Crest>?

Queenbelle - I wouldn't say I don't, but I don't care to look into it. If someone can prepare a quality dish, my opinion of them won't change, regardless of their affiliation.

Issei - So you know that your personal chef Jabber Wock is <Snake Crest> member?

Queenbelle - Yes, I do. But as long he keeps serving good cuisine then I don't care.

Issei - ...

Riche - But in Eden and Lancelot, and even El Quixote, they manipulated people in power and endangered the whole country.

Queenbelle - Oh, it looks like the meal's ready. I'll listen to the rest while I eat, so feel free to tell me what you will. When Humpty's top chef is involved, any mean can be prepared in no time.

Queenbelle looked to the door to the side, where a young man was holding a plate with a silver lid.

And he is Jabber.

Jabber - The teriyaki king squidman's done. Used plenty of Sugarcubes in the sauce, to make sure it's not outmatched by the meat.

Queenbelle - Oooh, splendid. I'll have some of that right away.

Hatter and Natal tried to stop her from eating the food but she ignores them and began to eat the food like a starving beast. The Knights are ordered to protect Jabber so they can't get into the kitchen to stop him just now.

Issei thought at this point it's useless to stop the Queen from eating his food anyway because she already seems to be addicted to it. No matter though, because he will kill Jabber soon anyway.

Jabber - So you're the rats who've been sniffing around my Sugarcubes factory. And you're also the ones who brought this king squidman? It's not something I've gotten much chance to cook with, so it was a good learning experience.

Issei - I take it that you're Jabber Wock then?

Jabber - Yep. I'm Jabber, Jabber Wock, Humpty's best chef, Rochefort and Rocinante told me about you along with Shiro and Kuro.

Issei - So you're not gonna try to defend yourself?

Jabber - For what? I already have this fat pig in my grasp!

Natal and Hatter gnashed their teeth in anger hearing his words.

Queenbelle - Heheh, huhahaha, sluuuurp! Huhyahaha, munch munch, gulp...

Gurigura - Hey... I know she loves food, but the Queen's acting weird.

Queenbelle - Good... Delicious. Buhya hya hya hya, buheeeee! So deliciouuuuuuus!

Natal - Your Majesty?!

Queenbelle - Stay away from my foooood! Hamph, scromf, omnom, aah, goodgoodgoooood!

Even those who knew of Queenbelle's gluttony already were paralyzed by her bizarre behavior.

Jabber - I already put tons of Sugarcubes on that Squidman teriyaki sauce, there's enough refined <Adan's Blood> in there to fry a dozen people's brains

Natal - You dare to do that to Her Majesty?!

Natal drew her sword to slay him.

Queenbelle - What are you about to do to my precious chef?!

Natal - Y-Your Majesty?!

But Queenbelle protected Jabber from Natal's sword with her massive body.

Jabber - Hahahaha, so what if you have evidence on me? As long as I'm in control of this pig I'm in control of the situation, now Queenbelle tells the knights to arrest them for me. If you do I will give you more food.

Queenbelle - More... Okay then, Jabber. I'll do what you say, just, give me more... Give me more of your cooking!

Natal - Get ahold of yourself. Your Majesty! His cooking is drugged!

Queenbelle - Silence, Natal! Have you forgotten you owe me for appointing you?! You can't tell me what to do!

Natal - ...But...

Unable to do anything about Queenbelle's mania, Natal made her frustration clear from her scowl as she silently stepped back.

Ramius - You can't defy who you've sworn loyalty to. The Queen's Knights can't help here, I take it.

Kathryn - That brazen fucker. He just brainwashed the Queen while everyone watched.

Jabber - Hahahaha, those are some delicious-looking chicks you've got with you... Mind if I take them off your hands? I will be sure to savor their flesh when I eat them up while you watch them struggle in pa-

Issei - Hoo...

Before he finishes his words Issei voice resounded in the whole room. His voice isn't that big but it gives Jabber indescribable pressure, he feels like a mountain is weighing him down and he can't move a single muscle. The Knights are also paralyzed, while Queenbelle already passed out feeling Issei pressure/Haki.

Issei used his <Conqueror Haki> on the hall and only aimed at them, Riche and co are not affected.

Riche - Uwaah... Guess he's done for...

Ramius - Umu, indeed.

Gurigura - Heheh, this is gonna be very messy.

Kathryn - Idiot...

Natal - Wh-What are you guys talking about? And why is Jabber stopped moving along with the rest of the other Knights? And Her Majesty?!

Hatter - Queenbelle!

Hatter and Natal hurriedly checked on Queenbelle because he is her husband after all.

Hatter is the former king of the nation, who abdicated in favor of his wife, Queenbelle, which was initially a wise decision.

While Queenbelle's rule started prosperously, she soon became more of an obsessed gourmet than a politician or administrator, corrupted in part by Jabber Wock. Hatter stayed by her side as a butler.

So he's been very worried about this but he can't do anything because his wife is already in control of Jabber.

Riche - You see... When somebody started badmouthing us, Ise will become very angry and the one who badmouths us will be dead, guaranteed. No matter who they are. Unless it's unintentional then they can be forgiven as long they apologize straight away.

Riche and co remembered Rochefort and King Ben's back then when they're badmouthing them.

Natal - Eh?

Natal is dumbfounded after hearing Riche's words and she looked towards Issei once more when she heard him talk.

Issei - I think you're mistaking something here... You think I need evidence if I want to kill you? I'm just following the procedure because I don't want to bring shame to my wives name.

Jabber sweated like a waterfall and he feels like he's being stared by Death God himself after feeling Issei's gaze on him. Issei's red eyes are glowing brightly and turned into slits while looking at Jabber.

Issei started walking towards Jabber in a steady and slow step but every time his footstep resounds in the hall it makes Jabber heart thumped even more loudly in fear.

Jabber - 'S-So Shiro and Kuro is telling the truth?!'

He finally knows why both Shiro and Kuro seems relaxed when they propose that bet. If he can even put a scratch on Issei then they will be his slaves. Forget about getting a scratch on him, he can't even move a single muscle because of the bloodlust he emits right now! Heck, he can't even talk!

He started trembling harder when Issei come closer and closer to him. He wanted to transform into his Monster form straight away but he couldn't.

Issei finally arrived at Jabber's front then he tapped Jabber's shoulder while smiling gently but his eyes are not smiling at all.

Issei - Care to repeat your words once more? What was it again? What are you planning to do to my wives just now?

Jabber - ...I-I-I...

Jabber wanted to say he's sorry but he couldn't form a proper sentence and can only say "I" no matter how hard he tries.


Jabber - PFFFTTTT!!!

Issei punched Jabber's stomach and he spurted a huge amount of blood from his mouth. His body didn't fly because Issei's hand are on his shoulder making him stay in place.

And because of that, the amount of impact he receives is even greater. Issei held back though or his body would've turned into pieces from that one punch of his.

He felt like the insides of his body turned into mush from that one punch.

Issei - Go on, say it once more.

Issei still smiles gently at him but Jabber can't feel anything else other than pain and fear right now. He wanted to say he's sorry but he still can't, whenever he opens his mouth there's blood coming out from it.

Jabber - ...*Gurgling sound* I-I... *Gurgle*...


Jabber - ...A... A... A...

Issei kicked one of his legs and it broke with a loud cracking sound. Jabber is in so much pain right now that he couldn't even utter a proper scream.


This time it's his other leg, now he's kneeling in front of Issei.

Riche and co smile wryly at Issei's conduct while the Knights are trembling in fear seeing his action. Natal become frozen like a statue but oddly enough she doesn't find Issei action terrifying if anything she thought that he's so manly.

What's going on her mind right now is if she could be his wife then how good will it be to have someone like Issei who can protect her from any harms.

Issei - What? Oh, let me guess... You want to transform just like your friends, Rochefort and Rocinante? Well, go ahead. I'll wait for you to transform.

Issei finally let go of Jabber and wait for him to transform, Jabber almost passed out from the pain he's feeling right now but after hearing Issei's words he thought it's his only chance so he transforms to his monster form right away.

*Crack* *Bulge*

Jabber's body made bizarre sounds as his clothes tore and his flesh began to swell abnormally.

Jabber - Bubyahah... Hah hyah, huhyah hyah! With this, I will eat you all!

With his final shout, Jabber's body became so distorted as to lose its original shape, inflating like a balloon.

Natal - M-Monster...

Ramius - Looks like he's done transforming.

His monster form is a huge fat monster. Its head is like some kind of castle with one eye just like a cyclops. (AN: /wiki/Jabber_Wock?file=Jabber-Gluttony.png).

Jabber - Grrrr... Hungry... Hungryyyyy!!!

Natal - Look out!

It ran towards Issei and grabbed him.

Jabber - ...Ermmm?

He's confused why Issei suddenly disappeared from his hand even though he successfully grabbed him just now. It's just Issei after image apparently.


Jabber - PFFFTTTT!!!

Suddenly he felt a strong impact on its stomach.

It's still the same outcome no matter if he transforms or not, he spits out a large amount of blood after Issei punched his stomach. His stomach deformed inwards after receiving Issei's punch.


Then Issei proceeded to break his two legs once again, and he's back to kneeling position before Issei. But soon he drops down to the ground with his face facing the floor.

Issei just calmly looks down on him like he's an insect.

Issei - Back to where you belong? Trash?

Natal - S-So strong and so cool...

Natal eyes turned into heart-shaped after seeing how dominating Issei was.

The entire audiences are also in awe seeing how strong Issei is, while his wives just puffed out their chest in pride like they're the one who did all that.

Knight - H-He's like a Tyrant...

Hence begins the legend of Issei as the "Tyrant Overlord"... They will spread the news about him.

The blob of flesh that Jabber had become collapsed. After a few seconds, it started to talk once again.

Jabber - ...Ah, gahah... Lost too much blood. Aah... I, I'm hungry... I hate being hungry...

Jabber murmured with anguish and mustered all the energy he had to raise his arm.

Issei - ...

*Munch!* *Crunch!*

Jabber - Aah... So, so good... And filling...

Jabber chomped into his arm, then chewed, swallowed, and smiled.

From his grinning mouth spilled light pink flesh and red blood.

Kathryn - He's eating himself... It's literally like what <Snake Crest's> symbol means.

Jabber - Buhyahaha... Haha... Hahaha...

While everyone was watching, Jabber let off a bright light, then vanished just like Rochefort and Rocinante had.

Having murdered his mother earlier in life, Jabber took to practicing cannibalism, a practice everyone believes may have manifested and engorged in an effort to mask Jabber's guilt over this first murder. Now convinced that human meat was the height of cuisine, Jabber began his efforts to convince the rest of the world of the same. The Snake Crest helped him towards this goal in return for monster-training facilities that were designed to reduce monsters to their base desires (often including cannibalism) so that they could be used as ingredients for the Snake Crest's production of <Adan's Blood>.

Jabber's love of food carried well and beyond the usual degree expected by a chef and into his obsession with cannibalism. He also demonstrated a chef's patience, willing to wait an especially long time to gain full control over Queenbelle.

But all his waiting and plans went into the drain after he crosses Issei's path. Just like his 'Friends' from before and in the future as well...

Ramius - Again? I wonder if they're somehow triggering teleportation magic when they die.

Kathryn - If they at least left a corpse, we could look into why they're turning into monsters.

Gurigura - Hiding the evidence... They're being really careful.

The party continued to gaze at the room where Jabber had disappeared. Only the damaged floors and bloodstain remained to indicate an attack by <Snake Crest> had occured (The floor is damaged when Jabber's monster form dropped down).

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