The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 60:

Chapter 60:

The party returned with the letter from the Queen of Humpty, but even without the Queen's letter, Louin already knows Issei's achievement because it's quite wide-spread.

He saved the Queen of Humpty and lots of kidnapped girls, ruined the <Snake Crest> plans on the Humpty Kingdom. And he mends the relationship between the Poppins and the Humpty Kingdom as well. If that's not enough to promote him then nothing will.

Louin can only sigh to himself and feeling very proud as well for having such an outstanding son-in-law.

Acheval and Barro also keep grinning all this time. While Croix already stuck to Issei the moment he entered the throne room. She seems in a very good mood while keep humming "Otouto~ Otouto~", Issei sweat a bit seeing her like this.

Louin - *Sigh* Let's just get to the point. Issei, I will promote you to a <Zero Knight> and a <Marquess>.

Issei - Understood.

Louis - Good, now let's appoint you into a <Zero Knight>.

Croix - Wait, I can do it again!

Croix instantly volunteered once again, but Louin rejected her request.

Louin - No, the one who should do the honor is Riche.

Croix - Ehh~ Riche unfair~

Croix pouted hearing she can't do the honor but she soon back to her cheerful self because it's true that the one who should do the honor is Riche herself. And she also wants Riche to be the one who did it too.

Riche - Can I?

Riche is pretty surprised hearing that she should be the one who does the honor.

Louin - Yes, you made him a Knight in the first place after all.

Riche - But my dagger can't appoint a <Zero Knight>.

Louin - Don't worry, I will lend you our royalty dagger.

Louin handed Riche a dagger significantly more extravagant than her own.

Riche - ...Okay. Let's do this, Ise.

Issei - Alright.

Issei walked up to Riche and shut his eyes.

Riche - I, Riche Eden, in the name of Mother Eve, ask of this world-defending Knight.

When she uttered Mother Eve's name, Riche's body started to emit the same glow as the miracle power.

Riche - Protector of peace and tranquility, Issei Hyoudou, in order to fulfill your duties, do you swear to dedicate your life to those you believe in?

Issei - Yes, I do.

Riche - Very good. Then may Mother Eve bless your soul.

Riche was about to tap the blade on Issei's shoulder, but then her hand stopped.

Issei - ...Riche?

Riche - Heheheh, who would've thought the man I choose will become a <Zero Knight> this soon. I thought it will take you at least a year but apparently not, I'm very blessed and proud having a husband like you, Ise.

Issei - Ah, me too. I also feel blessed and proud of having a wife like you... Having all of you makes me really happy and blessed.

Issei smiled gently at Riche then he looks towards Ramius and co as well.

They return the smile he gave them with the same smile filled with endless love and passion they share with each other.

Louin and co. smiled gently at their interactions. But Croix had a longing feeling inside her eyes while watching them, she wishes she's one of Issei wife as well... But it's not possible since she's already engaged with someone else.

At least she's feeling happy for her beloved little sister, Riche, for being with the man she truly loves unlike her...

Riche - Ise... Keep up the good work. And thank you for having us as your wives.

Issei - I will and the feeling is mutual.

They smiled at each other then Riche finally tapped the dagger on Issei's shoulder.

When the dagger lightly touched his shoulder, they were both enveloped in a dull glow.

Eventually, the light was absorbed into Issei's body.

Issei - ...

Riche - There we go, one <Zero Knight>, ready for delivery.

Barro - Princess Riche, I don't know about treating this like you were making a pizza...

Croix - Eheheh, Riche always acts like that when she's being shy. And congrats Otouto~

Croix glued herself to Issei once again after the ritual is over.

Thus, something the world had never seen before, a free agent <Zero Knight>, was born.

Ramius - Mhm, that's the man I fell in love with.

Kathryn - Well, it doesn't take long for him to reach the same rank as mine, as to be expected for my husband.

Gurigura - Eheheh, yup! That's our Ise-nii~

Acheval - Gahahahaha, that's my lil bro right there!

Barro - Heheheh, glad to have another <Zero Knight> in our ranks.

Louin - Hmm, now that's over with. I order you to take a vacation for now until the time for Croix ritual starts. Enjoying some good quality time with your family should do you good, and I heard you married another girl at Humpty right? And she's also a <Thousand Knight> as well from what I've heard.

Issei - Yes, her name is Natal.

Louin - Um, good to know. Now we have a new ally for our Kingdom.

Riche - Then, shall we go home?

Issei - Sure.

Croix wanted to come with them but Riche doesn't allow it, she felt downcast not allowed to come with them but soon back to her cheerful self.

Louin can only smile bitterly to himself because Croix longing for Issei seems to get stronger but alas...

Thus, with his promotion to a <Zero Knight> and <Marquess>, Issei decided to go home to see the twins.


Kyou - Welcome home, Ise!

The party's arrival home was met with the twins opening the front door to greet them.

Issei - ...

Kyou - Want food? A bath? Or maybe... Me?

Issei - ...

Kinou - Hm, Ise went silent. Maybe a monster inflicted him with a status ailment?

Issei - ...Oh, sorry, I'm fine. Just haven't heard you welcome me home since I left <Fresh Fish Island>. So I'm feeling a bit emotional... Kyou, Kinou, I'm glad to be home.

It had been some time since Issei left the <Fresh Fish Island> after all, so it makes him feel a little emotional having them both greeted him the way as always.

Kinou - Un, welcome home. And we've already looked around the house. It's perfect for a new family. I'm highly satisfied.

Kyou - I prefer tatami mats, but it is nice and trendy. Just what you'd want for a new couple.

Issei - Ramius's family gave it to us. Maybe I should go thank them again.

Kyou - That's okay, we already introduced ourselves, and even gave them gifts.

Kinou - We sent a bundle of Matsu shroom dishes. No doubt it's made them feel young again.

Ramius - My father's already retired. I don't know if he needs the energy...

Tio - Oh, I knew I heard your voices. Welcome home, Ise.

Tilt - ...Welcome back.

Issei - Oh, Tio, Tilt?

Kyou - We picked her up from the company because we're thinking to have dinner together as a whole family. Too bad we can't bring that girl from Humpty because they're pretty busy right there.

Tio - Yes, Ekate and Mertel are watching the company for me so don't worry about it. But they do say they wanted you to go visit them later on.

Issei - Ah, got it.

Kinou - Tio told us all about the town and the house. Good at sewing, good at laundry, and she even has big boobs and her little sister is cute as well... Nice pick, Ise.

Tio - No, I'm not so great. Both of you have cooking talent that blew me away.

Tilt becomes shy after being praised, then she hides inside Tio right away.

They all smiled wryly seeing Tilt still so shy even after all this time.

Kyou - Although our cooking is not as great as Ise, though.

Tio and the twins seemed to have already gotten to know each other and were hitting it off.

Kyou - We knew you'd be home soon, so we put together the best feast we could muster.

Kinou - I recommend eating before it gets cold.

The twins urged the party inside, where they saw rows upon rows of delicious foodstuffs.

Riche - Wow... Is this all made from scratch?! You actually cooked this all yourself?!

Ramius - What do we have here? Whale?! Whether boiled, grilled, or raw, it's the most exquisite of meats... Gulp...

Gurigura - H-Hamburgers! Wow, the patties are really thick, and there's two of them too!

Kyou - I'm sure you all must be tired, so we wanted to make this a treat.

Kathryn - Like... Everything here's like something you'd get at a nice restaurant. I'm kinda taken aback.

Kinou - Now that's not true. For example, you can make this ramen just by boiling it and putting it in the soup.

Kathryn - Ramen?! Y-You even have cheap food like that?

Kyou - Heheheh, we made that because we heard one of the wives was a shut-in... You like ramen, don't you?

Kathryn - Yeah... I-I love it. With this much ramen, I could stay in my room for days!

Issei - Wait, don't do that.

Kyou - Look, Ise, we even made plenty of those hotpots you like so much.

Issei - Ohh, thanks.

Issei actually not that picky about foods, he will like anything his wives made him.

Riche - Hrrrm... Th-This certainly is impressive...

Ramius - Not being able to cook doesn't make you any worse of a wife, Riche.

Riche - I-I wasn't thinking that!

Ramius - Mmm, mmm, gulp. More takoyakiyaki, please.

Riche - Wait, you're already eating?!

Gurigura - Better eat before it gets cold.

Riche - Y-Yeah, I know.

While she didn't think Issei would be taken away from her, a large part of Riche's heart was consumed by an uneasy feeling. But then she saw Issei smiled at her gently and all of her worries went away, she remembered that he's not the kind of man who judges his wives just because they can't cook and will love them no matter what happens.

Kyou - Oh right, we made some desserts that I just know you'll like, Riche.

Riche - Huh? Dessert?!

Kinou - We left them to chill in the magic fridge. There's some special pudding made with plenty of fresh gelatin beans in there.

Riche - Pudding... Gulp. I-I do love pudding...

Kinou - Also, it has a sponge cake, candied grapes, poipoi fruit and kuririp on top... (AN: No that's not a typo, that's what it said in the game. I also don't know what are those fruits.)

Riche - Y-You can put all that on pudding?! Does it even count as pudding at that point?!

Kinou - And then on top of that there's honey, and on top of that there's chocolate.

Riche - S-Stop! No more or I'll-

Kyou - Then you just top it with sliced cat bread, and the dragon pudding a la mode is complete.

Riche - ...I'm glad you two are part of the family.

Issei smiled wryly seeing that the twins got Riche by the stomach.

Her opposition shaved away, Riche helped herself to the twins handmade sweets and began to blissfully smile.

Then they had a fulfilling dinner together, everyone is enjoying the dinner they had together.

Issei keeps smiling the whole time because of how harmonious his wives are.


Issei - It's been a while since I ate your cooking, Kyou, Kinou. It tastes good as always.

Kyou - You're gonna get sick of it after how much you're getting now.

Kinou - We love to feed you, too... Honestly, even back on the island, we would have liked to feed you every day.

Issei - I'll never get sick of your cooking, you know that.

Kyou - Fufufu, we're happy that you feel that way.

Kinou - Un.

Issei - By the way can I ask you both a question? Why you still haven't found your mate after all this time?

Issei felt weird for such an outstanding girl like them to never find their mate after all this time.

Kinou - Oh... The Witches of the Round Table each married a male descendant of Arthur and QD in order from oldest to youngest.

Kyou - We're the youngest, so we had to wait until last. And sometimes you'd go a generation or two with no boys being born, and that witch would just have to wait until there was one.

Issei - Did the witches of the Round Table like Arthur that much?

Kinou - ...We do have respect for Arthur, but we never understood the admiration the other witches felt.

Kyou - And after the Arthur tragedy their bloodline ended with Tram and his wife Ruto because they died along with their Kingdom...

Kinou - So that's why we never found our mate after all this time.

Kyou - Then I saw you after you arrived in this world, Ise. And I finally found it, the feeling I've been searching for this entire time, I sensed that I love you and you're the one for me.

Kinou - I felt the same way. That's when we discussed you and decided you'd belong to both of us.

Kyou - Our first love was you, Ise.

Issei - I see. I'm happy that I'm your first love.

Kyou - Same here.

Kinou - Un, the feeling's mutual.

They smiled at each other.

Issei - Dragons have long lifespans. Where are the other Witches of the Round Table?

Kyou - Some are still living peacefully among humans, while some mourned by going into a hibernation-like state...

Kinou - And Just like you know, QD still lives with Arthur's soul deep in Camelot, where she sort of casually watches over humans.

Issei - ...Just sort of casually.

Kyou - That's all we can say that's not personal dragon business. So, are you certain you want us to be your wives? Even though you're clearly stronger than us but...

Kinou - We're also several times older than you that age difference is an understatement.

Kyou - Do you still want to marry us?

Kinou - ...This is the last time we'll ask. Answer honestly.

Issei - ...Can you feel my feelings for you through your mark?

Both Kyou and Kinou felt their mark getting hotter by the second, it's not uncomfortable or anything it feels so warm and soothing. Just from feeling the heat they know just how much Issei loves them.

Kyou - Oh...

Kinou - Um...

They blushed deeply feeling the heat from their mark.

Issei - As long as we can understand each other's feelings, I'm fine with it. So please marry me, both of you.

Kyou - O-Okay, I will. I'll gladly be your wife, Ise.

Kinou - To have your feelings reciprocated... This is bliss. I understand QD a tiny bit more now.

Kyou - Then it's finally time for you to truly mark us as yours for life...

Kinou - My body's already warmed up. Even my breathing is a bit ragged.

Issei - Um... I feel the same way as you both as well.

When they're about to get close with each other there's a sudden sound out of nowhere.

??? - Hold it right there.

The three of them look into the source of the voice and saw a woman appeared out of nowhere.

She is a tall, voluptuous woman with thickly braided, bow-adorned, scarlet hair. Her two front braids have two golden ornaments near the upper sections and wear red lipstick. She has beautiful green eyes.

For clothing, she dons a risque version of the typical witch's garb. Her black top has a diamond-shaped opening, exposing the middle of her breasts, which has a white heart mark that covered with Dragon's wing.

Issei felt a very familiar feeling after seeing her, and when her green eyes locked onto him he saw her smiling playfully at him. But her eyes are so gentle that he felt warm just by gazing at it.

Issei - ...Who are you?

Kyou and Kinou know who she is but they don't want to tell Issei about it, so they just stand on the sidelines watching them.

The woman chuckled gently hearing his question.

??? - What's wrong, Ise... Can't recognize me anymore after I regained my body?

Issei felt confused about how come this woman knows his name and what she meant by she regained her body?

Seeing his confused face the woman walk towards Issei's. Then she put one of her hands on Issei's left arm. And the moment her hand touched Issei's arm there's something happened.

There's a flash of light and then there it is, his old sacred gear the <Boosted Gear> show itself once more to the world.

Issei eyes went wide seeing the <Boosted Gear> suddenly appeared once more. But it soon disappears as well the moment Irene took her hand off Issei's.

??? - What's wrong, partner? Still can't recognize me?

Issei - ...D-Ddraig? I-Is that you?

Irene - Hahahaha, took you long enough. Yes, it is me.

She laughs joyfully after seeing him recognize her at last.

Issei - B-But how? And aren't you a-

Irene - A man? No, I was a woman before but... Oh right, can the two of you leave us alone for now? Sorry for ruining your moment but you know the rules.

Kyou - Sure thing, Irene-sama.

Kinou - Un, take your time.

Then the twins smiled at the two of them and left the room. Riche and co have already been drugged by the twins.

The rules she's talking about is for her to be the first Dragon wife of Issei, she's fine with him having sex with other women as long as that woman isn't a Dragon. So she has to step in when it seems that he's about to have sex with the twins because she wants to claim that first Dragon wife spot that's why.

Issei brain is too jumbled up after knowing his supposed partner is a woman so he doesn't even realize the twins already left the room, he blankly stared at Irene the whole time while trying to process what's happening.

After confirming the twins left the room Irene set up a sound barrier so no one can hear anything from outside the barrier.

She took a deep breath.

Irene - Here's the thing partner, and don't you dare laugh after hearing it...

Then she told him all about her past when she's still Irene and met Albion, etc.


Issei becomes totally dumbfounded after hearing her past.

Issei - ...

Irene also felt embarrassed after she's done telling him about her past, her face went a bit red as well. Thankfully he's not laughing or she will be even more embarrassed. But unknown to her is that he just doesn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing it. How is he supposed to react when his trusted partner turns out to be a woman and he changed her gender just to avoid Albion? And their whole rivalry is because of her as well.

After an awkward silence.

Issei - ...So what you're telling me just now is true?

Irene - ...Um.

Issei - ...Should I call you Ddraig or Irene now?

Irene - Just call me Irene...

Issei - ...Alright.

After that, he went silent.

Issei - ...

Irene - ...If you have something to say then just say it.

He looks like he's about to say something but then closed his mouth soon after.

Issei - Sorry, it's just that it's a lot to process...

Irene - I know... But you need to understand that I wasn't trying to hide it from you. It's just that...

Issei - Oh, I'm not mad or anything it's just that...

Then he gazes at her and soon after they chuckled at each other.

Irene - It's been a while, partner.

Issei - Indeed. Glad to see you have regained your body, Ddra- I mean Irene. Sorry about that, I'm just used to calling you by your old name after all.

Irene - It's fine, I know you will get used to it sooner or later.

Issei - Then, what are you doing here? To show me your new body?

Irene - ...You could say that.

Then Irene gives Issei a sultry smile and put both of her hands on Issei's cheeks.

Issei - Err... What are you doing?

Irene - So, what do you think of my current body, partner?

Issei - Umm... If I'm being honest then it's very beautiful and attractive.

Irene - *Chuckle* I'm glad you feel that way. Now then, as for the other reason why I'm here... It's to claim my rightful place as your first Dragon wife.

Issei - ...Sorry?

Issei felt like he just misheard her words.

Irene - Do you see this mark on my chest?

Irene pointed at the mark. Then Issei looks towards the white heart mark on her chest.

Irene - This mark only appears on a Dragon body that already chosen their mate, and I choose you, Issei Hyoudou to be my fated mate.

Issei - ...Eh?

Before Issei realizes it he's already pushed down by Irene into the bed. And she mounted his body right away.

Issei - Wha- Mmh!

She instantly kissed Issei right away. Issei's eyes went wide open after Irene kissed her.

She inserted her tongue inside his mouth.

After feeling her tongue inside his mouth Issei finally manages to return back to his sense and pushed her away.

Issei - What are you doing?!

Irene - Hmm? Kissing you of course.

Issei - ...

Issei felt speechless hearing her answer. Like what she just did is a very normal thing.

Irene - ...Do you know, Ise... I've been watching you for a long time, ever since I regained my consciousness back then when you finally manage to use the <Boosted Gear>.

When he's about to say something else he heard her talking.

Irene - At first I thought you're just a perverted kid but then I saw what you're willing to do for those ungrateful brats...

Issei knows what she meant by brats is Rias Gremory and co.

Irene - You're willing to sacrifice your left hand for her then you're willing to put your life on the line for them all again and again... After a while, I finally realized that your very existence is like a beacon of light for those you hold dear. And I'm also attracted to your light...

She looks at Issei right in the eyes while saying that, and her eyes are glittering in reminiscence.

Irene - In my entire life I've never had a host like you. All of my previous hosts got lost in their search for power and only treated me like a tool... But only you treated me like a partner, a friend. And before I realize it I enjoyed spending time with you and I keep thinking how good will it be if I still have my old body... Alas, I'm already dead so I tried to bury my feelings for you.

But after finding out how those brats betrayed you, and see you become so sorrowful because of it...

It makes my heart ache so much and I wish I could be there for you to ease your suffering even if only for a little.

Issei - ...You already did... When you pulled me back from my sorrow, you already saved me, partner. When you taught me about "Freedom" I felt really thankful towards you.

Issei told her with a grateful voice but she just gives him a small smile and continued talking.

Irene - ...You see, Ise... I already linked my soul with you the moment you underwent the process of changing into a Dragon... If you die then I will truly die along with you... But I have no regrets because I want you to be my only host and the last host I have.

Issei felt surprised by hearing her words.

Irene - When Semiramis told me that she could make me a new body I feel so ecstatic and joyful because I can finally truly be with you in body and soul... I finally let my buried feelings for you free. Now I can tell the world with pride that I, Irene Belserion, is in love with Issei Hyoudou.

She smiled blissfully at him while saying that and Issei felt captivated seeing her smile.

Irene - Now what do you say, Ise... Are you willing to truly have me as your fated partner forever in life?

Issei keeps recalling on how she keeps helping him when he needs her the most and the time they spent together, she's the only reason that he can still be here right now. If not for her then he would've already died when the corrupted evil pieces corrupting his body.

She has already helped him so much that he doesn't even know if he could someday repay it. And after hearing her confession about him he felt like it's his chance to repay her. She's used to be the one who helps her now it shall be his turn helping her.

He will protect her from any harm and keep staying by her side forever and ever. He will always be there for her.

Issei - ...Ah, I'm willing, partner... Till death do us part...

Issei said that with a gentle smile but firm eyes. And Irene smiled through tears after hearing his answer.

Irene - Till death do us part...

They joined their hands together and kissed passionately like they're trying to convey the feelings they have for each other.

After Issei accepted Irene as his mate there's a mark appeared on his left hands where his <Boosted Gear> used to be. The mark shaped identically just like Irene's mark which looks like a heart covered with Dragon wings.


Issei and Irene took off their clothes soon after and they're gazing at each other bodies.

Irene - Fufufu, I really like your current face and body, Ise.

Issei - I could say the same to you.

They both chuckled at each other after saying that.

Issei is hovering over Irene's body right now.

Issei - Are you ready, Irene?

Irene - Ah... Make me yours.

Her pussy is already wet enough from all the kissing they just did and she's been anticipating this to happen ever since she got her old body back and the moment she saw him again her body automatically went into heat.

After hearing her confirmation Issei push forward into her and stretch her open.

Irene - Nh!

His dick slides forward until it hits her hymen, but it only stops his advance for a moment and his dick easily breaks through it and plunges deeper in.

Irene - Ghh!

His dick pierces her until it's pressing against her womb.

Issei gives her a gentle kiss to soothe her pain.

Irene - Mmh...

After a few seconds, Irene slightly moved her hips as a signal that it's fine for him to move.

Issei - I'm going to start moving now...

Irene - Ah... Go ahead, I can take this much pain...

Then Issei started moving his hips slowly.

Irene - Haah, haah...

After a few seconds, Issei had started kissing and licking her breasts and nipples. He buried his face in Irene's breasts, stroking them repeatedly with love.

Irene - Ahhn, ahh, hahn... I-I see that you still love oppai, partner... Haah, haah...

Issei - Ah, as long as it belongs to the woman I love then I will.

Then Issei resumed his sucking.

Irene - Haah, hahn, I'm glad you like my body... Ahh...

Down there her love juices were leaking out of her, now tinged with red, the proof of her purity.

With his penis firmly inside her, Irene sighs happily. As his penis moved in and out of her faster, each thrust brought them both closer and closer to orgasm.

Irene - W-What is this... Ahhn... I feel so hot from inside... I can feel you, rubbing against the inside of me... Ahhn!

Issei - Ah, it feels crazy good inside you, Irene...

*Sllsh* *Sllsh*

Irene also started moving her hips to match Issei's current pace going in and out inside of her.

Tiny dots of sweat had broken out all over their body as they moved.

Irene - I-It's really big... And it's going deeper and deeper each time... Haah... Ahn, ah, mmh...

Issei put one of his arms around Irene's back and brought her body closer to him while his other arm is on her ass and lifted one of her legs slightly. He started humping even more wildly soon after.

Irene - Yes... Ahn... Good, make me go crazy, with pleasure... Make my body can't live without you, Ise... Haah, haahn, aahn!

Her pussy was already fully lubricated, allowing Issei to reach all the way inside her easily.

He kept humping faster and deeper inside her while she put her legs around his waist.

Irene - Haah, haaahn... My body is all tingly, aaah...

Issei could tell that Irene was nearing her orgasm and as he continued his thrusts, reaching as far into her as he could. While his own limit was close as well, he prepared to shoot everything he had into her.

Issei - Guh... You're getting even tighter, making me feel really good... I'm almost there, Irene.

Irene - Y-You too...? I-In that case, let's finish... Together... Haaahn!

*Sloosh!* *Sloosh!* *Sloosh!*

He increased his pace even faster, working in tandem with her body.

Irene - S-Shoot your semen into me... Right inside my uterus... Aahn, aah, ahha...

Along his spine, Issei could feel a familiar energy building. Irene's body is fully open to him, ready to accept his semen deep inside her.

Irene - I can't... I can't hold back anymore... Haah, ah... My body... Haah, haah, aahhn, haah... I can't, I can't... It feels too good... Please, give me all of your semen! Mark me as yours, Ise!

Issei - Ghh... Here, I'm coming!

Irene - Ku! Haah, I-I'm coming too, Haaaaahhhnnn!


Issei pushed as deep as he could and ejaculate deep inside her while Irene wailed in pleasure.

Irene - Haaah... It's... Incredible, so hot inside... I can feel your thick, hot semen deep inside my womb... You've completely filled me up... I can feel it inside... You shot so much inside me... With this... We will be truly become one in body and soul... My beloved partner... Ise... I'm so happy.

Irene shed tears of joy and blissfully smiled while stroking her abdomen and mark at her chest.

Both of Issei and Irene's mark started glowing and after a few seconds, they feel their soul truly connected with each other. The color of the mark changed from white into deep red signifying their love for each other. There's a mini Queen crown in the middle of her mark, while on Issei's mark there's a mini King crown on it.

Now they truly have become the Absolute Duo, not just in name but in body and soul as well.

Issei - Ah, I'm happy as well...

They smiled at each other and brought their lips closer once more...

Inside his body, Issei can feel his <Boosted Gear> started to combining with his very own soul. Now he can use all of its ability.

His <Boost> is combined with Ophis <Infinity> so he basically can <Boost> with no limit and he also gained Albion's <Divide> from the time he absorbed one of Albion's orb.

He also automatically gained Irene's <Penetrate> ability. It allows his attack to penetrate through all defense. This combined with his <Ougi> from Scathach is basically overkilling... No matter how strong his opponent defense is it will be broken through like a piece of paper.

So you can forget defending against one of Issei attack from now on. All their enemy could do is to avoid it or they will be dead the moment his attack hits them. But its easier said than done... Unless his opponent is significantly stronger than him then there will be no hope to withstand even one of his attack.

And to find an enemy that's significantly stronger than him? Good luck finding them because you can basically count the person who meets that criteria with one hand. Even then it won't be for long...

And Irene also gained most of Issei's skill as well such as the <Haki>, she thought she should teach this technique to the girls back at Semiramis domain as well.

Irene moaned slightly feeling his dick inside her twitching.

Irene - Mmn... Fufufu, it seems you're still good to go, beloved...

Issei - ...Beloved?

Irene - Hmm? You don't want to call you that?

Issei - No, it just feels weird to have you call me that...

Issei awkwardly scratches his cheek while saying that with a wry smile.

Irene - Well, you better get used to it because I will keep calling you that from now on, be-lo-ved~

Irene smiled playfully at him.

Issei - ...Fine.

Irene - Well, I'd love to continue our mating session but the twins are waiting for you... So go make them yours next.

Issei - Ah. See you later.

Irene - Um, we'll continue this later on when you get back to Semiramis domain.

Irene gives Issei a deep goodbye kiss and then she uses her magic to instantly wear her outfit back and create a rift to return back. While she's walking towards the rift she kept swaying her sexy butt to entice Issei, and it's working quite well because Issei felt even more aroused now.

Irene - You girls can come in now.

In front of the rift she gave Issei a wink then she went inside the rift after calling the twins back.

He smiled bitterly seeing her act and sighed to himself because he never thought the Great Sekiryuutei can act like that.

When the twins entered the room they are already naked and they seem to have ragged breathing, their cheeks are red and their eyes are moist.

Apparently, they were watching their mating session the whole time.

Kyou - Ise...

Kinou - We can't take it anymore...

Then both of them launched themselves at Issei. They both don't need any foreplay because they're soaking wet already.

Kinou went for his lips while Kyou went for his dragon down there.

Kyou inserted his dick into her pussy straight away. It seems because she's so wet when her hymen break it doesn't hurt that much. She only winces a little then started moving her hips up and down with reckless abandon.

Kyou - Haah, haahnn, Aah... S-So good~ Mmm... It feels so good! I finally can have this majestic dragon rod inside me~ haahhn...

*Slosh!* *Slosh!* *Slosh!*

Kinou - Mmh, mmm, Mchu... Mwah.

Kinou is kissing Issei passionately while she keeps touching herself down there.

Issei felt like he's surrounded by marshmallow, he let the twins do all the work while he's just laying on the bed.

Kyou - Ahm, Ahn, haaah... Haahn... I-It's good, it feels so good! Give me more, haahn!

*Sllsh!* *Slosh!*

Kinou - Hurry and switch with me Kyou... I'm feeling so itchy down there already.

Soon he felt like he's about to come while Kyou was so sensitive that she already came several times it seems.

Issei - Kuh! Kyou... I can't hold off much longer...

Kyou - Me too! I've come several times now! You don't need to wait any longer... Ahhn! Ahn, haa, haahn! I'm coming again, ahhn... I can feel it, my body is ready... Ready to receive your seed, deep in my womb... Haahhh...

Kyou was ready to receive Issei's essence but he still held off, wanting to give her as much pleasure as he could before the end.

They continued to move, nearing their shared orgasm. Breathing in time with Kyou, he prepared to let a wave of pleasure flow over him.

Issei - Ku... I'm coming!

Kyou - Yaah, ahhn, I'm coming too! Haah, haah, aaaaahhhnnnn...


Kyou - I can feel it... Flowing inside me, splashing... It's amazing, there's so much coming out... Filling me entirely... It's so hot, so thick and hot... I'm being filled up... Haah, haaahn, ahhn... It's still coming out...

Finally, Issei finished his ejaculation and Kyou plopped down on top of his body feeling exhausted.

There's a mark appeared on her left shoulder, its the same mark Irene and Issei had but at the middle of her mark, there's a Roman number "VII" on it the same goes for Issei's ring, and a golden ring also appeared on her ring finger.

Then Kinou gently lifted Kyou's body and set her to the side because she really can't take it anymore.


Kyou - Haahn...

Issei's penis slides off from Kyou's pussy and his seeds started flowing out from her pussy because of it.

Then Kinou took Kyou previous position and mounted Issei right away, and just like Kyou when her hymen break she doesn't feel hurt that much and started moving up and down while leaning forward to kiss Issei, apparently she likes to kiss while having sex.

Kinou - Mmh, Chu... Haahn, your mouth tastes sweet, Ise... It tastes better the more I kiss you. It's hard to describe the taste... It's a very... Good taste though... Chu, mmh... Haahn...

Every time she went up and down the tip of his penis is bumping up against her cervix, probing its shape as he penetrated her.

Kinou - Haah, haah... Mm, mhaa!

He enjoyed probing every corner of her pussy, feeling its warmth around him.

Kinou - Your penis fits right inside me... It's so big and hot and fills me all the way up. Haah, haah... This feels really good, Kyou is right... Feeling you grind against my insides... Mmha, ahhn... Hah, haahn...

Issei penis slides inside and out of her easily, disappearing again and again inside her welcoming folds.

Kinou - Haah, haah... Haahng, mmha... My body belongs to you, Ise... My vagina is completely dedicated to your use now and forever... Haah, you're inside my deepest place... Haahn... It feels so good when you're inside me... Mmhh...

Kinou slowed her hips movement but she moves her hips in a circle, Issei put both of his arms around Kinou's back and hug her tightly against his body to feel each other's warmth.

Their bodies are totally intertwined. As if their hearts are beating at each other's pace.

*Sloosh!* *Sloosh!*

Kinou - Haah, haaahn... Ahn... Mhaa... Please go deeper, deeper... It's okay to do it as roughly as you want, haah...

Issei does it just the way she wanted and went inside her deeper hitting her sensitive spot. Feeling his movement her opening closed even more tightly around his penis as if she were having multiple micro-orgasms.

Kinou - I-It's good, Ise... You're hitting me exactly where it feels the best... It's not fair that I feel this good, alone, mmhhh... Ise, I want you to feel good too. I want you to come inside me...

Issei - Ah, you don't need to worry about that, I'm feeling really good right now... Gh, I'm almost there...

The room is filled with a lewd sound as their bodies pushed up against each other, faster and faster now.

*Sloosh!* *Sloosh!* *Sloosh!*

Issei - Kuh... I'm coming, Kinou!

Kinou - Haahn, haaa! Haahn... My womb is opening just for you, Ise... Ah... Please fill it with your sperm... Haah, haaahn! Please give me all of it, Ise... Haaahn!


Issei ejaculated deep inside her, releasing a huge amount of semen even though this is his 3rd time coming in a row. Feeling his sperm flooding her insides she tightened her insides around his penis, in a way that felt like a caress.

Kinou - I-It's here... Nn, haa, aah... So much semen, so hot... I can feel it, flowing inside me. Filling up my body... *Splurt!* There, I can feel it, another spurt... It feels so good... Haahn... Mmh~

Issei penis is still firmly erect inside her, even after ejaculating. It is like it wanted more. He pushed his lower back upwards while kissing her.

Kinou - Haah, ahhn... You're still big, Ise... Even though you just came three times in a row just now... It's incredible.

Issei - Sorry, but I still want more...

Kinou - Uhmm, go ahead... Anytime you like... Please put it inside me, anytime you want, ahhn!

During their second round, Kyou gets up and joined them straight away. Then they made love with each other the whole night...

Kinou's mark in on her right shoulder with a Roman number "VIII" on it along with her gold ring and Issei's.

(<Chaos> Mastery - 70%)

(Both Kyou and Kinou combined only gives 5% while Irene is 10%)


Issei - Ngh...

Issei's arms were enveloped by the twins' feminine aroma and the warmth and softness of their skin when he woke up. He smiled seeing them both.

Issei - ...Haven't woken up between them since they looked after me when I'm still hurt.

Both of their breasts which he enjoyed last night right now are pressing against Issei's chest, the softness of it almost makes him want to go at it again but he held it in because they've been doing it all night non-stop.

Kyou - ...Morning, Ise... Mm...

Kyou woke up and, still looking half-asleep, gave him a light kiss.

Issei - Ah, good morning, Kyou.


Issei - Hmm?

Kinou - Mmmm~

When his opposite arm was yanked, he looked and saw Kinou staring at him with her usual lack of expression, but her eyes gave the impression that she was displeased.

Issei - Um, you can get a kiss too, Kinou.

Kinou - Mhm.

Then he gives Kinou a good morning kiss as well.

Kyou - Wish I could lie here and enjoy your smell for longer, but it's time to make breakfast.

Kinou - It's unfortunate, but a wife has to do what a wife has to do.

Kyou - Ow, ooooow...

Kinou - Ngh... Ouch.

Issei - What's wrong?

Kinou - ...My crotch aches. I knew losing your virginity would hurt, but this is worse than expected.

Issei - Oh, sorry... It felt so good yesterday that I kinda carried away and forgot it was your first time...

Kyou - Don't worry about it. It's also our fault for being so wild last night and besides, the pain is all part of these important wedding memories.

Kinou - I'm now literally damaged goods because of you... That gives you a heavy responsibility.

Issei - Hahah, yeah, I know.

Issei sweated hearing her words, it's not like he has any intention on abandoning them alright...

Kyou - Don't worry, we'll get over it as fast as we could because we're Dragons after all.

Kinou - We could easily do this again as early as tonight. Even right this second, if you want to try it.

Issei - Uhh, I'd be happy to... But I rather not... Hmm, normally, Riche and the others would've barged in here right about now.

Kyou - We didn't want anyone interrupting our first night together, so we drugged them with a little something too. Lady Irene is a special case though because we had a deal with her.

Kinou - There were paralysis drugs in the desserts. They've probably been jerking around all night.

Issei - ...*Sigh* I knew there's some weird smell from the food yesterday, but to think it's a paralysis drug... And what deal you had with Irene?

Kyou - Well...

Then they both tell Issei about the deal they had with Irene.

Issei can only smile wryly when he heard it. Then he told both of them to take it easy and let him prepare breakfast. They're more than happy being able to taste his cooking again after all this time so they let him cook for them.

Besides they love the care he gives them right now.

When Issei's done preparing breakfast he went to check on Riche and co.


Ramius - How could I let this happen? My chance to learn how Dragons have sex, wasted...

Kathryn - Why did I have to be drugged because of what the rest of you do?!

Gurigura - Even I didn't notice the drugs they put in there... Dragons are cool.

Riche - And now we're eating those same dragons' breakfast without even checking it first...

Tio - It's hard to say no when their breakfast looks so good.

Issei - Don't worry, this time it has no drugs in it since I made it myself.

Kyou - Don't worry about a thing. Yesterday was just a special occasion. We don't normally put things in people's food.

Ramius - Oh, then I'll dig in.

Kathryn - Don't be fooled!

Kinou - After breakfast, there's a tofu cake with seasonal fruits waiting, if you can forgive us.

They made the desert when Issei is checking Riche and co.

Riche - Mmm... Tofu cake... The perfect cake for a girl who's watching her calorie intake...

Gurigura - They totally got Riche-nee on their side too!

Kyou - Not that we're trying to persuade anyone. We just want you to enjoy our cooking.

Tio - Haaah... Wonderful. You two come off as so mature.

Kathryn - ...I mean, as far as looks go, I'd say you-

Tio - They come off as so mature.

Kathryn - Uh, yeah, sure...

Tio gives Kath a chilling smile when the latter is about to say something taboo.

So they fully enjoyed their breakfast and spent a few days relaxing just like Louin advise them to.

Issei also visited the Kalars to see how are they doing but it seems most of them still not reborn like Ekate yet, but it should be soon enough from what they've told him.

There's some of them already underwent the rebirth process and they are waiting for Issei to give them a new name just like Ekate did.

Their list is as follows:

1. Mertel, she said she wanted to keep her name as it is. Unlike Ekate she appears to be a pure devil and her personality is still the same as she used to flirty like a seductress but that's only when she's in front of Issei while in front of others she appears strict and serious. She's the only Kalars who after underwent rebirth process still has her gem on her forehead and has horns at the same time.

Perhaps it's because she's their Queen in the first place. (AN: /uploads/chars/5688-503861407.jpg)

2. Kyuriha, she appears to be a Wind elemental Angel with Fujin Bloodline. (AN: /uploads/chars/5688-1770633053.jpg)

3. Miarute, she appears to be a pure Light/Holy elemental Angel, her holy power is even stronger than Michael. (AN: /uploads/chars/5688-652344499.jpg)

4. Suisen, she appears to be a Thunder elemental Devil with Raijin Bloodline. (AN: /uploads/chars/5688-1755334333.jpg)

5. Paniverna, she appears to be a Fire elemental Devil with Phoenix Bloodline and Issei could tell that her bloodline is even purer and stronger than the Phenex family from his world. (AN: /uploads/chars/5688-763966623.jpg)

6. Izana, she appears to be an Ice elemental Angel with Ice Phoenix bloodline. /uploads/chars/5688-1028708666.jpg)

7. Ultinia, she appears to be a strong Light/Holy elemental Angel as well just like Miarute but not as strong as the latter, but still quite strong. (AN:

8. Marialis, she appears to be a pure Dark elemental Angel. (AN:

The 8 of them is the ones worth mentioning because they clearly stand out from the other because of how strong they are after the <Rebirth>. The Kalars referred them as the <9 Divines> along with Ekate.

Mertel and Ekate stuck to Issei's the moment they saw them and they keep seducing Issei until they had another orgy. The details are omitted...


Issei teaches all of the Kalars <Haki> and some other training as well. The Kalars who were very flirty towards Issei becomes totally focused and listening with undivided attention the moment he trains them.

They appears to be extremely loyal and committed to becoming stronger as soon as possible, the <9 Divines> seems to be mastering what Issei's teaching them at an alarming rate. They are mastering it even faster than Ramius and co, but that's only because they still haven't become a Dragon yet.

When Ramius and co. turned into a Dragon just like Issei their progress will be even faster than the Kalars. Whether it be strength, talent, constitution, or comprehension, they will be at the top straight away. Of course, even the greatest talent or genius still need to be developed, so they still need to train themselves or all will be for naught. Take Rias, for example, she has a great talent and bloodline but all she does is totally depending on her <Destruction> magic hoping it will break all obstacle in her way.

Sure her <Destruction> magic is strong but it's not fully utilized because she doesn't do a proper training as of yet. And during the rating game ironically enough she becomes the weakest of them all even though she has the strongest offensive magic among her peerages. But that's a story for another time...

After Issei is done visiting the Kalars he also visited Natal to see if she needs any help but it appears there's no trouble coming their way so he spent an entire day with her on a date and at night they had another lovey-dovey sex.

He also trains her and just like the rest and her talent is really good as well which not surprising because she's supposed to be at <Zero Knight> rank already if not for her old family intervention.

Issei's routine is just like that until the time for Croix's ritual.

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