The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 62:

Chapter 62:

Issei's party finally arrived at the Kadomatsu.

Gurigura - Whoa... The crowd extends all the way over here.

Croix - Definitely. It's delightful.

Excited Man - Oh, it's Princess Croix! Princess Croix has arrived!

Shouting Girl - Squeeeeeee! I love youuuuu!

Man - Princess Croiiiiiiix!

Croix - Oh my.

Gurigura - Ise-nii, what should we do? This is gonna turn into a huge commotion.

An audience gathered around the second Croix arrived, with tourists in the back trying to push toward the front, creating a human flood.

Issei - Oh, our backup is here.

Silent - This way, Princess Croix.

Humpty Knight - Alright, that's enough pushing!

Silent arrived with a group of Knights and warded off the tourists closing in on Croix. But for some reason, her face is a little red. After feeling Issei's gaze on her she hastily said something to distract them.

Silent - Princess Croix seems to draw quite the crowd.

Kathryn - She's kinda an idol.

Silent - It goes to show that the wedding ritual has people's attention. It was worth spreading the word when it was to begin.

Kathryn - This chaos was orchestrated by the church?

Silent - Yes. We want to draw as many eyes to this ritual as possible.

Humpty Knight - Okay now! No pushing, no running, no talking! Silence during the ritual!

As though they knew how this would go in advance and prepared accordingly, the Knights of Humpty handled the crowd well, gradually putting them in order.

Silent - The magivision broadcast is ready as well. Please prepare for the ritual, Princess Croix.

Croix - Okay! I just have to pray to the Kadomatsu, isn't that right?

Croix and her circle of Knights walked up to the Kadomatsu, where she quietly knelt, closed her eyes, and ignored the surrounding noise in favor of prayer.

Speechless Man - ...Haaah... Beautiful...

Blushing Girl - Princess... How lovely...

The tumultuous crowd went silent, bringing momentary peace to Fervor Island.

Issei - 'I get why they're so quiet... It's like looking at a work of art.'

??? - Hey, Issei. Issei!

Issei - Hm?

Erimo - Yo, been a while. How've you been?!

Issei - Oh, yo, Erimo. Here to watch the wedding ritual as well?

Erimo - Nah. They're apparently low on guards, so the poppins are using automatons to help out.

Ramius - Sounds like they're getting along well with the people of Humpty.

Gurigura - They're even bringing automatons into this? The Kingdom of Humpty's taking security pretty seriously.

Erimo - Humpty lost a lotta trust after the Sugarcubes incident. If anything happened during the ritual, we'd never live it down, so it's kinda important. That lady with the curly blonde hair sent out all our ships to patrol the ocean, apparently.

Issei is feeling proud after hearing his wife is working hard.

Barro - The reason there aren't many Outlaws on Humpty's islands is evidently because most of them are pirates.

Issei - Is that so?

Kathryn - Well, considering Humpty's a bunch of islands, it just makes more sense for thieves to operate by ship.

Barro - But even pirates need a base, or they'd have nowhere to dock their ships. I have to wonder if there's a country backing them.

Kathryn - Speaking of ships, Central built a bunch of them during the Arthur Tragedy so they could fight across the ocean.

Gurigura - Are the pirates using the Central Empire's ships?

Barro - Besides those who were lost in the Arthur Tragedy, there were also many soldiers who became Outlaws.

Kathryn - Apparently some people were so terrified of the monster attacks that they abandoned their allies and ran away.

Ramius - Unable to return home, most of them stole ships to become pirates or hid in the mountains and became bandits, from what I've heard.

Gurigura - Why couldn't they just go home?

Issei - They didn't want it known that they deserted, I imagine, Senseless pride can turn people into Outlaws too...

Gurigura - If only they prayed to Mother Eve, I doubt it would've had to go that way.

Issei - ...Perhaps.

Kyou - Hey, Ise, it's about to start.

Issei - Hm?

While Issei's mind was occupied with his disdain for Outlaws, Kyou directed his attention to Croix.

As she prayed, her body emitted a soft light.

Issei - Beautiful... And that lights seem to have a calming aura.

Riche - You're right... Talking about Outlaws was getting me worked up, but now... It's like my mind is at peace.

Kyou - The marriage ritual is generating miracle power.

Issei - This is miracle power too?

Kyou - When Eve, with all her vast power, was in a tranquil mood, she automatically brought tranquility to all around her too.

Kinou - The world is being influenced the same way. Because someone of Mother Eve's ilk approached these ruins, the world is recreating what happened back then.

Riche - So we're feeling this because a strong inheritor of Mother Eve's power is here, huh?

Gurigura - Are we feeling the way Mother Eve did right now?

Riche - You two seem to know even more than the church.

Kinou - QD accompanied Mother Eve on her detours, so she's a witness to that history.

Kyou - If you spend much time with QD, she'll tell you the same stories from her long life over and over...

Kinou - QD is the one who made this Kadomatsu in the first place. Eve didn't seem intent on going home, so QD showed it to her to say that she was already through the front door.

Kyou - Because the whole world is like Eve's home, you see.

Kinou - Eve's upset heart was calmed, and she was put in a tranquil mood, supposedly.

Kyou - You might call it a miracle, but from a Dragon's perspective, it's just an ordinary phenomenon.

Kinou - Water freezes when it gets cold, and ice melts when it gets hot. It's no less natural than that.

Kathryn - This is natural? Mother Eve must've had a shitload of power...

Kinou - She was the only person given enough power to create all these races and have influence over the entire world.

Issei - I see... I'm just glad this ritual is not a carnal ritual, like at the other ruins.

Kyou - Heheheh, Mother Eve was apparently about as sex-hungry as you are. They seem to be keeping that part a secret, though.

Issei - ...Why am I sex-hungry?

Kinou - Isn't it true though? Because you can take on a whole race and never gets tired in the slightest. Right, girls?

Everyone who knows Issei sex prowess nodded and said: "That's right" at the same time.

Issei - ...

Issei becomes speechless and his mouth twitched a lot hearing their confirmation but he can't deny it.

Riche - But, you'd never think it from how the Mother Eve statues look.

Kinou - For all we praise her, Mother Eve was still a girl like any other. She only became a mother after falling in love with a man and bearing children. This journey follows along the path Eve took when she grew up past her emotional younger years.

Silent - Thank you for waiting. The ritual has finished as planned.

Issei - Oh, it's over.

Croix - Praying in front of a crowd feels kinda weird.

Riche - Good job, Onee-chan.

Erimo - See ya, Issei. Stop by if you're ever got the time.

Issei - Ah, take care of yourself, Erimo.

Erimo waved to the party and ran off toward the Knights. She was viewed by the nearby crowd with softer eyes than she had been previously.

Silent - Next is Udon. Take Princess Croix to that island's Kagami mochi statue, please.

Issei - Sure.

Kathryn - Udon, eh? We know that place. It's east of Humpty Island.

Barro - Remember not to take any side trips.

Issei - Got it.

The party set off for Udon, their next destination.


Gurigura - Whoa...

Udon was packed with even more people than Fervor.

Peppy Girl - Hey, have you heard? The saint really performed a miracle.

Gossiping Man - The onlookers say it made them feel at peace like their heart was cleansed.

Praying Old Man - Oooh, no doubt Princess Croix is the reincarnation of Mother Eve.

Piteous Eve Follower - I just want to see her in person at least once before I die.

Gurigura - Sounds like the audience from Fervor Island is spreading stories already.

Kathryn - Doing great, then. The excitement's growing.

Croix - Hey, hey, can I check out the food stands?

Riche - Wouldn't want any gunk in your teeth to ruin your sanity image. You can wait, onee-chan.

Croix - Aaaw~

The party dragged Croix to the Kagami mochi ruins.

Hopeful Girl - Princess Croix... I hope I at least get a glance at her!

Croix - ...May I wave to everyone when we're done?

Barro - As long as it doesn't cause a huge stir, I think that would be fine.

Riche - Just keep it simple.

Croix - Okay~


Ramius - Tons of people here, too.

Silent - There you are. Let us start the ritual at once.

Croix - Oh, they're selling Udon crackers. I want some of those...

Riche - Uh huh. I'll buy some for you, so just focus on the ritual.

Kathryn - There really are a lot of food stands here.

Silent - They generate a more pleasant mood, which helps make everyone happy.

Silent bowed to the party before taking Croix to the stone Kagami mochi statue.

Issei - Kagami mochi, though?

Ramius - Even looking at it makes me hungry.

Kyou - QD made this one too. She was saying that hunger makes you more timid, so at least eat something.

Kinou - They used the udon growing around here to make flat-flat mochi.

Issei - I see.

Sometime later, Croix's prayer caused a soft light to illuminate their surroundings.

Riche - This feels... Filling... In the stomach area.

Gurigura - I'm not eating anything, but somehow I'm full now.

Everyone else evidently felt the same way, befuddled by the unusual experience.

Kyou - Everyone's feeling Eve's satisfied stomach.

Kinou - Every living thing around at the time supposedly went several years without ever getting hungry.

Kathryn - That'd be pretty damn convenient. I could keep researching for hours on end.

Kyou - With this ritual, you'll be hungry again in a matter of hours, though.

Gurigura - Aaaw, the food stand guys aren't happy about this.

Kinou - When Eve filled her stomach, she worried that the man shut away in his tower might be starving.

Kyou - And thus, Eve departed for home once again.

Kinou - She would soon return to one of the three towers she made, the one we now call Bride's Tower. The time when she would give birth and become the mother we refer to her as was near.

Silent - Thank you for waiting. This island's ritual has finished.

Riche - Onee-chan... Want any udon crackers?

Croix - I'm stuffed...

Silent - Now, the next of Eve's detours is the final one. Take Princess Croix to the abacus statue by Colopty.

Kathryn - That's the town with all the talented, old-fashioned chefs, right?

Riche - It's a little ways off, but going north or south around Humpty shouldn't change the distance much.

Issei - Going under the big bridge should be fastest.

Silent - You can decide the route, but please consider Princess Croix's safety first.

Issei - I know.

With another ritual out of the way, the party headed to their next destination, Colopty.


Riche - We should be pretty close to the abacus ruins.

Barro - Thankfully, there haven't been any real incidents yet.

Kathryn - I thought <Snake Crest> might attack, but now I feel sorta let down.

Riche - Not only have we not been attacked by pirates, but there's also not even a single suspicious ship.

Ramius - I take it the security is too strong for even <Snake Crest> to try anything funny.

Issei doesn't really care though because even if they do try anything funny then he will make sure they will pay.

Ships flooded into the harbor, where the Knights diligently inspected every tourist.

Merchandise-Selling Man - Official goods, on sale here! We're the Humpty royal family's official merchants.

Gurigura - The royal family?

Kathryn - They're selling goods, I guess.

Riche - Queen Queenbelle's really trying to turn the islands Onee-chan visits into tourist attractions...

Ramius - Well, if Humpty can become known for something other than food, it's probably a good thing.

Croix - Hey~, I want that shirt.

Riche - It has your face on it... You'd wear that?

The party took the distracted princess with them to the abacus ruins.

Gurigura - Huh? That woman in front of us... She's dressed just like Croix-nee.

Kathryn - That's what we call cosplay.

Ramius - Doesn't have nearly a big enough chest.

Kathryn - What's she supposed to do about that?


Tech Nerd - Heheh, I bought myself this magic video camera just to film Princess Croix.

Rich Nerd - Mine's the latest version.

Kathryn - Magic video cameras? Those cost enough to buy a house with.

Gurigura - Some people spend tons on their hobbies.

Issei's totally agree with what Gurigura just said, even back on his world the old him spend lots of money to buy porn, now that he thinks about it... It's pretty embarrassing, thankfully he already threw them all away before.

Riche - I want one... Hey, can we buy one, Ise?

Issei - Sure.

Riche becomes very happy after getting the camera she wanted. Soon the other girls also started buying things they want and Issei is totally fine with it.


Old Man - Is Princess Croix here yet?

Old Lady - I think she'll be here soon.

Ramius - That's Princess Croix for you. Popular with all ages.

Old Man - By the way, who is Princess Croix?

Old Lady - It's what you just ate.

Kathryn - They're both senile.

Gurigura - Oh, looks like their family's here to get them.

They saw a couple of young adults taking both of the old couples away from the scene.


When the party arrived at the abacus statue on Colopty Island, even more people gathered around, bringing with them even more noise.

Silent - We're ready for the ritual. The audience seems to be warmed up, so let us begin.

Riche - Warmed up? Was there a pre-show or something?

Croix - I'll be off, then.

Gurigura - Good luck!

Silent took Croix up to the abacus statue and had her pray there.

Gurigura - An abacus... Those are for doing math, right?

Riche - You don't see them around much since magic calculators got popular, but a lot of merchants still seem to stick by them.

Issei - What was Mother Eve calculating, though?

Ramius - I've calculated how many times I can have sex before bed when in the bath before.

Riche - Would you really need an abacus to work that out?

Kyou - Eve didn't use the abacus, QD did.

Gurigura - Was the abacus for making Mother Eve realize something too?

Kinou - QD was annoyed with Eve for stopping at this island and refusing to go home, so she made abacuses.

Kyou - Then she said she was fed up with Eve's behavior and strapped the abacuses to her feet, which let her dash off at an incredible speed.

Kathryn - She used them for rollerskates?!

Kinou - It turned out to work out just as planned. With nobody left to support her, Eve was forced to confront her own feelings.

Kyou - That's when Mother Eve learned of the love that had sprouted in her heart.

Kinou - So then Eve decided to return to the three towers that were her home.

Gurigura - Oh, Princess Croix is glowing again.

The warm light that the party had become familiar with at this point enveloped Colopty Island.

Kathryn - ...Hm? Nothing's happening?

Riche - I don't notice anything different either...

Kyou - This miracle would be for noticing buried feelings of love.

Kinou - We already recognize our love for Ise, so it has no effect on us.

Gurigura - But some of the audience seems to be affected.

Ramius - Hm, I see a few of them blushing and fidgeting... How very innocent.

Riche - Including some interesting cases...

Riche meant there's a gay couple being born as well.

Kathryn - Those two are queer-baiting! The only real gay couples are two-dimensional.

Silent - Good work, everyone... This ritual has finished without issue.

Issei - ...Oh?

Croix - ...Mgggggh...

Riche - Umm, Silent?

Silent - Yes, what is it? The ritual went well, rest assured.

Riche - Uh... Why are you hugging Onee-chan and Ise so hard?

After the ritual, Silent returned to the party with Croix in her arms then he also hugged Issei's arm close.

Silent - I-I'm simply watching over Princess Croix, and as for Sir Issei, I just want to compare his arm with mine.

Issei - Err...

Croix - I-It hurts... I'm being suffocated by boobs... Otouto~ Help me~.

Now Issei is sandwiched by both Silent and Croix at this moment.

Kathryn - You're a saint, and you're into girls? Well, maybe not totally since you also show interest in Ise, I guess...

They all smile wryly at the 3 of them being stuck like that.


Silent - My apologies for that shameful display.

When the effects of the miracle finally wore off, Silent humbly bowed. They decided to stay silent about her interest. But her cheeks are deep red at this moment.

Kathryn - So, that's all the detours. Now what?

Silent - Now you need to escort Princess Croix to the State of Hamlet City.

Riche - Oh? I know Bride's Tower is where the wedding ritual itself is being held, and I thought that was in the Central Empire.

Issei - Bride's Tower...

Silent noticed Issei's confusion and began to explain.

Silent - According to the Evenicle, Eve went from the abacus back to Bride's Tower, where the First Ancestor was waiting.

Ramius - That's a story that priests and nuns often tell at church.

Silent - Mother Eve's three towers were nameless until humans later named them based on the story.

Silent - The tower where Eve locked away the First Ancestor for the crime of producing strange feelings in her is called Ancestor's Tower. The tower where Mother Eve ended her journey, reunited with the First Ancestor, and swore eternal love to him is called Bride's Tower. And the tower where Mother Eve came together with the First Ancestor and gave birth to mankind is called Humanity's Tower.

Riche - Humanity's Tower has never actually been found, I believe.

Issei - Really?

Kathryn - It's a well-known mystery of history. See how Riche's eyes are shining already?

Silent - It's believed that a natural disaster led to it sinking into the ocean. To this very day, adventurers still search for treasure in the location where it's presumed to have sunk.

Gurigura - Lots of people dreaming of riches.

Silent - Returning to your question, Bride's Tower is near to the bridge between Hamlet and Central.

Silent - The ritual will take place on the bridge, after which Prince Felton is supposed to meet with Princess Croix by Bride's Tower.

Riche - Crossing a bridge to see each other... How romantic.

Silent - Well, this should draw a bigger crowd than performing it in the tower out of view, you see. The entire purpose of the ritual is for as many people to experience the power of miracles as possible.

Ramius - And the world was filled with joy... That should be touching.

Silent - Unlike with the detours, the Evenicle specifies that this affected the entire world, so I believe this miracle will be quite powerful.

Kathryn - And <Snake Crest's> gonna experience it too? That'll be interesting.

Silent - General Millet of the Central Empire is awaiting you in Hamlet, so you will need to meet up with her there. After that, Central's Knights will take over guarding Princess Croix.

Issei - General Millet?

Riche - Oh, right you didn't know about her. She's the <Zero Knight> of Central Empire you see. She's also Prince Felton personal bodyguard to boot.

Issei - Hmm, I see.

Riche - The Central Empire's so invested in this whole thing that they even rebuilt a bunch of decrepit ruins from the ground up.

Kathryn - I remember hearing about that. How many tax dollars can you waste?

Gurigura - Even the church has been spreading excerpts from the Evenicle and stuff.

Silent - If we want to get people praying again, our only hope is to show them a miracle. El Quixote and Humpty's move away from churchgoing has been a severe issue. It's been a constant headache for His Holiness.

Barro - Now that we've discussed the next steps, shall we go to Hamlet? I'm sure you must be tired, Princess Croix.

Croix - I'm still feeling fine. Going to all these places and meeting all these people has been fun.

Riche - ...Onee-chan...

Silent - His Holiness will be accompanying you for the wedding ritual as an observer. I'll head there in advance to make preparations.

Silent bowed and began instructing people to get ready to leave she's still feeling embarrassed because of the previous incidents.

Issei - Alright, let's get going.

Gurigura - If we go west around Colopty Island and keep going north, we should run into Hamlet.

Barro - The waters are being watched by the Kingdom of Humpty, but I'd still suggest being wary of pirates.

Issei - Got it.

Thus, having finished the detours, the group headed to Hamlet for the wedding ritual.


While Issei's party sail towards Hamlet city they saw a Humpty's ship is under attack. Issei's alarm also ringing as well because he could tell one of his wives is in danger.

Gurigura - Ise-nii, we've got trouble! I see a ship up ahead, and I think it's under attack!

Issei - Ah, I can see it as well. It's Natal ship.

After that Issei went ahead of them by jumping into the sea and ran towards Natal's ship at an astonishing speed. Barro becomes totally slack-jawed because of how ridiculous Issei was.

Croix just still being cheerful like always screaming, "Go~ Go~ Otouto~".

Humpty Knight - Lady Natal, they've completely blocked our escape route! We're surrounded by pirate ships!

Natal - Furl the sails! What of the civilian ships we were protecting?

Knight - We've been a sufficient enough distraction for them to escape unharmed.

Natal had been watching the waters between Humpty and Hamlet when her ship was attacked by pirates.

Natal - Just when I thought their numbers had dwindled, they seem to have only increased in manpower.

Natal's ship was a sturdy one, but by prioritizing the civilian ship's escape, they had lost their chance to take advantage of that.

Knight - Dastardly pirates! Their tiny ships just won't sit still.

??? - This isn't the most favorable fight.

Natal - My apologies, Senator Laertes. It's unfortunate you had to be caught up in this.

Laertes - I don't mind. It's my fault for insisting you take me back to Hamlet as soon as possible.


Natal - What's that?!

Knight - The pirates are preparing to board our ship!

Natal - Prepare for battle! The civilian ships have already escaped! Give them hell!

Natal tried to encourage the Knights and raise their morale, but they were shivering with fear but none of them thought of deserting the ship. Even though they're feeling afraid, they still choose to stand their ground because they don't want to bring more shame to their Kingdom.


Knight 1 - Lady Natal! They're firing arrows- Guhah!

Natal - Gh...'If we try to fight the pirates that board us, we'll get shot by the surrounding ships.'

Knight 2 - Gwaaaahh!

One Knight tried to fire his own arrow, but he was slashed by one of the pirates who had boarded the ship.

Pirate 1 - Heh heh heh, look at that hot chick they got here!

Pirate 2 - If you don't wanna be filled with arrows, then surrender!

Natal - If the alternative is surrendering to the likes of you, I'd sooner be shot to death! And I won't let anyone other than my darling to touch even a single hair of mine!

Pirate 3 - Tch, sucks, but oh well. Shoot to kill!

Natal - 'Darling!'

Natal called for Issei in her heart. And then her prayers are answered.


Natal - Huh?!

The following sound wasn't that of arrows being fired, but the sound of an explosion.

Pirate 1 - Wh-What?! Why are my men on fire?!

Issei - Don't worry, you will be joining them soon enough.

Pirate 1 - Wha-


The pirate dies just when he's about to turn around to see who's speaking.

Issei - Are you okay, Natal?

Natal - Darling!

Natal becomes ecstatic seeing Issei and jumped straight into him just like how a bird returned to its nest and she snuggles happily at his embrace.

Behind her darling, she saw his ship charging toward the pirates, with Riche launching magic at the archers.

Barro - You're supposed to be protecting Princess Croix, so jumping into a fight on purpose is a tad appalling.

Issei - Oh, sorry, but I need to save my wife after all.

Croix - Eheheh, that's my Otouto~.

Barro - Oh well, as a fellow man I can relate to it. And I doubt anyone could harm Princess Croix in your presence...

After all, even Barro can't keep up with Issei's movement and before he knows it the latter already appeared at Natal's side.

Kathryn - These pirates are way too organized! They have to have a commander somewhere!

Ramius - Found it! That ship is moving differently from the others!

They spotted a ship that clearly different from the others.

Riche - Then let's smash that one. This is the perfect opportunity to try the spell Ise teaches me on a real target, <Light of Saber>!.

Riche cast her spell and there's a giant light coming out of her hands and she swings it towards the pirate's ship.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

There's a lot of scream coming from the pirates before their ships blow up because of her spell.

Everyone who saw her spell was awed, but after she's done casting her spell she plopped down into the ground because she overused her mana. But Ramius catches her before she fell into the floor.

Barro - Wh-What kind of spell was that? Since when Princess Riche has that kind of spell?

Croix - Woow~ Riche's amazing!

Issei - Oh, that's the spell I taught her. <Light of Saber>. Well, I also taught of it by someone though, one of my lover to be exact.

Barro - I-I see...

Barro's face twitches a lot after hearing Issei words, just how many wives he's aiming for? Not that he's complaining though because the more descendant he has the better it is for the world.

If he knows that his lovers' number surpasses 3 digits then what would his reaction be?

And if he knows the one who teaches Issei that is just a 15 years old girl then he might just retire as a <Zero Knight> altogether...

Riche - Eheheh, that was so awesome... But I'm dead tired now... Hubby help please~

Riche smiled weakly after seeing her handiwork in Ramius's embrace.

Issei smiled wryly because she's been in this situation before, it kind of reminds him of Megumin. During their training before Riche tried this magic on a training dummy before and she exhausted her mana as well back then. After all, that spell has a high mana cost and only Arch-Wizard like Yunyun can cast it without getting mana exhaustion.

Riche's still a Wizard at best so it will take some time before she could cast a high tier spell without side effects. Thankfully Issei can transfer his mana on her.


They successfully routed all the pirates along with their commander.

Issei - Looks like that's taken care of. Are you hurt anywhere, Natal?

Issei looked at her with gentle eyes filled with concern and Natal almost melt from his gaze alone, she really loves the way how he cares so much toward his loved ones. The same goes for Riche and co.

Croix also felt happy seeing how caring Issei is towards his wives that mean Riche is also loved a lot, she could only hope Prince Felton has the same personality as Issei.

Natal - Un! Those brutes never had the chance to touch even a single hair of mine, so don't worry, darling!

Issei - Ah, I'm just glad that you're okay.

The Knights that was with Natal bowed towards Issei in reverence because he saved them once again. Issei just nodded at them and told them to take it easy. After all, he also needed to thank them because they loyally protect Natal as well.

Gurigura - Ise-nii! I caught a pirate that was playing dead.

Pirate - Oooow, stop! M-My arm's broken. I can't fight back!

Riche - Knew it... <Snake Crest>.

Riche looked at the <Snake Crest> tattoo on the man's forearm and the black ring on his finger, telling her all she needed to know.

Ramius - If you answer our questions, we can at least spare your life. Don't hide anything, or I can't guarantee your safety.

Pirate - G-Gotcha!

Barro - So, what were you attacking a Humpty vessel for? I'd expect <Snake Crest's> target to be Princess Croix.

Pirate - Princess Croix? Never heard of her. We're not even working with <Snake Crest> anymore. Not since Jabber got done in.

Riche - You worked for Jabber?

Pirate - Yeah, he made all us guys who became Outlaws in Humpty work as pirates. But he had no interest in any of us. Just gave us orders to attack random ships.

Kathryn - I'm guessing he only cared about his cooking.

Pirate - We were starving to death after losing <Snake Crest's> support, but then this captain vanilla took us in.

Captain Vanilla is a gal monster as in monster girl that dressed as a pirate. It already died though because of Riche's magic attack.

Barro - I'm curious about the "Support" you got. Surely you must have had a base to dock at somewhere.

Pirate - No such luck. We just found whatever random shore to stop at when we had to.

Ramius - Liar! You had to resupply somewhere. How else could you sustain yourselves?

Pirate - I-It's true! They just sent us food and weapons and shit from <Snake Crest's> HQ by ship sometimes!

Issei - By ship?

Pirate - If you wanna know where their ship left from, I couldn't tell ya. Never even seen it sailing over, it just appeared by our ship... It was a tiny boat, not one you'd normally use far from the shore.

Riche - Sounds to me like after Jabber died, <Snake Crest> abandoned their members in Humpty.

Barro - So you don't know anything after all...

Issei - Um, he's telling the truth.

Issei doesn't feel any fluctuation on his soul, sure he's in a state of fear but there is no sign of him lying at all.

Pirate - Just used me till I was useless, huh? Haha, hahaha...

The depressed pirate surrendered himself to Natal's Knights.

Croix - Um, one moment, please.

Croix ran up to the pirate and gently touched his broken arm.

Croix - I'm not the best at this, but it should at least lessen the pain a little... <Heal>...

Pirate - Don't waste your time on a guy like- Ah... Warm...

Croix - You'll have to face consequences for your crimes, but this injury doesn't need to be a part of that punishment...

Pirate - Ngh, nnngh...

Croix used the Healing spell, but only effectively enough to reduce the pain. Even so, the pirate was crying tears of joy as he was taken away to the ship's cargo hold.

Issei really admires Croix for her benevolence, if it was him then he wouldn't have healed that Outlaw because he reaps what he sows. After all, his wife was attacked by them. If it's up to him then he would've killed them all.

Issei - What are you gonna do now, Natal?

Natal - Um? Allow me to go with you to Hamlet, darling. I need to transport a guest there regardless.

Issei - Of course you're welcome to join us, but what guest?

Laertes - I don't know if I'd still be alive without your help. Thanks for everything. I believe you are the newly appointed <Zero Knight> of Eden and also <Marquess> Issei Hyoudou-sama, pleased to meet you. I've heard a lot of things about you from Lady Natal and everybody else.

Natal - This is Senator Laertes of Hamlet. He's a rather important figure.

Issei - Um, nice to meet you too. But you can drop the formality because I don't really care about it, and you can just call me Issei if you want. So you're a senator of Hamlet? You're a big shot of your own the more reason for you not to address me with such formality.

Laertes - Oh, no. I help out with governing, that's really all it is.

Riche - The ruler of Hamlet is actually the Pope of the Church of Mother Eve.

Kathryn - Below him, there's a senate of intellectuals that helps the pope by providing political support.

Laertes - It's nothing so significant. The Senate is little more than a meeting place for a few old men. I'm merely an old man running a reasonably-sized hospital.

Ramius - There's no need to be so humble. The elderly have invaluable knowledge.

Issei - I agree with Ramius.

Kathryn - What are you doing on this ship, though?

Laertes - I was requesting support from Humpty... Let me leave it at that.

Issei - ...Got it.

Issei assumed it's a national secret, so he doesn't bother asking. And Laertes also appreciate his understanding about it.

Barro - Hm, but I do have one question. Is it safe to bring Princess Croix along?

Laertes - I assure you it is. Central's Knights should have arrived for her by now.

Barro - Oh? Then let's continue onward to Hamlet. You're in control, Issei-kun.

Issei - Okay.

With the pirates out of the way, the party decided to accompany Natal's ship toward Hamlet. But there's one person that's not happy on this new addition of their party member and it's Croix.

Because Natal took her place now she can't hug her Otouto anymore... She put her finger on her lips like a kid looking at something they want.

Croix - Uuuu... My Otoutonium~

Everyone else sweated seeing her acting like this. Issei also smiled wryly because he can't just tell his wife to let go nor does he want to in the first place so he feigns ignorance when he felt Croix gaze on him.

Natal seems oblivious about Croix though because she's happy that she can be with her darling once again. If they're not on a mission then she would've dragged Issei to the bed to thank him for saving her once again...

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