The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 64:

Chapter 64:

(For those who are wondering what Hamlet city looks like:

Issei's party saw a purple colored mud along the pathway, Gurigura told him that this poison thankfully is not the kind that will kill instantly so it's should be pretty safe as long they're careful enough.

When Issei stepped onto the poison mud something happened. The once purple mud turned its color into a brown colored mud.

Issei - Oh? It's not poisonous anymore.

Gurigura - Woow, the poison mud is cleansed when Ise-nii steps on it.

Riche - Eh? Oh, you're right...

Ramius - I didn't know you could do that, Ise.

Issei - Hmm, probably it's the <Orb of Life> at work here.

Kathryn - The thing you got from the kalars?

Issei - Yeah, I feel like it has the ability to cleanse poisons.

Riche - That's actually quite neat... Anyway, what's with this wall?

Gurigura - Zombies aren't very fast, so you could build a wall to block them off before they even reach you.

Ramius - I see, like an old fortress...

Issei - Well, let's hurry and help the Knights of Hamlet.

The party then continued their journey.


Issei - Oh, there's a place here for Knights to stay.

Gurigura - People used to live around here, so Knights just started using the area, I think.

Kathryn - Oh, I see. So whoever built these walls however long ago made this place their homes?

Gurigura - Yeah, I've heard there used to be actual houses here, and even fences to keep the zombies out.

Riche - Being surrounded by poison and zombies, building walls to protect your house... That sounds unimaginably tough.

Ramius - As is true for all countries, establishing your nation takes an extraordinary amount of turmoil. If we don't want the fruits of their labors to be destroyed by <Snake Crest>, we need to work hard too.

Issei agreed to Ramius words.

The party then found a tent where Knights were struggling against the zombies.

Scared Knight - Ah, aaaaaaah...

The Knight they had on lookout duty grabbed his sword the moment he saw Issei.

Scared Knight - ...Huh? That vibrant complexion... Are you alive? Whew, that was startling.

The Knight was ready to attack at any second until noticing the party was alive, after which he was relieved and relaxed his guard.

Issei - Is this the frontline defense against the zombies? We got permission from Silent to come to see how things are going.

Scared Knight - Yeah, you can see our camp right over there. Pope Norshin should be inside.

The party thanked the Knight and peeked inside the tent, where it was deathly quiet.

Ramius - ...Everyone seems fatigued.

The resting Knights were fast asleep, and even the Knights standing on guard with their swords at the ready were barely staying on their feet.

As if they lacked the energy to speak, none of the Knights started a conversation, leaving no noise but the groans of the injured.

Kathryn - I'd think they were zombies if I didn't know better.

Riche - They'd have to be exhausted. What they're dealing with were once human beings... Hordes of the undying.

While the party was bothered by the state of the Knights, a man approached them from inside the tent.

Norshin - I'm Norshin. I'm heading up the battle effort here. Who might you be?

Issei - Oh, are you the pope?

After all, the pope is quite young. He has a short black hair and a boyish face. (AN:

Pope Norshin is the head of the Church of Eve, and by extension, leader of the City-State of Hamlet. He is the son of the former Pope Seydes and has been pope essentially since the Arthur Tragedy, a mere five years earlier. He essentially shares this trait with the acting head of state of the Central Empire, Prince Felton. Norshin often works closely with Saint Silent, the saint assigned to the Hamlet and Central regions.

Norshin is an especially young man for the position of head of state, much less the position of pope, but he handles his duties with an amiable disposition. His brief reign has been marked by military campaigns, with Norshin even putting the zombie attacks at a higher priority than his national and church matters. This makes for an atypical career for a member of the Church of Eve, but Norshin's focus has always been on reducing the harm done to the average person, be they, citizen or soldier.

As pope of the Church of Eve, Norshin has the power to participate in a number of religious rituals, such as the creation of holy water. Some of these rituals are even unique to him, including a spell that allows non-patients to enter the hospital-city of Horatio. He also possesses some measure of healing magic.

As head of the church, Norshin also possesses the original Evenicle, which has the power to create knights for the City of Hamlet. It is the only artifact known to be able to create Holy Knights.

It is possible that Norshin, like other members of the nobility in the World of Eve, is exempt from some or all of the rules of Mother Eve's blessing, but this is never explicitly stated. He does not appear to be married, nor to have ever killed a living being.

Norshin - You're King Louin's people? I've heard a lot about you, Sir Issei Hyoudou.

Issei - No need to use honorifics with me, you can just call me Issei and we were wondering if you could help Princess Croix visit the hospital.

Norshin - As you wish, Issei-san. And that's awfully kind of Princess Croix. If it would put smiles on the children's faces, I'd certainly like to make it happen, but...

Riche - Are the zombie attacks that bad?

Norshin - It doesn't matter if we stab them in the stomach or cut off their arms, they don't stop coming at us until they're completely immobilized. Whereas, given that we're all normal humans, you can see the problem.

Kathryn - Aren't you supposed to be the pope? You have to have some zombie-killing magic or item or something.

Norshin - There used to be zombie-killing magic, but no living person can use it. I'm ashamed to admit that even I can't.

Riche - I know that in manga and books and stuff, zombies are always vulnerable to holy water.

Norshin - Holy water isn't strong enough to destroy a zombie. The most we can expect is for it to temporarily ward them off. That hardly solves the problem. Besides, creating holy water requires special materials, and obtaining them isn't particularly worth the effort.

Apparently, getting Holy water in this world is different from Issei's original world.

Gurigura - Um, can I ask a question? Is Osric safe?

Norshin - Osric? With the way the poison has been spreading, nobody's been able to reach it yet.

Kathryn - Then you'd have no idea whether <Snake Crest> is involved either...

Norshin - I would assume the worst about Osric. The zombies are most likely its citizens.

Gurigura - Oh no...

Norshin - Would you happen to be from the Academy that was located there?

Gurigura - Yes.

Issei - The Academy, that place where they taught you Ranger skills, Gurigura?

Gurigura - Un.

Riche - They kept the location of the Academy a secret. Who knew it was in poison territory?

Gurigura - Osric cultivates a bunch of special herbs that only grow on poison land. The poison's super dangerous, but everyone worked hard so they could help sick people in need.

Norshin - Yes, I know that very well. Their work was commendable.

Gurigura - The townspeople were all so nice to us when that brutal training tired us out... They gave us an ointment to help with our wounds... And candy... And... And...

Issei - Gurigura...

Gurigura's tearful eyes drew Issei to give her a gentle hug. Gurigura hugged Issei's body tightly in return and everyone who saw her felt pity as well.


Inside the quiet frontline base, Issei heard a familiar shout.

??? - I just wanted to take a request from a nun! I didn't know you were fighting the living dead! I'm not into necrophilia!

Issei - Knew it was you...

The man is Yarase.

Yarase - Gah, I-Issei...

Issei - You came to Hamlet too? What are you doing here?

Yarase - Erm, so a nun came to adventurer's guild, right? And she put out a request to slay some monsters, which I took.

Issei - And, why are you seem so mad?

Yarase - Of course, I'm mad! I thought this was my chance to get cozy with a nun or two, but there's nothing here but sweaty guys and zombies. I came here thinking I'd be up to my knees in nuns, but no. There are no nuns here, it was all a scam... I was tricked. So anyway, I'm out.

Issei - ...

Panicking Knight - Wait, we can't hold the line without help from adventurers. If they get through, the town will be-


Yarase yelled at the Hamlet Knight and fled.

Heartless Adventurer - I'm out too! This ain't worth it.

Dissatisfied Adventurer - Me too! I can get this kinda pay fighting normal monsters!

Yarase inspired a few other adventurers to leave too.

Norshin - There go the adventurers... I didn't expect much, but they're less sympathetic than I thought.

Ramius - That's how adventurers are. Freedom means there's no need to be loyal...

Kathryn - It also means they've got no authority or security, though.

Issei - Let them be. Freedom is everyone right, they can freely choose their path in life.

Bewildered Knight - Waaaaaaaah! The zombies are here!

The Knights on the east side of the herb garden shouted.

Norshin - Gh, of all times... Time to show your worth, everyone!

Gurigura - Uh oh! Their formation's messed up without the adventurers!

Issei - Wait... Tell the Knights to stand down.

Norshin - Wh-What are you saying? We will be easily killed by them if we're not on guard!

Issei doesn't respond to Norshin and just walk towards the oncoming hordes of zombies calmly.

Norshin - B-Be careful! You girls are his wives, right? Call him back, fast!

Ramius - We trust our husband completely. If he says to stand down then we will.

Riche - Un, that's right.

Gurigura - Uh huh, Ise-nii knows what he's doing.

Kathryn - Besides he's very powerful that I doubt mere zombies can hurt him at all.

Norshin - But...

Norshin is at lost for words after hearing Ramius and co. words. Then he heard one of his men shouted.

Knight 1 - L-Look, the zombies stopped in their tracks!

Knight 2 - Wha?!

They all saw that Issei standing in front of the zombies and the zombies stopped moving right in front of him, but their mouth is groaning like always.

Zombie - Uuuu... Aghh... Aaaah...

Issei - I see... Um, Got it

Issei responded to the zombie groan and nodded at them. All the Knights are bewildered with this event. He seems to be communicating with them.

Norshin - I-Is he communicating with them?

Riche - It appears so.

Even Riche and co. are kinda surprised but they accept it soon enough because they thought it's Issei after all.

Then they saw Issei turned around to face the Knights.

Issei - Let them pass, they're heading towards the second herb garden. They won't attack you as long you let them be.

Norshin - Huh?!

Scared Knight - I-Impossible! They will attack us if we let them be!

Issei - Trust me, they won't. And from what you see right now, did they attack me?

All the Knights once again become at a loss for words because from what they've seen the zombies don't attack Issei at all.

Norshin - L-Let's listen to sir Issei words.

The Knights follow Norshin command but they're feeling fearful of the zombies in case they suddenly attacked them. But they obediently sheathed their swords and fall back to let the zombies cross the pathway.

After seeing the Knights have retreated then Issei turned back to the zombies and told them that they can go now. Soon they started walking forwards once more, but every time they pass by Issei they seem to be bowing a little bit and Issei just calmly nodded at their bows.

Norshin - Wh-What's this?

The zombies ignored the Knights and sluggishly passed them on their way into the forest.

Norshin - ...Are they really going to the second herb garden?

Issei - They said they're worried about their herbs and they only attack you all because you get in their way. I tried asking them about what happened to them but it seems that they don't know how to respond to my question, probably because of their current soul is incomplete. And...

Issei looked at Gurigura hesitating if he should tell the truth or not but he decided it's better to tell it rather than lying at her.

Issei - ...From what I've heard... They said they're from Osric...

Gurigura body trembled a little after hearing Issei's words but she held her tears from coming out this time. Ramius decided to give her a gentle hug regardless after seeing her sad face.

Norshin - H-How can you communicate with them, Issei-san?

Issei - Hm? I can see and communicate with souls, and that zombies have a piece of soul inside them. Even though it's not a complete soul but to communicate with them is enough for me.

Norshin - ...

Norshin was completely taken aback because even him the pope or even the Saints from the church are unable to communicate with souls as Issei did.

Issei - I was trying to purify their souls so they can pass on completely but it appears that it's impossible to do so because something is holding their souls inside their body. And if I forcefully purify their souls I could damage their souls in the process...

Norshin - Y-You can also purify souls?!

Issei - Yeah, kind of.

Norshin - Can you please teach the church how to do it?!

Issei - Sadly, I can't. It's not that I don't want to teach you but this "Skill" is only useable by me, you see...

Of course Issei can't teach them because it's not really a skill but more like his unique skill because to be able to learn this skill you need to have the <Life and Death> aura just like him or Semiramis.

Well, they all didn't know that if the Saints become one with Issei then their <Holy> power will gain a huge boost and they will be able to purify souls easily as Issei did. But they won't be able to destroy souls as Issei or Semiramis could and to be able to destroy souls they also need to possess a strong <Death> aura as well which obviously won't happen since the Saints represents <Life/Holy>.

Even though Norshin is the pope of the church sadly his <Holy> power is weaker than the saints such as Croix or Silent. After all, the saints are basically Mother Eve incarnation and since Norshin is a man his <Holy> power obviously weaker than them.

Norshin - Oh... I see...

Norshin felt regrettable because the church can't learn Issei's "Skill". They do have purification skill but it will take too long to use and it's not practical in a combat situation and even then it will only able to be used on one soul each cast. As for the skills they have but can't learn is called <Grand Purge>.

And Norshin also never heard of anyone other than the Saints and himself being able to purify souls so this is the first time he has ever seen other people outside the church being able to do it.

Norshin - Anyway, then the zombies were the people of Osric after all... Even in death, they're dedicated to their work. May Mother Eve's love lead them to a peaceful rest...

Norshin offered a solemn prayer for the zombies.

Kathryn - But this doesn't exactly solve the problem. They might be harmless, but you can't just leave zombies wandering around.

Norshin - But this does buy us time. Now the Knights should have a chance to rest.

Knight-Captain - You rest too, Pope Norshin.

Norshin - I'm not certain... What if something happens?

Knight-Captain - It does none of us any good if you overwork yourself. Return to Hamlet, please.

Norshin - ...Alright then. You take care of things here. And will all of you be coming back along with me as well?

Norshin finally agreed to the Knights advice and then he asked Issei's party if they will be going back with him as well.

Issei - No, we will go check Osric ourselves to see what happened there.

Issei decided he won't be going back with Norshin because he wanted to check Osric to see what happened there, it's for Gurigura sake, to be honest. He only needs to see her eyes and he could tell what she wanted to do.

Norshin - I see... Then may Mother Eve bless you with your journey.

Issei - Um, you as well.

Then Norshin went back to the church while Issei's party head towards Osric. They will follow the zombies back to Osric.

Gurigura - Ise-nii, zombies are so slow that we should be able to catch up quick.

Issei - Ah, let's follow them.


Gurigura - Looks like the zombies went into the forest, Ise-nii. That one. It has a bunch of poison swamps and poisonous plants, Osric's on the other side of the forest.

Unfazed by the poison, the zombies entered the forest.

Issei - Alright, let's go after them.

It's supposed to be hard to follow the zombies because the pathway is very poisonous and lots of poisonous plants but because of Issei's presence it becomes very easy to navigate through it.

The party followed the zombies through the deep forest to an open area.

Ramius - Looks like we've made it through the poison forest.

Gurigura - That's Osric over there. It's not so much a town as, like, a settlement. Ah...

Kathryn - Seems the zombies are going straight for Osric.

Gurigura - ...

Issei - Alright, let's see what's going on there.

They headed towards Osric.


They found a place where there are a group of zombies are wandering about.

Issei - What's this place?

Gurigura - There's a big bulletin board over there. It has all kinds of info about the town.

Issei - What kind of info?

Gurigura - Stuff like what herbs the drug companies are looking for, or info about dangerous monsters.

Kathryn - I see, so if you're busy working out in the garden, you don't need to go all the way back to town.

Riche - So if we look at the bulletin board, maybe we can figure out when weird things started happening around here.

Ramius - Hrm, zombies here too... They're lurking around the bulletin board. Do you know what are they doing, Ise?

Issei - They said they're looking at the bulletin board.

Ramius - ...Now that you mention it, they all do seem to be looking at the bulletin board.

Gurigura - ...

Then they saw some of the zombies moving somewhere else.

Riche - Where are they going?

Issei - Let's follow them.

They followed the zombies around after that.


When the party reached a somewhat open part of the forest, it was packed with zombies as well. But all the zombies did was inaudibly groan and wander around.

Issei - I see now... You realize it as well right, Gurigura?

Gurigura - Un... The zombified townspeople are just doing what they did before they died. They'd start their day by checking the bulletin board, so they could see which herbs to harvest or if any dangerous monsters were around.

Kathryn - Yeah, that's what Ise said as well when we're at the bulletin board.

Gurigura - Then they'd go tend to the garden and water it and stuff.

Riche - But I guess they don't have the knowledge for that now, so that's why they were just walking in circles. Then they'd take the herbs to the well.

Ramius - And what about this place?

Gurigura - After everyone finished with work, they'd come here to trade crops and chat.

Issei - Basically the zombies are just following their old habits.

Gurigura - Yeah, and to prove it... Watch this.

Ramius - Ah, wait...

Before Ramius could stop her, Gurigura sprinted into the horde of zombies.

Issei doesn't stop her because he knows it will be fine.

Gurigura - Look, they're not attacking.

The zombies paid Gurigura no mind but instead, continuing to meander.

Issei - The zombies the Knights are fighting are monster hunters from what they told me.

Gurigura - Yes, those Knights are standing in the way of another herb garden so they attacked them. It's really important to the townspeople, so if you try and keep them out, of course, they're gonna get mad.

Kathryn - I see, just like Ise said.

Gurigura - Even the Academy students helped with that garden. We got all muddy, but they really appreciated it when we brought the herbs back to town. There was an old lady who sat on that stump there, and she always secretly gave us cookies... Oh...

A zombie was sitting on the stump. Its gender was unclear from its physique but based on its clothes, it was just barely possible to make out as a woman.

Gurigura - They were all so nice... Simple, but cheery... And hardworking... None of us had parents, but at least they were kind to us... And now... Now they're all zombies...

Issei - Gurigura...

When Issei hugged Gurigura, she buried her face in his chest and cried.

Gurigura - I hate this... Why did it happen? Was it <Snake Crest>? They'll never, ever get away with this.

Issei - Don't worry... I will make sure they'll pay. I promise you, they will.

Issei eyes glowed for a moment after promising Gurigura. And somewhere the Supreme Commander along with the other <Snake Crest> member felt a sudden chill out of nowhere. And they broke out in cold sweat thinking about what just happened. They felt like they're being watched by the reaper itself just now.

Even the Kalars felt his rage, and all of their faces scowled as well thinking who dares to make their King felt this much rage. If they get their hands on those who made their King mad they will make sure to make those who are responsible suffer.

When they find out the one who's responsible for it is the <Snake Crest>, the <9 Divines> instantly told their respective corps member to find any clues about them and to kill the <Snake Crest> members on sight.

And soon the world is much safer because of them, the Outlaws are dwindling rapidly. Some witnesses said the one who did it is the Angels of Mother Eve and gave them retribution, while some said the Devils took their souls because of their sins. So people started to be more afraid of becoming Outlaws and they started to follow the rules more obediently than ever.

Kathryn - Don't cry, chibikko... I mean, y'know... Not that you shouldn't be sad that they're dead... But like Ise said, all that's left in the zombies is a tiny bit of their souls. It's not really like they have to live on in suffering because of this. Right, Ise?

Issei - Ah, that's right...

Gurigura - Yeah... But, but... Ise-nii, could you ask that Goddess you know to revive the townspeople?

Gurigura looked up at Issei with a hopeful look on her teary eyes.

Issei feels his heart hurt seeing her hopeful look but even he knows that it will be impossible to revive them because of their current soul state. If it's a complete soul then it might be possible but this is just a fragment of it.

Issei - ...I can't... Their current souls are incomplete and just a tiny fragment of what it's used to be... If their souls are still whole then it might be possible but as of now...

Gurigura becomes even sadder after hearing Issei's words but she knows there's nothing he could do.

Riche - If you care about the townspeople, let's try to make sure their remains don't attack anyone.

Ramius - What I gather from all this is that if you let the zombies do what they're doing, there shouldn't be any trouble.

Kathryn - Y-Yeah, so this is no time to cry...

Gurigura - ...Okay... You're right... Eheheh, thanks, Kath-nee.

Kathryn - Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you thanking me for?! I didn't do anything.

Riche - Wow, never seen you act that kind before, Kath. Almost like a big sister.

Ramius - No need to be shy about it.

Kathryn - I-I'm not!

Gurigura - Eheheh.

Issei smiled at his wives because he's glad that they care about each other.

Issei - Let's go see to the town to find out how this happened.

They all agreed to his suggestion.


The party peered into the town to find it was already in ruins.

Issei - ...This is awful.

Gurigura - ...Ise-nii, I have to see if there are any survivors.

Issei - Wait, Gurigura...

Before Gurigura could dash through the village entrance, Issei held her back.

Gurigura - Wh-Why?

Issei - Look...

Then Gurigura finally notices it.

Riche - A horde of zombies...

At the entrance to Osric, zombies were standing in a line and wriggling.

Zombies - Uuuhn... Aaaaah...

Their rotting bodies rubbed against one another. The mass of flesh produced a cacophony of groaning and teeth clattering.

Kathryn - Their motor skills are so fucked up that they've created a traffic jam...

Issei - Gurigura, what's in the town?

Gurigura - A bunch of little huts... Then past those, there's the Ranger Academy.

Kathryn - They put it away off in the middle of nowhere... Nobody would ever guess. So, that's all?

Gurigura - Yeah, it's a pretty empty town otherwise...

Ramius - Doesn't seem like we can look inside without going over the wall, though.

Gurigura - Don't, it's dangerous! They monster-proof the walls by coating them with deadly poison. Ise-nii would be fine but not for the others... I'll go have a look inside myself.

Issei - No need...

Gurigura - Eh? But what if there are survivors?

Kathryn - Sorry, but there aren't. I doubt you need me to tell you that. Right, Ise?

Issei - ...Ah.

Gurigura - ...

Kathryn - And it's been days since the zombies appeared. Do they have any emergency shelters or anywhere else so they could survive that long?

Gurigura - No...

Issei - Let's just go check the Academy for now.

Issei started walking in the horde direction but when he got close to them, the zombies automatically opened a path for him just like how Moses split the sea.

Riche and co followed after him without hesitation.

Gurigura - The Academy's this way. That's about the only place we haven't check yet.

Then Gurigura led the party to the building that had once been the Ranger Academy.


The party set foot in the Ranger Academy, a building located on the outskirts of Osric.

Issei - This is the Academy?

Gurigura - Huh?

Kathryn - What's wrong, chibikko?

Gurigura - I heard the Academy was shut down, but there are signs it's been used recently.

Ramius - Hm, I see some damage here and there, but I wouldn't take this for an abandoned building.

Riche - Bet the headmaster kept training Rangers to sell off to <Snake Crest>...

Kathryn - Unless monsters suddenly stop existing, there'll always be orphans. Can't be that hard to find students.

Riche - Looks more or less like a normal school, though.

Gurigura - Be careful, Riche-nee. They trained students by setting traps all over the place.

Kathryn - This school sounds like a pain.

Ramius - Learning to avoid traps takes constant work, I suppose.

Gurigura - Now let's search this place.

The party began their exploration of the Ranger Academy.


Ramius readied her lance and gazed into the darkness.

Ramius - Halt! Who's there!

"Uuuuhn... Aaah..."

Kathryn - Figures the place would be full of zombies.

Riche - Their clothes are too tattered to be sure, but it kinda looks like they're wearing Ranger outfits.

Issei - Sadly their only instinct now is to defend this place, so it will be useless even if I talk to them.

Gurigura - Ise-nii... Please let us handle them...

Issei - ...Got it. I'll watch your back.

Gurigura - Un, thank you, Ise-nii.

Gurigura asked Issei to let her be the one to handle them because they're her former classmates after all so Issei agreed to her request.

Ramius - Here they come! Be careful!

The party then took on the Ranger Zombies while Issei is watching their back in case there's someone or something decided to ambush them.

Because of Issei's training they can easily beat them.


Once the zombies had fallen, Gurigura ran over and checked their corpses.

Gurigura - Knew it. Looks like they were indeed the Academy students...

Seeing the state of her old school made Gurigura frown.

Issei patted her head after seeing her starting to feel down again, Gurigura looked up to see Issei smiling gently at her and she felt better soon after that.

Gurigura - Eheheh, thanks, Ise-nii.

Issei - Um.

The party then continued down the dark hallway.

They keep finding traps and more ranger zombies but they make a quick work of them all. With the <Observation Haki> it's even easier for Gurigura to detect traps and if there are any poison traps Issei could just touch it and it will be cleansed.

They keep walking until they arrived in the last room in the Ranger Academy, which appeared to be a lab, a girl was lying down.

Riche - Huh? What's she doing here?

Issei - ...She's also a zombie but she seems more special compared to the others. For one her soul is whole inside her body but there's something disgusting inside her.

The girl is Ophelia, who is also Bolonius daughter. She has a pale skin probably because she's been dead for a long time and a white colored twin tail hair. She wears a black long gothic dress with white frills. She has a deep red eye but it seems hollow, obviously since she's dead so there is no light reflected from it. (AN:

Ophelia - ...

Ramius - She woke up... Be careful!

The party swiftly drew their weapons, but the girl just sat there.

Kathryn - ...Hm? She's not doing anything.

Gurigura - Yeah... Doesn't look like she plans on fighting.

Ophelia - Uhn... Aaah... Haaah... Father...

Issei - ...I see...

Riche - What she says, Issei?

Issei - Her father is the Principal of this Academy, a guy named Bolonius. Is that the name of your mentor, Gurigura?

Gurigura - ...Yes.

Ramius - The strongest Knight in history? That Bolonius?

Issei - Apparently so from what Ophelia here says.

Riche - So her name is Ophelia.

Gurigura - I didn't know the headmaster ever had a daughter.

Kathryn - What I'm wondering about is why this girl is different from the other zombies?

Issei - She said she's basically the one who made all those zombies outside...

Then Issei told them what Ophelia told him.

Ophelia was the daughter of the famous doctor and ranger, Bolonius. Stricken with an incurable disease, genfluenza, Ophelia was on death's door when her father dreamed up a drastic plan. He would deliberately infect her with the zombie virus, turning her into a "zombie seed." As a zombie, her body would be magically preserved. While Bolonius would now have to find a cure for death itself, he now had all the time in the world.

Riche - I see... So that means if we take her out the zombies will automatically disappear? But...

Ophelia - Uhn... Aah... Father...

Riche - Haaah... Nevermind. Incinerating a defenseless girl would leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Riche sighed and lowered her weapon.

Kathryn - But we had to or the zombies won't disappear right?

Issei - Hmm...

Issei calmly walked towards Ophelia and extended his hand towards her head, and when his hand touched her head something came out from her body and it seems to disappear soon after.

Gurigura - What was that, Ise-nii?

Issei - It seems it's the thing that makes Rochefort and co. able to transform into a monster. If I'm not mistaken that sin was the sin of lust. It messed up her soul and forced her to feel lust towards her own father...

Kathryn - Quite the fucked up sin just like the others I see...

Issei - So... How long are you going to hide there?

Issei then looked toward the room entrance.

??? - ...I see. So what Shiro and Kuro say about you is true... You are indeed very strong...

Well, very strong will be an understatement because he can't find any opening at all by looking at Issei. He was hiding his presence to the maximum hoping he could deal a fatal blow to him but he seems to notice him right away... What a monster Bolonius thought.

He knows just from this one encounter it will be a useless struggle, he's not called the Strongest Knight in history for no reason after all. His instinct is telling him to never try to cross swords with Issei or he will be instantly killed.

Riche and co become startled hearing there's suddenly someone behind them and they don't notice it.

Then the one who was hiding from them came out in the open. It's Bolonius himself.

Ophelia - Aaah... Uhhn... Haaah... Father...

Bolonius - Ophelia...

Gurigura - Principal...

Issei - From what she said you're the one who's responsible for all this zombies incident.

Hearing Issei's words Gurigura instantly directed her bloodlust towards Bolonius.

Bolonius - ...You've grown stronger, Gurigura... And to answer your question, Issei Hyoudou. Yes, I am indeed the one who's responsible for the zombie incident. And how are you able to communicate with her if I may ask?

Issei - Well, I could communicate with souls you see.

Bolonius - I see... Can you allow me to hug my daughter one last time?

Issei - ...Sure, go ahead.

Bolonius then calmly walked toward Ophelia and hugged his zombified daughter. He looked like a typical loving father.

Issei doesn't see why he should forbid the last reunion of Father and Daughter, even if he's the villain he should still be allowed to hug her daughter one last time no?

Bolonius also doesn't see how he will be able to escape from Issei's sight at this point. He knows if he makes his move then he will be instantly killed without a doubt. So he at least wants to hug her daughter one last time.

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