The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 69:

Chapter 69:

Riche and co. returned to the church waiting for Issei to come back but they started to discussing something as well while they're waiting for him but it was mostly Kathryn who participated. Kyuriha is guarding them outside the church.

Kathryn - Honestly, though, <Snake Crest> would've fucked us hard if Ise wasn't on our side. They even know more about Mother Eve than we do.

Hatter - Your Holiness, I was under the impression the <Evenicle> was closely guarded by the church.

Palomides - I do have to wonder if the church itself is connected to <Snake Crest>.

Norshin - ...Well...

Louin - I understand your suspicions. However, I can assure everyone that the church is on our side.

Kathryn - ...What are you hiding? I know Eden's a major power, but you can't just tell every other country to trust you blindly.

Riche - Hey, Kath...

Norshin - King Louin... That's enough. Cover me any further, and you'll only hurt your own reputation. If it's come to this, then it's time, to be honest. There is a connection between the church and <Snake Crest>.

Hatter - M-My God.

Norshin - The leader of <Snake Crest> is my father and the previous pope, Seydes!

Kathryn - The last pope's the Supreme Commander?

Norshin - As the Evenicle was being translated, something happened to convince him that the world needed war.

Palomides - So <Snake Crest's> in-depth knowledge of Mother Eve comes from him?

Norshin - No, that's impossible! At the time we found out he had betrayed us, the <Evenicle's> translation hadn't progressed that far.

Kathryn - What if he'd gotten further along than he said? Or what if he made copies?

Louin - That can't be. The <Evenicle> translation team at the time was made up of researchers from multiple countries, all of whom kept an eye on each other.

Norshin - That's why this is so unbelievable. We have the <Evenicle>, so how does <Snake Crest> know more about Mother Eve than we do?

Louin - I apologize for hiding the truth about Seydes. However, I want you all to trust that his son, Norshin, is a true clergyman.

Palomides - ...We know very well how hard the pope has worked since the Arthur Tragedy.

Hatter - Raise your head. The fault lies with your father, not you.

Norshin - ...Thank you.

Kathryn - Went too far myself. Wasn't trying to blame you or anything. Because if you are evil then Ise would've known right away.

Norshin - How come?... Oh, nevermind, I forgot he could see souls...

Riche - Yep, if a person is evil then he will be able to tell right away.

Hatter - My goodness... Then he's basically the bane of all evil.

Palomides - Hohohoh, now I'm really glad that Tio married such an outstanding man.

Louin - Mm, with him around we don't need to be afraid of the <Snake Crest> at all.

Hatter - Natal also won't stop talking about her darling as well, that even made Queenbelle started to become speechless. Not that I could blame her though because her husband is Issei-kun after all.

Hatter and Queenbelle adopted Natal after all, so they often talk with her nowadays.

Louin - Fumu, I've decided... When he returned with Croix in tow, then I shall have her betrothed with Issei.

Norshin - Good idea, King Louin! There won't be a greater joy to have our most outstanding Saint marry our most outstanding <Holy Knight>.

Silent - Agreed.

Silent thought she just killed two bird with one stone at this point because she could become family with two people she has feelings for, she can't wait to have a threesome with both of them... It will be bliss, she thought.

She almost got a nosebleed just from imagining it.

Riche - Eh?! You will have Onee-chan marry Ise as well?

Louin - Well, why not? You might not know this but Croix has feelings for Issei ever since they first met each other.

Louin felt like he finally could grant Croix for the first time ever since she was born by having her marry the man she truly loves so he's pretty happy right now.

Riche - ...Onee-chan did?... I thought she's being clingy with Ise because she thought him as her little brother, but I never thought...

Kathryn - It's kind of make sense actually because I never saw her being clingy towards other men unless they're little brats or her own dad.

Ramius - Umu, so we will have a new family member soon. And it's Princess Croix no less, good.

Gurigura - Eheheh, the more the merrier!

Then they all laughed and started chatting together happily like they really don't even put the <Snake Crest> in their eyes anymore. Now they just have to wait for Issei return. Kyuriha who's outside the church smiled proudly because of so many people can see the greatness of her beloved king.

Then she saw someone appeared near her and she knows who it is.

Kyuriha - Hm, Miarute? I take it that now you're here its all going according to our king plans?

Miarute - Yes, all the Outlaws and the Thugs of that Clown Prince has been dealt with. Now we just need to wait for his return.

They've already started removing all the Outlaws that work for Felton from the Central Empire when he kidnapped Croix back then and now it's all done.

Kyuriha - Oh, good work. Want to have some tea?

Miarute - Sure, but let's have it alongside our Ramius-sama and the others.

Kyuriha - Mm, of course. I wanted to try the recipe I got from Kyou-sama and Kinou-sama.

Miarute - Oh, that would be lovely.

Then both of them head inside to invite Riche and co for some tea party. Norshin and Silent become a bit surprised seeing another angel but they soon accepted it.

Then they all have a pleasant tea party while waiting for Issei and Croix return.


Felton's party arrived at their secret hideout which is the <Sky Island> which is surprising because no one never thought their base is here. Except for a certain someone that is...

Acheval - So, what's next?

Felton - According to the Supreme Commander orders, we shall have Croix be assaulted by monsters to erase her will then she could be our loyal puppet, with the <Adan's Blood> inside her it should be pretty easy because according to the <Black Evenicle> Mother Eve is quite a slut so considering Croix is basically Mother Eve incarnation then she should have a similar trait.

Acheval - ...Don't you feel bad doing that to your supposed wife-to-be?

Felton - No, why should I? I don't feel anything towards her in the first place anyway.

Acheval - ...Gotcha.

Then he gave Croix to his subordinates and told them what to do with her. They obeyed his command and bring Croix body somewhere else while Felton's party went to meet the Supreme Commander. Along the way to his place, Millet mentioned something that's been bothering her for a while now.

Millet - ...I don't see "Him" during the whole incident by the way. Should we be worried?

Felton - Hmm... Indeed not seeing "Him" back then is a bit worrying but it shouldn't matter now because we've already achieved our objective and there's no way he knows where our current location is.

Acheval - Thankfully he's not there or our plan wouldn't have worked this smoothly.

Felton - Hmph... No matter how strong he is he won't be able to defeat us when we used that thing.

That thing he's talking about is the battleship Digamma which is discovered and hidden by him. The battleship is as large as an island. (AN:

But her dragon instinct is telling her there's something really wrong, and it all went too smoothly. They were prepared to teleport themselves away in case "He" does get in their way but they don't even saw a glimpse of him back then.

Then they arrived in the dark room where they gathered before.

Their Supreme Commander is still there sitting on his usual white snake chair. He looks like a really demented old man and his outfit kind of looks like the Church outfit as well. (AN:

Felton - It's done, Supreme Commander Seydes.

They all bowed towards Seydes.

Felton - It's all according to plan, we got Saint Croix to erase Eve's old rule and make a new one ourselves. Now, all we need to do is sacrifices all the woman we've kidnapped and to break Saint Croix's will so we could make her our loyal puppet just like you've planned.

But finally, Felton and the others realized something weird... Seydes never said a word ever since they entered the room. Usually, he will start laughing like usual when he heard what he wanted to hear but now he's oddly quiet.

The three of them looked up and gaze at Seydes, at this moment his face is facing down so they cannot see his face and he's being eerily quiet unlike the usual him.

Felton - ...Supreme Commander?

Seydes still doesn't respond to Felton words, until...

??? - No need to call him anymore, he's already dead.

The 3 of them becomes alerted by that sudden voice and they all looked towards where the sound is coming from. Then they saw it... The man they're wary of, Issei Hyoudou, is calmly sitting on the nearby table with his legs crossed with one of his hand holding his face looking like he's bored. On his hand, he appears to be holding a black book. And he seems to be reading that book at this moment.

They all have a cold sweat because they never realize his presence inside this room until now. If he decided to attack them just now then they won't even know how they died. Even Millet feels very threatened by seeing Issei right now, and she's a Dragon.

Millet still doesn't realize that Issei is also a Dragon because he's been hiding his Dragon aura all this time. So even though she felt threatened she doesn't feel really worried because she believes that she should be able to handle him just fine, and she will use her dragon form when the situation calls for it.

And when she realizes it later on... It will be too late because her fate has been sealed the moment she stepped on this place.

Issei - ...

Issei still calmly reading the book, it's like he never put them on his eyes from the start. He looks totally defenseless at this moment but they all know if they were to launch an attack at him then he will instantly retaliate and take them down in an instant.

And the whole room went silent with only the sound of Issei flipping the pages on the book.

Acheval - ...Y-Yo, lil bro. Fancy seeing you here.

Acheval tried to greet Issei normally because the silence is so suffocating for him.

Issei - Hm? I could say the same about you, Acheval-nii.

Acheval - W-Well, you know, stuff happens... Ahahaha...

Issei - Hmm...

Issei just looked at Acheval for a few seconds before he set his gaze on the book once more but even then it's enough to make Acheval really nervous.

He sweated profusely thinking that he's gonna face Issei in a true battle soon, not a mock match like they had before but a true deathmatch.

Felton - ...How did you able to get here, Issei Hyoudou?

Felton calmed himself down because he thought they can just teleport away when the situation goes haywire.

Issei - Hm? Well, I flew here of course.

Felton - Flew? How?

Issei - I just flew.

Felton thought that he's lying to keep the truth a secret, but Issei did fly to get here though. Felton just doesn't know it. So, he just let it go since it seems like Issei doesn't want to tell them the truth.

Felton - ...I see... So you've been reading the <Black Evenicle>, what you think about it?

Issei - What I think?

Felton - Yes, don't you think she's basically a slut and hypocrite?

Eve, also commonly known as Mother Eve, is a deific figure in the World of Eve. Eve is the object of religious reverence among her creations, including the dragons, kalars, and poppins, and among descendants, the humans. The latter founded the Church of Eve to organize her worship. Strictly speaking, Eve is a not a goddess, but rather the first human, empowered with "Miracle power" by her creator, the Creator God, to rebuild the world as she chooses. In any other setting, Eve might be seen as a magic user of unprecedented power.

Having created the World of Eve and its initial occupants with her miracle power, including her best friend, QD of the dragons, Eve eventually created another human being, a man named Adan, known to legend as the First Ancestor. Enamored with Adan but confused by these new feelings, she imprisoned him in Ancestor's Tower in the land now home to the Central Empire. Adan escaped and met up with Eve at what is now Bride's Tower, who changed her mind about him and married him instead. Eve later conceived a child, who was born in Humanity's Tower.

Delighted in her children, Eve reshaped the world to suit them. Unfortunately, after many generations, they turned to war. In an effort to stem his children's dangerous desires, Adan offered to take them in if they were offered up through prayer. Unfortunately, these desires soon became too much, and Adan exploded, splitting the World of Eve into fragments, each with a piece of Adan within them. In the world now home to Adan's right arm, Eve lingered on, traumatized, and attempted to further restrain human desires by establishing a system of commandments now known as Mother Eve's blessing. Unfortunately, Adan's death had also led to the creation of monsters, so Eve instituted the contradictory system of knighthood to help combat them. Eve's actions or even presence in the other separated worlds is currently unknown. She then receded from the world.

With Eve gone, the remaining rations of miracle power in the world became rare and precious, and those with an unusual command of this energy became known as saints. Saint Croix Eden, an especially powerful saint, was often thought of as a reincarnation of Eve.

As living memory of Eve faded, the Church of Eve encouraged a portrayal of Eve as a perfect being. In truth, she was simply another person with similar flaws, and the discovery of this later led Pope Seydes to turn his back on his ancestor and to attempt to destroy the world. Seydes' organization, the Snake Crest, preached that Eve's restrictions restricted humanity and human progress. Despite Seydes' near success and even the impact of the late Adan on the events that followed, Mother Eve remains apart from her children. Given Eve's implied longevity (perhaps even immortality), it is possible that she still lives, though where and in what condition is not known.

So the monsters who appear on this world is because of the prayer from the humans itself. Their negative energy produces the monsters, not because of Adan but the humans themselves are the cause of it all, just like the <Black Grail>...

Felton - What we should do is erase every single presence of Eve in this world and rebuild it according to our own wish. How about it? If you join us then you can be our new Supreme Commander.

They don't have camaraderie so it's given that Felton doesn't care if Seydes is dead or not. That goes to both Millet and Acheval situation as well, if they died then Felton won't really care as long his objective is achieved.

Issei - ...

Felton thought that after knowing the truth about Mother Eve and this world itself Issei will join their cause. Acheval and Millet also hoped for the same thing because they really don't want to fight Issei if they don't have to.

Issei - I don't really care about Eve or even this world, all I care about is my loved ones. She can be a Goddess or anything she wants as long she doesn't get in my way. Which something you did again and again.

Felton becomes speechless hearing his answer, in a way he's also selfish just like the <Snake Crest> but his objective is totally different from them.

Acheval - Heh, give it up Felton. That's the kind of guy he is... If he wasn't like this then I wouldn't have agreed about his marriage with Ramius.

Acheval smile bitterly because he knows Issei personality very well.

Just when Felton wanted to say something else he saw someone else at the corner of the room, that person mockingly gazes at him like he's looking at a clown.

Felton - ...Bolonius?

Yes, the one who Felton saw is Bolonius who they thought already dead.

Millet and Acheval are also surprised at seeing him here then Millet glared at Acheval.

Millet - Didn't you say that Bolonius is already dead, Acheval?!

Acheval - I did! I saw him got killed by Issei with my own eyes!

Millet - Then how come he's still alive?!

Acheval - I don't know either, dammit!

Bolonius - Hmph... Surprised I'm still alive Shiro? Or should I say Prince Felton instead?

Felton is confused as well after seeing Bolonius still alive and well because according to the report of Acheval he's supposed to be dead. Then they saw someone else alongside Bolonius as well.

That person started walking towards Issei table while holding a small tray of what appears to be a cup of tea from the smell wafting off from it.

??? - Here's your tea, Onii-sama.

Issei - Oh? Thank you, Ophelia.

Ophelia - Hehehe.

Issei pats her head gently and she smiled happily.

Felton and the others who saw her is totally at lost for words because she doesn't look likes a zombie at all. Millet is the most surprised because she can see souls as well and she can tell that Ophelia soul is complete and whole unlike when she's still a zombie before.

Millet - ...H-How is she alive?

That's also the question Felton and Acheval wanted to ask.

Bolonius - How? My new lord revived her of course. As for why I'm still alive... I was never killed by him in the first place.

Issei just put Ophelia soul back inside her body. He can't make new bodies like Semiramis but he can do this much.

Acheval - But I show you die at the hands of Issei himself! I saw your head got decapacitated by him!

Bolonius doesn't answer Acheval but only looked towards Issei and Ophelia. He's eternally grateful toward Issei, and he gladly becomes his slave for it.

Issei calmly sipped the tea that Ophelia served him before he tells them the truth.

Issei - It's pretty simple actually.

Then he stands up from the chair he was sitting on and walked towards Acheval.

Acheval - Guh!

Acheval felt threatened to see Issei walking towards him and Felton also realizes the danger they're in right now.

Felton - Millet!

Millet - Got it! Tele-

Millet knows what Felton wanted her to do, he wanted her to teleport them away from here but before she could use her teleportation...

Issei - <Dimensional Lock>.

Issei waved his hand gently and the whole area got flashed with a reddish-black light when Issei cast his magic.

Millet - ?!

Issei cast a magic that sealed the whole area around him, so no one will be able to use space magic such as teleportation unless he allows it. They're basically inside his domain right now.

Issei able to create a rift opening of his own after he obtained the skill from Irene, so sealing a space around him is also pretty easy as well.

Millet - It's no use! The teleportation magic doesn't work! The magic he just used messed up the spaces around us, it doesn't allow me to use teleportation at all!

Felton - Wha?!

They don't have the time to stay composed anymore after hearing that. Then they saw Issei has arrived in front of Acheval.

Acheval - ...So this is it, huh, lil bro?

Issei - Indeed... This is the end of your life as Kuro.

Acheval thought this will be his end because he knows it's no use to try and fight Issei no matter what.


But Issei doesn't launch an attack but only snapped his finger at Acheval just like Millet did back then at the bridge of Central.

Acheval - GAAAAAH!

And Acheval once more responds towards it just like back then. He holds his head and kneeled on the ground while screaming loudly.

Felton - Acheval?!

Millet - ...Th-This can't be...

Felton - What's wrong Millet?! What just he did to Acheval?!

Millet - H-He... Issei Hyoudou just used the same magic as mine... The memory alteration spell...

Well, even in his world, this kind of spell is pretty commonly used so it's no surprise that Issei's able to use it as well.

Felton - ...What?

Felton had a bad premonition after hearing Millet words if what she said is true then...

Acheval - ...Dammit... I could never get used to that spell, it hurts so bad whenever the memories rushing back inside my mind...

Issei - The pain you feel right now doesn't come close to what Ramius felt when she finds out about your betrayal.

Acheval - ...Good point.

Acheval smiled bitterly after hearing Issei's words.

Issei - Just be prepared when you meet her again because I'm pretty sure that she will beat the crap out of you.

Acheval - ...Fuck. I bet it's gonna hurt like hell especially when she's been trained personally by you... Can I just bail?

Acheval felt afraid of what will Ramius do to him when he meets her again, he knows he will get beaten up really badly by her but it's better than dying he guess.

Issei - Nope, you reap what you sow. Now stand still for second...

Issei put his hand on top of Acheval chest and then something comes out from Acheval body and it landed at Issei's hand.

It's the Sloth sin that was inside him before which allows him to turn into the Black Knight form.


Then Issei crushed it easily. From now on Acheval won't be able to turn into Kuro any longer.

Acheval - There goes my badass form...

Felton - ...Did you betray us, Acheval?

Now it all makes sense for Felton on how did Issei finds out about their hideout because even Bolonius doesn't know their exact base location.

Acheval - Huh? Yeah, so what? Isn't that how <Snake Crest> procedure works?

Millet - You cur!

Issei - So, how does it feel to have the same thing happened to you, Felton?

Felton knows by what Issei meant by that because he also used Acheval just like Issei did just now. He makes Acheval become his spy but now it's the reverse. And he got to admit that he never expected this at all...

Felton - I just want to know why and since when you're planning to betray us?

Acheval - Hmm, ever since my lil bro beat my ass, I guess? And then my decision is solidified even further when I saw just how strong he is. You're pretty smart yourselves, Felton. Do you think we have a chance of beating him at all?

Felton - ...We could if we used that thing.

Acheval - That thing? The battleship Digamma?

Felton - ...Yes.

Actually, Felton has another trump card which is Millet herself and he kept the fact that she's actually a Dragon from anybody else.

Acheval - Yeah, well, good luck with that. As for why I betray you... My wish is to have someone sate my craving for battles which you totally knew and Issei here totally fit that role. Heck, I even doubt if I can ever beat him...

Unknown to his allies, Acheval was not a truly loyal servant. Having discovered his mother had escalated the Arthur Incident into a bloodbath, he was forced to kill her, only to discover he had inherited a similar, unshakable desire for battle. Unwilling or unable to confront these urges, he agreed to join the <Snake Crest> to create a world of eternal conflict where he could indulge them but asked Millet to keep him under mind control so that he could keep up public appearances. In his moments of lucidity, Acheval transformed into an even more powerful warrior, the Black Knight.

But all his craving has finally been sated when he fought Issei for the first time, he finally finds true peace, even more after knowing that Ramius doesn't have the same craving as him because of Issei. Her bloodlust basically got erased by Issei's loves towards her.

So after their first mock battle, he started to realize just how stupid he was thinking there's no one else that could sate his bloodlust when there's clearly someone stronger than him out there.

That's when he talks to Issei during he confronts Bolonius. He told Issei the truth about him and the <Snake Crest>.

Issei - It is weird to have the same conversation twice though because you already talked about Ramius and all that before...

Acheval - Now that you mention it... It is kind of weird...

They both already have the same conversation at the hospital roof before at Bolonius lab.

Issei - Now then...

Then Issei set his gaze towards Felton. The latter who felt his gaze got goosebumps all over, the same goes for Millet. Now they know just where those feelings they felt before a while ago... The feeling of "Death".

Felton - Wait!

Issei - Hm?

Felton - We still have Princess Croix in our hands, if you want her to be un-

??? - Issei-sama.

Before Felton could finish his words they heard a beautiful voice belongs to a woman.

Issei - Oh, Ultinia, Is it done?

The woman has long light-green hair and wearing a white dress. She's one of the <9 Divines> from the Kalars race, her beautiful face has her usual ever-present smile.

Ultinia - Hai, we have secured Princess Croix and also taken care of all his henchman.

Issei - Um, thank you for your hard work.

Ultinia - Oh, it's nothing, Issei-sama. It's what we're supposed to do in the first place.

Issei - Go bring Croix to safety now, I will go meet you all later. Bolonius, Ophelia, go ahead and follow Ultinia.

Bolonius - As you wish, milord... Ophelia, let's go.

Bolonius bowed deeply towards Issei and took Ophelia hand.

Ophelia - Un. See you later, Onii-sama.

Ophelia waved at Issei while holding Bolonius hand and Issei waved at her back.

Ultinia - Hai, then please excuse us.

Issei - Ah.

Issei nodded at her with a smile. Both Bolonius and Ophelia followed after her.

Her smile got even brighter after being thanked by Issei but Felton and Millet who saw her become totally speechless because she has a white wing on her back. And if what she's telling them is the truth... There goes their last chip of bargaining...

Then Ultinia left the room after hearing the next order from Issei.

Millet - ...An angel?

Acheval - Surprised? Well, I'm pretty surprised myself when I first saw them.

Felton - ...Them?

Acheval - Yeah, "them". There's more of them you know? A lot more... Who would've thought that my lil bro here has an entire army of Angel and Devil? That's why I told you good luck on defeating him just now. By the way, all of your thugs back at home is all gone.

Felton - Wha?!

Acheval - Yup, they got your dad, Emperor Viaries as well. Now the Central Empire basically belong to my lil bro here. And it's only a matter of time until he finds out where you're hiding the battleship.

Issei - You talk too much, Acheval-nii. Go and follow Ultinia already, or I will tell Ramius to double her punishment.

Acheval - Gah! O-Okay, I'm sorry, anything but that. Well, I'm out!

Then Acheval quickly dashed out of the room to catch up with Ultinia because he doesn't want to get more punishment by Ramius. No, thank you.

The once-missing Emperor Viaries. During the Arthur tragedy, Prince Felton, who had sided with <Snake Crest>, seized Battleship Digamma and locked him in in the secret room at the castle. Just in case he needed him for something later on.

Felton was planning to kill his own father just to achieve his desires but thankfully he's saved by the Kalars during their raid on the castle.

Felton - ...

Felton started sweating profusely after hearing Acheval words, if it's true then all is lost... He got no more backup plan. But then he remembered that he already injected Croix with the <Adan's Blood>, he could tell Issei that he got the antidote for it. But Issei already saw through his thoughts, so before Felton could mention it, Issei already beat him to it.

Issei - What? Do you want to say that you injected Croix with <Adan's Blood> and you have the antidote? If so, forget it. Because you never injected her with anything, it's all was just an illusion. Even the "Miracle" you performed which makes Eve's blessing disappear is fake. See this?

Issei shows him his <Golden Ring> and it's fully intact on his finger.

Issei - There's nothing you can bargain me with... I've already seen through all your plans.

Felton - Guh!

Felton never felt this way before in his entire life.

In his youth, Felton was a protege at nearly everything he attempted. One day, exploring the Mirror Labyrinth in Central, he encountered Millet and gained access to the <Black Evenicle>. Using this book, he later met up with Pope Seydes, secretly head of the <Snake Crest>, and the two pooled their resources to translate the <Evenicle>. While Felton joined the first <Snake Crest>, it was not until their revival that he came into a prominent role. In addition to serving the revived Snake Crest in disguise as the White Knight, Felton arranged to be married to Princess Croix of Eden, a saint of such potency that she was thought of as a reincarnation of Mother Eve.

He's hoping that by performing a powerful ritual, Croix was invested with such spectacular power that she was able to reshape Eve's laws for the world, and by corrupting Croix with Adan's Blood, she was put into the service of the <Snake Crest>.

At least that's what the plan was. If Issei doesn't interfere then his plan will truly work but it's all for naught now...

While Felton put on a friendly, even personable face for his public appearances, in secret he was a dark, if still somewhat casual, manipulator and mass murderer. He showed little true compassion to anyone, not even Millet or his own father, and certainly not to his supposed wife, Croix.

His sin is <Pride>, he takes pride in how genius he is and all that.

Then Issei set his gaze towards Millet.

Issei - So, what's your reason for joining the <Snake Crest>?

Issei also doesn't know for sure that Millet is a Dragon or not yet because she could also hide her aura just like Issei did. He finds out about Felton history but he never found Millet history. All he knows is that Millet just suddenly appeared out of nowhere and became the Central Empire <Zero Knight>.

Millet - ...<Snake Crest>, hm? I've never been interested in being part of <Snake Crest>.

Issei - Oh? Then?

Issei felt a bit amused that Millet seems calm enough even when she heard all of Felton plans has failed. Sure she looks nervous before but not as nervous as Felton.

Millet - To put it simply, you could say I'm more of Felton's accomplice than anything. Of course, at my accomplice's request, I've admittedly offered my help on his projects. He gained my interest when he told me about the future he envisioned... Although it's never going to happen now because of you. I've lent him my assistance, power, and knowledge.

Issei - Hoo.

QD - Hey, boy! It's her! She's the traitor!

Issei - QD?

Suddenly Issei heard QD voice out of nowhere, even startling Millet.

Millet - That annoying voice... QD! And you tell us not to assist humans!

QD - Heh, funny hearing that from you when you helped a human plenty yourselves.

Issei - So that Dragon you told me about is her?

QD - Correct... How truly disappointing. Never did I expect a dragon to turn traitor. And she's the black dragon by the way. I had ordered her to guard the <Black Evenicle> in the Mirror Labyrinth.

Now it all makes sense to Issei, no wonder he couldn't feel her aura and her soul being neutral even though she's siding with the <Snake Crest>.

Dragon point of view about Good and Evil is obviously different from a human point of view. That's why her soul stays neutral.

Arthur - Well, you did forget about her for a few centuries...

Millet - Arthur... You mere soul of a human! QD! Why do you let the humans do as they please?!

QD - The world has already been left in human hands.

Millet - Then what of dragons?! What are we supposed to do?!

QD - ...I dunno.

Millet - THIS ISN'T A JOKE! Do you expect us to watch over humans without interfering? That's a boring life I'd rather not live!

QD - ...So you interfered? You gave this prince guy the <Black Evenicle> and taught him things he shouldn't know?

Millet - Yes, much like when you met Arthur, I saw great potential in Felton, even though he was but a child. Even as a youth, his actions changed the world... And the fact that I gave him the opportunity was exciting to me...

QD - Do you have any idea how many lives were lost for your fun? You let being a dragon inflate your ego.

Millet - And what's wrong with that?! Eve's gone! We're the strongest beings in the world, and we should control it as we see fit!

QD - How naive... You underestimate the world. I shouldn't expect a thousand-year-old youngster to know anything.

Millet - Hah, get lost, you cowardly old hag! You ancient bags of bones should hurry up and die so the next generation can take over!

Not like you're the one to speak is what Issei's thinking right now. 1000 years old is old enough for him. But at least he knows why Millet betrayed QD now, who would stay sane if they're told to guard some measly book for hundreds of year?

Heck, even he will go nuts if he's told to do that. He pities Millet in a way.

QD - ...Haaah, a hag, you call me? It would seem I've gotten too soft if you think you can get away with that... Hey, boy. Would you mind roughing her up and taking her down a peg?

Issei - ...What?

QD - As I said, give her a hard banging would ya? Fuck her silly! There's nothing to worry about. This youngster can't put a scratch on you.

Issei - ...

Arthur - ...I'm sorry Qu's causing trouble for you, Issei-sama...

Issei - ...It must be hard to be living with her huh, Arthur?

Arthur - ...Hai.

QD - Why are you both so rude? Don't make me pout...

Issei is speechless with her request, beat her up? Sure, he could do that. Kill her? Okay... But to fuck her? He doesn't know how to respond to that...

Millet - Hoh... That's interesting, you think he's stronger than my dragon form? Sure if in my human form he could beat me but he won't be able to beat me in my dragon form. Let me rip him to shreds. Now, are you ready to die?! Human or not, I won't go easy.

Felton sees Millet as his last hope right now because she's all he got right now.

Right as Millet exuded an aura clearly surpassing any human being, then her body started transforming into her Dragon form. Losing her human shape entirely, Millet transformed into a giant, towering, menacing black dragon.

It has a giant horn that points downward at the corner of its mouth, it kind of looks like a tusk though, and its wings membrane and its claws are colored reddish-orange. The end of her tail is like the tail of a fish. Its whole body is black colored while its eyes are yellow colored.


The black dragon roared as it attacked Issei. It swiped its claw on him.


Issei body flew out of the room and landed outside.

Felton feels ecstatic after seeing Millet attack landed squarely on Issei.

Millet chased after Issei outside and as soon as she saw his body she immediately uses her fire breath on him.


Issei still doesn't move seeing the incoming flame heading towards him. He just calmly staring at it.

When Millet saw Issei body got enveloped inside her fire she laughed hard while taunting QD.

Millet - Ahahahaha, look at that QD! Your errand boy has been defeated in an instant!

QD - Err, yeah, sure...

Millet felt something wrong hearing QD voice looks so indifferent.

Millet - Heh, you seem like you don't care to find out your errand boy died?

QD - Died? Nope, not happening.

Millet - ...What do you mean?

QD - That boy is stronger than you, you know?

Millet - Hmph, if you want to tell lies then you need to do better than that. I clearly obliterated him with my flame breath see... that... Eh?

When Millet gazes at the sea of flames under her, she saw someone standing calmly inside her flames. That person is obviously Issei and not even a single scratch can be found on his body, even the corner of his clothes are not burnt by the flames around him.

QD - Hehehe, you didn't know don't you?

Millet - K-Know what? Why is he still standing after taking my attacks head on?!

QD - Heh, good thing I taught him on how to hide his Dragon aura or you would've run away the moment you sensed his aura.

Millet - ...Dragon aura? You mean he's-?!

QD - Yup, he's also a Dragon. And his strength is on par with me, perhaps its even greater now? Who knows...

Millet - ...?!

Millet is at lost for words hearing QD words but then she sensed it. She senses that overwhelmingly dominating aura Issei emits. Her giant body shuddered after sensing it... It's the strongest aura she ever felt in her entire life. Even QD aura is not as great as this she thought.

Issei released his dragon aura and started chanting:

"I, Who shall awaken.

Am The Red Dragon Emperor who control the principle of domination

With infinite hope and dreams, I shall become the protectors of my loved ones.

I am their light in the darkness.

I shall promise you! A future that shines brighter than any light.

Ally to good! Nightmare to evil!

I shall become the True Red Dragon King of Domination!"

"<Dragon Overdrive>!"


There's a bright light after Issei finished his chant that even Millet is blinded by it but then she heard a flapping sound, she looks up to see a black shadow rising to the sky, its body is covered with a reddish-black flame that's clearly even more dangerous than her own flame. Then it flapped its majestic wings once more and landed in front of her.


And then she saw it... The most majestic Red Dragon she ever saw in her entire life. Those horns which shaped like a crown of a king, those enchanting golden-red eyes, those beautiful shiny red scales. Everything about him is perfect is what she thought.

But their size difference is like night and day, her body is large but his body is 2 times bigger than her at the very least, perhaps even bigger. Then she heard its roar.


Millet's body started to shudder even greatly after hearing that roar that she unconsciously tried to make her body looks even smaller. Felton who's inside the building fainted just from hearing that roar with his ear bleeding.

Across the whole world, everyone heard that roar. The Outlaws is the most affected of them all because they started to shiver fiercely after hearing it like they're being watched by "Death" itself.

-At the Hamlet church-

While Riche and co are having their tea party they all heard it as well.

Louin - What's that sound?!

Norshin - It sounds like a roar?

All of them also wondering just what was that sound.

Riche - But that sound doesn't make us afraid for some reason?

Ramius - Umu, I felt safe and comfortable from hearing it.

Gurigura - Same here.

Kathryn - It's weird but it's true though...

Kyuriha - Ahh~ It's Issei-sama...

Miarute - Such majestic roar can only belong to Issei-sama...

Both Kyuriha and Miarute sighed alluringly after hearing that roar.

Riche - Wait, that sounds belong to Ise?! That means...

Kyuriha - Hai, Issei-sama just used his Dragon form.

Riche - ...Aww, I wanted to see his dragon form...

Riche sulked because she can't see Issei's Dragon form.

They all sweated seeing her like this.


Kyou - Kinou. Did you hear that?

Kinou - Um. Of course I hear it, that majestic and beautiful roar can only belong to our Ise.

Kyou - *Sigh* Even from here I could feel his intoxicating aura...

Kinou - I wanted to see his dragon form badly but I think it's not a great time for it.

Kyou - Indeed...

Then they both gazed towards Issei direction with a smile.


QD - Ohooo~ Quite the majestic form indeed. Not as majestic as my dragon form though.

Arthur - No, Issei-sama form is more majestic than yours, Qu.

QD - Whose side are you on, Arthur?!

Arthur - I'm just stating facts.

QD - Gunununu! Just you wait!... But True Dragon King huh... Interesting...

Issei gazed towards Millet and the latter who felt his gaze trembled in fear.


Issei punched Millet on her gut and the latter flew away while spitting blood along the way. Issei reappeared on top of Millet and grabbed her by the neck and threw her down towards the ground below them.


The whole <Sky Island> started to shake from that impact.

Millet felt like her inside is messed up really badly and just when she's about to get up Issei put his leg on her chest. He looked down on her with the regal of a true king.

Millet - <Flame- Gahhhh!


When Millet tried to breathe another fire breath Issei bite her neck but not that hard or that one bite from him would've killed her instantly.

Issei - Submit or die.

Issei growled while still biting Millet's neck and he put a little bit more force on his bite that Millet's scales started to crack and a bit of blood is already leaking from her bite wounds.

QD - Give up, Millet. Or he will truly kill you.

Millet - *Cough!* *Cough!* I-I... I submit...

She finally surrendered because she felt like there's no way that she could beat him and she obviously doesn't want to die.

Issei finally let go of her neck after hearing her words and Millet collapsed and changed from her vicious form back into that of a human crawling on the ground. Issei also reverted back to his human form.

QD - Mhm... Seems she's run out of energy and switched to the power-saving mode.

Arthur - ...She's not a machine, Qu.

Millet looks so distressed even in her human form right now, she's holding her neck which has a teeth mark given by Issei just now while gazing at Issei's towering body with a bit of fear and awe. She totally ran out of energy that she couldn't even use her magic to cover her body, so she's totally naked right now.

Her dark skin was injured, but healthy. Her chest was, presumably because of her physical training, perky despite its size, and looked incredibly pleasant to touch. Her tight thighs and behind were fairly large, and hitting them would make a nice sound.

Issei felt a bit weird seeing her gaze towards him that carries a hint of awe and worship. He also smells something weird wafting out from her body, it's kind of like a sweet honey scent but not quite like it. And for some reason, he started to get a little aroused from smelling it.

He thought that he already smell this scent before.

QD - So, did you smell that, boy?

QD asked Issei while grinning.

Issei - ...What?

QD - That's the smell only a female Dragon emits when they tried to court another male Dragon.

Issei - ...Pardon?

QD - Gahahaha! Ain't you popular? Now fuck her up real good for me would ya?

Issei - Err...

No wonder he felt like he already smells this scent before, he also smells this when he's still living with the twins on the island before. They emit this scent just before they told him that they've chosen him as their mate.

Millet - N-No I'm not! I wasn't trying to court him! Don't tell lies you old hag!

Millet tries to cover her embarrassment while loudly shouting at QD but her red face gave her away.

QD - This is why virgins are so... You're such a loner. Just admit it, you brat.

Millet - I'm... I'm not a loner... I'm not lonely...

Issei felt like QD just dealt a fatal blow when she mentions that Millet is a loner and a virgin at the same time.

QD - Now... What to do with you? Well, plenty of horrible things, of course, but... For now, boy, hurry and fuck her.

Issei - No.

QD - Oh, come on.

Issei - I said no.

QD - Look, she started tearing up after hearing your rejection!

Millet - NO IM NOT!

There's indeed a bit of tear at the corner of her eyes but Issei wasn't sure if she really cries because he rejects her or because of QD though.

Arthur - Don't force it, Qu.

QD - Awww, fine... So be it then... You guys are no fun...

Issei and Arthur felt weird that she gave up so easily. But then QD smirked slyly while taking something out of her pocket.

QD - Hey, boy. Catch!

Issei - Hm?

QD threw something from the rift opening she created and Issei reflexively caught it.

That thing looks like a small round ball. On one side it's colored red while the bottom is white, there's a small button on the middle and Issei curiously touched it.

Issei - What's this?

Arthur - Ah! Issei-sama that's-

Arthur tried to warn Issei about it but it's too late.


That ball exploded on Issei's hand but instead of fire, there's a pink smoke coming out from it.

QD - Hahahaha! How's that? That's my latest invention called <Alcoholic Bomb>! There's enough alcohol scent inside those things that could even make the strongest drinker drunk instantly just from smelling it!

Arthur - Qu... What have you done... *Sigh*.

QD got that idea from one of her <Emptistories>. She knows just how Issei's act after he becomes drunk.

She already guessed that Issei would probably reject her request on fucking Millet so she already prepared the countermeasure for it and here it is... Her "Genius" plan.

Millet - Wh-What happened?

Millet is confused seeing this sudden development, she thought that QD just attacked Issei with something but after she heard their words she becomes confused.

Arthur - ...You have my condolences, Millet.

Millet - What are you talking about? What condolences?!

For some reason, Millet felt a bad feeling about all this.

Arthur - ...Issei-sama will become a sex beast after he got drunk... And since you're the only woman who's nearby... You know the rest...

Millet - ...Eh?

Millet becomes stupefied and then she saw the pink smoke cleared away, she can't see Issei's face at this moment because he's looking down at the ground.

But he started to take a step forward and Millet who saw it tried to crawl away.

Millet - Wh-What? S-Stay away!

*Bulge* *Bulge* *Bulge*

Millet - Eek, y-your crotch... It's like it's alive!

She felt afraid and a little anticipation after seeing Issei's crotch.

Millet - S-Stay away from me! If you put that in me... I'll die!

Every time Issei took a step, Millet turned paler and retreated backward.

QD - You're exaggerating, he already put it in lots of people, and they were all fine. Some even have a smaller body than yours.

Millet - N-No... Eek!

When Issei finally grabbed Millet's arm, she tried her best to break free from his grasp.

Millet - No, stop... Stoooop!

But her power seemed to be spent and her current power state is like those of a child.

Millet - I'm only 1012 years old! Are you really thinking of raping this little girl?! Even if you want to court me there's a certain procedure for it, and this is not the way!

Well, I'm only 17 years old. So who's the little one here, is what Issei would think of if he's sober right now.

She started crying softly while letting go of all her pride that she doesn't even realize that she just admitted that she basically wanted to be courted by Issei.

QD - Ohoo~ now you admit that you want to be courted by him. But too late! Now let the punishment begiiin!


Her scream can be heard through the whole Island.

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