The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 75:

Chapter 75:

When Ophis and Lilith heard Issei's voice they know that it is him. Even though his voice is slightly different but they can also tell from his scent alone.

But his scent now compared to back then is even more sharper and overbearing, his whole being exuded dominance aura that even they felt like they wanted to submit to him.

Oddly enough although they can smell Ddraig scent on him it's kind of different smell from they used to know but that doesn't matter because they both miss Issei a lot. They're really bored when they helped the Great Red at the void.

When they affirmed that the man in front of them is Issei himself, both of them instantly jumped into his embrace.

Issei - Whoa there.

Issei got slightly taken by surprise when both of them suddenly jumped towards him, he reflexively caught them with his arms.

Ophis - Issei's scent... *Sniff* *Sniff*

Ophis snuggled her head closely at Issei's chest and greedily inhale his scent.

Lilith - Issei's scent... *Sniff* *Sniff*

Lilith also copies what Ophis's doing.

Issei can only smile wryly while gently stroking their heads and when they feel his touch they become more convinced that it's him because it's still warm just like back then.

Both of them purred gently after feeling his touch.

Semiramis who saw their interaction grinned because it seems what Irene told her is true. The Ouroboros Dragon itself seems took a liking of her dearest and not your average liking apparently.

As for the other girl, she should be the one Irene told her about, the one called Lilith. When that guy called Rizevim something split Ophis power in half and created her clone in the process.

Issei - What are you both doing here, Ophis, Lilith?

After a while, Issei finally decided to ask both of them just what are they both doing here.

They both stopped their snuggling but they still hugged Issei's body closely and look up to answer his question.

Ophis - We were helping Baka-Red to fix the dimensional rift that's caused by the Apocalypse Beast and when we're done helping him we sensed your presence nearby. So here we are...

Lilith - Here we are...

Issei - I see.

Issei nodded to himself after hearing their explanation because when he was still at DxD world they both said that they would help Great Red with that problem.

Ophis - What happened to you, Issei? You seem different from before... Your whole existence is different, now you seem to be mostly Dragon compared to before. And you appeared to have become the same existence as us and Baka-Red...

Lilith - The same as Lilith...

Issei - ...It's a long story.

Issei knows what Ophis meant by her words, the same as them means that he has become a True Dragon God. After hearing Issei's words both Ophis and Lilith nodded slowly and then snuggled their head once more on Issei's chest.

Semiramis is very interested in what Ophis meant by that but she won't ask because she wants Issei to tell her himself.

Semiramis - Long time no see, Ouroboros Dragon...

Semiramis finally decided to speak up.

Ophis and Lilith looked at Semiramis.

Ophis/Lilith - Who are you?

Not surprisingly Ophis doesn't remember Semiramis while Lilith honestly never met with her before because she's just "Born" recently.

Semiramis doesn't feel offended at all knowing Ophis doesn't remember her because she knows well just what kind of personality Ophis had before.

She's only interested in her silence beforehand after all, but her interest seems to be directed at her beloved now and she prefers this new Ophis more compared to the old her because back then she's really boring in her opinion.

Semiramis - Well, I don't blame you for not remembering me since we barely interacted with each other. My old name was Lady Death, does that ring any bell?

Ophis and Lilith tilted their head but it seems she's still doesn't remember who she is, so Ophis shakes her head.

Semiramis - Oh, too bad... Now how about we go somewhere else? This place isn't suitable for chatting, don't you think so, dearest?

Issei - Oh, right. Ophis, Lilith, let's go somewhere else...

Both of them nodded at Issei's words.

Ophis - Um.

Lilith - Lilith will follow Issei wherever he goes...


They arrived at Forzelotte world once more and when all of them saw Issei and Semiramis they instantly greeted them both but then they saw two new faces tagging along with them.

They're wondering just who they are because both of them seem to be very close to Issei. Even now both Ophis and Lilith still latched themselves at Issei's body.

But Irene knows just who they are of course.

Irene - Ophis? Lilith? How come both of them are here, beloved?

Issei - Well...

Then Issei told them all just how they encountered Ophis and Lilith on their way back. He also told them that he has successfully mastered the <Chaos> element much to their surprise.

All of them instantly become ecstatic hearing his words and they would've given him a hug if it wasn't for Ophis and Lilith who's sitting on his lap right now.

Then Issei also told them about Ophis and Lilith true identity, they only become a bit surprised after finding out that both of them are also a God. No wonder since they're numb already after seeing one Godly being after another.

Ophis and Lilith also start inspecting all of them, but they titled their head when they look at Irene.

Ophis/Lilith - ...Ddraig?

Irene - ...Yo.

They can tell that Irene is Ddraig from her aura alone.

Ophis - You got your own body now?

Irene - You could say that.

Ophis - ...Um, good for you.

She just nodded and doesn't seem to be bothered seeing her being a woman now. After all, Ophis gender keeps changing before she met Issei so her common sense is different from a normal person.

Irene is not surprised seeing Ophis reaction because she knows Ophis quite well.

Ophis - Issei, are we not going home?

Lilith - Home...

Issei's body stiffens hearing Ophis sudden question because what she meant by "home" is his old home back at DxD world but soon he relaxed his body and calmly answer her question.

Issei - That's not my home anymore, Ophis, Lilith... My new home is with them all.

Issei looked at all his wives and smiled at them. When the girls saw his smile they also returned a smile of their own towards him.

Ophis - Why?

Ophis and Lilith tilted her head in confusion and Issei who saw that thought for a while before he decided that it's about time he told them all about his past.

Issei - ...I think it's about time I told you all about my past...

All of the girls instantly perked up their ears when they heard that Issei is about to tell them about his past.

Issei - You see... I was a super pervert back then that even Irene reputation got affected by me...

Irene - I admit, those times were the most embarrassing moment of my life... But it's still quite fun nevertheless so I don't blame you that much, beloved. And which man isn't perverted?

All of the girls here thought about Irene's words and they have to agree, which man isn't perverted? It's only a matter of how good are they at hiding it, and they know that Issei is not an exception either to this logic. But his pervertedness is only aimed at those he has feelings for.

Issei - Heheh, sorry about that...

Irene - But according to what you've told us before about Forzelotte then she's also one of the main reasons that you turned into a complete pervert right?

Forzelotte got a little annoyed by Irene words but it's true that she's the main cause of it all so she can't complain. It's because she messed up the memory sealing spell after all.

Issei - Well... True, but I don't blame her for that because, in the end, I'm the one who's responsible for my own action. Anyway, as I was saying...

Then Issei told them all about his past, how he was once a human as they have already known from before, he also told them about the supernatural world on his world. About the factions of Devils, Fallen Angels, Angels, and Gods...

Not a single one of them disturb him when he's telling them about his past because that's what they wanted the most. They wanted to know more about their husband past after all. Irene just sits calmly because she's very aware just what kind of past Issei has. Well, minus the part where he met Forzelotte because she's still in her slumber back then.

When they heard most of his mischief most of them giggled to themselves because even back then, Issei's life is very interesting it seems.

But when he reached the part where he got confessed by the girl named Yuma Amano they got a bad feeling about it. And their intuition is correct because apparently that girl only confessed to Issei to trick him and then "killing" him in the process and her actual name isn't Yuma but Reynare instead and she's also a fallen angel.

They all felt furious after knowing there's someone dares to do that to their husband, even Forzelotte felt furious about it even though she knows that Issei won't truly die even if he's killed that still doesn't mean she will just allow random trash kill him.

She was about to ask Issei just where is that slut now but manage to hold it in because she doesn't want to disturb him now. Semiramis already knew that Reynare is already dead but that doesn't mean her soul is safe from her hands later on.

Issei - After that, I was resurrected by a girl at my school. She resulted to be a Devil and I became her newest servant... You see, my life as a servant wasn't bad. I learned many things, among them how to control my <Sacred Gear>, later on, I became closer to Irene, and due to being someone that didn't think of her as a tool, we became quite close... Oh right, <Sacred Gear> is...

Irene also smiled when she remembers those moments.

Then Issei explained briefly just what <Sacred Gear> is and about the <Evil Pieces> as well. After he's done telling them about it he continued with his life story...

Issei - After that, Months passed... Inside the Peerage, we became close, almost like a family. For me, this was the best outcome I could have ever dreamt of! Beautiful women at my side that didn't treat me like filth, a close friend that I could call my brother, a Junior that idolized me as a role model... There's this one teacher that's quite funny as well, she goes by the name Rosseweise and she's actually a Valkyrie from the Gods faction and...

He smiled when saying those words, he also told them how he sacrificed his left arm just to save "Her" from her engagement.

All of the girls felt surprised and even more in love with him after hearing that he doesn't hesitate at all to sacrifice himself just to save that he held dear but they're feeling even angrier knowing that their idiot husband doesn't think about himself a little more.

Then he talked about Rosseweise, Kuroka, Kunou, Yasaka, etc...

When they heard about these names they don't feel their blood boils or anything, and from the way Issei talked about them, it seems that they're very good girls and he also appears to hold some feelings towards them.

Issei - ...Slowly those women started to develop feelings for me, and as for me, well you can answer that on your own... They fell deeply in love with me and vice versa... But the way how I actually confessed to the woman I "loved" the most, was kind of forced. At some point, due to me having a trauma with women, I was afraid of getting closer to them, fearful over the fact of them doing the same as the first woman I loved once did to me...

He explained calmly like he's not talking about his past but someone else's past instead.

Issei - I created a mental barrier for me to not cross a line with a woman, but they didn't notice. When they started to seduce me, to make me cross a line and to finally say those words... I couldn't. I was afraid and mentally refused the fact of them falling in love with me. Thanks to that they exploded, reprimanding me for not understanding their feelings. The woman I loved the most was especially aggressive, she yelled at me, screamed at me saying, "Why couldn't I understand her?!"... The rest did notice how I couldn't understand her feelings and because of that, they reprimanded me, saying; "You're the worst", "How awful could you be", "Why don't you understand?", etc...

All of the girls here are silent after hearing that and it's certainly quite bad and they get it as a fellow woman but to explode like that at him? Sorry, but that's just wrong. Can't they try to understand about him a little more instead of just exploding like that?

All of them frowned thinking just who this woman their husband used to love. They can tell the implication on his words when he said "Loved" so they know he shouldn't be in love with this woman any longer.

Issei - After that, they left me alone to "think" about my mistakes. I spent quite some time thinking, even talking to myself. At some time I said something that made me remember the first woman I loved, however, they heard it from the other side of the door since they were spying on me, and at that moment they more-or-less understood what I was thinking. After some comforting and what not, we "fixed" our relationship, but they still told me that I should apologize to "Her" and tell her what I felt.

Just who is this "Her" is he talking about, they all thought. But they felt like their blood boils when they tried to think about "her" for some reason. Call it a woman sixth sense but it is what it is.

Issei - After some times, during a <Rating Game> I got too excited and screamed my feelings in front of everyone. Thanks to that our relationship became better, saying that she also loved me. And after some ups and downs, she finally became my girlfriend, the so-called woman I loved the most... Her name is Rias Gremory.

Irene scowled a little after hearing that name she despises the most and all of the girls noticed her scowl but Issei's face is still calm even after he mentions "Her" name.

They instantly noted that name which for some reason makes their blood boils.

Issei - Our relationship after that becomes better and better until I proposed to her, and the other girls also felt jealous of that and wanted to be proposed as well. And I do just that because I do love them all back then... We've decided to put the marriage date on hold for now because we have a bigger problem at hand soon after that event...

Issei told them about the Terrorist group which is led by Rizevim, etc.

Issei - And that's how I met Lilith here.

Issei patted Lilith's head gently and she squinted her eyes in happiness feeling his touch.

Issei - Unfortunately, even though we managed to kill Rizevim, he also managed to unseal the <Apocalyptic Beast>, which also goes by the name Trihexa (666). But thankfully with the combined effort of the faction leaders, we manage to seal it back... Although, now that I think about it... Trihexa seems to be sealed pretty easily considering just how strong it is... No matter, if it does break free from its seal once more, I will make sure to kill it this time.

Irene - Heheheh, I'm pretty sure the current you can easily beat Trihexa, beloved. There's no doubt about it.

Irene smirked at Issei because she just loves how confident and dominating he is right now.

Issei - Ah... I think so as well.

Issei smirked back at Irene then he continued his story.

Issei - And then, Rias graduated from high school along with her <Queen> which goes by the name Akeno Himejima... They went to the nearby college in the same city... And that's when it started...

Issei's voice turned a little bit cold and they know that this is the climax of his story even Ophis and Lilith wanted to know just what happened to Issei that made him change this much.

He told them about how the girls started to ignoring him and being very cold towards him at times. But he's not too bothered about it thinking they're just too stressed dealing with their respective lives.

Then he comes up with a great idea to make them feel happier, and that idea is to make their engagement ring on his own. He was sure that after he successfully surprised them with this they will be very happy.

And finally, he successfully made the ring he deems perfect to gift them with. So he went to Rias and Akeno college first... But the reality is cruel... He saw the woman he deeply "Loved" kissing and acting intimately with another man he never saw before alongside with Akeno as well... And when he went looking for the other girls, they're also acting intimately with some guy he never met before. That's when he knows that he's already abandoned by them.

All of the girls who listen to his words almost can't believe what they're hearing... Did they cheat on him? Did they cheat on the man that loves them dearly just like that? Even when he sacrificed almost his entire life just to make them feel happy and safe? Is this some kind of a bad joke?

Irene knows what they're thinking by looking at their stupefied face.

Irene - I know it's hard to believe but it's the truth, I was there as well... They basically just leave him to his own luck after they don't need him anymore... Just remembering that moment almost made me go mad with rage!

Irene growled when she remembers that moment, she almost can't stop herself from going to Rias and co place and kill them all for what they did. For Dragons, it is extremely taboo to cheat on their mate after all.

Kyou, Kinou, and Millet growled as well. They felt disgusted with Rias and co. all of their eyes turned into slits, this is the first time that Issei ever saw the twins becoming this mad about something. But he felt happy seeing that they're feeling anger for him.

Ophis and Lilith become froxen stiff when they heard about it, they didn't move a single muscle but their eyes are opened wide to the maximum. Yes, their common sense about this kind of stuff is different from a normal person but they ARE Dragons. So they have the same common sense as the Dragon girls at the very least.

Semiramis face is calm but deep inside, she's feeling extreme rage... She's even angrier compared to the time when she found out that her ex-lover betrayal. She clutched her fingers tightly that the fingernails almost pierce her own skin but thankfully before that happens, Issei realizes what is she doing and hold her hand gently.

Semiramis body shuddered a little after feeling his hand on hers and then she looks towards Issei and saw that he's smiling gently at her. So she calms herself down by taking a deep breath and smiled back at him.

Semiramis - I'm fine, dearest.

Issei - Um, I don't want you to hurt yourself just because of them, Semi.

Semiramis - Hai.

Scathach just closed her eyes but she's feeling the same as the others at the inside... Extreme Rage.

Forzelotte now knows the reason for his soul corruption and she's pretty sure that the cause of it all is that woman named Rias Gremory and her cohorts and Issei next words confirmed her suspicion.

Riche - A-And then, what happened after that, Ise?

Riche asked Issei while her body is shivering a little, not because of anything else other than anger. She's feeling angry just like everyone else inside this room.

Issei - After that? Well, the <Evil Pieces> inside my body for some odd reason started corrupting me from the inside... Probably because of the huge amount of negative aura I was emitting? Who knows... And if it wasn't for Irene I would've died back then...

All of them held their breath once more after hearing that he almost died because of that sluts wrongdoings.

Issei - She brought me back from my despairing state and helped me transform myself into a Dragon... After I'm done with the transformation, you have the current me... How was it? It's quite laughable, isn't it? The life of a fool... Heheh...

Issei smiled mockingly at himself.

Natal - NO!

Natal suddenly screamed loudly at him while shedding tears in the process.

Natal - Darling is not a fool! The one who's a fool are them, those ungrateful sluts!

The other girls are also nodded at Natal's statement. All of them agreed with her statement completely.

Issei smiled gently after seeing Natal's sudden outburst, he got up from the sofa while gently shifted Ophis and Lilith who's still frozen stiff from what they're hearing just now to the side.

He walked up towards Natal and wipe her tears gently while gently smiling at her with a gaze filled with love.

Issei - Don't worry, all that's matter is that I'm here with all of you now, right?

Natal also finally smiled through tears after hearing his words and they all nodded once again at his statement.

Irene - *Sigh* You took all of this too lightly, beloved... You girls might not know this but the pain he felt back then is extremely painful whether in body or soul... Here, see this for yourself... The pain he experienced back then...

Irene waved her hands and used her projection magic to show them the suffering that Issei experienced.

Issei was about to stop her but choose to let it be because even if he stops her it won't matter that much anyway.

Then the projection started...


What they saw made them unable to breathe because of the excruciating pain they felt in their heart from watching just how Issei suffered back then, it's utter nightmare for them who loves Issei dearly. That's not something anyone should experience in their entire life especially a person such as Issei who sacrifices almost everything for the women he once loved.

All of them who watched the projection without a single exception is shedding tears unknowingly. Even Irene bit her lips while watching it once again.

But when they saw how Issei bounce back from his despairing state and saw the new him they all felt gratified and proud because that's the Issei they know.

After the projection ended, Gurigura, Yunyun, Wiz, and Towa cried loudly and instantly jumped towards Issei. They hugged Issei's body while keep saying that they won't ever leave him no matter what. The other girls also cried softly while covering their mouths, they all surrounded Issei vowing to him that they will never leave him.

Issei felt really blessed surrounded by them, he felt that they are his greatest pride and greatest blessing in life.

In the future, if anyone ever asked him just what his greatest achievement in life is, he will surely answer his beloved wives are his biggest achievement in life.

Issei said that he totally believes them and he also vowed that he will also never leave them behind.

While some of the girls cried at Issei's embrace, the vengeful type such as Jalter exuded extreme bloodlust and maddening rage directed towards Rias and co. the same goes for Semiramis, Scathach, Forzelotte, Millet, Kyou, and Kinou as well. But the most surprising thing is that Ophis and Lilith also shedding tears and even though their face looks calm, their aura is anything but calm.

All of their aurae went berserk... If Rias and co were present in front of them right now then they would without a doubt kill them in the spot and rips their body and soul to pieces.


Back at Rias and co, all of them for some reason felt really cold and their bodies are shivering greatly. They don't know why they felt this way but they're feeling extreme terror at this moment. Even their boyfriends also felt it as well... It's like impending doom is about to greet them soon enough.

All of their faces went sickly white and Little Hijama who's Koneko and Ravel new boyfriend fainted away while losing control of his bladder control. The others also almost lose control of their bladder as well but thankfully they managed to hold it in albeit barely...

All of them don't have time to care for Hijama because they can't move a single muscle and they all are about to pass out as well.

Azazel who was observing them in the other room notices something was wrong because they were sparing with each other just now but why they suddenly went very quiet and standing still? So he hastily moves towards the training ground and saw that each and one of them are greatly shivering while their faces are ghastly white.

When he's about to ask them what's going on he also felt a brief bloodlust directed towards Rias and co. He shuddered greatly because this bloodlust is extremely overbearing and dangerous, he hastily erected a barrier to protect them from the incoming bloodlust... But it's useless because the bloodlust from multiple Godly beings is not something he can resist.

The moment he erected the barrier it cracked right away and then it burst open to pieces, he got the backlash from it and puked some blood in the process. He was about to call for help from Sirzechs and the others because at this rate it will be very dangerous for Rias and co... But thankfully the bloodlust started to dissipate soon enough.

Kiba and Gasper are not in the house at this moment while Rosseweise is sleeping at Issei's bed right now so they don't know anything about this incident. Rosseweise smiled at her sleep because she's having a good dream at this moment because in her dreams she finally reunited with Issei.

When the bloodlust disappears, Rias and co instantly dropped to the ground and fainted away just like Hijama. But they don't lose control of their bladder like him.

Azazel hastily calls for assistance from the others in the end because this is something they need to discuss. Because whoever emits that bloodlust just now most likely are aiming for Rias and co's lives and they need to take proper precaution for it.

When Rias and co woke up, they don't seem to remember anything from the whole incident. Although Azazel and the others felt something very wrong they at least thought that it's good that they all forgot about it.

If they remember it then they might be in extreme trauma because even Azazel is still shivering once in a while when he remembers that bloodlust back then.

This is not a joking matter if even a strong individual such as Azazel felt afraid of that bloodlust then the one who emits it is an extremely powerful individual as well. Sirzechs instantly told his subordinates to investigate this but they come up with nothing, obviously, considering the one who emits that bloodlust is from another world altogether and even if he finds out the true culprit he can only smile bitterly to himself because he can't do shit about them...

So they can only add this incident to their other case that needs to be further investigated later on. Sirzechs put another magic seal on Rias and co as an alarm, in case this incident happened again.


When the girls calmed down, they told Issei that they want to avenge him. Especially Jalter, who's very enthusiastic because she can't really wait to burn each and one of them and have them staked as well.

Issei told them no need to bother with them anymore because he doesn't really care about Rias and co any longer. And killing them would change nothing anyway, it will only make the faction alliance in risk of being broken.

That's something he doesn't want to see because he doesn't want any more war happening in his world, Riche and co are fully aware just how bad war is, but they can't just let it go like this, right?

Irene knows that Issei truly doesn't want revenge anymore on Rias and co, not because he still has feelings towards them or anything but because he truly doesn't care about them any longer. But just like the other girls felt, she just can't let it go just like this.

Then she thought of something so she whispered her idea towards Semiramis and co... After hearing her idea, they all nodded and agreed with her plan.

Ophis and Lilith were about to go to Rias place right away but Issei managed to hold them off in the end. After a bit of persuading they finally stopped their plan and told Issei that they will always stay by his side forever. Issei nodded at their words and pat their heads gently in the process.

All of the girls finally agreed not to take revenge on Rias and co. for now, to Issei surprise but he soon forgets about it because he doesn't really care either way. Unknown to him they have their own plans in mind...

The Kalars also saw and heard the whole thing because Semiramis established a connection spell towards them. They all are furious to the maximum after knowing what happened to their king in the past.

If it wasn't for Semiramis's telling them to stand down, for now that is... Then they might've asked her to teach them how to create a rift opening and go towards Rias and co's place right away to lop off their heads and present them to their King. Not that Issei would be happy even if they did that though because he's not interested in a decapacitated head alright... He won't care if they indeed killed Rias and co but he sure as hell doesn't want to see a decapacitated head inside a gift box or on a silver platter for that matter.

If the girls ended up killing Rias and co. Issei wouldn't really blame them but he will choose to protect them instead, from Sirzechs and the others rage. He will not hesitate to kill Sirzechs or anyone else if they tried to hurt his wives.

Issei is not afraid of going into a war, but he will avoid it if it's possible. Sure, he loves battle but he doesn't enjoy killing people... He's a battle maniac, not a homicidal maniac, get that straight.


Some times have passed since the time where Issei told them about his past. Now Ramius and co are inside a red cocoon. They're undergoing their process of <Rebirth> as a Dragon just like Issei.

The one who underwent the process of transformation is Jeanne, Jalter, Yunyun, Wiz, Ramius, Riche, Gurigura, Tio, Kathryn, Tilt, Natal, Croix, and Towa.

Semiramis's already revived Tilt the last few days before this and her new body is also strong enough to undergoes the process of <Rebirth>, a bonus from Semiramis.

They immediately asked Issei to turn them into a Dragon because they want to get stronger quickly, of course Issei agreed to their request and started the process straight away.

This process will take a few days to finish and Issei never left their side for a single moment in case any mishaps were about to happen. Their process is not painful like Issei thankfully.

The others also stay with him protecting Ramius and co as well. Semiramis summoned all of the Kalars to their current location to act as an extra precaution for any incoming mishaps. She told Issei to put them inside the <Gate of Babylon> so they should be ready for any sudden attack.

Forzelotte doesn't order all of her subordinates because it will attract too much attention so she only orders the strongest ones to guard the perimeter.

Semiramis and co erected multiple barriers and Irene and Issei <Boosted> their barriers power to the maximum level.

Their current barrier can be called <Absolute Barrier> at this point and only 2 individual known in existence could break this barrier. It's Nyarlathotep and Issei himself.

Issei obviously won't do anything harmful towards Ramius and co but they are worried about Nyarlathotep in case it decided to attack them right at this moment so they're in full alert mode for a whole week before they finished their <Rebirth> process.

When they're done, the girls emerged from their respective cocoon one by one. All of their eyes still retain their original color but their pupil has turned into slits just like Ophis and Lilith. The same goes for their hair colors but it became even silkier and grew slightly longer compared to before.

Their body becomes even more perfect and their beautiful faces also become even more gorgeous. But sadly for Kathryn, her breasts only grow for a tiny bit larger compared to back then when she's still a human. The first thing she check when she became a Dragon is her breasts but when she saw that it only grew a tiny bit she felt despair and kneeled on the floor while shedding tears of sorrow.

Issei sweated seeing her like that.

Gurigura for some reason has cat ears and a cat tail. But upon further inspection, it only looks like cat ears and tail while actually, it's her unique Dragon parts that are shaped just like a cat part.

When Issei touch them she giggled because it felt ticklish but Issei thought it indeed has different texture compared to Koneko and Kuroka cat ears and tails.

One thing that took them by surprise is that their <Golden Ring> disappears from their hands but there's a <Mark> appeared on their respective bodies. That <Mark> looks just like Irene and co's mark.

At the middle of their mark, there's a Roman number just like their previous <Golden Ring>. Ramius <I>, Riche <II>, Gurigura <III> and so on...

Millet mark number is <XI> for that matter.

They all felt sad that their ring disappeared but then Issei promised them that he will make a new one for each and every one of them. After hearing his words, they all felt happy and doesn't feel that sad anymore.

Jeanne, Jalter, Wiz, Yunyun, and Tilt mark are still white colored because they still haven't had sex with Issei yet. And their eyes shine brightly and filled with lust while looking at Issei now.

It's like they're looking at their prey and Issei felt awkward realizing their gaze on him, they would've jumped at Issei right at this moment if it wasn't Forzelotte standing nearby watching them closely.

They've already promised that the one to go next is Forzelotte after all so they can only wait for their turn... But then they look at each other and they all thought of the same thing, which is "I'M NEXT!"

They have a glaring contest with each other to decide just who will be the next one in line. Even Yunyun and Wiz who's known to have a timid personality doesn't back down from this one.

Their competitiveness instinct as a Dragon appeared right after they became a Dragon it seems.

Kyou and Kinou nodded to themselves because that's what they felt when they still haven't had sex with Issei back then. So it's pretty normal to be in heat all the time when Dragons are near their chosen mate.

Ophis and Lilith at first become confused just what are they competing for, then they asked Irene.

Ophis - Ddraig, what are they doing?

Irene - Err, first of all, call me Irene from now on Ophis.

Ophis - ...Okay, Irene?

Irene - Um, they're competing for Issei's special "Essence".

Ophis - Issei's "Essence"? What is that?

Lilith - Is it tasty?

Irene - Hmm, if you ask me if it's tasty or not, then yeah, it's one of the "tastiest" things I've ever "tasted".

Irene slyly grinned while looking at Issei who's currently surrounded by the other girls.

Ophis - Then I also want to try it.

Lilith - Lilith also wants it.

Irene - Hmmm, then all you have to do is...

Irene then whispered something on Ophis and Lilith's ears. When they heard her words they nodded at her and not long after, there's a <Mark> appeared on their body.

Then they felt somewhat hot inside their body when they look at Issei now. Their eyes started glistening and they kind of confused just what are they feeling right now... They felt weird especially on their belly part, it's like its craving for something. It's not craving for food because they would've known that.

They asked Irene just what are they feeling right now.

Irene - It's an emotion called "Love".

Ophis/Lilith - Love?

Irene - How do you both feel about Issei? Do you like him?

They both nodded at her question.

Irene - You both said that you wanted to stay with him forever, right?

They both nodded once again.

Irene - Try to imagine if he suddenly disappears from your lives.

They both do as they were told and they both felt excruciating pain in their heart after imagining Issei leaving them behind and both of their faces went gloomy right away.

Ophis - No... I don't want that... I want to stay with Issei forever...

Lilith - Lilith as well...

Irene - What you're both feeling just now is called "Sorrow", it's the emotion that you will feel if something bad happened to the one you loves... That's why you both needed to make him your mate. Don't you both want to have Issei as your mate?

Ophis and Lilith thought about it and when they imagine having Issei as their mate they both felt joy so they nodded once again.

Ophis - So all we need to do is to just do like you've told us?

Irene - Yep, trust me.

Then they both nodded one last time and look at Issei again. But this time they finally know just why they felt this way when they gaze at Issei... It's because they love him and wanted to be with him forever.

Irene nodded to herself after seeing that both of them seems to understand what she's trying to convey then she looks towards the other girls.

All of their power levels are kind of broken for a "Newborn" Dragon, Irene thought. It's a good thing though because with this their odds will be bigger for the upcoming rating game.

They don't tell Issei about the rating game because they know that he won't be interested in participating in it. Not surprising if he were to participate then it will be like an adult fighting a bunch of toddlers.

He's basically the uncrowned King of their original world already at this point.

So they all started their training soon after to get used to their new bodies and Issei also do the same as them because he just mastered the <Chaos> element after all.

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