The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 9:

Chapter 9:

When Issei arrived in the living room he sees both Semiramis and Scathach sitting in the sofa, they set their line of sights on Issei and feel lustful just by looking at his new form after some time passed by.

His eyes become more prominent like its made of sheer will and determination, both of that combined with his wine-red eyes are so enchanting that makes them just want to stare at it every day. His hair has become a bit longer compared to the time he arrives here.

If his old hair only went pass his neck before, then now it reaches till below his shoulder blade its also becomes more smooth and shiny but still gives a bad boy vibe which both of them find more appealing.

His face still pretty much the same, but now it becomes more even manly which really fits his eyes even more. His figure which used to be skinny is now what you can call perfect body without blemish and even with his clothes on you can clearly see outlines of each defined abs and muscle he has but not overwhelming like a bodybuilder one which is perfect in any way from both of the girls' eyes.

They have to reel in their desires for him because they need to talk about something serious with him... But they sure will get what they want when the night comes, Hehe~

Issei doesn't really mind about the looks they are giving him, it's not like he lost anything anyway. And if he has to admit its actually quite nice knowing two beautiful women have desires for you but he doesn't show it in his face. And he keeps the stoic look he has but in his eyes, you can see he trust both of them greatly although not fully but it's getting there, so he asked them "What's wrong?"

The one who answers first is Semiramis, she clears her throat and says

Semiramis - We both have come to conclusion that you need some change of pace. Now before you reject it know that it's not good to always train yourself without resting. And no, just sleeping doesn't count so we decided its time for you to go to another world, but don't worry we will send you to a relaxing place so you could relax over there.

Scathach also put in some words.

Scathach - Umu, she's totally right. Even though we are happy that you never slack off but you need to relax once in a while to get things off your mind, and as your shishou I command you to take a vacation. No argument allowed, so with that said, be prepared for your trip.

Issei at first wanted to reject saying he doesn't need one, but hearing their concern for him makes his heart warm so he stopped rejecting their suggestion. So he agrees to their idea and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for them all, oddly enough both women don't know how to cook even though they live for so long.

And their reason was "We don't need to eat in the first place so we never bother to learn how to cook" He becomes speechless with their answer, he can't say anything because it's true considering they are both immortal who doesn't need to eat there's no reason to learn it in the first place.

But he still needs to eat though because he's not some immortal so when he asked if there's any food around here at Semiramis, she said no. Thankfully after telling her that he needs to eat something, she remembered that he's not immortal like her, at least not yet.

So she went somewhere and come back with a bunch of animals he doesn't recognize, which is fine with him because he got a Dragon stomach now. But seeing some of the 'Ingredients' that look like some Cthulu is pretty nerve-wracking and some even look like human but suddenly it split its head like a bunch of teeth and eyes along tentacles with blades at the tip of the tentacle(Parasite anime lol), so he automatically burnt the thing that looks inedible to ashes with his fire breath.

At least some of it is ingredients he recognizes such as pigs and such, so knowing both girls can't cook at all he started to learn how to cook. Not that he can't cook in the first place... If anything he's pretty good at it because his mom used to teach him.

But because his old exes always want to cook for him he never cooks anymore, so after a bit of reminiscence, he remembered the recipe and make some stir-fried pork and the smells attract both girls.

Even though they don't need to eat to survive they can still eat if they wanted to, so when they saw that the man they love can cook they were pretty surprised but ecstatic. Because for a man to be able to cook is pretty romantic in their opinion, and when they taste his cooking they become stupefied because of how delicious it is.

They even shed a bit of tear just from the taste alone, so they asked for more which is good for Issei because at least he can repay them for what they did even if its only small things such as cooking for them.

When both women try cooking themselves it amazes him that their 'cooking' able to emit a miasma just from their cooking alone, and when they asked him to try it. He told them to taste it on their own first because even if he got a stomach of a Dragon he might not be able to survive their 'cooking' IF it can be called that in the first place because it looks like a dark glob with eyes floating on top and a face of human that's suffering and he could swear he heard a scream of despair from it.

After they taste it on their own, they went into a coma for 3 days straight and they even hallucinate they could see their parents on the other side of a river even though they are supposed to be immortal... After that incident, they left the cooking up to him and even kinda begged him to do it... It seems like they got a bit of a trauma from their own cooking.

So after Issei finishes preparing dinner for the three of them they have a nice dinner and talk about lots of things, because they know its gonna be a while before they can have dinner together once more. They even have a drinking party that night.

That night was pretty intense for the 3 of them... Well, except Issei because he's fast asleep like always...

When he opened his eyes after his slumber, he saw the 2 girls sleeping on both of his left hand and right hand respectively and what surprises him even more is that they are both naked. They both are clinging to him like a koala, and it's even weirder that he's somehow naked himself.

He becomes confused about what happened last night and he thought he has done it with them both, and he becomes a bit panicked if they have done 'It' already.

When he become a bit restless both of them flutter their eyes then opened them slowly, when they started looking around they noticed they are clinging to their beloved naked. And when they saw his panicky look they just wanted to tease him by saying "You were great last night, dear~" Semiramis seductively said. "Indeed as your shishou I'm proud of your performance last night," Scathach said with a teasing tone.

They circled their fingers on top of his chest and that makes him ticklish a bit so when he's gonna say something they both burst out laughing.

And he was confused why they were laughing, but then he realized they must be playing tricks on him. He was glad they haven't done it but also feeling a bit lost not that he will admit it anyway, "*Sigh* now can you both get off, please. My arms are a bit sore" he said whilst sighing.

Both girls look into each other eyes once more and said "Nope~" at the same time and hug him even tighter. And because both of them are naked Issei can feel their boobs touching his own bare chest and he can feel something wet on each side of his legs. He knows what's that is so he blushed a bit and when he gonna snap they both finally released him but they both still hanging over on top of him.

And he can see their heavenly mountains in the flesh and almost got a nosebleed but held it in and he looks away while saying "Wear some clothes you two".

They both chuckled seeing him like this, then they proceeded to get off of him and wear some clothes to Issei relief. Because he don't know if he can hold back any longer if they both continued to tease him because his libido is even more explosive ever since he transformed into a Dragon. If they both can hear his inner thoughts they might just become ecstatic and continued their teasing but sadly they don't.

So after a bit of preparation Semiramis told him about the world he might go to.

Semiramis - The world where you will go to is set to a relatively peaceful world, even though there's a bit of monster and the likes. They all are pretty weak that even the old you can easily handle them, now all you need to do there is relax and enjoy your stay. After some time passes. I will send you a note for your next transfer, don't worry and spent as long as you want over there because no matter how long you spent over there even if its 1 or 2 years. Over here only 1 month will come to pass, so enjoy your stay and see you later. Dear~

Scathach - Umu! Take care over there my dear apprentice and remember to take it easy, don't just spent your time training even more over there or I will beat you up! And bring some girls if you want. Hahaha!

Issei only thought Scathach was joking and shrug it off, but she was serious unbeknownst to him.

As for the time difference he just thought of it as one of Semiramis power and doesn't think much about it.

Issei - Ah! I'll be going Semiramis, Shishou. See you two later...

He said with a small smile then both of them return the smile. After that Semiramis make a new dimension rift and told him to jump inside, and then he's gone.

Semiramis - Now then, shall we do our share of work too, dear sister.

Scathach - Umu, indeed we shall, sister.

So they both proceeded with their plan, they both went searching for any potential wife candidates that would be worthy of their beloved.

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