The World seems Realistic but Why do I have a Leveling System?

Chapter 153 - Nightmare And School

The next day, at Middle M School.

Although the mission is important, so does the school. Even if the world is going to crumble, following by society, it doesn't mean the knowledge we learned at school would amount to nothing. There are times that knowledge prevails, it would be better having it than none if it could come in handy in the future. Or at least, that was what Sheila had told Sylvia when the latter thought to quit the school to focus more on her mission and the likes. 

She thought that it was a waste of time to be in a class when she could use that time to defeat more monsters and ascend to a higher floor so that she could proficiently level up, and become stronger for the future. She would have insisted more if not for the fact that there's a time dilation in the Trial Tower which Sheila used to counter against her.

Even while she was at school, when the break time arrived, Sylvia would vanish from the other people's sight before entering the Trial Tower. She didn't forget to put a timer so that she won't be late for the next class and until then, she would use the time to be more productive by slaying the slimes. It won't be long before she had enough strength to defeat the Slime King on her own. When comparing her with Sheila's way of grinding, obviously the latter is a lot faster and proficient at it. That was why Sylvia is taking longer to level up in comparison.

There's also the fact that she had to put a lot more effort into hiding her presence to sneak attacking since her class is that of an assassin, after all. Rather than attacking up-front like a warrior, it was better to make her more proficient in her class. This was also the advice given by Sheila to her as the former thought the one with classes would definitely be better if they take advantage of it than not having one like her. Sheila still didn't know why she didn't have any class but she was not unhappy about it since she could learn all different kinds of skills, no matter what requirement they have, she could learn it all. That was more than enough to put off her dissatisfaction.

When the timer rang, Sylvia was also done eating her lunch and was prepared to head back to her class. When she exited the Trial Tower, her sight was greeted with a small space within the toilet. Thankfully, there was no presence around. Even if there's one, they won't be able to see nor sense her since she had to make sure to lower her presence as much as possible before leaving the Trial Tower. Presence Manipulation is a really useful skill, it could be used in any kind of situation. She even begins to ponder what kind of amazing thing she could do once it reaches the maxed level along with other skills.

Since there was no presence around, Sylvia put off her skill and made her presence return to normal before walking out of the toilet, heading straight through the hallways toward her class. But on the way there, she suddenly came to a halt when someone had blocked in front of her by stepping in her path. She looked up and saw a familiar yet annoying girl with a conceited look on her face. She had been wondering where did this girl gone to but here she is, look perfectly normal.

The girl with a proud expression in front of her was none other than one among the many bullies. Sylvia had never pick a fight with the latter yet for some reason, the girl always seems wanting to tear me to pieces whenever she saw me in the corner of her view which puzzled Sylvia to no end. The hatred in her eyes seemed unbelievable for someone envious of my appearance, it was more like she hate my guts for killing her family or something like that. At the very least, that was what Sylvia thought when she looked into those eyes filled with hatred.

Actuality, the girl hates her for one but a single petty reason. Although it is unbelievable for someone to hold that much hatred for a single reason such as envious for another person's appearance yet that was the truth. After all, it actually hurt the girl's pride when there's someone else who was much prettier and stood out more than herself. She couldn't let such a person exists within her small and delusion world.

When Sheila had secretly made her appearance known to the many bullies to give them a nightmare that will strongly establish within their mind, this girl didn't attend the school on that particular week for unknown reasons. That was why she was given mercy from experiencing the nightmare that the bullies would never want to experience it a second time. And due to that, the girl couldn't understand why all the bullies stop their antics when she had finally come to school today. She tried asking them but rather than talking about it, they immediately ran away from her with the fear evident on their face.

The girl was filled with frustration and as she was about to head to the toilet to calm down her mind, she was exhilarated to find Sylvia on the way there. Without any fear, the girl stepped in front of Sylvia in glee while thinking of abusing the latter for all the frustration she had experienced until now. 

"Oh my, I can't believe an ugly person like you still attend the school. Do you really want to show off that ugly face of yours to others with the expectation of getting praise? You must have lost your mind, huh?"

The girl laughed. Of course, Sylvia is not ugly by any means. In fact, she was a lot more beautiful than this rotten girl in front of her. All the students knew this yet the reason why they didn't say anything is because of this girl's background, and about a certain rumor that said she was the cause that forced the others to move to another school when they become the shield to Sylvia. But of course, no one said anything about it unless they want to experience her unreasonable wrath.

And because of the girl's background, it seemed that she was given leniency for doing things as she pleased. With that being said, the girl also knows not to take things too far as no matter how much her parents spoiled her, there might come a day where they couldn't take care of the problem she had started with. That was what her sane mind told her but when Sylvia appeared in front of her, it vanished from her mind as if nothing was there in the first place. 

Sylvia only looks at her for a few seconds before moving on by stepping to the side and walk away from the scene, completely ignoring the girl as if she was just like the air in the surrounding. Obviously, such acts infuriated the girl so much that her face turned as red as tomato before storming straight toward Sylvia, wanting to teach the latter a lesson for ignoring her. But even after she increased her walking pace to the point she started running, she still couldn't catch up to Sylvia. In fact, it seemed that her figure is getting smaller and smaller, the distance between them is getting further from each other.

"W-wait! Ha... ha.."

Ignoring the cries behind her, Sylvia walks forward at a pace that would make an athletic ashamed of themselves without looking back at the conceited girl. Anyone who had passed by her would look at her filled with confusion and awe on their face as she was walking leisurely yet the pace was fast enough to bring any of them to exhaustion. If one looked closer, they wouldn't be able to see her legs clearly due to it being blurry. 

Because she knew that girl would bring trouble with her, Sylvia didn't want to give the girl a chance to do so and chose to run away whenever she saw her, including in the future. Maybe she should tell Sheila about this girl? She would like to know what sort of things did the latter do to make the bullies feared her to the point that they would run away whenever they caught her in the corner of their view. 

When she was sure that girl was long gone, Sylvia heaved a sigh.

"Should I be relieved that there's still girl out there trying to make trouble for me?"

She shook her head and slides the door open before entering the noisy classroom. Everyone immediately stares at her the moment she walks in before looking away and chatting to each other in a whispering tone. Because of the bullies' action in the past days, there had been a new rumor caused the others to look at her in a different view. Though it doesn't change the fact that no one went to talk to her, at least none of them would go out of their way to make trouble which gives her the peace that she so desired in the past. She was thankful that the girl with a special background was not in the same class as her.

Ring Ring Ring!

With the bell ringing through the whole school, that marks the end of the class as all students immediately put their stuff back into their bag before running out of their classroom as if their life was on the line, toward the exit with a smile on their face. Finally, the torture is no more for today, or so most of them thought as such. But among them, there was a single figure that stood out with her beautiful silver-white hair. Usually, she would have taken her time to slowly walk out of the school but at the moment, it seemed that she was running away from something as one could see from her look alone and the fact that from a distance, there's a female student with a haughty attitude chasing after her while cursing under her breath.

It was none other than Sylvia and the same girl who was blocking her way a while back when the former was about to head to her classroom. Sylvia didn't expect the girl to wait for her at the hallways as the moment she caught her in the corner of her view, she immediately ran off with the latter chasing after her. 

When the students saw such an event happening in front of them, they didn't say anything and only look at the girl chasing after Sylvia with a pity look on their face while having one but a single thought, poor her, she didn't even realize who she was messing with. That cruel monster would definitely teach her a lesson sooner or later since 'it' didn't care whether the girl has a special background or not. She would suffer the same fate in the end—no, she more likely would suffer much worst fate than we did. Well, served her right. No one likes her anyway.

"The girl is really persistent. Thankfully I have the skill so once I found a corner, I went over and immediately used it."

Sylvia softly muttered to herself while looking at the girl fuming in anger as her bullying target had suddenly disappeared after she went into the corner. Sylvia had thought of pranking the girl, but seeing the latter reaction to her disappearance was already enough for her to sleep peacefully tonight. That should be enough of the distraction, time to go back to the main topic. 

After leaving the school's premises, Sylvia didn't head home and instead went into the Trial Tower for a moment to change for a more suitable outfit. She had already prepared enough clothes for her inside her inventory, so it didn't take that much time before she returns and head toward the location she had memorized yesterday. This time she didn't wear a black getup like what one would expect from a ninja, but instead wore a comfortable outfit that one normally does in this hot, summer season. She was never a ninja, after all.

Fifteen minutes later, it seemed she arrived right on time as her target had just stepped out of his door with a normal outfit rather than a suit that he wore previously for work. Sylvia couldn't help but raise her expectation and thought, is he finally going to visit the base? with that thought in mind, she jumped off from her previous location to another rooftop, following her target walking away from his house. Even though she knew that she might be wrong, she didn't expect her expectations to become true. 

Her target didn't look any suspicious yet it was the bracelet that alerted her of the surrounding when they arrived at a certain location as the man stood in front of a building. After looking around for a short while, the man was finally relieved and enter the building with a smile on his face. Sylvia didn't follow him this time since the bracelet had warned her of many presences inside the building, especially the dangerous ones. She only took note of the building and the address before quickly took off before they could sense her presence. Sylvia didn't know why but the moment she stepped close to the building, it felt like she had entered a whole new world yet her surroundings didn't change at all.

It was a very strange experience, very much different than when her first time entering the Trial Tower. Nonetheless, there was a bit of déjà vu there yet she couldn't tell whether it was right. Since she couldn't understand it much, she decided to ask about it to Sheila in hopes the latter could tell her something about it.

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