The World seems Realistic but Why do I have a Leveling System?

Chapter 209 - Hope And Despair

"Of course it is. You're lucky that you didn't came across a monster when you previously entered, perhaps you won't be here if that happens." Sheila spoke in response to Luke's question.

"Was it a powerful monster?"

"Nah, it's just slime. But for someone at your caliber, even the weakest monster, slime, have a very high chance of killing you. Plus, you don't even have any weapon with you."

While Luke became silent due to the disappointment that he couldn't even beat slime, the famous monster in many roleplay games, Sheila secretly pulled her phone out of her pocket, and look at the time on the lockscreen before stuffing it back into her pocket once she knew she still had time for what she was about to do now.

To gain his full trust, she needs to shows him a bit of her power. To be more precise, she wanted to show him that she could definitely achieve the impossibility of going against death, that is revival. Judging by his current state, he would definitely make a mistake, sooner or later.

She finds it wasteful at first, thinking that wasting a precious item just to gain someone's trust isn't worth the price, however, if she starts to look at it in a different light, and that she's putting an investment on him, she feels a little better at such thoughts. She can just make him paid her back later with interest.


Luke weren't just surprise at her sudden shout, but also at the appearance of a big silver-ash wolf right next to her. It just appeared out of nowhere! If he was intently staring at her before, he would have noticed that the wolf actually came out of her shadow.

"Can you guard the door for a bit? Let me know ahead if you feel a presence closing by, okay?"

Raksha bark in response to her before running off, faithfully standing guard at the closed door with its furry ears raised in vigilance.

"Where did that wolf came from?"

"Don't worry about the small details. Anyway, tell me the truth, although you decided to follow me, you don't have that many trust in me, right?"


"That's quick, however, I like that honest attitude of yours. I'm sure you have many questions in your mind, especially the revival of your friends."

Upon mentioning his friends, she noticed Luke's body subconsciously flinched in response to it.

"You do believe I have some powerful ability that most people could never dream of, yet at the same time, you're also doubtful if I can actual revive dead people, am I right?"

Luke silently nodded his head.

"It didn't take a genius to guess something as simple as that. After all, resurrection is known as taboo and impossible to realize. If one suddenly announced that they can revive dead people in public, I'm sure he would either get beaten up by people, or have a good time in jail."

Sheila paused for a moment to take a breather before continuing.

"Which was why, I'm going to show you that I do have the capability to do the exact impossible, and make you witness it with your own two eyes." Without any further explanation, Luke were then surprise when a bloodied corpse magically appeared on the floor next to her. Since she could only bring the item from her inventory outside by the use of her smartphone when she was outside the Trial Tower, Sheila was forced to hide such a fact by using the illusion from the formation on herself.

Since the time is frozen when it is stored inside her inventory, Sheila could pulled out any corpse she had and revive them on the spot. Though she never has this intention of stocking on corpses, she isn't a pyschopath after all, she's still glad that they are being useful to her for this very moment.

Among the three corpses she had, which is in order of Rodrick, Nyoka, and Ivan, Sheila decided to pick the first one since he's the only one whom she can handle without a fear of him trying to escape.

"For your information, this guy here was also in the same group as the one whom murdered your friends."


"How about you try touching it, you know, just to be sure that it's a real corpse, not someone who were unconscious or sleeping." Rather than answering the cause for his confusion, she told him to verify the corpse, just in case he might thought she were going to trick him.

Since this involved his friends, Luke have to verify despite feeling like he was going to puke at the sight of the corpse. By putting his finger below the nose, he was sure the latter isn't breathing even after a few minutes passed. But just to be sure, he checks the pulse, and only then did he believe it is a real corpse.

Once his inspection is done, Sheila told him to steps aside since it is time for her to unleash the magic of revival.

At one quick breathe, Luke watch in astonishment as the moment she drop the liquid in the vial in the corpse's wide opened mouth, the whole body suddenly shines so bright that he had to look away or it will hurts his eyes.

When he turned back, look and behold, the corpse which previously came as someone who was tortured to death, now looks perfectly fine. If he were to look even closer, he noticed the belly going up and down, a sign of the latter breathing for oxygen.

"As you can see, with just a drop of this magical medicine I have in my hand, I can revive literally anyone."

Of course she didn't tell him the obvious weakness that it required to be consume within thirty minutes, or it won't work. Looking at the dumbfounded expression on his face, she chuckled and thought, 'He must be pretty shock, which is obvious given he had just watched someone coming back to life. I would be the same if not for the fact that the first person I revived is my childhood friend.'

Once she was sure that Luke got his clarity, she immediately burn Rodrick alive with fire magic, making him sleep for eternity 'peacefully'. The latter couldn't even voice any resentment before he was turned into ashes in the blink of an eye at the quick work of her fire.

"And just to let you know, if you ever betray me, I won't hesitate to kill you in the most gruesome way possible. I really hates betrayal, keep that in mind until then."

Just by looking at his face turning pale and eyes filled with fright is enough for her to be relieved, at least for now. Since she had shown him the hopes of his wish, she also needs to show him despair of what would happened if he decided to go against her. Just because she feel sympathy toward Luke's tragedy of losing his friends as, in a way, she knows exactly how it felt, but it doesn't mean she will show him mercy if that happens.

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