The World seems Realistic but Why do I have a Leveling System?

Chapter 60 - Speechless

"Cough, damn it!"

Sheila vomits a mouthful of blood before wiping it with her hands while cursing at herself for letting down her guard again. She had been so used to fighting the goblins that her guard naturally went down until now, she didn't even realise it until she experienced it today. The pain that she suffers from her stomach really woke her up from the reality that one shouldn't look down on other even when one had already experienced fighting against them. 

『 Sheila LV.16 』

『  HP: 100/115  MP: 200/200

GOLD: 530

  —STR: 25 —INT: 40

  —AGI: 21 —VIT: 23

  —LUCK: 10(+2) AP: 10   』

She actually loses fifteen health points from that blow. Is this really goblin? She was shocked that her health went down more than she had anticipated. The last time she was hit by a goblin only amount to -3 or -5 health points, that was why she found it unbelievable at the moment. She didn't know how the goblin in front of her could blow her with such force, and the only way to find out is by defeating it. With that in mind, Sheila conjured a fireball and sent it to the goblin before rushing to it while brandishing her sword, ready to be swing.

As she had expected, the goblin avoid the fireball agilely to the side but can it defend against the sword that has already swing straight at it after it dodges the fireball?


The sounds of her sword cutting the air resound to the whole surrounding, but that stopped when the goblin managed to deflect her attack right on time before pulling back. But Sheila didn't let the chance slip as she immediately conjures fire arrow. Because it was in the close range, the goblin couldn't completely dodge it. 


The goblin shrieks painfully when the fire arrow embeds into its body. Sheila immediately swings her sword at it, promptly cut one of its hand, the one that was holding onto the club. To be honest, she was pondering on how in the world that a wooden club(she assumed) is deflecting her iron sword. What is it made of? That was why she cut the hand holding onto it before picking up the club on the ground while the goblin was moaning in pain at the side. She wanted to see if it's possible to view the club information. But nothing pops up in front of her when she holds it.

"Was it because it's not a dropped item from dead monster since the goblin is still currently alive?"

While she was having such thoughts, she didn't completely disregard the goblin at the side and her surrounding. Once she is sure that there's no way to find out the information about the club, she went to the goblin and beheaded it, ending the goblin from the suffering. 

Although it appears strong at in first glance, that was merely due to Sheila letting her guard down. At the end of it, She was still stronger than it, which was why she could overpower it. The goblin couldn't fight back since one of its hand was cut off, and the weapon was in the hands of the enemy; it could only accept the upcoming demise.

『 You have killed the Elite Goblin Lv.10! 』

"So that was it."

It was an Elite monster. The overall strength of such monster will usually be double than their normal ones. Sheila didn't expect to see such a monster in the Trial Tower and was more inclined to seeing new monster instead. Regardless that was merely her wishful thought. Perhaps, she might see more of goblin variant in this floor. As the dead goblin shattered into the glittering light, she looked toward the spot where she left the weapon and saw that it followed right after and disappeared into nothingness. Sheila shrugged her shoulders before picking up the gold that was dropped from it. 

『 Sheila LV.16 』

『  HP: 100/115  MP: 200/200

GOLD: 600

  —STR: 25 —INT: 40

  —AGI: 21 —VIT: 23

  —LUCK: 10(+2) AP: 10   』

"That's quite a lot of gold for a goblin. Ah well, it is still an elite monster, nonetheless."

If the first monster she met is an Elite monster, does it mean somewhere deep inside the cave, there will be a lot more powerful monster? Her heart started beating rapidly as she imagined herself fighting stronger opponents. Although it sounds idiotic, she prefers fighting a stronger opponent. But of course, she is no way in hell a suicider. It's never her wish to die in this place, after all. 

By fighting a stronger opponent, one could grow even stronger once one survived against those. By fighting an opponent that is weaker than you will only make your sharp claw gets duller. It is hard and sort of suicide to think of such thing, but that's how she has to live from now on, just for the sake of protecting those who she loves and cares for. She could heal herself with potion too, so that is another reason why, and no, she is no masochist. She still hates the pain that comes with it.

Sheila has a lot of time before Sylvia's school ends. She decides to clear this floor as long as her opponent is beatable with her current strength. But before that, let's distribute the stats.

『 Sheila LV.16 』

『  HP: 105/125  MP: 200/225

GOLD: 600

  —STR: 28 —INT: 45

  —AGI: 21 —VIT: 25

  —LUCK: 10(+2) AP: 0   』

Sheila nodded her head at the updated stats. She didn't know how to distribute the AP back then and only focus on her desire at the moment but now, she sort of know where to distribute her point. Intelligence>Strength>Vitality>Agility, That's the choice that she will go with. With that done, Sheila hides her figure into the endless darkness within the cave. She should use this to her advantage since the goblins so far didn't carry any torch or any light source with them. 

As she moved within the shadow, she feels very at ease as if it was her real home. It couldn't be helped since she didnt feel any threat that could potentially hurt her with her current state. If anything, she could sneak attack them instead. 



Once she passed a certain distance, she came across two goblins talking animatedly to each other like a sibling. That is her assuming based on their outer appearance; if she could understand what they talk about, she won't have thought they were sibling, but it didn't matter since they would be dead anyway.

"Guga!"(I wanted to fxck so bad!)

"Gugagu."(Stop saying that, it's making me feel excited too.)

It's a good thing that Sheila didn't understand their word. Silently, Sheila creeps in closer to the two before beheading them both with a single swing of her sharp sword. 

『 You have killed the Elite Goblin Lv.11! 』

『 You have killed the Elite Goblin Lv.10! 』

Somehow, she feels like it was way easier doing it like this instead of fighting head-on. Because they didn't notice her presence until she makes a move, they couldn't defend against her attack at all. If I use my full power, doesn't it mean it will go up to triple more? Am I already that powerful? It feels unbelievable to her since her level is still low, so she thought her strength is not yet that far ahead. But it is good; the result makes her happy that her hard work is not in vain. 

Onto the next victim, it was a group of three goblins; there were staying apart from each other on a certain distance, close enough to give a hand in case one of them were attacked. Of course, she beheaded them all, although she was noticed in the middle of the battle, it wasn't much since it was just one goblin left. After slaying them, she moved and dive further into the cave. The closer she is to the end, the more a warning signal she get from her sixth sense. 

It has been a while since her sixth sense alarmed her of the danger ahead. She could tell that the danger level is more frightening than the previous floor boss, Goblin Shaman. But the current her is way stronger than that; she could still shrug off the intimidation coming from the deep end cave. Yet she was still unsure whether she could beat it or not, it was clearly a boss's intimidation. No way in hell it's coming from the normal mob.

As she dives further, Sheila move cautiously and slowly, not because she was afraid of the mob but because she didn't want to get sneak attack by a boss. You never know, it's better being careful and cautious. But she didn't find anything on the way; it was not until she came across a huge open space with a torch on the side of the wall. 

" this?"

Sheila was speechless by the scene in front of her. A green creature with a small crown on its head could be seen sitting on the throne, and each of its sides was two goblin fighters, overall four goblin fighters protecting it. Below, she could see two Goblin Shamans, and a considerable amount of normal goblins could be seen scattered around the place. It was—

"Goblin Army—no, Goblin King and its army."

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