The World seems Realistic but Why do I have a Leveling System?

Chapter 73 - The Church

"What? What do you mean by that?"

"It's true! I'm not lying; I can feel it even now when I used detection skill."

", why would your father has that kind of aura then?"

"That's what I'd like to know. But just maybe.."

"But what?"

"Maybe my father has got the aura is due to living in an area where the mana there is very thick."

"And how did you come to such a conclusion? Are you sure your father is not from some secret organisation that deals with the supernatural?"

"As I become even stronger, my sixth sense also improved. My intuition probably did also, which was how I could come to such a precise conclusion. As for your second questions, I don't know. I would prefer the former since it would break my heart if the truth is the latter."

"Mhm. Do you know that your family is actually quite prestigious?"

"What's with the sudden change of topic? But yes, I know that my mom and dad are pretty famous."

"That's not what I meant."

Ria shakes her head at the clueless Sheila before she opened her mouth to speak. 

"Even your grandparent is also pretty famous in their way, right?"

"Or so I was told. I..I didn't know much about them since when I was born, they have already left the world."

"And then, I also heard from your mother once that your ancestor is also a great and formidable person."

"...what's all this got to do with the topic we're talking about?"

"Well, hear me out. I have this so-called theory that caused me to feel that it's normal for your father to be special or sort." 

Ria said while shrugging her shoulders in response. 

"What is it?"

Ria didn't say anything and took a moment to take a deep breath before she opened her mouth and mutter.

"Don't you think your family tree is pretty weird?"

"Excuse me? Ria, do you know what you're saying now is pretty rude? My hand was about to move on instinct if I didn't know any better but to hold it back."

"Calm down for a second; I haven't finished yet."

Sheila pouted and kept her silence, urging Ria to say her piece. 

"Don't you find it strange that your family bloodline seems to be very good as most of them have accomplished an amazing fit. Just look at your parent and grandparent examples."

"Indeed, what you are saying does seem plausible. But what about is strange about it?"

"Sigh, you are really idio—clueless."

"were you about to say I'm an idiot?"

Ria completely ignoring the glare she received from Sheila as she continued and said. 

"In short, your family's bloodline is special. I mean even if your parent is just average, your family would still be one that deserves respect from the other influential family."

"Huh, no wonder why when I met those people from another family on one of my birthdays, they keep on trying to talk to me. I thought they saw how pretty I am and decide to pursue me, guess not."

"yes and no. If you know how pretty you are, then how could someone from an influential family didn't notice you? They have multiple reasons when they decide to talk to you but let's not go there. Anyways, I think your father probably inherited some gene that potentially makes him grow stronger by simply living in the surrounding where mana is the thickest. Do you understand now?"

Sheila pouted at Ria's last remark. 

"I'm not that stupid, okay? Then is it possible that I have got this system also due to.."

"There's a possibility for that."

Sheila pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes while deep in thought. Another small dot connected inside her mind thanks to Ria's theory yet it wasn't complete, and so she put it aside before pulling herself back to reality. 

Looking at Ria's serious expression, Sheila let out a stressed sigh before falling on her back onto the bed. Her brain feels like it has gotten so heated from overworking due to all the brainstorming that she comes up with, which was why she rolled around her bed without any disregard. Her brain needs a rest!

Looking at Sheila's antic, Ria smiled helplessly before shaking her head at the scene. 


Meanwhile, somewhere abroad in a private room of a secluded location... 

"I have heard that your mission is dangerous, but thankfully the God listens to my prayers. Che Dio vi benedica!"

"Mhm. It's not actually hard as the rumor said. But this time I encounter a problem."

"Oh, Veramente? What really happen for you to include it in our talk?"

"It's not a problem per se; rather, it's something troublesome."

"Vai avanti. I will do my best to offer any help for anything but God's favor."

The girl grimace every time the person in front of her mentioned about God. She's an atheist, but she is not so rude as to tell the girl to stop, knowing that was who the person really is. Even though she was quite close to the person sat in front of her, she couldn't ignore the fact that her mother once told her to be careful around them. The rumors said that they believe in a mysterious Unknown God. 

The Church background dates back in the days; it was the time when her ancestor followed that person's shadow. Just like her family, they were a force that known the truth that happened in the past. And once even could be considered as an ally, but not until that single day that changed everything. Even now, her family and The Church still didn't stop their little conflict. If it were not for that, she would not have got a private room from a secluded location.

"Well, actually.."

The girl slowly summarises what she experienced when she had gone to M District for her mission only to found out that it has already been settled by an unknown means or possibly a third party. While she was summarising, she didn't overlook the expression of the person in front of her. But to her surprise, the person didn't show any reaction that she had expected. 

"Is that so, hmm. It seems that the wheel of fate has started to move once again. Non la pensi così, Angelica?"

Angelica, the red-haired girl, shook her head at the latter remark. After all, she believes that the fate of a person is in their own hands. No one controls their fate, other than themselves. If there were someone else in this room with the same background as the person in front of her, they would have deemed her as a heretic and attack her without thinking of the consequence. But She just smiled at Angelica, bearing no ill will within the smile but instead it was filled with a pureness that one would see from an innocent girl. 

Both of them were enjoying each their company while they talk about the random things that they found funny before giggling like two ordinary girls. If one hadn't known better, they would have thought the two were close friend spending their free time together, like any other ordinary girl. But not one of them can be considered as 'ordinary' in the eyes of a mortal. 

Although the red-haired girl, Angelica's appearance seems ordinary aside from her beautiful look and figure, she also has a special aura surrounding her, which can't be seen by the naked eyes of ordinary people. Only people from the same circle will know that she is different from a mortal. 

In front of her sat a blonde hair girl equipping rare clothes that would make any person take a second glance at her whenever their eyes fall upon her. It was a Nun Outfit. The only person who wore such clothes is usually Sister in the Church or another extreme case, a cosplayer. But from the special aura enveloped the blonde girl, there is no way that she can be considered any such examples. 

I understand that the outfit is because she is from The Church, but to still be wearing such an outfit when we are eating in a private room of a hotel is a bit... Angelica couldn't help but think of this in her mind. But when her gaze arrives at one single object behind the blond, she immediately looked away. There were rumors that said whoever gaze at the object for a long time; they would be 'blessed' by God. 

To those from The Church, they were happy to know that such rumors about their holy weapon were spreading to the world. But to those who know the frightening power reside within the object, it was an item—artefact worth of their fear. Even Angelica also considered the huge cross-shaped artefact behind the blond as a dangerous weapon. And that dangerous weapon is currently floating in the air around the blond as if protecting her from something.

The artefact is called—

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