The World Serpent

Chapter 15 - 15-Night Hunt

As the Nightfall Began, The Pale Crescent Moon ascended to the Sky. The Beautiful Night Sky revealed itself and was full of Dotted Bright Stars. The Pale Crescent Moon shone its bright light on the World. The Moonlight brought a comforting beauty to the graphite night. The Dark Sky was gorgeous and calm. The Noctis and Luna finally revealed themselves after the Golden Sun descended to the Horizons.

The Cold Gentle Breeze passed through the Heavens and the Earth. The Dark Fluffy Clouds and The White Mist were with them. These two things sometimes covered the Creations or the Whole World Darkness. But such an event was rare, or only it encompasses one Area of the World.

In a Forest, someplace in the Large World. The Forest got covered in Darkness, but fortunately, the moonlight shone its brightness on the Forest. With the Nightfall starting, It was time for the Nocturnal Creatures to rise in the Darkness. It was time for them to roam the World after they slumbered in daylight.

Within the Forest, There was a Half Meter White Snake. It was holding onto the branch and was observing the Whole Forest. The Snake couldn't see anything other than those that got illuminated from the Moonlight. It looked around the Forest while holding onto a Tree Branch. It was trying to see the Whole Forest in Darkness.

The Dark Forest was full of noise coming from the Nocturnal Creatures. Some were Screeching, Some were Humming, Some were Screaming, Some were Chirping, and Some were like Children Screaming in the Night. The Whole Dark Forest was strange and full of creatures that could produce strange sounds.

'The Forest is really intriguing... I didn't know this was how it acts during Nightfall.' Persia thought to herself while looking around the Forest. She was holding onto a Tree Branch as she didn't want to fall. Persia was surprised to see the Dark Forest. It was completely different from its Daylight counterpart. It looked like a new word just appeared in front of Persia.

There was no reason for Persia to looked around as her Vision wasn't good during the Night. But some places in the Forest got illuminated by the Moonlight. She could clearly observe them while holding onto the Tree Branch. It was really an interesting time for her to take a stroll.

'To think that the Night caused me nightmares.' Persia sighed to herself. She got hunted down by a Predator during Nightfall. It was scary for Persia, although she had high resistance against fear. The Fear of Death was hard to resist. She almost died due to the Darkness of the Night. She almost resented it, but Persia knew that no one could control the ways of nature. But there will be a time where she could.

'Hmm...' Persia looked upward towards the Starry Night Sky. The Dotted Bright Stars was like Diamonds waiting to get taken. But she knew it was technically impossible as each star was Bigger than the World. But Persia still wondered about the feeling of owning everything in the Cosmos.

'I should stop nightdreaming.' Persia shook her head with a smile plastered on her Snake face. It was better to stop dreaming about things that were not possible. There will be a time, but it will not be in her lifetime. Before trying to dream about impossible things, She should take care of her current situation.

'Now what do I do during the Nightfall.' Persia thought to herself as she looked around the Dark Forest again. The Whole Dark Forest was full of Mist. It wasn't easy to traverse during the night as vibrations were rare. Persia already had a plan on how to use her time during Nightfall.

'I should start hunting. I heard that there are some small nocturnal creatures in the forest.' Persia thought to herself. Persia learned many things in her Past life. Although she was not knowledgeable about everything, She could begin to test everything confusing.

'Let's use my Infrared Vision. Although I couldn't see everything, I could detect Creatures around me.' Persia nodded to herself. She activated the Skill, and her Vision slowly changed into the Infrared Spectrum. She looked around the Infrared World and can finally see if there were creatures near her. Although the Infrared World was still blurry. It was still better than in Full Darkness.

'Let's start my Night Hunt.' Persia thought with a smirk plastered on her snake face. It was her first time roaming the Forest during the Nightfall. She wanted to traverse the Forest and find strange creatures. It was dangerous but escaping was still an option that she could easily do.

With this in mind. Persia began moving her body and slithered out of the Branch. She slithered down from the Tree and arrived at the Grass below. She was adapting well to Wallcrawling and Using Trees as watchtowers. She could never imagine doing things like this when she was a human, Especially when she was always stuck in a hospital.

As Persia entered the Grass. She continued slithering, and her speed slowly got faster. She was planning to hunt, so it was better for Persia to rely on her speed and ambushes. Persia's speed was gaining momentum, and although her intelligence was not high. She could use her Accelerated Thought Process to react fast enough.

'A Stream?' While slithering through the Dark Forest. Persia noticed something strange. It was a Stream of Water heading downhill. It was the First time Persia managed to see a Body of Water. She didn't need water to live, and the creatures in the forest clearly need water. She was curious about where they get their waters as it would be a good hunting ground.

'Should I follow it?' Persia thought to herself. She might get to see the small creatures she was looking for in the Dark Forest. She thought about it within her mind. The Pros and Cons of following a Stream. She could find Big Creatures and Predators, but She could also find Prey within it. And just like before, There was the option of escaping.

'*Sigh* Since there is nothing I could do other than to roam around the Forest. I'll take my time and follow the Stream.' Persia thought to herself. She slithered with the Stream at Full speed. The Water that passed through the Stream was not that much. But there was a part of the Stream that gave Persia a surprise.

'Small Creatures.' Persia thought to herself while observing the Creatures in the distance. Persia found herself at the edge of the ledge. Below the Ledge was a pond, and right next to the pond was the Creatures. The Creatures in the distance reminded of Persia on a Creatures she recently ate.

'Smal Frogs in large numbers. Ain't this my lucky day...' Persia thought to herself while observing the Small Frogs in the distance. She found a group of Small Frogs right next to the Stream. They were the Small Frogs that Persia always ate, and they were currently gathering in groups.

'Are they preparing for a revolution against the Tyranny of an Evil Serpent?' Persia had some wild imaginations in her small brain. She may not be wrong, but she was ultimately far from the right. She was not the only creature that was hunting them for food. Most creatures in the Forest hunted them for food.

'Aren't Frogs active during the night? Will they move their body erratically? Or Will they stay in their place?' Persia had many thoughts about Frogs in her mind. They were the Perfect Creatures that considered themselves as Persia's prey. She could even find Frogs roaming in the Forest.

'What do I do?' Persia looked like a Predator with a Cold Snake Eyes staring at her Prey. Her body was hiding within the Grass of the Ledge. She was not easily found, especially with her current Stealth attribute. The Current Numbers of Frogs were approximately 20. It was a little bit of a surprise to see a large group with 20 members.

'Should I hunt them? Persia thought to herself. She was still cautious enough to avoid situations that were too safe. It was also during Nightfall. If her Organ gets injured, she might as well be blind. When she got blind... She almost died. She would lose her ability to see the World in an Infrared Spectrum.

Persia just observed the Group of Frogs. She was trying to detect any near vibrations in the Pond. She couldn't find any vibrations other than the Group of Frogs. She also flicked her snake tongue multiple times to check the scents in the air. All of it concluded that she could hunt the frogs with no external problems.

'I'll kill them.' Persia to herself. Her head rose from the ground and stared at the Frogs with a Cold expression plastered on her face. She then left the Ledge and slithered towards the pond. Passing through Bushes and Trees on her way. She finally reached the bottom of the Ledge.

Persia was an Irregular Snake or Irregular Creature. She somehow defied the natural law of attribute conversion. She can be Big and Fast. She could be Agile and Strong. She could be Agile, Strong, and Intelligence. That was how broken Persia was. She was different from normal creatures.

Persia slithered towards the Pond at a fast speed. She was an Agile Snake as she easily avoided the trees and rocks in her way. Persia had great control of her body. She could move them in strange positions. Persia was getting nearer from the Pond, and the only thing that separated them was a Bush.

Persia charged through the Bush at a great speed. She quickly passed through it and met with the Pond she was trying to go. She met the first frog after passing through the Bush. Persia activated her Accelerated Thought Process and began her Attack against the Group of Frogs.

'Be my Food.' Persia thought to herself as she opened her mouth. She then swallowed the Frog and ate it. The Group of Frogs got shocked at the Ambush of Persia. They quickly began their escape and jumped in multiple directions. Persia didn't stop moving and slithered through the group.

She opened her mouth for the second time and swallowed the second frog. Persia was merciless, and after eating the second group, she slithered towards the Third. The Frogs didn't have enough speed and reaction to escape the Serpent's bite.

Persia quickly swallowed the Third Frog and slithered to the Fourth Frog. They were unlucky to be discovered by the snake that would Quickly eat them without any thought. After swallowing the Fourth Frog, Persia charged towards the Fifth Frog. She opened her mouth big and wide as she immediately swallowed the Frog.

'Don't hide on the bush scum...' Persia thought to herself as she stopped slithering and stared coldly at one of the bushes. The Remaining Frogs successfully escape away from their Predator. Persia, who hunted them, stopped moving and stared at the distance.

'I hate someone watching me while eating... Why don't you get out of that Bush.' Persia didn't know if her thought got heard by her new enemy, but she still had her body movements giving a message towards her enemy. While the Snake stared coldly at the Bush, The Bush rustled, signifying the Movements of some creature.

'I didn't think I'd see you here.' Persia had a smirk plastered on her face while staring at the rustling Bush. Daybreak was still far. There was still time for the battle between the two creatures. It was a grudge that ran deep within Persia's heart. She must regain her honor.

As the Bush rustled. The Creature slowly revealed itself. It had its Dark and White Fur moving in the Cold Breeze of the Night. It was the Predator that hunted Persia and ate her Tail. The Battle of Fate has begun.. It was time for Persia to repay the debt she had gotten from the Predator.

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