The Young Lion

Act 1 Ch 24 Cruelty

Act 1 Ch 24 Cruelty

“Hello lord Baelish, I think we need to have a chat.” Joffrey said with a smile.

Littlefinger had a confused look on his face as Joffrey made his way in front of him. He put a small stool down which he sat on. The torch behind illuminated the black cell allowing him to get a good look at the young king. He was still shackled to the way and well out of reach for the young monarch. 

“I trust you know why you’re here?” Joffrey asked.

“No, your highness.” He said his voice filled with pain from the beating he had received. “Why are you doing this?”

“Are you joking?” He asked with an eyebrow raised at the ridiculous question. “Are you that stupid or just naive?”

“Neither your grace.” He said trying his best to seem sympathetic. “I have been nothing but a faithful servant to you, and your father before you.”

“So stupid it is huh.” He said pinching the bridge of his nose from hearing such nonsense.

Littlefinger looked flabbergasted at the king's words.

“You really think I believe that you are a faithful servant to either me or my father.” He said looking him dead in the eye. “You are nothing more than an ambitious snake hiding among my court.”

“What are you talking about!?” He shouted. “I prevented lord Stark’s treachery, I protected you and your throne! I have served your family for the last twenty years unfailingly!”

“Yeah you did.” He conceded. “But that was only after he refused your idea of backing Renly is it not?” He said rhetorically.

Littlefinger went silent.

“And since you're so proud of your “service” to my father, let's examine it shall we.” He said his voice was turning cold and serious. “ You encouraged my father’s frivolous spending that has nearly bankrupted the realm.”

“I was performing my duties, the master of coin finds the money but the king is the one who spends it.”

“True but you knew just what to say to him to get him to spend as much as possible didn’t you?” He asked rhetorically. “You purposefully weakened the crown financially to secure your place at court. The first step of your rather brilliant plan.”

“What plan is that?”

“Your plan to sit yourself on the iron throne.”

“What? Why would I want such a thing?”

“Oh for your pathetic little dream of one day sitting there with Catelyn Stark as your queen.” He said mockingly. “I mean it's kinda sad you spent your whole life fantasizing about some stupid Tully bitch who didn’t love you back. Not for the first Stark boy you fought and not even for the runner up. Your life is one sad little song, Petyr Baelish.” He said laughing.

Littlefinger's wrists clashed against the chains as he struggled hearing the boy king mocking him and his dreams. Seeing this Joffrey stopped laughing and looked over at the shackled man.

“I have to say your plan was quite brilliant though my lord.” He said giving genuine praise. “First you weaken the crown financially. Then you have that stupid bitch Lysa kill Jon Arryn freeing her up for marriage. Finally you instigate the war of five kings leaving the realm weakened and ripe for the taking. It really was quite a smart plan.”

His mouth hung open agape hearing his words having all his plots seen through left him in complete shock.

“H-how did you?” He stuttered.

“You're not the only one with eyes and ears lord Baelish, but unlike you, my mother, and lord Varys mine reach heights yours could only dream.”

“Personally I always found you and your little dream entertaining, but unfortunately your entertainment value ends today.” He said the air is getting a little colder.

“Your grace I can still be of use to you!” He shouted.

“Oh? How so?”

“Varys, I have information on Lord Varys plans!”

“Oh you mean how he is conspiring to put the Targaryans back on the throne? Yeah I already know about that and I’ll deal with him later. What else have you got?”

Littlefinger continued to be stunned by the spoiled little shits knowledge. He really knew the ins and outs of all their plots. He always assumed he was just a dumb blonde little prick, but now he didn’t know what to believe.

“W-who are you?” He asked, his face veiled with a mix of confusion and fear.

“Today I’m Joffrey Baratheon.” He said, giving a cold ominous smile. “But before who knows.”

Littlefinger was growing more confused and afraid at the creature's words that sat before him. 

“But you are right about one thing, Lord Baelish. I do have one more use for you.” He said, giving him a smirk. “One where I might be inclined to show you mercy.”

His ears perked up hearing the young man’s words.

“What use is that?” He asked as Joffrey got up from his stool and approached him.

“You’re going to help me make an example and if you do I might release you.”

Joffrey then began to explain exactly what he wanted Littlefinger to do. As he went over the details Littlefinger's face went through a variety of changes. From confused, to shocked, to appalled, then finally acceptance.

“By the gods you're mad.” He said flabbergasted.

“Well thank goodness for that otherwise none of my plans would’ve worked up till now.” He said, giving a wolfish smile. “Do we have a deal?”

Littelfinger still looked conflicted but what other choice did he have now. The blonde little shit had seen through all his schemes. His gold cloaks were apparently dead so he had no men loyal to him in the city. Though he still had Lysa Arryn she was all the way in the Vale and would never get to the capital in time.

“Yes, your grace.” He hung his head, submitting to the king’s will. “You’ve beaten me at my own game.”

“Don’t flatter yourself snake, you were never even a player.” He responded before turning his back and opening the cell door. Leaving the snake once again in the darkness with nothing but his destroyed dreams and trampled ambitions to keep him company.

As he made his way past the dark cells he continued to think of the next stage of his plan. One where he would finally rid his city of its parasites and bring his royal court to heel. Thinking back on his lessons he learned from the Prince and of Machiavelli philosophies he knew it was time to use “that”. 

[Littlefinger’s POV]

The next Afternoon Littlefinger was led from his dark cell, his ankles and wrists bound in irons. He was practically dragged by two of the new royal guards to the great Sept of Baelor. He found all of his co-conspirators already there shackled together in a chain gang. From inside the building he could hear the crowd that had gathered for the public spectacle, just as they had done for Lord Stark’s “confession. 

Soon the doors opened and he was led out into the crowd. He found a path formed where the black armored royal guards stood on both sides keeping the crowd at bay. As he limped out led by his captors he wheezed in pain from the “sharp interrogation” he had received the day before. The other corrupt nobles including Janos Slynt were flocked behind him.

As they made their way through the crowd they came upon the same stage before the great Sept. He slowly made his way to the top of the stage and was turned and faced before the crowd, while the others were led to the back. Looking around he found he could see the remaining members of the small council present, the king’s royal guards as well as his royal guards. And Ned Stark as well as his daughters were present as well Ned and Arya were bound in chains, while Sansa stood beside Joffrey at the highest point. The old wolf seemed almost completely healed; he could now walk without the assistance of a cane and the gash on his head had become a scar. 

Littlefinger's breaths were heavy and painful but he ignored the pain and mustered up the strength to speak. He resolved himself to follow Joffrey’s plan for the time being, if he did he would be sent to the wall and get a chance to come up with a new plan. It was better to have a dishonorable retreat rather than an honorable death in his mind. He then turned and addressed the crowd.

“I am Lord Petyr Baelish. Master of coin.” He glances again at Joffrey who’s eyes grew cold telling him to continue. 

“I come here before you to confess my treason in the eyes of gods and men. I betrayed the trust of my king, Joffrey Baratheon and the realm. I swore to serve and protect this city and all its citizens, but I plotted to betray Joffrey and seize the throne for myself.”

The crowd grew furious and shouted once more throwing rotten food and waste at the pink little man.

“With the aid of these men before you I orchestrated the war of five kings, by framing Tyrion Lannister for the attempt on Bran Stark's life. Then when his father came to king’s landing I deceived and used him into believing Joffrey wasn’t the rightful king.”

Ned, Arya, and Sansa looked stunned at Littlefinger’s words while Joffrey just smiled. However the group of corrupt nobles grew furious, sure they planned to oust Joffrey in favor of the meek Renly but they had nothing to do with the war, or the attempt on Bran’s life. They began to struggle to yell and move but their gags prevented any audible words from coming out.

“Let the high septon and Baelor the blessed bear witness to what I have to say, Joffrey is the one true king, and protector of the realm and I ask for forgiveness for both myself and my conspirators for our treason.” He looked like he was ready to vomit blood just saying the words, While Ned Stark looked ready to tear the little man’s throat out if he wasn’t in shackles and held by the guards.

The crowd erupted into chants for death at both Littlefinger, Janos Slynt, and the other twelve nobles. Grand Maester Pycelle then spoke up to the crowd. 

“As we sin so do we suffer this man has confessed his crimes, in sight of gods and men. The gods are just, but beloved Baelor taught us they can also be merciful. What is to be done with this traitor, your grace?” He asked, turning toward the king.

The crowd continued to chant for death as Joffrey moved away from Sansa walking down the steps and addressing the crowd. He raised his hands, quieting them down.

“This man sought my throne, and to destroy the better world I sought to forge. He pitted two great houses against each other, and sought to have a boy of nine slaughtered in his bed.” He said his voice was dripping with venom while Littlefinger started to squirm uncomfortably.

“Now I have been beseeched to show this man mercy and allow him to take the black and live out his days at the wall, as I’ve done for Lord Stark.” 

Littlefinger continued to look defeated and ashamed on the outside but on the inside he was smirking. Now that he had held up his end of the deal, Joffrey would show him leniency and sentence him to the night's watch. Though he had no intentions of making it there, once this little charade was over he would slip some information to one of his agents. Who would then go and tell Lysa Arryn of his predicament, and would come and save him while he is on the king’s road heading north. Once he was back in the Vale with her, he could begin making new plans to seize the iron throne. He continued to smile internally as he looked at the young king who was addressing the crowd.

“But I ask all of you is this man a lord Stark.” The young king said, shocking all present.

The crowd grew quiet looking at each other and murmuring. While the small council and Littlefinger looked confused.

“Has this man saved anyone other than himself? Has he served any interest other than his own selfish ambition? This man is no fallen hero, he is a viper. A viper who’s venom threatens to poison us all. And what my dear citizens do we do with vipers?” He asked with a smile growing on his face.

“Death, Death, Death” they all continued to chant.

“Well the people have spoken” He said as a shocked Littlefinger looked at him.

As he went to protest a guard came up and put a gag in his mouth preventing him from speaking another word. The two guards then seized him by the arms and dragged him to the chopping block. As he was forced to his knees fear consumed his face as his bladder threatened to burst. Joffrey then walked towards him unsheathing his broadsword. As he stood over the pathetic little man he pointed the sword upside down and brought the pommel to his face.

“Lord Petyr Baelish, master of coin here in sight of gods and men, I Joffrey Baratheon first of my name, king of the Andels and first men, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm, sentence you to die.”

As the two royal guards held him forward he turned his face up to look upon his executioner. His eyes filled with tears and his nose running. Joffrey could see it in his eyes, the spineless little man realizing all his plans and future had just come to an end. Seeing his broken spirit before he died Joffrey gave him a smirk as he brought the blade up. He then brought it down swiftly freeing his wretched head from his wretched body. He then reached down and grabbed it by its hair and showed it to the crowd. 

The small council looked shocked by their king’s actions, Sansa was surprised but ultimately happy that Joffrey had brought justice to her family by his own hands. Arya looked surprised as well that the crybaby little shit in the woods had changed so much. While Eddard looked on proudly.

“The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.” He thought. “Maybe he is a Baratheon after all.”

Joffrey then turned his attention to the twelve nobles who conspired against him. They were still in their sleepwear and looked like they had soiled themselves out of fear. He then turned to his royal guard.

“Continue” He said coldly as he walked back to the stage to rejoin Sansa.

While Janos Slynt was being unshackled from the rest and dragged toward the executioner's block kicking and screaming, Joffrey made his way back up the steps. By the time he got to the top he had already lost his head. As he approached Sansa she took out a handkerchief and wiped some of the blood from Littlefinger from his face. He smiled at her actions before turning back at the bloody scene unfolding as the next noble was forced to kneel.

His plan was finally completed and he had properly utilized the power of “cruelty” in accordance with Machiavelli's philosophies. That a great Monarch must utilize fear and cruelty to intimidate their rivals and inspire their subjects. But one can only use it once otherwise they would be viewed as a mad man or tyrant like Aerys Targaryen or Maegor the cruel. 

As he wrote “it is better to kill a hundred men in one day than one man over a hundred days.”

With this move he has cleaned up his city of any major threats to his reign or future plans. Now the men at arms are loyal only to him and the other nobles will be brought to heel with this bloody display. All the while sending the message to the citizens that no one is above the law and inspiring their loyalty.  

“Now all that's left is to deal with the stupid sow and the spider.” He thought as the corrupt nobles continued to lose their heads, all the while the crowd cheered on.

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