The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 28: Troublesome

Chapter 28: Troublesome

For half a second there, Victor felt as if an ethereal black thread was strangling him, He knew something has caused his fate instinct skill to activate, But it was too late, As the car started to roll, but thanks to his heightened attributes he knew what he had to do.

He quickly grabbed the twins, who were frozen in shock, and held them close to his chest.

And the next moment when the car crashed he used his legs to push himself to the opposite side and absorb the shock.

Luckily, the car finally stopped, and although it has been heavily scrapped on the outside, aside from the broken and cracked windows the interior was relatively intact.

But Victor quickly noticed a wisp of smoke coming out from the front panel, so without thinking, he quickly tried to open the door, but it did not budge.

“Sh*t” He knew something was wrong. This was no mere accident, someone was targeting him.

He took a deep breath and used his leg to kick the door with all of his strength, and it broke right away and was sent flying across the highway.

He quickly left the car and moved away while holding the twin.

Looking back he could see that Leo has already squeezed himself out of the car through a broken window and ran to his side. He had blood all over his face and he held his hand to his chest in pain.

But before he could say anything,


The car exploded and sent everyone flying into the air.


Victor opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky above. Despite the ringing in his ears, he could hear the sound of an ambulance’s siren getting near.

He got up and sat down slowly while looking around him.

He was sitting on the dirt on the side of the highway not too far from the burning vehicle.

The twins and Leo were unconscious on the ground next to him. He could see that they were breathing, and other than the bloodied Leo, the others probably had only some light concussions.

He looked at himself and could see that his clothes were ripped, and he had some cuts on his hands and forehead, but nothing serious, he would probably heal in the next two hours due to his inhuman strength and recovery.

But what just happened took him by surprise. A luxury car like this would not fail just like that. And would definitely not explode due to such a minor accident. He felt it the moment of the crash that malicious fate line trying to strangle him. It was intentional. He must question Leo to make sure but he was pretty sure someone tampered with this car. And he had a good idea who that person might be.

A few minutes later, a police car, a firefighter truck, and an ambulance were parked next to the wreckage of the car.

A young policewoman, who had a heroic look, blond hair, and a very tight uniform, approached Victor with the paramedics and stood there watching while her partner a fat middle-aged cop went to check on the exploded car, which was now covered with white foam.

Victor was terrified for the first time since his return when he saw her. He knew this young woman, her name was Lea Smith and she was a major pain in the ass.

She was a very good, dedicated, and commendable police officer. But she tends to get her nose into many things with absolutely no regard to the consequences. She got her police station into many troubles before. But she had a very powerful background, and no one dared to do anything to her. In the end, they decided to put her in the traffic police, where she would not be able to create much trouble.

But he reassured himself, as he did nothing wrong this time. she has nothing against him. But he didn’t want to stay with her for long, as she was like a dog, and could smell trouble a mile away.

The paramedics checked on Him and found that he didn’t suffer anything serious, so they asked him to go for some checks in the hospital later, and the same for the twins who regained consciousness pretty quickly. Apart from some light bruises, they were fine. Although their clothes got a little dirty, it added to their ripped jeans style.

They looked at Victor with a grateful gaze. If he did not grab them and pull them out of the car at the right time, they would have been dead or seriously injured at the very least.

As for poor Leo, apparently, he suffered some broken ribs and a serious concussion and was still unconscious, so the paramedics had to take him to the hospital.

While watching the ambulance take Leo and leave, Victor heard a voice from the back,

“Are you the owner of this car? Name? Occupation?” Lea asked him coldly after seeing that he began to look at her with a perverted look. “He seems fine after having such an accident” she wondered

“No, This is my company’s car. My name is Victor white, A student and a CEO.” He said with a proud voice.

“White? You look similar to him, Do you know a Nick white?” She asked as her voice got a lot colder.

What did that guy do to her, Victor wondered,

“Ah, Yes, He is my stepbrother, But I never met him before.” He said.

“Do you know that your brother is a suspect in a human trafficking case?” she asked him while examining his expression, looking for a sign of him lying.

“No, I told you I never met him, If he is a criminal why don’t you arrest him, officer,” He asked

But she didn’t answer but looked at her partner who returned after examining the car.

“Found anything ?”

“The car would need to go to the lab for testing, there were no explosives, but if someone rigged the engine we won’t be able to tell straight away but…” The cop took a half burnt plastic bag containing some unknown substance. “I found this, It is a new drug on the streets, they call it the tiger's breath. It should be the driver’s as it was in the cloves compartment.”

“Damn You, Leo,” Victor screamed silently. This was a recreational drug, and it was a forbidden substance.

“You three come back with me to the police station. I need your statements.” Lea said.

If he went with her, it would take him a least a few hours to get out. But there will be a problem when questions the twins.

The twins will not reveal any secrets, but they are still too young and inexperienced. And this woman was very nosy. She had something against young masters like him, and she would sniff the scent of any misdemeanor a mile away.

He is sure she would find an excuse to keep him locked up for at least a few days. He could already see that from the glares she was shooting at him. So he has to find a way out.

“Ah, yes officer, can We come by to the station later, this is just a normal accident, and I am feeling very hurt, and I need to go lie down at home ?” he said, not wanting to get the police involved.

“No, there are drugs involved so I would need your statements.” She shot him a gaze then looked at the twins behind him. Her instinct was telling her that this young master was not a good one.

“I assure you, officer, there is no need to, you would never find my fingerprints over those, and it was not my car, to begin with, this is only the second time I have ever been in it. I have an important meeting that I need to attend. And I didn’t commit any crime, you can’t just take me.” he pleaded then he looked at her partner “Sir can you help us here?”

He looked at Lea “He has a point, and we have his address, no need to make things complicated” He said, as he could guess that Victor was an influential figure and he didn’t want to make unnecessary trouble.

“But he is the brother of Nick White, he might know about….” she whispered.

“And you are no longer on that case, didn’t you cause enough trouble” he pleaded to her, she didn’t understand how dangerous this white family was, but he did.

“If you don’t back down and let me take him in I will call my dad and make him fire you” She threatened.

So the cop could only flash victor an apologizing look and back down.

“Now, you have to come with me, I am suspecting that you might have something with drug trafficking, If you don’t come voluntarily I would arrest you.” she turned to Victor and threatened unreasonably. while watching the reaction of the twins behind him.

Victor knew that no matter what he said this crazy chick will take him with her, so he did what every responsible young master does.

“Then, I will have to inform the company that I will be late, I can’t have them wait for me,” He said in a firm voice, making her nod her head as he sounded convincing.

He quickly took his gilded phone, which had a cracked screen but was still functional, and called a number that was given to him by George the previous day.

Lea turned her head as if she didn’t care, but Victor knew that she was listening very closely to what he would say.

“Ah, Hello Uncle.”

“Yes, I am Victor white.”

“Yes, I arrived yesterday,”

“I know, And that is why I am calling, I just had an accident on the highway...”

“No, Everything is fine. It’s just that I was delayed by an unreasonable young police officer. She insisted that I should go to the station with her.”

“Yes, precisely.”


Then he looked at Lea and Handed her phone without forgetting to flash a charming smile.

“It’s for you.” He said.

But Lea did not take the phone but kicked it using her slender legs right out of Victor’s hand into the ground.

“I don’t care who you called, and no matter who they are, or what they said. you must come with me to the station. Now get moving.” she said unreasonably.

He looked at her and smiled. “This idiot will get herself kill someday,” he thought.

“Fine, I am all yours, Miss police officer. But don’t regret it,” he noted.

“I will not, but you will. How dare you threaten a police officer.” she snapped at him.

She picked up his phone from the ground and put it in an evidence bag, then ordered him to follow her to her car, where she asked him to get into the back with the twins, then changed her mind and asked her partner to sit in the back while Victor would sit in front, beside her.

She will interrogate them alone later and find out about all the dirty things he had done. Maybe she would be able to find a piece of incriminating evidence this time and lock this idiot with that snake brother of his for good.

But just as they were about to get into the car, Lea’s phone rang.

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