The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 324: 324 Dead

Chapter 324: Chapter 324 Dead
(Tenth Installment)

During these past few days, Yang Shubao’s mood had not been very good.

He had thought that Yang Yunlin was finally making good use of him, and his status within the Yang Family would improve as a result of Yang Yunlin’s favor.

But unexpectedly, the mission Yang Yunlin gave him to execute had been botched the first time around.

Yang Yunlin wanted to teach Luo Ziling a lesson. After finding out that this wild kid was just a student, he thought it would be easy to teach Luo Ziling a lesson.

Therefore, he did not take it too seriously and simply had people find some thugs near the school, gave them some money, and asked them to find a way to punish Luo Ziling, not caring if he was injured or crippled.

However, what Yang Shubao thought would be an easy task turned out to be a complete mess.

Suddenly, a female military officer appeared on the scene, driving a Hummer, and she started a fight without so much as a word.

After ramming her vehicle into the thug leader’s car, she charged out and beat them all down before being taken away by the police.

Unexpectedly, that violent female military officer turned out to be from a mysterious special forces unit.

Moreover, this female officer was not willing to let the matter rest and personally went to the police station to inquire about the incident.

In the end, how things were settled remained unclear to him, but many of the thugs were still not released.

He just hoped that the thugs wouldn’t implicate him in their confessions.

For this reason, he had changed his phone and other contact information.

Then another depressing and blood-boiling incident occurred.

While Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin were out shopping, Luo Ziling actually experienced an assassination attempt.

He hadn’t orchestrated this affair, and he was unsure if other members of the Yang Family had.

But the police came looking for him, suspecting he was related to the incident.

He was forced to go to the police station for an inquiry and recorded a statement.

Although the police did not trouble him in the end, he still felt uneasy.

Now he knew that Luo Ziling, this wild kid, was not a simple character.

Not to mention anything else, just by looking at this guy’s reaction to the sudden attack of two dagger-wielding assailants, it was clear that Luo Ziling’s reaction ability and combat level were quite impressive.

An assailant stabbed at Luo Ziling from behind, but the knife thrust did not incapacitate Ziling, who instead crippled the attacker. The perpetrator in front also made a move but was still subdued by Ziling and beaten half to death.

From what he had learned of the situation, Yang Shubao concluded that Ziling was an expert more formidable than special forces; he felt utterly embarrassed for having sent a bunch of petty thugs to handle the problem.

What he found incomprehensible was that, during the assassination attempt, Luo Ziling happened to be with the Yang Family’s young mistress, and in the end, it was Qingyin’s personal bodyguard who escorted Ziling out of the police station.

As for the complexity of the situation, Yang Shubao was not very clear.

But one thing he had come to understand was that the young man Yang Yunlin wanted him to deal with had a complicated relationship with the young mistress. It was very likely that they were romantically involved.

The mere thought of this possibility gave him a headache; the task he was helping Yang Yunlin with was indeed quite troublesome.

If Yang Qingyin came looking for trouble, he was truly in trouble.

Who in the Yang Family didn’t know that this beautiful lady, seemingly very gentle, was actually incredibly strong-willed?

If one irritated her, no one ended well.

Yang Shubao prepared to go and talk to Yang Yunlin about the matter, to make everything clear.

Therefore, after being summoned to the police station and recording his statement, he planned to wait for Yang Yunlin.

To avoid complications, he did not bring any attendants with him, driving by himself to the place where Yang Yunlin worked, hoping to follow him home after work and discuss the situation.

His mind preoccupied with the matter at hand, he drove somewhat absent-mindedly and failed to notice the car following behind him.

At the traffic light ahead, the green light had just turned red. Yang Shubao pressed the brakes, slowed the car down, and then stopped before the stop line.

In the afternoon, the streets of Yanjing were much quieter, compounded by a traffic accident that had occurred somewhere along the road.

The accident, not very serious, involved two cars scraping against each other and blocking most of the vehicles behind them.

When Yang Shubao’s car stopped, there were no other vehicles in the lanes next to him.

This situation was actually quite abnormal, as there were plenty of cars on the opposite and adjacent lanes, but Yang Shubao, lost in thought, did not pay it any mind.

A black Toyota behind him indicating a right turn, veered off into another street.

Seconds later, a cement mixer truck rolled out from a construction site nearby.

After entering the city road, the mixer truck immediately picked up speed. It didn’t slow down despite the traffic light ahead, charging forward at a speed of at least fifty or sixty kilometers per hour.

Yang Shubao, pressing the brake at the stop line, oblivious to the abnormality behind him, waited for the light to turn green, deep in thought.

By the time he realized something was wrong, it was too late, and the cement mixer truck, carrying huge momentum, slammed into the rear of his Nissan. He felt his whole body lurch forward along with the car, pinned tightly to the driver’s seat.

In the end, he only felt the entire car collapsing down, pressing his body firmly, and he quickly lost consciousness.

In the moments before losing his life, he felt incredibly frustrated, never expecting to encounter a traffic accident just by waiting at a traffic light.

The cement mixer, after hitting the Nissan at the stop line, continued moving forward for dozens of meters before finally stopping. It also struck the guardrail and a lamppost on the side of the road in the process.

The Nissan was crushed into a metal pancake, with three of its four tires flying far away and one completely shattered.

Blood and oil stains stretched into a long line, creating a shocking scene.

The driver responsible for the accident was stunned after the collision, sitting in the cabin for a while without reacting.

It was only after he heard the distant siren that he snapped back to reality, jumping down from the driver’s seat.

Upon seeing the gruesome scene, he was paralyzed with shock once again.

Eventually, he ran off wildly, dashing towards the nearby construction site and disappearing from sight.

The police arrived at the scene quickly, securing the intersection and putting up the police tape.

After assessing the situation, the officer in charge reported the incident to his superiors. “A cement mixer truck, due to speeding and failing to take the correct braking action, crashed into a Nissan waiting at the traffic light, resulting in the instant death of the Nissan’s driver. The mixer truck’s driver abandoned the vehicle and fled. No brake marks were found at the scene. We suspect it is a severe case of speeding and brake failure leading to a hit-and-run, and we request the assistance of the Criminal Investigation Unit to chase down the fleeing driver.”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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