Theatrical Regression Life

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

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Lee Jaehun himself was aware to some extent that he was receiving the concerns of his companions.

Although he kept forgetting, these guys were all chicks, and the value of life was high in the original world.

Having saved such lives multiple times, Lee Jaehun had the qualification to receive the worries of his companions.

So I intentionally got caught quietly.

Probably, the protagonist, Deputy Jung Inho, would have regressed, and thanks to that, he was in a somewhat mentally unstable state.

To the guy who was worrying about his safety after dying right in front of him, Lee Jaehun couldnt explain his plan.

Well, Lee Jaehuns plan was to use himself as bait.

But no matter how much he thought about it, to get through this evening safely, he needed bait to lure the seaweed monster.

But the taste of bloodworms must have dried up due to the protagonists enthusiasm, and there wasnt enough time to find a new bait.

In that aspect, Lee Jaehun was excellent as bait.

Currently, Im in a state where my blood is flowing vigorously, and originally, the reason the seaweed monster was drawn here was Lee Jaehuns fault. Throughout the evening, the only one who could run away and withstand the seaweed monster while gently luring it was Lee Jaehun.

How efficient is this? If he just holds on until sunrise, no one will die, and once the day breaks, he could prepare anew.

But the protagonist probably wont agree.

He still hasnt abandoned his humanity.

No matter how tasteless Jung Inho might be, Jung Inho is Jung Inho.

I dont know why he ended up being cautious of the underage siblings in the first place, but fundamentally, hes a good guy. Even though hes a bit of an old-fashioned boss, he wouldnt accept sacrificing others.

Of course, Lee Jaehun didnt particularly think of it as a sacrifice, but the protagonists perspective might differ.

Lee Jaehun was gradually getting to know the fresh minds of these chicks.

Well, it is a bit worrisome since I dont know how the protagonist regressed.

Indeed, how did Deputy Jung Inho regress? Like Lee Jaehun, by dying? Or did he find a different method while staying alive?

If it was the latter case, Lee Jaehun, who was also a regressor, could have been in a bit of a bind.

After all, the concept of regression itself involves messing with the timeline. If Deputy Jung Inho regressed while Lee Jaehun was still alive and well, Lee Jaehun didnt know how the current Lee Jaehun in this timeline would be perceived. If Lee Jaehun happened to die during that time, he couldnt predict how things would twist.

But if it was the former case, he could at least breathe a sigh of relief.

At least it requires the premise of dying.

Lee Jaehun, being somewhat insane, rambled about regression, reset, and whatnot, but turning back time through death was something hard to do with a sound mind. Given how crazy Lee Jaehun was, he immediately accepted reality upon regressing, but not everyone could do that. In that context, even if the protagonist, who was only half-sane, faced a life-threatening situation, there was no way Lee Jaehun would resort to suicide.

After all, he wasnt a fool to venture into an adventure when he didnt even know if he could regress again. So, while he might be momentarily out of his mind, once he grasped the situation, the protagonist would seek out the group.

With Lee Jaehun absent, the only one capable of protecting the group now was the protagonist.

Ive even told him what needs to be done in case he cant understand. Shouldnt be a problem.

Deputy Jung Inho is resourceful. Since its too dark to figure out where Lee Jaehun might have been dragged, he wont go searching like an idiot. Probably, out of a sense of duty or confusion, he would go to protect the group.

That was the wisest choice.

So, now there was only one thing he had to do.



Lee Jaehun whipped the creeper trying to pull him with a pipe.

Let go, you damn bastard.

Running around until the sun rises. Luring the seaweed monster with the scent of blood as bait, that was Lee Jaehuns job.

This damn bastard goes crazy at the sight of someone elses blood.

Kii, kiiyaak!

Damn it, let go.

Snap! Thud! Bang!

The toothed creeper was undoubtedly tough, but like the seaweed monster couldnt withstand the strength of the iron lump, it couldnt match the durability of the pipe.

Of course, there were more reasons why Lee Jaehun wouldnt die.

He had acquired most of the combat techniques from his past life and knew how to defeat opponents with even greater strength than himself.

Although he hadnt faced off against this monstrous creeper form before, it was somewhat comforting to think of it as just a creepy hand.

Continuously slamming the pipe like a gangster beating someone up, Lee Jaehun heard the creeper emit a strange scream. Eventually, just before it caught fire and burned, Lee Jaehun forcefully kicked it away, freeing himself from the creeper.

Stepping back quickly, he observed the writhing, carnivorous creeper.

Kwuk, kwoooargh!

Ugh, disgusting.

Deputy Jung Inhos actions may be disgusting, but the origin of these things was downright creepy.

It seemed like a talent to make one feel queasy just by looking at it. Blood trickled down from his injured leg as he stood up, but it was tolerable for now.

After all, the seaweed monster is slow.

The seaweed monster took on the role of the final boss in the park episode due to its tenacity and durability. In other words, as long as you didnt get caught by the slow gestures of the monster, you were safe.

Of course, being the prey, Lee Jaehuns leg was in a sorry state, making it impossible for him to exert much force


Ironically, it was better this way.

Ill play the bait role properly.

With Lee Jaehun being appropriately battered, the seaweed monster that had originally followed him had no reason to look for another prey. The ambiguously clever monster eventually judged Lee Jaehun, with his mangled leg, as an easy prey to follow.

The speed is just right.


Lee Jaehun put strength into his leg and immediately started running. Naturally, his speed wasnt particularly fast; no matter how all-encompassing mental strength was in this world, there were still human limitations. With his body excessively damaged and barely having any proper rest, running at this level was nothing short of a miracle.

Well, in the first place, merely breathing in the otherworld would drain ones mental resilience. Every minute and every second, his head felt dizzy, and traumas surfaced. In a world where mental strength was supposed to be all-powerful, could there be any mental resilience left?

Honestly, even after thinking about it 25 times, or rather 3 more times, Lee Jaehun running like this was nothing short of a miracle. It was akin to running with one leg missing.

This messed-up worldview, this messed-up life. Jaehun genuinely felt unjust and absurd, so he burst into laughter.

I might just die like this.

If only someone would let him take a break.

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To put it plainly, the seaweed monster wasnt as durable as Lee Jaehun initially thought.

Of course, this was solely Lee Jaehuns perspective; for others, there wouldnt be a monster tougher than this.

Nevertheless, Lee Jaehun didnt consider the seaweed monster to be all that sturdy.

Well, it was just the very beginning of the novel.

If the author didnt intend to kill off the protagonist right at the start, they had to set an opponent at a level that suited that, which meant a monster that allowed Deputy Jung Inho, still possessing enough humanity but lacking survival skills, to survive.

Moreover, from Lee Jaehuns perspective, who knew how the novel would progress, the current situation could only be deemed amusing.

How many crazy monsters are running amok in this otherworld?

Thud, Lee Jaehun stomped on the creeper trying to entangle his foot and continued running.

As far as Lee Jaehun, who had read the novel, knew, there was practically one monster that smashed pots per episode.

At the company, spider legs shedding blood killed Team Leader Kang, etching the horror of the otherworld, and now the seaweed monster gruesomely devoured other surviving employees in the darkness.

Considering that the final boss-like monsters became more vicious as the episodes progressed, the seaweed monster, aside from its creepy and bizarre appearance, was quite docile, not inflicting much psychological impact.

Perhaps, once they left the park and entered the hospital episode, these monsters would seem rather cute.

Moreover, the seaweed monster didnt hunt humans unless it caught the scent of blood.

Its speed was at most comparable to an adult male walking, and its durability was at least weaker than iron lumps.

Although it looked heavy like a bear, it was surprisingly light; gathering large stones and hanging them could make it sink in a lake.

Of course, with the current state of Lee Jaehun and the others, there was no disaster they couldnt handle. But, yeah.

If Lee Jaehun were in perfect condition, although they couldnt kill it, they might have been able to make it fall into the lake.

Thanks to that, a sense of injustice surged again

Ugh, seriously!


Lee Jaehun swung the bundled pipe, striking the approaching mass of creepers.

The creatures, their size inflated as if entangled by snakes or worms, became a sufficient visual threat. The sound of them bursting out all at once was equally grotesque.

Despite the sudden annoyance, Lee Jaehun made an effort not to lose his composure.

The distance from the seaweed monster is roughly about 20 meters.

Lee Jaehun naturally had good hearing and vision, and recalling his past lives made his senses even more acute. He could roughly gauge how far he had been dragged by the creeper.

Even though darkness shrouded everything, the seaweed monster couldnt overcome its anger or, due to judgment errors, had ignited the creeper several times. The fire spread widely, creating light sources scattered around. Thanks to this, Lee Jaehun could discern where the seaweed monster chasing him was.

Visible to the eye and audible to the ear.

The location was southwest, to be precise, close to the 8 oclock direction if you imagined it on a clock.

Moving forward, it couldnt be thoroughly confirmed in the running terrain, but it was indeed the seaweed monster, not yet with its mouth wide open.

To put it simply, it meant the monster wasnt as famished as to urgently need prey.

Lee Jaehun, avoiding the creeper, changed the direction of his body at right angles and contemplated, Probably because of the caterpillar the protagonist threw.

In truth, Lee Jaehun didnt have a complete understanding of the seaweed monster. However, if the bodily fluid from the caterpillar thrown by Deputy Jung Inho closely resembled blood, the seaweed monster might have already filled its stomach to some extent with the bait Inho had thrown.

If that were the case, Lee Jaehuns chances of safely returning increased. Since the predator wasnt genuinely focused on hunting, the encirclement wouldnt be tight, and the already slow speed would become even slower, allowing Lee Jaehun, who was beaten up, to escape.

At least he had the ability to endure until tonight.

Adjusting his speed based on the monsters location, Lee Jaehun, after confirming the creeper chasing behind him by glancing over his shoulder, promptly struck it down.



It was nauseating.

As if the sound of squashing numerous tiny insects gathered together barefoot echoed in his ears, Lee Jaehun felt a sudden surge of nausea. He grasped a nearby tree and covered his mouth.

He wanted to scratch his whole body.

However, when Lee Jaehun saw a new creeper sneakily appearing, he quickly detached himself from the tree.

Ugh, frustrating.

A twist.

His body, losing its support, swayed for a moment.

His stomach churned. Of course, there was nothing to throw up since he hadnt eaten anything, but apart from that, his insides felt completely turned upside down.

A sharp pain rising from the base of his throat led to a dry heave, but Lee Jaehun kept running.

Sometimes people feel like going crazy, and even those already insane occasionally harbor such sentiments.

And when it reaches that point, a person wants to tremble all over, scream out of frustration, and let the injustice and suffocation out.

Thump, thump, Lee Jaehun rolled his feet, hoping to kick and struggle. At this very moment, Lee Jaehun found himself doing just that.

In that moment, Lee Jaehun took a deep breath, exhaling loudly and then inhaling again, putting as much strength into his eyes as possible. Whether due to physical pain or the mental torment, inexplicable tears welled up a bit, but instead, he lifted his lips, revealing his teeth, and smiled.

Unable to die, he would live. And if he survived, he would enjoy a happier life than anyone else.

For the ill-tempered Lee Jaehun, there was a desire to stand above everyone else.

These damn bastards.


Taking a deep breath, Lee Jaehun swung the pipe at the creeper with teeth right in front of him.

Do you find me funny? Because I am, damn it!


Eating someone whos perfectly alive, huh?


Squelch! Thud!

Lee Jaehun could see the broken teeth due to the swung pipe. White fragments scattered, some piercing the gums and inflicting wounds, causing the monster to writhe in pain, emitting a gruesome cry that echoed through his dual ears.

So, Lee Jaehun wondered, wasnt he a more formidable presence than this monster?

He didnt bother suppressing the laughter that escaped.

Im going to survive.

Because of this determination, he would find a way to win, no matter what.

That singular fact propelled Lee Jaehun, on the verge of crumbling, to keep running.

His personality was flawed, both in his past life and now.

Even if his self-esteem might be low, his pride was strong. He detested losing more than dying.

Everyone had to be weaker than him. They had to roll in the palm of his hand, and he had to look down on them from above.

Perhaps Lee Jaehun could be someone deserving of death.

In his past life, Lee Jaehun gained wealth through numerous sacrifices of others, and in his current life, he enjoyed innate power, tormenting others. Perhaps, if he hadnt recalled his past life, he might have used underage siblings as bait to save himself, only to be torn apart by monsters.

Originally, he was a being created to appreciate a satisfying death. However, he didnt want to die. If he had to die, he preferred a comfortable and peaceful death. Knowing it was impossible, he desired a life full of pleasure.

Having been born with that desire, he had no intention of losing to these monstrous creatures. Breaking down, falling apart those thoughts were absolutely absent. There was no plan to continue a life merely clinging to existence. Simultaneously, he always hoped to enjoy more than what he possessed.

Lee Jaehun ran, using countless trees as support, and chuckled softly.

Seriously, its hard to survive.

Rather than that, Im much more valuable.

I have the right to become happy.

Lee Jaehun was a person who highly valued efficiency. While this mindset was shaped more by the surrounding environment than innate characteristics, he still desired the utmost for himself, including me.

He was selfish but understood the value of community. Knowing that humans are social animals and realizing he himself couldnt escape the realm of humanity, Lee Jaehun wanted his own prosperity but believed that to achieve it, those around him also needed to be happy.

This perspective manifested in his actions. Sacrificing himself but taking the lead due to its efficiency, he navigated human relationships with a nonchalant and playful demeanor.

Now that Lee Jaehun knew he couldnt die, he would carefully observe and adjust the situation for the sake of the ideal life he envisioned. Therefore, his sacrifices didnt encapsulate purely noble values; his consideration was for his own benefit.

Even if he were to die, knowing he would resurrect and gain another chance, he would present himself as even more sacrificial. Recognizing that the trust and affection he was building would serve as the foundation for his prosperity, he would play the role of a more affectionate character.

Lee Jaehun always desired a better life, and since death was not an option, the only path left for him was a genuinely happy life.

He never entertained the thought of losing, breaking, and ultimately crumbling. He wished for true prosperity and glory, not just a life with a breath.

The only problem was that the protagonist of this world, Jung Inho, was entirely unaware of this fact.


Lee Jaehun reflected in his eyes was excessively selfless.

Sacrificial and, in a way, affectionate. He may not be a kind person, but he is undoubtedly a good one.

He had endured significant injuries for the colleagues who had despised him, sacrificed his ankles for a florist and a doctor he barely knew, and willingly embraced two underage students just because they were young.

He couldnt help but be selfless.

Jung Inho stood there for a while, dazed, in the spot where Lee Jaehun had been taken.


Why didnt he ask for help?

When the vine with teeth wrapped around his leg, even then, if he had spoken to him.

If, at that moment, the last words he left before being dragged away were not Protect the others, but a plea for help, a plea to survive.

Perhaps, if that had been the case, Jung Inho could have helped him avoid being taken.

He didnt know that Jaehun could return through death, and he didnt know how strong Lee Jaehuns desire for life was.

Since Lee Jaehun had concealed all of that himself, it was natural that Jung Inho knew nothing.

However, the problem lay in the gap of that information, leading to all the misunderstandings and emotions Jung Inho experienced.


Suddenly, Jung Inho recalled the moment when Director Lee Jaehun was dying from the green monster.

More precisely, he remembered the calm gaze resembling the color of the weeds and the neat wound between the torn and burnt shirt.

It wasnt the kind of wound caused by being scratched by a nail; there was no fresh blood flowing between the clean lines.

A sharp wound, like that inflicted by a knife. A wound that Director Lee Jaehun had for no apparent reason during that peaceful time, not now.

Who created that wound?


In his thoughts, Lee Jaehun probably wanted to die.

For numerous reasons, it shouldnt have been that way.

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