There is Something Wrong with This Game

ℙ002 – The Evil Archwitch

ℙ002 – The Evil Archwitch

Having quit the party, now friendly-fire protection was no more.

Any of the party skills will hurt her, and her skills also will hurt them. With Hecate's paper-like defense, just a scratch from any of them could as well send her to the revive point, so she must be vigilant.

Taking the advantage on appropriate timing, she used the skill bestowed by the Eldritch Bone Wand.


In that moment, foul mist enveloped the surrounded area, affecting all the players and the BOSS alike.

Spoiler ; ;
Skill Name: Death Sentence
Requirements: ???
Type: Active
MP Costs: 500
Effect: Blasted the area with AOE attack with evil energy.

Everything that exposed from the evil energy will receive debuffs Bleed, Confuse, and Decay.

-10 Karma for each casts.

; ;
Death Sentence has been used!
Karma -10
Demonic mist energy has spread into the surrounding area.
All lifeform that breathes in this mist suffers Bleed, Confuse and Decay debuff.
When in Bleed status, HP and MP regeneration is halted and
receive 1% of MAX HP DoT damage per minute.
When in Confuse status, Body Control is reversed.
When in Decay status, Any healing is disabled, DEF and MDEF halved.
Sharknath has resisted the Bleed debuff.
Sharknath has failed to resist the Confuse debuff.
Sharknath has failed to resist the Decay debuff.
You used a spell while equipped with Eldritch Bone Wand - Karma -1

The players suddenly looked like they have constipation as their body seems doesn't listen to their orders anyone.

"Wh... What?"

"My body! What happened?"

"This is... Enemy attack?"

"Shyiitt! is this KS (Kill Steal)? or PK (Player Killer)!?

This sudden development left Leon dumbfounded. The BOSS health bar is just about 8% left, but someone actually tried to KS them?!

"No, if it's KS, they should've waited until the HP is 1%."

However, that thought quickly brushed aside by Leon. If this was another regular BOSS, then perhaps anyone can KS even when HP bar is still 10-15%. But this is a world boss, it's 8% HP is more than 1 million HP. It won't be easily KS-ed.

"In that case, this most likely an attack from a competitor guild, but who? Prominence? Stellar Wing?"

Leon quickly listed out all of the possible enemy in his mind. But no matter how he think, Leon couldn't pinpoint who is the enemy.

In the first place, he couldn't think what is the benefits they could gain by attacking them. Just for a BOSS loot, would they dare to breach the ceasefire contract and defame themselves?

However, he didn't have to pondering his question any more. Because Hecate's next move quickly followed in. She waved her hand and one of the ring in her finger glows lightly. Thirty seconds later, the casting time finished.


Now, Leon could hear the voice of the caster. The distorted voice that giving unique sense of wrongness, as if it was not coming out from human vocal cords. Her voice perfectly distorted by the Mask of Serenity, not anyone could trace it back to Hecate.

He reflexively looked at the direction of the voice and saw a masked figure covered in a cloak.

"Is that him!?"

Leon gnashed his teeth in anger. This unknown person was ruining his raid!

However, he didn't have the time to retaliate, because the spell has already activated!

The moment Hecate finishes her casts, a tumultuous wind suddenly occurred and wiped out the surrounding players. A lot of enormous huge damage numbers filled the entire area. 


Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk!

-82453  -93242  -82443  -109435  -75064  -85020  -89533  -70080

Spoiler ; ;
Skill Name: Cyclonic Storm
Requirements: Archwizard/Archwitch, Wind Amp Lv1, Wind Barrage Lv3
Type: Active
MP Costs: 300
Effect: Deals huge AOE Wind damage to 15m x 15m area.

MATK +(SkillLv 200)%

Those who got hit by the storm have the chance of debuffed with Paralyze status.

; ;
You have unleashed Cyclonic Storm!

Your passive skill resonates and empowers the spell by 85%!

Ten Ring of Ventus resonated and empowers the spell further by 400%!

You used a spell while equipped with Eldritch Bone Wand - Karma -1
Devastating Wind!

You have unleashed a spell with powerful might that causes

great destruction to the nature.

Affinity with nature -5


The players couldn't respond properly and could only unwillingly die as their control was still giddy from the effects of the Death Sentence.





Even though Hecate could only cast a Lv1 version of the spell Cyclonic Storm, but the stacked damage boosts kicked in. And this spell becomes even more lethal than the original spell correctly obtained from the Skill Tree at max level.

Unfortunately, Mystical Amplification only increases the next spell and is wasted on Death Sentence, so the spell damage doesn't increase any further. If that happened, the damage pop up would definitely be a more beautiful sight.

; ;
You have killed Player Metronome - Karma -1

You have killed Player I Can Fly - Karma -1

You have killed Player Emilia - Karma -1

You have killed Player Rena-cchi - Karma -1

You have killed...


Hecate could only sigh after looking at rows of Karma deduction in the System Log. The moment the Crime Scroll expired, her name would be undoubtedly become redder than red. The very sign of a chaotic aligned player.

In the first place, the moment she used Death Sentence, her karma already dropped from the safety zone.

"It would be hard to wash off this dirt. I need to hunt more monsters without rest later."

With her red name, she couldn't walk inside any town without being arrested by the guard. If she got arrested, she would have to spend the time in jail until the red name wear off and it would take very long time. She would prefer spending time killing monsters than sit dumbly in the jail.

As for affinity with nature... Hah, it's not that hard to replenish.

Seeing his comrades fallen one by one with that one spell, Leon struck dumbfounded, he even doubted his eyes.

<big>"What the<big>

</big> was that!?"</big>

How could a single spell deliver such a devastating attack?

This is not scientific!

He reflexively switched his sword into a shield from his inventory. The Confusion debuff reversed his control, but if it's just steering his hand, he can manage somehow. The moment when the whirlwind hits him, a transparent shield appeared and blocked it off.

; ;
Item Name: +9 Shield of Perseus
Requirement: Warrior, STR 30
Type: Shield
Durability: 1804/3000
Effect: VIT +30, DEF +120, MDEF +270

Upgrade bonus: DEF +135, MDEF +135

Nullify any attack once per day (0/1)

[   ]

Details: A legendary shield used by the Ancient Hero, Perseus.

It can withstand any kind of damage once per day.

As for the unlucky party members, they just disintegrated into polygons and disappeared. Leaving only a random item that dropped from their inventory.

Leon was spared from the disaster, but the Confusion debuff still lingers so he can't do anything else except shouting curses.





However, no matter how much Leon spewing his curses, Hecate calmly ignore him and keep silent, making Leon's expression become red from anger. As long as Crime Scroll is in effect, he won't be able to know her true identity.

Hatred and loath engulfed his mind. It was the first time he was so humiliated like this. If a gaze could kill, perhaps Hecate already hacked to pieces by his gaze alone. 

This enmity can't be erased!

When the cyclone disappeared, so do the Skill cooldown time.

; ;
You picked up +4 Kalzbalger.

You picked up Diamond Ore.

You picked up a bag with

15204 inside.

You picked up +6 Healing Wand.

You picked up +5 Plate Armor.

You picked...


Hecate immediately casts the second Cyclonic Storm while walking around collecting loots. One of her passive skill called Free Cast allowed her to walk while chanting spells.

And then, third... fourth...

In any case, she had 10 rings equipped so she could cast the spell up to 30 times.


Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk! Puk!

-72453  -75442  -82665  -99435  -85054  -87520  -84533  -76080

Spoiler ; ;
You have unleashed Cyclonic Storm!

Your passive skill resonates and empowers the spell by 85%!

Ten Ring of Ventus resonated and empowers the spell further by 400%!


You used a spell while equipped with Eldritch Bone Wand - Karma -1


Devastating Wind!

You have unleashed a spell with powerful might that causes

great destruction to nature.

Affinity with nature -5

You have killed Player Shinosuke - Karma -1

You have killed Player Haruka - Karma -1



Another pack of players disintegrated into particles.




Seeing so many players being swept like trash makes Hecate delighted. She then excitedly shouted.

"Hahaha!!! More! Scream more!! And make that scream into an unforgettable symphony!"

Her distorted voice reverberated in the battlefield, making her figure looked like a lunatic that spreads the seed of chaos.

Meanwhile, Leon had to switch his shield to another Shield of Perseus just to block the damage. Even so, he eventually run out of that shield during the fifth Cyclonic Storm.

Just one hit reduced his HP bar by more than half. He had found out that drinking potion is no use, only the potion was gone while his HP did not recover. In that case, he took out a Confusion debuff removal potion from his inventory. As long as this debuff gone, everything shall be fine!

; ;
Item Name: Stink Potion
Type: Consumable - Potion
Durability: 10/10
Effect: Dispels Sleep, Confusion, and Charm
Details: A potion with strong stench that could make the one that consumes it instantly awake from any illusion.

Very stink and bitter.

Fortunately the six one didn't hit his place and Hecate stopped casting the spell any further.

Because she already done looting the players!

As for the BOSS... It has been pitifully reduced to sandbag after receiving 4 consecutive spells from her. Its wings already shredded and deprived of its ability to fly. Its right hand already gone and the amputated arm looked gruesome as blood continuously pours from it.

Even so, the dragon still clings to its life, just barely connected by a layer of the skin. It's HP is still more than 500k, even after bombarded with lethal Cyclonic Storm 4 times a row. 

Hecate looked at the dragon with a pitiful eyes.

"Still alive, aren't you? Consider this as a mercy, I'll end your suffering right now... Mystical Amplification!"

With a wave of her wand, she casts the spell and planned to end the dragon. Leon did not waste that opportunity. Having drank the Confusion antidote and released from the debuff, he quickly charged towards Hecate's direction, intending to hack her to death with his strongest skill.


Leon's sword instantly blazing with red glow and its temperature drastically increases. This is his strongest skill that he can use right now. Normally he wouldn't use it as it also sacrifices most of the durability of his sword. But to kill this hateful unknown player, he feels this sacrifice is worthy to do.

At most, he just need to repair his sword again.



And the moment his attack hits Hecate, that's when her cloak effect came to be use.

Spoiler ; ;
Item Name: +7 Cloak of the Fallen
Requirement: 3rd Jobclass
Type: Armor - Garment
Durability: 800/800
Crafter: -
Effect: STR +30, AGI +20, MAX HP +10%, MAX MP +7%

Hides your entire figure.

Very light-weight.

Upgrade bonus: DEF +35

MP Regeneration +25%

HP Regeneration Disabled

EXP Penalty +50%


Able to use [Indomitable] for each Upgrade Lv per day (6/7)

Automatically inflict [Stone Curse] debuff to the attacker when attacked by close melee attack.

[] Soul Essence: Platinum Golem

        Prevents knockback, Indestructible Armor, DEF -100

Details: Cloak that was made from a skin of Chaos Wyrm.

It represent both immortality and immorality.

; ;
Skill Name: Indomitable
Requirements: ???
Type: Passive - Auto
Effect: Allows the user to endure a fatal damage with 1 HP left.

This skill only activates once per day.

; ;
Indomitable has been activated, you endured a fatal damage!

Leon was kinda surprised with the damage output that somewhat bigger than he expected. However, Leon was more surprised that this cloaked person was still alive and kicking. He(?) didn't even try to dodge and just received the blow like it was nothing.

"All that, for a drop of blood?"

It was like hitting a metal statue, he(?) did not even flinch at all.

'What!!? He took 30k damage like it was nothing!?'

He suddenly feels a little scared. A Caster class avatar that should've glass cannon actually have more than 30k HP like a Warrior classes and still could bring such devastating damage. Isn't this cheating?

But, security level of Ascension is not to be joked at all. Everything was being monitored by AI and its nearly impossible to cheat.

Ascension AI : You dared to hack inside our world...!?

Alarm... Then, the Police and Lawyers will come to your house, suing you for breach of contract!


Hecate only sneered. Her Cloak of the Fallen has activated and saves her from imminent death. She looked at her HP bar and sure enough, it's already in red zone and she only have 1 HP left.

The original skill supposedly can only activated once per day, but her cloak can use it continuously until the numbers run out. In this case she could use this effect 7 times a day. This means just like cat who is said have nine-lives, she too had eight-lives... Just one short.

Not only that, she also compounded the cloak with a Soul Essence that she got from a Platinum Golem.

When players defeat monsters, at a very very very low chance, it will drop its Soul Essence that can be compounded with equipment. In this case, Platinum Golem's effect was to prevent knockback as well as makes the Armor it compounded to become indestructible, but at the cost of lowering DEF by 100.

She didn't care at all about the DEF loss. Her avatar is already paper-defense, decreasing it further won't make a thing. However, the indestructible part is too useful, as it won't make her cloak destroyed by acid or other method. Especially if she want to hide her appearance.

The knockback prevention is also useful. She didn't need to worry that she would be thrown from her position by her enemy's skills.

And with that, she pointed her Eldritch Wand, not towards Leon's direction, but to the dragon. Even if he trying to 'kill' her again, the cloak would protect her from death.

She then casts the second skill that the wand provides. Leon obviously noticed it and planning to interrupt her casting spell, only to find out his body started to become hard solid and unable to move. He had been debuffed again with Stone Curse!

Without anyone interrupting her, she successfully casted her spell.

"Mana Explosion!"

In that instant, the blue bar that represents Hecate's MP being drained out. All of the energy erupted from Hecate's body and coalesced into the tip of her wand, creating a huge pressure. It only takes no more than 10 seconds for the process to complete.

The moment her MP bar reached zero, an energy worth of 40k+ MP was unleashed into the direction of the BOSS.



<big>-2.280.000   -2.330.000  -2.370.000


Every of her damage modifier skills from Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Dark instantly stacked together to boost the damage of the blast and created a devastating destruction. And the stacking power is not just simply one plus one equals two.

  • Fire :  +(10 +25 +50)%
  • Water : +(10 +25 +50)%
  • Wind : +(10 +25 +50 +400)%
  • Earth : +(10 +25 +50)%
  • Light : +(10 +25 +50)%
  • Dark : +(10 +25 +50)%

Mystical Amplification: Double the final MATK after the final calculation.

A huge mushroom cloud emerged from the explosion, creating a huge shockwave that could be felt even from a distance. The intensity of the explosion caused terror to every player and other living beings in the vicinity.

Even the monsters felt threatened and fled on the spot, ignoring the players they encountered.

When the dust subsided, there was a large crater formed from the explosion. Inside only Hecate remained. She checked her status and found the number count of her Indomitable in the robe had decreased by 1 again.

"Oh... I died, didn't I?"

But, since Indomitable was activated, it didn't count as death. In the end, the Life Insurance Scroll was not really needed and wasted.

Hecate checked her system message and nodded in satisfaction.

Spoiler ; ;
Skill Name: Mana Explosion
Requirements: ???
Type: Active
MP Costs: All
Effect: Condense all of the user remaining MP to create a devastating damage to the enemy.

This attack spell have each of the attribute damage.

After casting the spell, MP Regeneration is disabled for 6 hours.

; ;
You have unleashed Mana Explosion!
All of your 44.600 MP has been used to empower the spell.
Many of your passive skills resonated and empowers the spell further by 510%!
Ten Ring of Ventus resonated and empowers the spell even further by 400%!
Mystical Amplification has doubled the final spell might!
Catashtropic damage to everything in its radius blast!
2.280.000 damage has been dealt to Sharknath.
2.330.000 damage has been dealt to Leon.
2.370.000 damage has been dealt to yourself.
Indomitable activated, you endured a fatal damage!
You have strained your magic circuit.
MP Regeneration is disabled for 6 hours!
You used a spell while equipped with Eldritch Bone Wand - Karma -1
; ;
Devastating Destruction!
You have unleashed a very powerful spell that changes the terrain permanently!
Affinity with nature -50
You have killed Player Leon - Karma -1
Congratulations! You have defeated the World BOSS,
Sharknath, the Calamity Dragon.
You are the sole survivor in this battle, all of the rewards now belong to you.
You have been rewarded with 130.230.764 EXP.
You have been rewarded with 1.000 Glory Points.
You can exchange the Glory Points in any of the Save-Point.
Warning: You can't exchange your Glory Point while your karma is negative!
Your level has risen.
Your level has risen.
Your level has risen.

Her HP and MP already filled to the fullest from the consecutive LvUPs.

"Heh, hahaha. This is quite a big profit to have 3 Lv ups at once. Leveling up at this stage is quite difficult after all."

As for Leon, he already disintegrated into nothingness and the only remain was only a single orb he dropped. The dragon also gone with the blast, not even a speck remained that can be looted, except a cube-looked thing in the ground.

Hecate quickly picks them up and examined it.

; ;
You have found an unknown essence.

You have found an unknown orb.


"Oh, it seems I must appraise these item first... This is quite troubling, my name is still red so I can't go to the town yet..."

Hecate sighed. She put the items back into her inventory for the time being. Later, after she washes the blood off from her name, she can inspect them in the town.

Done with all the stuff, Hecate used a Return Crystal to teleport to her hideout, a Save-Point inside an abandoned ruins. There is no one that use this Save-Point besides her so she doesn't have to worry for being found out.

; ;
Item Name: Return Crystal
Type: Consumable - Crystal
Durability: 60/60
Effect: Teleports the user to their Save-Point
Details: A crystal that has been enchanted with Return spell.

Mass-produced by Rosenweil Kingdom Mage Association.

Who would intentionally saved their respawn point far from civilization except her?

After ensuring no one else showed in her minimap, she pressed the logout button.

; ;

The damage calculation is kinda simple:

(Own MATK - Enemy MDEF) + Boost damage = Total damage.

Every INT stats contribute into 30 MATK. So, in other words:

220 Base INT + 100 Equip INT + 1200 Equip MATK

9600 MATK + 1200 MATK = 10800 MATK

Then the boost damage:

Cyclonic Storm Lv1 + Wind Mastery + Wind Boosts + Wind Amp + Ring of Ventus 10

200 + 10 + 25 + 50 + 400 = +685% damage

And there is also the halved MDEF due the Decay debuff from Death Sentence.

Let say MDEF after it was halved is around 500, so in this case:

(10800 - 500) +685% 10300 + 70555 = 80855

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