There is Something Wrong with This Game

A001 – A New Chapter

A001 – A New Chapter


[Rosenweil Waterway: B1F - Entrance]

In the sewer that spans across the underground of Rosenweil Capital City, Hecate swiftly roamed the field.

This underground sewer also considered a dungeon that many players can explore. Sights of novice players battling with slimes and sewer rats could be seen everywhere.

[ ][Slime - Lv8]

[ ][Dire Rat - Lv9]

Hecate ignored those low leveled monsters and dashed towards the deeper area.

Her walking speed was slow because of her 1 AGI stat, but thanks to her Dash skill from Acrobatic Subclass, she can spend her Stamina to make a quick run in the dungeon. Stamina is a separate mechanism other than MP that allows the players to use Skill Arts, such as sword skills, or skills that mainly assists movement such as Dash skill that Hecate currently used.

This mechanism was represented by small yellow bar right below the HP bar in the game interface. The stamina that has been used will recover automatically, along with natural HP and MP regeneration.

Back to the topic.

Hecate's Dash skill of course has a downside, the skill only allows her to run 5 meters in the straight line without any control to change the direction. This makes the skill hard to use. If unskilled players were to use this skill, they might crashed into something in the way. However, Hecate can solve that problem easily.

Her reaction speed basically was very good, allowing her to react immediately the moment she notices something would block her way.

When such a situation occurs, she immediately jumps, either by a normal jump or using Flip Jump skill, she avoided the crashes. Sometimes, Wall Run skill was also mixed, making her run across the wall.

Her magnificent use of skills unavoidably caused the attention of the players nearby.

"Wow, what's that?!"

"Did I see wrong, or is she really running on the wall?"

"Is that still a human movement?"

"A ninja! That was a ninja!"

*Murmur* *Murmur* *Murmur*

If any players from the Genesis Guild were here, they might just sneered at those ignorant players. They already used to see this scene very much when they participating in the guild raid.

There was a reason why Hecate's level was high despite her paper defense. Her maverick movement style makes her able to avoid attacks that will hit her.

Despite being an Archwitch, Hecate was more agile than a Shadow Assassin!

[Rosenweil Waterway: B5F - Northeast Sluice Gate]

A few minutes later, Hecate arrived at the deepest floor of the Waterway. There are players hunting in this floor other than her, but they're few in numbers. And currently, no players seen in her vicinity.

She looked at the monsters that roaming on the area.

    • [ ][Steeling1 [Steeling: <link>] - Lv9] (7) - HP: 250-450
    • [ ][Gigantoad2 [Gigantoad: <link>] - Lv38~] (18) - HP: 2100-2500
    • [ ][Lizard - Lv40~] (35) - HP:4500-4750

Steeling is a bat-like aerial creature that commonly existed across Rodinia continent. They have many variation such as color and the wing, but they mainly are weak and can be easily defeated.

Gigantoad looked like a huge sized toad, they can unleash water gun from its mouth. They are poisonous and can inflict various bad statuses. And the lizards was a quadrupedal amphibian creature that looked like iguana. 

Hecate stood in the straight large path.

To her left, there was a wall with several large pipes 3 meters above her head. These pipes continue to drain water into the canal on its right side. The Boss area was only a few rooms ahead, Hecate already knew that the boss had been defeated and it was still not time for the boss to respawn.

But even if the boss has been respawned, she wouldn't be interested of hunting it.

Currently Hecate is an Archwitch, a Tier-3 Jobclass with level 131.

Killing low tier monsters and bosses will not earn her any EXP or Glory Points. Meanwhile, killing monsters and bosses of the same tier but lower level by a margin of 20 or more, would only give very little EXP but no Glory Points.

Hunting them was just a waste of time.

However, she did not come here for the hunt.

"Hello gentleman... and please die! WATERBOLT!!"


-18304 -18546 -19244 -18026 -18489

Hecate fired five water bullets and with her marksmanship, each of them managed to pierce the monsters in their path.

Two arrows killed the Steeling that was flying nearby, they instantly fall down in the water current. The other two killed the Gigantoad that was peacefully sleeping below the water. Normally they would jump to the pathway and attack the moment they heard someone's footstep, but after being pierced, they never wake up again.

And the last arrow went straight to a group of lizards and penetrate one of them in the head, killing it instantly.

; ;
You have killed a Steeling - Exp 0

You have killed a Gigantoad - Exp 0

You have killed a Gigantoad - Exp 0

You have killed a Steeling - Exp 0

You have killed a Lizard - Exp 0


But because her attacks, now the rest of the lizards in that group noticed Hecate's existence.




It seems the lizards have a high sense of solidarity between them. The enraged lizards pounced at Hecate in a frenzy, which in turns alerted other lizards in the vicinity, making them to follow suit.

More than thirty lizards in the field approaching and surrounded Hecate with hatred. She immediately did a high jump to avoid their charge. Even though their level was far lower than Hecate, their superior number would still cause a threat.

The lizards sight were totally focused on her body. It could be seen that the moment she landed on the ground, they definitely would hack her to pieces. But unfortunately for them, that will not happen.

Hecate activated the Grappling Hook that was equipped in her right arm as an armguard.

Spoiler ; ;
Item Name: Grappling Hook
Requirement: Assassin, Lv35, STR 5, DEX 15
Type: Armor - Arms
Durability: 300/300
Crafter: Hecate
Effect: AGI +10, DEX +10

(Halved effect: AGI +5, DEX +10)


Can shoot the hook with a press of button. (Distance covered: 3.5m.)

Automatically pulls the user to where the hook was attached.

Increase movement speed when the user is pulled. (Halved effect)



Crafter Privilege:

- You can wear this item with the penalty applied.

- Penalty: Effects of this equipment is halved.

Details: A special tool crafted by Hecate, resembling a dragon claw.

It uses motorized pulley device powered by user's MP.



The steel wire instantly fired towards the ceiling, and with another mechanism of the Grappling Hook, her body was pulled up.

In that moment, Hecate's another hand waved the Lunar Wand and launched a Waterbolt, killing the rest of the Steelings in the air so they wouldn't able to pose a threat to her.



-23344 -23235 -23468 -23457 -24769

; ;
You have killed a Steeling - Exp 0

You have killed a Steeling - Exp 0

You have killed a Steeling - Exp 0

You have killed a Steeling - Exp 0

You have killed a Steeling - Exp 0


And then, when her body successfully pulled to the ceiling, she waved her wand again to casts an AOE attack spell.

"Now the last encore, receive my loving gift! Tidal Wave!"



The moment her spell finished casting, a huge torrent of water washed up the enemies altogether. They were swept up by the water current. Countless message log filled Hecate's view, reporting all of the killings. But she decided to turn the message off. Since the enemies here didn't yield any EXP, it was just a meaningless message for her.

Due to the terrain and the type of enemies, all water type spells only deals 20% of the power. Nevertheless, Hecate's spells still enough to decimate low leveled monsters to death. The monsters water resistance was meaningless due to difference of their INT stats.

'Excellent! The Grappling Hook worked as I intended. But the sound is still too loud, I should modify it again later.'

Hecate was very satisfied with the performance.

The Grappling Hook was judged by the system as an equipment for the Assassin class (and its upgrade classes). Which means, the Archwitch Hecate wouldn't be able to equip it normally. The reason why she was able to equip it was thanks to the Crafter privilege.

The Crafters (not just Blacksmiths) can equip any of the equipment they have crafted regardless of the requirement. Though, there will be penalties in the effects of the equipment if it was equipped with this privilege, such as halved effect or stat down debuffs.

In this case, Grappling Hook's equip stat buffs was halved. However for Hecate, the Grappling Hook equip stats was not important. The real use of this equipment was its function to assist her mobility, which she was very satisfied from today's live test.

"All that left is just making a sound suppressor to mask the sound of the motorized pulley device."

Hecate detached the hook claw from the ceiling and got down. Before she landed on the ground, she did somersaults a few times in the air. This was to reduce the fall impact damage to a minimum.

She then left the dungeon while making a plan for the improvement.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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