There is Something Wrong with This Game

A015 – The Party’s Might

A015 – The Party’s Might

Hecate, Rena-cchi, Kazu, and Emilia jumped and arrived at the bottom of the cliff.

The four of them stood in front of the door that leads to the dungeon entrance, while enduring the aftermath caused after taking the fall damage. A large chunk of their HP gone, their legs trembled, screaming with pain all over. 

Rena-cchi, Kazu, and Emilia couldn't help but groaned.

"Ouch, it hurts..." | "Arghh... Damm it!" | "My legs..."

"Rena... Heal! Heal!!"

Even Hecate, who had used her Acrobatic skill to stabilize herself in the air, still took a considerable damage.

Although the sensation of pain in the game somewhat reduced, but falling from a height of more than 20 meters is still not a pleasant thing.

Normally, to reach that area, they have to use a rope ladder to go down. That's exactly what the Genesis raid team did on the day that they conquered the dungeon. Without it, many of their low-HP members would have been dead before they could even enter.

It's just unfortunately, the four of them overestimated themselves.

"O Light... Bring safety and comfort... To these humble subjects...! SANCTUARY!"

Rena-cchi gritted her teeth and casts a fixed area healing spell. Her legs was still numb, but she endured it with sheer willpower. The moment she finished the chant, a green light enveloped the ground where they step on it. Everyone's HP slowly restored, and gradually filled to the fullest.

+777 +777 +777 +777 +777 +777

; ;
Skill Name: Sanctuary (Lv5)
Requirement: Priest, Blessing Lv5, High Heal Lv1
Type: Active/Support
MP Costs: 340
Catalyst: 1 Ruby
Effect: Bless an area of radius 7m which will restore HP of anyone within the range overtime, as well as increases DEF and MDEF proportionally to the caster's DEF and MDEF.
  This effect will last for 10 minutes.

Gradually, the pain subsided and the four of them slumped in relief. Reflecting to what happened just now, Emilia couldn't help but commented.

"Next time we visit here, let's just honestly use a ladder."

"Agreed..." 3

Including Hecate, the other two also agreed in unison. This pain, tasting it once is more than enough!

The party took a brief rest for 5 minutes, just enough to wait until the pain in their legs disappeared. Truthfully, they had wanted to rest a little longer, but unfortunately, they did not have much time.  Rena-cchi, Emilia and Kazu who logged into the game from the VS-Room at school, at best can only log in for 2 hours before the next class starts.

Emilia who knows this best clapped her hands.

"Okay, we have no time to rest. Rena, please open the door."

"Aye aye, sir!"

Rena-cchi stood up and walked to the door. She took two circular items from her inventory and placed it on each side of the door.

These are the unique keys needed to open this door and were only granted to Astrid, who completed a series of unique chain quests at Ornus Village. Of course, the one in Rena-cchi's hands were just copies which distributed to all important guild members, and the original is still in Astrid's hands.

However, although these items are just copies, they are functioning properly as key items for opening the door. 

After a while, the door glowed and began to open. As soon as the party passed through the door, Rena-cchi collected the keys and the door began to close again.

[Sealed Mausoleum: B1F]

Inside the dungeon, they were greeted by dark corridor. There was no light and all they can see forward was just darkness. Rena-cchi quickly casted a spell before proceeding further.

"O Licht, the Spirit of Light! Grant this one the light to pave the way through the darkness! RUACH!"

; ;
Skill Name: Ruach (Lv10)
Requirement: Cleric, Holy Light Lv1
Type: Active
MP Costs: 20
Effect: Summons Holy light around the caster to detect hidden enemies.

The user can control the light's trajectory within one meter.

Immediately after the spell takes effect, a huge ball of light appeared, illuminating the surrounding area. Using this light, they were able to see their steps in the corridor.

"Okay, let's go."

Now that they had the source of light, the party proceed forward.

At the end of the corridor is a room, which some bats perched in the ceiling, seems to be sleeping.

[ ][Steeling - Lv50] (25) - HP4700-5500

Although the color is a bit different, they were the same species as the one in the Capital City Waterway. It would be quite bothersome if they were attacking in groups. But, they are weak and timid if faced with high-leveled players, so they can be ignored.

The party proceed forward again and meet another enemies.

[][Ghoul - Lv96] (18) - HP8400-10600

[][Greater Ghoul - Lv105] (2) - HP19100-22700

It is said that The Sealed Mausoleum is where the aristocrats and soldiers of the old Rosenheim Kingdom are buried. But time passed and the aura of death that had accumulated over the centuries turned the place into a den of the undead. Since then, the kingdom changed its funeral methods.

When a Native died, they had to be cremated, not buried, to prevent their corpses from becoming undead.

These ghouls seem to be soldiers from the old kingdom. They died long ago protecting their kingdom from invasions and monsters. It's ironic that they are now monsters themselves and a threat to what they once protected.  

Kazu was the first time to react.

"Hello, and DIE!"


Skill   ; ;
Skill Name: Phantom Step (Lv5)
Requirement: Shadow Assassin, ???
Type: Active
MP Costs: 120
Effect: A movement skill that allows the user to weave in and out of battle. This skill also leaves behind images of the user that can be used to confuse the enemy.
; ;
Skill Name: Sonic Blow (Lv10)
Requirement: Assassin, ???
Type: Skill Art - Dagger
STA Costs: 20
Effect Directs a flurry of rapid slices at a single target. It has a chance to stun the target.


-1300 -1420 -1200 -1530 -1200 -1320 -1450 -1330


Using Phantom Step, he shortened his distance instantly to one of the ghouls. Then, he activated a 8-hits Skill Art, Sonic Blow, killing it with daggers in both hands.

Not done with that, he threw a throwing knife to another Ghoul's throat.




The passive bonus from Kazu's throwing skill, as well as the Holy Water absorbed in the knife takes effect, resulting huge critical damage. A huge damage number floated above the Ghoul as it fell down with its HP instantly zeroed.

'Wow, an insta-kill?! This knife is too awesome!'

This result was somewhat unexpected, even Kazu was slightly surprised with that destructive power. Once again, he was impressed by Hecate's knife design.

Then, he heard Rena-cchi's voice.

"Kazu-cchi! You're too hasty. Wait there and don't move!"

Looking back, Kazu saw Rena-cchi pointed her staff at him with a bottle of Holy Water in her hand, then she started to chant. Another Ghoul attacked him during this time, but Emilia used her arrow to headshot it, making it stunned for 30 seconds.

"O Spirit of Light, grant this one the holy power to banish the evil! ASPERSIO!"

"Thank you, Emily, Rena!"

; ;
Skill Name: Aspersio (Lv10)
Requirement: Priest, Aqua Benedicta Lv1
Type: Active
MP Costs: 0
Catalyst: 1 Container of Holy Water
Effect: Sprinkle Holy Water to increase DEF and MDEF against Dark-property attacks on the body of a target. If sprinkled to a weapon, it temporarily become Holy-property.

The moment she finished her spell, her staff glows and the Holy Water inside the bottle went to Kazu's two daggers. Now that his weapon was endowed with Holy Power, it has the same lethality as Hecate's Throwing Knife.

With a slash, he finished off the Ghoul.

-3800 +stun (Emilia's arrow)

-4600 (Kazu's dagger)


After confirming Kazu's safety, Emilia's sight shifted to one of the 2 Greater Ghoul in another direction. She readied her bow and activated two self buff skills as well as bow Skill Art.


Skill ; ;
Skill Name: Improve Concentration (Lv10)
Requirement: Archer, ???
Type: Self Buff / Active
MP Costs: 20 + (Skill Lv 5)  70
Effect: Temporary increase AGI and DEX by (Skill Lv + 2)%.  12%
  Duration will lasts for (Skill Lv 3) minutes.  30 min.
; ;
Skill Name: Ranger's Creed (Lv10)
Requirement: Ranger, ???
Type: Self Buff / Active
MP Costs: 160 + (Skill Lv 40)  560
Effect: Greatly increase Ranged dmg at the costs of all defense for 1 min.
  Ranged dmg increased by ((Skill Lv 50) +100)%  600%
; ;
Skill Name: Crimson Lotus Arrow (Lv5)
Requirement: Ranger, ???
Type: Skill Art - Bow
MP Costs: 720
STA Costs: 40
Effect: Unleashed an arrow imbued with magic, which blooms upon contact.




An arrow covered in red mana was released from Emilia's bow and hit the Greater Ghoul. The immense impact from the arrow making it thrown away from its place like a kite with a broken string, before hitting the dungeon wall in the distance.

But that was not the end.

The red mana contained in the arrow blooms to 9 red petal of lights, like a lotus flower. Each light swept through the air and pierced the poor Greater Ghoul before it even landed to the floor due to gravity.


-8500 -8420 -8290 -8350 -9500! -8440 -8300 -8350 -9500!


The consecutive damage was more than enough to overkill the poor monster. It was truly a Skill Art dedicated to inflict great damage to a single target. The only downside was this move consumed a lot of MP and STA, as well as the somewhat long cooldown time.

On the side, Rena-cchi faced the last Greater Ghoul which slowly approaching to her direction.

"O Licht the Spirit of Light! Destroy this spawn of undead and return it to oblivion! TURN UNDEAD!"

; ;
Skill Name: Turn Undead (Lv10)
Requirement: Priest, Evil Bane Lv10, Lex Divina Lv5
Type: Active
MP Costs: 200
Effect: Inflicts Holy-property magic damage to enemies all around, with a chance of defeating Mutant, Demon or Undead-type enemies instantly.


-24700!  (damage = max HP)


The approaching Greater Ghoul instantly disintegrated by Rena-cchi's Turn Undead spell. This was a spell that deals holy damage to enemies in its effect range, with a percentage chance of insta-kill certain types of monsters. And this chance luckily happened just now, reducing the Greater Ghoul's HP to zero, and disintegrated its corpse.

On the side, Kazu had finished killing the remaining Ghouls.

With his high AGI stats, his movement was swift, slashing their throat with holy-endowed dagger.

"Okay, that's the last."

Kazu put his daggers back to its sheath and collected his throwing knives that he threw. Except the Steelings in the ceiling, all enemies have been defeated. There was no need to stay in this room.

"Good job everyone! Let's move on."

The party regrouped and proceed to the next room.

However, there was one person who was not satisfied with the results. 


The monsters were so weak that the fight ended too quickly, and Hecate lost the chance to spew her spells.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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