There is Something Wrong with This Game

A017 – Hecate’s Might

A017 – Hecate’s Might

[Sealed Mausoleum: B2F]

As soon as Hecate stepped on B2F, she immediately activated two Acrobatic Subclass skills.

Adrenaline Rush and Dash.

Hecate's basic AGI stat was 1, but with her equipment stat (+8) and including Rena-cchi's Increase Agility buff (+10) buff, her total AGI was 19, which was almost the standard of normal walking speed.

Currently, she was wearing +5 Shadow Walker, an ultra rare shoes that gave her a 15% increase in walking speed. Then, she used the Adrenaline Rush skill which consumed 50% STA to give her a 50% speed increase for the full three minutes.

Consumption of 50% STA for a speed increase of only 3 minutes doesn't seem worth it at first glance.

Because, when a player's STA drops below 30%, their body will start to sluggish because they will receive the "Fatigue" debuff. And when their STA drops to 0%, they won't be able to move their limbs at all.

However, in real battle, one second faster often can decide the outcome. And fortunately, Hecate has equipped an item that halves this big consumption. With these factors combined, her speed becomes faster, only one level worse than Kazu's Phantom Step.

But that was enough to outrun the party.

Seeing Hecate dash forward, the party also followed on, running towards the room.

Spoiler ; ;
Item Name: +5 Shadow Walker
Requirement: Assassin or Hunter class, Lv120
Type: Armor - Shoes
Durability: 200/200
Effects: Increase Movement Speed by (UpgLv)%  (5%)
  If the user learn Flexible Body (Lv1):

       Ignore the class restriction of this item.

         Movement Speed increases by another 10%
        Reduce cooldown skill by (UpgLv)%  (5%)
  If the user is an Assassin:

       Stealth does not consume MP

  If the user is a Hunter:

       Camouflage does not consume MP

  If UpgradeLv +9 or more: 

      Movement Speed increases by another 20%

  Upgrade Bonus: DEF +20, MDEF +25


  [ ]
Details: Shoes made from the skin of a Shadow Demon.
  It grants the wearer a part of its speed.

( The detail of the shoes appeared in chapter-P006, and then it got a slot enchanted in chapter-P015)

She ignored 2 Wraiths that passed through the corridor and went straight directly to the room. The Wraiths that were ignored by Hecate should be no problem for Kazu and the others, so she can just skip them and go to the main event.

'There is something I wanna try. I don't know this will succeed or not. But, if my hunch is right, then...'

Hecate stopped her thought once her distance just a few meters from those undeads. Strangely, there was no fear when she faced them. On the contrary, only clarity was inside her mind.

With a swept of her hands, she equipped a certain item.

An ordinary Ear Muff.

The moment Hecate arrived at the room, she shouted with all her might.


Soon after, a high-pitched roar that was impossible to do with human throat, reverberated in the room.


The voice was so loud that it travels to other rooms in the entire floor. The Wraiths, Banshees, even the Dullahan seems startled, and they staggered at the sound.


Instantly, Hecate gathered the entire attention of the undeads. Hecate only smiled.

The voice not only affects the undeads, but also the party.

"Ahh... My ears!! Hecate-cchii~! Could you warn us before you do that?"

"Ouch! What the heck... Emily, what is this skill that Hecate-chan used? Why don't I know?"

"I also don't know. Perhaps, she unlocked some sound-related skill in her skill tree."

Emilia answered as she endured the pain on her ears.

The skill on the Player skill tree only appeared when its condition is completely fulfilled. For example, Emilia's Improve Concentration skill didn't appear in her skill tree until she upgraded her Hawk Eye to level 5. Sometimes, there are skills who have requirement of 2, 3 or more skills before it appeared.

This makes many possible combination of skill build choice.

In these two years, the Players, especially the one in the big guilds, including Genesis Guild, had spent countless efforts to research the skill tree. But, the results is only the tip of the iceberg, especially for the skill tree of the 3rd-tier classes.

The harsh death penalty has became the obstacle to leveling past Lv40. This indirectly caused the shortage of 3rd-tier Players, since to become one, they had to reach Lv99 first. Hence, it was normal if there were still unknown skills that hadn't been discovered yet. 

But she also had doubts. If it were a skill, why is it also affecting them too.

'I didn't know there are skills that friendly fire... And for some reason, that roar seems familiar.'

The pain was subsided, but there are still debuff 30% Deafness in both ears for 10 minutes.

What Emilia and the others didn't know, that this Dragon Howling was... not really a skill.

The roar that Hecate used were actually, just a cropped video of Sharknath, the World BOSS Dragon. She amplified the sound by 3000% and shifted the pitch higher by 30%. It was not even voice controlled, only played according to the timer.

However, even it was just a recording, the majesty of a World BOSS still has its effects.

The undeads that looked energetic earlier, soon after become somewhat sluggish. If there are people who has Analyze skill here, perhaps they can see that the undeads were debuffed with "Soul Suppression" which lowers all stats by 10%.

But even if debuffed, their attacks on Hecate still continues, especially the Dullahan.

"This is not the time to be impressed! Kazu-kun, tackle the Dullahan! Rena, hurry up with your spell."

"Got it! Hey you, tin can bastard! Your enemy is here!"

Emilia and Kazu started attacking the Dullahan, while Rena-cchi immediately started to cast Turn Undead. The Dullahan's attention successfully shifted to Kazu, but the Wraiths and Banshees approaches Hecate with a fast speed.

"O Licht the Spirit of Light... "

Rena-cchi's spell definitely wouldn't make it in time.

At this time, Hecate suddenly took out a bottle from her inventory. A high grade Holy Water, created by a high-leveled High Priestess, Rena-cchi. It was something that Rena-cchi created by using her Lv10 Aqua Benedicta on the fountain water.

Then, Hecate activated the second spell contained inside her Ring of Aqua... and break the bottle onto the floor.



In that instant, the spilled liquid vaporized and transformed into a mist and enveloped Hecate's surrounding area. The mist was made from Holy Water, therefore, it also has the effect of purifying the undead.

Those Wraiths and Banshees who touched the mist immediately shrieked and fall back, not dare to approach closer.


; ;
Item Name: Ring of Aqua
Requirement: All Classes, Lv70
Type: Accessory - Ring
Durability: 200/200
Crafter: Hecate
Effect: Water DMG Boosts +40%

Water DMG Resistance +20%

Fire, Earth, Wind DMG taken +80%


Can use Waterbolt Lv5, 10 times per day (10/10)

Can use Water Vapor Lv3, 5 times per day (5/5)

Can use Tidal Wave Lv1, 3 times per day (3/3)

Details: Ring blessed by Aqua, the Spirit of Water.

Grants its user the power of the water.

; ;
Skill Name: Water Vapor (Lv3)
Requirement: Wizard/Witch, Water Boost Lv1, Waterbolt Lv5
Type: Active
MP Costs: 15
Catalyst: 1 Container of water
Effect: Vaporizing the water to create a mist that envelop the area with radius of (Skill Lv) meter. (3 meters)

The Water Vapor spell contained in the Ring of Aqua was just a Lv3 spell, so the mist only envelop the area within 3 meters of radius. But, that also means, no undead shall approach Hecate under these 3 meters.

Still, even though they were unable to approach, that doesn't mean they were harmless.

They can still use spells to attack Hecate, either Earth based spells like Earth Spike, or bad status debuff Dead Scream that inflict confuse and silence. But, there is no way she would let them to do that.

She waved her left hand toward the Wraith whose in the middle of casting spell and used a certain skill.




The Wraith choked before it can finish its spell. Not only that, the unfinished spell rebounded and caused a damage to the Wraith. This rebound will prevent it to casts another spell for a while.

; ;
Skill Name: Spell Breaker (Lv5)
Requirement: Wizard/Witch, Cast Cancel Lv1
Type: Active
MP Costs: 10
Effect: Cancels a spell that enemy casts.

If succeeded, the spell will rebound and the user will absorbs the MP used by the spell.

This is a skill that can interrupt any spell that enemy currently casts, if used with correct timing. The skill has very low cooldown time, making it one of the skills that can be spammed.

Hecate's low Max HP caused any of the attack spells from these undeads that would hit her to become deadly, but she used this to her advantage. Those undeads who casts attack spells triggered her Fortune Instinct, causing them to be marked with red aura.

She only need to slap those marked undeads with Spell Breaker.

Second Spell Breaker, Third, Fourth, Fifth...

As for the bad status debuff spell from them, Hecate did not need to care. Its just happen that currently, she was wearing an equip that makes her immune to some pesky status effects.

; ;
You have been hit by the spell Dead Scream.

Your +4 Saintess Necklace successfully protected you from Confusion.

Your +4 Saintess Necklace successfully protected you from Silence.

; ;
Item Name: +4 Saintess Necklace
Requirement: Mage, Cleric
Type: Necklace
Durability: 253/253
Effect: Immune to Silence, Charm, Confuse

STR +6, AGI +2, VIT +4

Halve stamina consumption

Upgrade Bonus: DEF +16, MDEF +25


[] Soul Essence: Adult Veliperalocator Spider

       Immune to Poison.

       Boosts Poison based skill or spell by thrice its effect.

Details: A Necklace that was bestowed to a Saintess.

Has a protection from Ashera, your soul won't be defiled.

This is a necklace that Hecate stole from Stellar Wing Guild's stronghold, successfully slot enchanted.

Then, after a few considerations, she decided to soul enchant it with Adult Veli spider's soul essence to get another immunity. Not only that, it also gives thrice poison effect so if she somehow wanted to play poison, then this necklace would become a great asset.

But the real worth of this item, is the half reduction stamina consumption!

While equipping this necklace, any action that requires stamina can be done with just half of the normal costs. With this, Hecate can last long session of grinding than the other Players. Even the big move Adrenaline Rush skill's stamina consumption has been halved to 25%. This greatly enhances Hecate's survival in many fierce confrontation.

And it was just right of the time Rena-cchi finished her chant.

"...Destroy this spawn of undead and return it to oblivion! TURN UNDEAD!"


-5330 -5200 -26800! -27200! -5820 -28000! -25930!


A great number of undeads got decimated by the spell, but there are still 2 Banshees and 3 Wraiths that escaped the doom. Now they recognized Rena-cchi as a threat and started to attack her.

Hecate immediately acted. Her right hand waved the wand towards the moving undead, while secretly activating the Ring of Aqua once more.

"Oh, I won't let you. WATERBOLT!"


-17300 -17560 -17200 -17430 -17220


The water bullet from Waterbolt spell, actually created by condensing the water in the air, which happened that the surrounding air was a mist created by vaporizing a high grade Holy Water. Resulting the water bullet also contain Holy Power, empowering it further against undead.

Its a pity that, in front of others, Hecate determined to use only 5 of the rings. She doesn't want to reveal her cards too soon, especially towards Genesis Guild. Hence, the firepower was half of her full strength. But even so, it was still enough to make some kill.

"Thank you, Hecate-cchi."

"Not yet. Once again, WATERBOLT!"

The bullets disintegrates two Wraiths closest to Rena-cchi. Still, there still other undeads that lingering near her position. The spell has been unleashed and there are 1-sec cooldown before it can be used again.

However, Hecate doesn't intend to wait. She decisively used a Waterbolt Lv10 scroll, obviously via hotkey that she had set up earlier, while pretending it was her own spell.

Unlike using spells from skills, using a skill scroll did not have any cooldown at all. And like using equipment skill, there is also no cast time, no need to do any chant.

Just use and bam!


-19300 -19560 -19200 -19430 -19220 -19340 -19430 -19500 -19380 -19480

A barrage of water bullet unleashed like a machine gun, with a stronger impact. Hecate silently concluded, perhaps this is because this Waterbolt is a Lv10 spell, not a Lv5 spell from the rings, so the difference in power and speed is preeminent.

Hecate suppressed her desire to laugh.

'So, this is the power of krypton money! Taste that, you lowlife!'

Unfortunately, there are other people here so she had to restrain herself.

In the side, the battle also reached its conclusion.

Kazu successfully knocked the Dullahan's helm, revealing its cut-off neck. Emilia quickly rebuffed herself and used her ultimate Skill Art once again.


She shot the red arrow up towards the Dullahan. The arrow suddenly curved and pierced the Dullahan's rotten neck, all the way into the armor. And then, the arrow exploded from within.


-21500! |  -8500 -8340 -8460 -8300 -8590 -8230 -8500 -8430 -8380 -8470


Observing the crumbling armor, Emilia let out a sigh of relief. Kazu walked over and congratulates her.

"Good job, Emily! Your DPS increased again!"

"You too, Kazu-kun."

The two exchanged their pleasantries after a difficult battle.

The Dullahan was a strong foe. Not only its armor was sturdy, but its attack also strong. A single slash from it chopped Kazu's HP by more than 6000, which is almost third of his Max HP.

Because of this he didn't dare to take its sword head on and had to employ the kiting strategy, which in turn, makes Emilia harder to aim her arrow. Fortunately, there was an opening that she can use to make the Dullahan slip, which Kazu used that chance to knock its helm off.

"We done with our side. What about Hecate-chan's side?"

"Ah... that's... they're done."

Emilia answered awkwardly as she turned to Hecate's direction. In there, a sight of Rena-cchi busy cuddling Hecate can be seen. There was no enemies left in the room, since they had been decimated.

Actually, when they were busy fighting with the Dullahan, never once Emilia loosen her attention to the surrounding area. This was the basic of the basic for Players who playing as a Hunter and Ranger.

Obviously, her attention also included the place where Hecate was.

Then, she saw a loli that was unleashing water bullets continuously, as if her wand was a Gatling gun. And when Hecate moves her wand, the bullets looked like a whip.

'So powerful! No wonder Hecate was so confident.'

Each bullet was strong and can deal almost 20k damage, capable to kill a Wraith in two hits.

'With this firepower, why do we bother strategizing? Hecate alone is enough.'

To increase firepower, Players often buffed themselves beforehand, whether is a buff skills, Potions, or Food items.

For example, the main reason why Emilia can deal such a huge damage with her ultimate Skill Art, was because she buffed herself beforehand with the skill Ranger's Creed, increasing her ranged damage by 600%. However, this skill has a drawback.

Ranger's Creed has very short duration which only 1 minute, while the cooldown is 10 minutes. This gap is quite unbalanced in a battle. Hence, this skill can only be used as her finishing move.

But what about Hecate?

Emilia then looked at the buff indicator on the party screen.

Other than buff from Rena-cchi, it seems... Hecate didn't do anything special.

Hecate is already strong as she is!

"Emily, what are you doing? We'll left you behind if you're slow."

Kazu's voice awakened Emilia from her stupor. He already regrouped with Hecate and Rena-cchi. It seems they are ready to move to the next room. Emilia hurriedly chased them.

While running, she let out a sigh. She couldn't help but think.

'Perhaps, I chose the wrong occupation...'

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