There is Something Wrong with This Game

A020 – Solo Hunting

A020 – Solo Hunting

[Sealed Mausoleum: B3F]

A few meters in front of Hecate, there were 5 Death Warriors stood with hostility. Behind them, there are 2 Death Mages and 3 Death Archers. There also 5 bats (Corpse Steeling) and 7 flying skulls (Reaped Skull) floating nearby.

The moment they noticed Hecate's existence, the Death Warriors, and Corpse Steelings immediately charged to her direction. Meanwhile, the Death Archers pulled their bows from the distance. The Death Mages and Reaper Skulls also started to casts their spells. From the color of the mana, Hecate can see the former used fire spells, and the latter used wind spells.

However, it would be not Hecate who allowed their attack to succeed.

- Switch Equip: 10 Ring of Ignis.

Now that no one else except Hecate in the field, there was no reason to hold back any longer. She can attack using the four element rings as she wished with the maximum power. Especially with fire spells which quite effective towards undead.

Monsters who capable of insta-death attacks was not nearby. So for the time being there was no problem to use all 10 rings to increase the strength of her spell.

Hecate quickly used a fire AOE spell.


The casting time took about 1 second to complete.

Soon after, the flames sprouted from her wand. With the influence of the skill Precise Mana Control, Hecate found out that she can somewhat control the flame direction, as well as the shape.


-102.300  -102.450  -102.110  -102.970  -103.050  -102.500  -102.550  -102.420....

Hecate controlled the flame to split with each part moved like a vine. The flame vines simultaneously moved and efficiently massacred the Death zombies and burned them to ash.

During the time Hecate casts the spell, the Archers, Mages, and the skulls had the time to unleash their spells and arrows, but all of them were blocked by her flames. A single slap from the flame was enough to melt the arrows and distorting their trajectory. And the spells easily neutralized after their mana got overpowered by more superior spell.

; ;
You have killed a Death Knight - Exp +2.900

You have killed a Death Knight - Exp +2.900

You have killed a Death Archer - Exp +2.800

You have killed a Death Archer - Exp +2.800

You have killed a Death Mage - Exp +2.850


Hecate's firepower has improved from the last battle.

Looking at her damage number which had reached 6 digits, she couldn't help but smile.

"Kukuku... I did not use MA1 [(Mystical Amplification)] and still got 6 digits damage? Ahahah... This is awesome!"

While laughing, Hecate didn't forget there were still 12 enemies nearby.

The zombies already gone, but the flying enemies, the bats and the skulls remained. With a flick of her wand, Hecate quickly used Firebolt to shot one of them down. Of course, the spell she was used was concentrated to a single shot.

"Firebolt!" (Lv5)    -75.310

Immediately after that, she used her thought to activate the hotkey to switch all of her rings to Ring of Aqua, and used Waterbolt to the next target. Then, she changed all of her rings again to Ring of Ventus and used Wind Slash.

At this time, Firebolt cooldown was over and she changed all her rings back to Ring of Ignis.

- Switch Equip: 10 Ring of Aqua - "Waterbolt!" (Lv5)   -44.200

- Switch Equip: 10 Ring of Ventus- "Wind Slash!" (Lv5)   -65.300

- Switch Equip: 10 Ring of Ignis - "Firebolt!" (Lv5)   -75.180

- Switch Equip: 10 Ring of Aqua - "Waterbolt!" (Lv5)   -43.600

- Switch Equip: 10 Ring of Ventus- "Wind Slash!" (Lv5)   -66.260


Except Ring of Gnome, which the spells were not suitable for flying enemies, Hecate used the 3 element rings in rotation.

Sometimes, the skulls were casting wind spells, but when that happened, Hecate just calmly switched her rings to Ring of Ventus before the spells reached her body, and let the 200% Wind resistance to block the damage. The only thing she had to wary was the bats, but their movements were slow and easy to dodge.

; ;
You have killed a Corpse Steeling - Exp +300

You have killed a Reaped Skull - Exp +1500


It didn't take long for the enemies to be killed.

"As expected, using the thought to control is quite tiring for my head. But, it is still within my tolerance for now."

Using thought to control the hotkey, as well as manipulating the spells undoubtedly took quite a toll for her brain. If there was no need, most players would decide to not use the Thought Command, or limiting its use, especially during battle. But Hecate was different.

With Elixir, any fatigue can be washed up. All she need to do was just temporary logout and drink one bottle in real life.

"This level of fatigue is still not enough for me to waste an Elixir. I'll just rest for 5 min before continuing."

Meanwhile, at Rosenheim Capital City.

Emilia, Rena-cchi, and Kazu appeared in the city square after being teleported from the dungeon. The three of them were about to logout and go back to their class. But before that, they walked to the Save Crystal and quickly sorted their loots. These loots were to be exchanged with GCP later.

It was then, they noticed Astrid has gifted them a lot of GCP.

"Ooh, Acchii is so kind~! One million points!"

"You too, Rena? I also got 1m points! Emily, what about you?"

Rena-cchi and Kazu became boisterous after seeing their points. On the contrary, Emilia was calm.

Other than the points, she received a thank you message from Astrid. In this message, Astrid also gives her invitation for a private talk about employment. But, there was no need to tell anyone about it now.

"Yeah, Astrid also gives me the same amount. I'm sure Hecate also the same."

Thinking about the girl, Emilia opened the party window.

Although the hunt was over, the party haven't been officially dismissed yet. The party will still exist until the party leader dismiss it or everyone left the party. Until then, the party window will not disappear.

In the party window, the name Hecate is still there, but without HP, MP, and buff indicators. This clearly shows that Hecate is not on the same map. But, when Emilia looked at Hecate's current location, she was surprised.

'Hecate is still in the Mausoleum. Not only that, she went to B3F... Did she go solo?'

Emilia couldn't help but astonished.

Frightening undead with thick HP bars they dared not face, Hecate faced them alone.

Emilia remembered the previous raid party in that dungeon.

The enemies on that floor were on a completely different level. Three scout parties was wiped out during that expedition.

  • The Death Warriors, Death Archers, and Death Mages were quite troublesome opponent. The Warriors was tough and quite tanky, while the Archers and Mages can attack from a distance, especially from the other pathway.


  • The Wraith Deads and Banshee Masters, basically the evolved version of Wraith and Banshee. They have more powerful spells and their screams can cause instant death.


  • The Ghoul Slaughters was a group of scum. They used Dual-Wield Dagger fighting style with hidden throwing weapon, like Shadow Assassin. They can use Skill Arts, fast and very agile, making them very powerful at close quarter.

    Their daggers and hidden weapons were coated with deadly poison. If many people gathered in one place, they could throw the same poison bomb in that area. The poison was very strong. One stroke can reduce maximum HP by 30%, causing paralysis, hallucination, and 5% slip damage per second. The poison cannot be removed, except with Elixir.


There also two unfathomable monsters which called Reaper. These two monsters were basically the mini-bosses.

According to the report, the Reapers were invulnerable to physical attack, and they can cast Reflect Magic to themselves. When coated with this buff, any spells directed to them will bounce back to the caster.

A single swipe of their scythe can cause instant death, even at full health. The scythe was unblockable and can cause shockwave in the air. Getting hit by the shockwave will result with the same effect.

What was the raid team supposed to do with that?

In the end, what was Hecate trying to do?

Was she doing a suicide contact to gather information?

Emilia knew that Hecate had accumulated a lot of Life Insurance Scrolls. She can understand because of this, Hecate was fearless of death. This fact was not a secret at all.

'Even so, this is still quite reckless! But, since she can stay alive for so long means she is doing well.'

Emilia shook her head with amazement.

In the end, she decided to simply trust Hecate's decision. After all, she was in fact, Genesis Guild battle strategist.

"Ehem...! Playing time is over. Let's go back to our class!"

"Okaay~!" 2

The trio pressed the logout button nearly at the same time.

Soon after, their bodies became particles of light and disappeared.

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