There is Something Wrong with This Game

Chapter E007 – Mayhem Caused by Spider Carcasses

Chapter E007 – Mayhem Caused by Spider Carcasses

The 18 minutes casting time was over.

The magical circle under Hecate's feet was shining brightly and emitting a dangerous light, a sign that the spell was ready to be fired. Hecate quickly stopped what she was doing and let the clone disintegrate.

"Let there be fire and the world shall be cleansed! MEGAFLARE!" (Distorted Voice)

With a wave of her hand, the sky suddenly darkened and the magical circle transformed into different shape.

From this circle, countless fire arrows shot into the sky and landed in the west area of the inner district inside the barrier. Soon after, the sound of continuous explosions filled the ears and the sky turned fiery red.

<img /img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjVXgu9ogZTbF-c4_rRJazs5zm0XPm0e-J7Na_fSZNPuH-OAX5-eGA0YXl9SWqlFQM8vMx1ZNLOXd84_949wtUtO4bRAXAQYHKrYcRYeWyDVUjtKCzd0pXf9QyziVysmaYgL9Ms2GzuGOfx4wW3Mk6RDo-uRhaMSlpzb3Lqcv0zcMNeJhFmp5qE05_T_lo/s320/MegaFlare.gif" alt="" width="393" height="221" />


-323000 -322800 -347320! -323500 -293530 -323780 -322530 -346000! -294470 -322680

It was a total bombardment.

The demonic flowers, the gigantic hornets, the glowing sticks, everything was drowned out by powerful explosions. And when everything subsided, nothing remained in the target area, except for the scorching ground and burning carcasses.

As Hecate surveyed the aftermath of her spell, she couldn't help but marvel at the sheer devastation caused by Megaflare. The targeted area had been bombarded with an intensity that obliterated every monster within reach, leaving nothing but smoldering ruins.

'Wow, I didn't even use Mystical Amplification and it caused such destruction?'

However, as the smoke cleared, a pang of regret settled in her chest.

The spell's unparalleled potency had not only eradicated the monsters but also obliterated potential material gathering spots that might have been hidden among them.

'It's a shame that many of the collection points are now gone, but forget it, what's done is done.'

She sighed, lamenting the loss of resources, but quickly shook off the regret and focused on the bright side. The experience points she gained from the massacre were astronomical, thanks to the Super EXP Potion buff that has not yet expired.

Watching her EXP bar soar, she couldn't help but feel a thrill of satisfaction, even though she was still 10% short of reaching the next level.

Devastating Fire!

You have unleashed a spell with devastating power to burn down your enemies

but also caused great destruction to nature.

Affinity with Nature -5
You have killed...

You have killed...

You have killed...

Title Obtained: Terror of Archades.
The immense mana from your use of the spell Megaflare had permeated

the entire area, leaving a lasting impression on the surrounding environment

and the monsters within it.

This lingering presence of your energy had imprinted itself on their minds,

causing them to remember your overwhelming force.

The damage you deal to monsters in this area is increased by 10%.
Monsters in the area with lower level will be intimidated when they see you.

Monsters in the area with higher level will be more cautious when they see you.


Looking at the notification window, Hecate was surprised and didn't expect to receive a title.

She stared at the notification window for a moment, processing the unexpected reward. A title for spreading fear through her mana was not something she had anticipated. However, she didn't dwell on it for long.

'That's quite nice, but it didn't really matter.'

With a shrug, she decided not to overthink it and simply closed the notification window.

Hecate checked the Territory Management Window and discovered that the Megaflare spell had drained nearly 500,000 MP from the territory's MP Supply.

'Well, it make sense that such a spell would cost a lot of MP.'

She nodded in understanding, acknowledging that a spell of such magnitude would naturally consume a vast amount of mana. Pondering on a more efficient way to replenish the MP Supply, she considered alternatives other than taxing her own MP.

An idea struck her: using Mana Stones.

Without hesitation, she activated her skill, Mana Stone Creation, and crafted a single brick-shaped Mana Stone. Holding the newly created brick-shaped stone, she approached the Save-Crystal and gently touched the stone to it.

To her satisfaction, the Mana Stone gradually evaporated, and the MP in the MP Supply was restored by the same amount of mana contained within the stone. Her guess had been correct, and she now had a more effective method to maintain the territory's mana reserves.

'Great, that means I don't have to wait long to refill the territory's MP Supply.'

Without further ado, Hecate retrieved all the Mana Stones she had collected from her storage and used them to restore the MP Supply. As she depleted her stockpile of stones, the territory's MP Supply was replenished by nearly 8 million MP.

'I still have a lot of stones from other storages, if I use them all, this territory's MP Supply will definitely be full.'

Unbeknownst to Hecate, this method was actually the standard practice for territory owners to replenish their territory's MP Supply during emergencies. This was why Mana Stones had a significant market value, and many territory owners frequently purchased Mana Stones from various places to ensure they were prepared for such situations.

But that was another matter.


[Brynhildr Fort]

At the same time, in another place.

Bubbles, one of the chefs in the Genesis Guild's Food Processing Department, examined the Guild Treasury Exchange window. His attention was drawn to three conspicuous entries of spider carcasses. These entries stood out due to their shockingly high exchange rates.

Initially, Bubbles and his colleagues suspected that these entries might be a joke, a prank, or even a scam. However, when they noticed the submitter's name was Hecate, they became serious and carefully inspected the entries.

The description of the entries revealed fascinating details about the spider carcasses.

Originally, these spiders were of gigantic size, but they had been significantly reduced in size using a Shrink spell. This spell could be dispelled, restoring the carcasses to their original, enormous dimensions. The description highlighted that, once returned to their full size, each carcass could feed hundreds of people.

Beyond their considerable quantity of meat, the spider carcasses were valuable for their other components.

The scales, fur, and various materials harvested from these creatures had substantial worth. These materials, known for their intricate textures and unique properties, could be used in numerous crafting recipes, enhancing the overall value of the carcasses.

Hecate's detailed description supported the high exchange rates, emphasizing that the value wasn't solely in the volume of consumable meat but also in the diverse applications of the spider's components. The well-reasoned argument in the submission asserted that the listed prices were appropriate given the multifaceted utility and substantial size of the carcasses.

This additional context provided Bubbles and his team with a clearer understanding of the potential worth and strategic importance of the spider carcasses, reinforcing the credibility of the entries.

As such, Bubbles and his colleagues in the Food Processing Department gathered their funds to exchange at least one of each of the entries for a try. If the descriptions were true, then after they processed the carcasses into materials and sorted and separated them into their respective types, they could sell these materials back and reap the profit.

Once the profit was proven, they planned to repeat the steps: exchange more spider carcasses, process them into materials, and sell them back, eventually emptying all three entries.

Today, Bubbles and his colleagues finished collecting their funds, and they gathered in their processing building together, intending to buy one of each entry. Bubbles stood at the front, facing his colleagues who were gathered around him, a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation on their faces.

He took a deep breath, wanting to inspire confidence and camaraderie among the group.

"Alright, everyone, today is a big day for us. We've all worked hard to gather the funds needed for this exchange, and now we're about to see if our efforts pay off."

He paused, letting his words sink in.

"These spider carcasses aren't just materials—they're an opportunity for us to elevate our Food Processing Department to a higher level. If what Hecate-chan says is true, we'll have a resource that can not only meet our guild's needs but also create a new revenue stream." (Bubbles)

"""Yeah!""" ×?? (Colleagues) 

Bubbles looked around the room, meeting the eyes of each of his colleagues.

"Remember, this is a team effort. Every one of us plays a crucial role in this process. From the initial exchange to the final processing and sorting, our success depends on our ability to work together and trust in each other's skills." (Bubbles)

"""Yeah!""" ×?? (Colleagues) 

"Let's prove that we can take on any challenge and turn it into an opportunity. Let's show everyone that the Genesis Guild's Food Processing Department is not only capable but exceptional." (Bubbles)

"""Yeah!""" ×?? (Colleagues)

Bubbles raised his fist in a gesture of solidarity.

"I’m excited but also a bit nervous." (Colleague 1)

"These prices are shocking, but if the descriptions are correct, this could be a huge opportunity.” (Colleague 2)

"I agree. The potential profit from these materials could be immense." (Colleague 3)

"Let’s just make sure we handle the carcasses properly.” (Colleague 4)

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, and Bubbles felt a surge of pride for his team.

"So, let's do this. Let's make this exchange, process these carcasses, and show the guild just what we're made of." (Bubbles)

With that, he turned to the Guild Treasury Exchange window, ready to make the first purchase. The room buzzed with renewed energy and determination as his colleagues rallied behind him, ready to embark on this new venture together.

Bubbles ordered one of each entry and pressed the confirm button.

In an instant, three sizable spider carcasses materialized before them. But the process wasn’t over yet. Bubbles called for any colleagues who had the Dispel spell to step forward, and a Witch named Meia responded to the call.

"Who has Dispel? Those who have, please come forward!" (Bubbles)

"I have it! Let me do the honor!" (Meia)

"Ok then! Please do!" (Bubbles)

Meia approached the carcasses with determination, performing a few intricate gestures as she cast Dispel on each of them. The spell worked, and the Shrink spell was lifted, but what followed was far from what they had anticipated.

The carcasses, once restored to their original gigantic size, quickly expanded and began to press against the walls and floors of the processing building. In the blink of an eye, the space filled up with the enormous carcasses, and the team was trapped. The sheer bulk of the spiders squeezed everyone between the carcasses and the building’s structural elements.

The Safe Area, meant to protect them from fatal blows, was insufficient against being crushed and suffocated.

Trapped in an airless, tight space, the oxygen bar rapidly depleted. Panic and screams were stifled as the pressure mounted. Most of the team succumbed to the lack of air and perished before they could even comprehend their dire situation.

As the building could no longer withstand the immense pressure, its walls and roof cracked and finally gave way. The three massive spider carcasses burst out, causing mayhem as they tumbled into the open.

The spectacle was so dramatic that nearly everyone in the Brynhildr Fort could see the colossal carcasses from a distance.

Bubbles and a few fortunate colleagues, squeezed into the wall and ejected when the building collapsed, managed to survive the ordeal. As they looked upon the monstrous carcasses, their sheer size evoked a cold sweat and a profound realization of the chaos they had unwittingly unleashed.

"This is beyond what we imagined... We underestimated the size of these carcasses." (Bubbles)

"We’ve caused a mess. Look at the size of those carcasses!" (Colleague 1)

"We need to get out of here and figure out what to do next. This is a disaster." (Colleague 2)

"Yes, we need to regroup and assess the damage. We’ll learn from this and adjust our strategy. Let’s focus on getting ourselves to safety and then handle the aftermath." (Bubbles)

As the colossal spider carcasses loomed outside the wrecked building, Bubbles and his survived colleagues were left in stunned silence. The size of the carcasses was overwhelming, their sheer bulk causing havoc and drawing the attention of everyone in Brynhildr Fort.

The once orderly Food Processing Department was now reduced to rubble, and the team faced an urgent and daunting challenge: explaining the disaster.

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