There is Something Wrong with This Game

Chapter E012 – Rosenweil Falls

Chapter E012 – Rosenweil Falls

Leon's POV:

The scene shifts to a different place, one day after Hecate’s meticulous planning.

It was Monday morning, and the national exam period had just begun.

This meant that for the next few days, a significant portion of students across the country, roughly 30% of the Ascension Player base in the Japan server, would be offline, preoccupied with their exams. The remaining 70% consisted mostly of social workers, business people, or NEETs—Players who had no obligations to the exams.

This moment was perfect for Leon.

It was the prime opportunity to carry out his audacious plan: a coup to take over the Rosenweil Kingdom. He had been biding his time, waiting for the right moment to strike, and this exam period offered the perfect cover. With fewer players online, especially the rival guilds like the powerful Prominence Guild, Leon could move quickly and covertly.

Leon himself was a student, but unlike the rest, he had used his privileges to postpone all his exams. He wasn’t going to let something as trivial as exams get in the way of his ambitions. Astrid and Grim, his closest allies, had done the same, ensuring they would be fully available for the operation.

"It's almost time,"

Leon muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible above the sound of rushing water from the Rosenweil Waterway.

He stood at the entrance of a secret passage that led into the very heart of the castle's interior. Beside him were 120 carefully handpicked Native soldiers from his Knight Order, each one with unwavering loyalty. Their devotion exceeded 90%, eliminating any fear of betrayal.

This coup was to be carried out swiftly and in secret, involving only Natives and his trusted companions, Astrid and Grim. No other players were to be involved—he couldn't risk alerting anyone from the remaining online players, especially those from rival guilds.

He had made it clear from the start: this mission needed to be executed without drawing any attention. By the time anyone noticed, the Rosenweil Kingdom would already be under new rule.

"Soon, this kingdom will be mine,"

Leon whispered, allowing himself a moment of satisfaction.

He was fully aware of the consequences of his actions. There would be backlash, and he had already predicted it—outrage from other Players, and undoubtedly, Natives, especially those loyal to the current regime. But the reward was worth the risk. Gaining control over a kingdom was an opportunity too great to pass up, even if it meant tarnishing his reputation for a time.

As he waited for the final confirmation, a notification popped up in his group conference chat. It was Grim.

"The Mage Tower has been subdued. We can hijack the barrier at any time,"

Grim’s voice came through, calm and professional.

Attached to Grim’s message was a picture of the Rosenweil mages responsible for maintaining the barrier. They were slumped over, tied up and drugged, but very much alive.

Killing registered citizens of the Rosenweil Kingdom while the area barrier was active was nearly impossible, and even if it were achieved, the karma consequences were too severe to justify. Drugging them, however, was simple and effective.

Leon quickly responded by attaching a thumbs-up emoji to the message, signaling his acknowledgment.

Moments later, Astrid chimed in.

"The preparations are all in place. We can start anytime."

Leon smirked as he typed out his response. "Ok, let's start now."

With a single command, the 120 soldiers at his side began to move silently through the passageways. Leon's eyes glinted with anticipation.

His plan was in motion.


Other's POV:

King Rasca Vian Rosenweil IV sat at the head of a long breakfast table.

He wore a warm smile as his wife, Queen Elara, and their 11-year-old son, Prince Caelan, joined him. The palace, illuminated by the morning sun, radiated a sense of serenity that always brought comfort to Rasca. Despite the challenges of leadership, these moments with his family served as a reminder of why he shouldered the responsibilities of the crown.

Caelan enthusiastically shared his thoughts about the lessons he would be attending later that day, bubbling with the unrestrained energy of a child eager to follow in his father's path. Queen Elara, always graceful and poised, smiled affectionately, brushing back her son's blonde hair as she enjoyed her tea.

King Rasca enjoyed these moments of serenity, moments where the weight of the crown seemed lighter. With a cup of tea in hand, he was just about to indulge in the peace when a loud crash reverberated through the palace halls.

The sudden sound shattered the calm, and King Rasca stood abruptly, his heart pounding.

"What was that? Guards!"

His voice echoing through the halls, calling the guards. 

Soon later, armed figures burst into the royal dining hall, their armor gleaming, but these were not the King's guards. At their head, a familiar figure stood tall and imposing.

Leon, the leader of Genesis Guild, one of the most powerful guilds of the immortal Players, and a Templar of the Church of Light. Leon had been a loyal servant of the kingdom, once awarded Brynhildr Fort by King Rasca himself for his service.

King Rasca’s voice was filled with disbelief.

"Leon?! What is the meaning of this?!"

Queen Elara instinctively moved to shield Caelan, pulling him close. Her eyes, usually serene, were wide with fear. The young prince clung to her, his bright, innocent eyes filled with confusion.

"Father? What’s happening?"

Prince Caelan whispered, his voice barely audible.

Leon stood tall, his expression unreadable as he slowly approached the king. His soldiers fanned out, securing the room. Leon said with a mockingly respectful bow.

"Your Majesty, I’m here to take control of Rosenweil. I suggest you don't resist."

Hearing his words, King Rasca's mind reeled.

'A coup? By Leon? Weren’t Players supposed to be envoys of the Goddess Norn, sent to protect the realm?'

'And Leon, a Templar—how could he commit such an act?

The man he had trusted, the Templar who served the Church of Light—the very institution that worshiped Goddess Norn, the deity of this world—was betraying him. His thoughts raced.

Rasca shouted, his voice trembling with outrage.

"You are a Templar of the Church of Light! You swore loyalty to this kingdom, to the Goddess Norn!"

Leon’s gaze never wavered. "Times change, Your Majesty."

Without wasting another second, Rasca called upon one of his most powerful abilities—Royal Arrest, a Territory skill only the king could use. But as he attempted to activate the skill, something was wrong. His hand, glowing faintly with the beginnings of the spell, dimmed, and he felt... nothing.

The spell didn’t activate.

He blinked in confusion, glancing down at his hand. Then, with rising panic, he checked his skills. Royal Arrest was grayed out. His eyes widened as he quickly scrolled through the list of Territory skills—Royal Expulsion, Royal Command, Citywide Teleportation—all of them grayed out.

"No... this is not..."

King Rasca whispered, disbelief settling in his chest like a lead weight. 

He turned his gaze toward Leon, understanding dawning with terrible clarity.

"The Tower... the city’s barrier... You’ve hijacked the tower."

Rasca looked over at his queen and son, both of whom had been subdued by Leon's soldiers. Queen Elara glared defiantly at their captors, while Prince Caelan trembled beside her, clearly terrified but trying to stay brave.

Leon nodded calmly.

"Indeed. The mages responsible for maintaining the city’s barrier are... sleeping. There’s no protection left for you, Your Majesty."

Rasca’s knees felt weak.

His last line of defense, the magical barrier that protected the palace and the entire city, was gone. His kingdom—his throne—was slipping from his grasp.

His voice cracked with emotion.

"You... traitor... I gave you Brynhildr Fort, I trusted you! You were my most loyal servant!"

Leon’s face remained unreadable.

One of Leon’s soldiers stepped forward, roughly grabbing the king’s arm. Rasca tried to resist, but the strength of the soldier easily overpowered him. He felt his knees buckle as he was forced to the ground, his royal robes tangling beneath him.

He was a Scholar, a man of intellect and diplomacy, not of combat. He had no means to fight off the soldiers surrounding him, no way to stop Leon’s coup. He was powerless.

Rasca hissed, desperation leaking into his voice.

"The Church will never stand for this! You think the Pope will turn a blind eye to your treachery?"

Hearing his words, Leon smirked slightly for the first time, a cold, humorless smile.

"The Pope supports my endeavor. Your reign did not benefit the Church enough, Your Majesty. You’ve been abandoned."

King Rasca felt his heart sink.

The Pope? The Church? Everything he had believed in was unraveling before his eyes. He had trusted the Church of Light, trusted their divine connection to the Goddess Norn. Now, he was utterly betrayed.

Rasca spat, his voice trembling with fury.

"Ungrateful traitor! You will pay for this! The kingdom will never accept you as king!"

Leon dismissed the accusation with a wave of his hand, only signaling his soldiers to continue.

The weight of defeat bore down on the king. His once-proud figure now slumped as Leon's men subdued him without resistance. His kingdom—his legacy—had been taken from him in a matter of moments, and he could do nothing but watch as everything he had worked for slipped away.

"By the time anyone can act, the kingdom will be mine. The Church has already withdrawn its support from your reign. There’s no one left to help you."

As his hands were bound and his crown was taken, King Rasca stared at the cold stone floor of his once-peaceful palace. His heart filled with bitterness, but no amount of anger could reverse what had happened.

Leon turned to his soldiers.

"Prepare the coronation ceremony. We’ll make it official by noon. I want this kingdom fully under my control before Prominence Guild catches wind of what’s happened."

As his soldiers moved to obey, Rasca could only watch in despair.

His kingdom, his family, and everything he had ever worked for had been stolen from him in a single, brutal morning.

Leon’s coup was swift and merciless, and King Rasca, Queen Elara, and young Prince Caelan, despite their royal blood, were no more than prisoners in their own palace. The reign of Rasca IV had come to an end, and with it, the era of the Rosenweil royal family was fading into the shadow of Leon’s ambition.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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