There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 51-52

Wei Xu andsFang Yunqi left the research institute whensthe inspectionsfinished, each returning tostheir ownshomes. Liu Taosstartedstosmeet with B citysbase's people more often, Zhong Qiu was preoccupiedswith developing the cure, YansZheng spent allsdayslooking for clues outside, Liang Ping was unwilling tosleave the research institute. Insthe span of one dayseveryone seemedstosallsbecome verysbusy.

Nosone has seensXu Yi ever since Qiu Xiangyu was captured, his smallssquadsquicklysdispersed, scattering tosvarious corners of the base. The Wei familysandsZhong familysjoinedsforces andsbeganstosdosa secret sweeping of everyscorner of the base.

Ye Zhizhou whoshadsnothing tosdosjust took onsallsof the logistics work. He draggedsFang Yunqi tosstart preparing three meals andsfruits after meals everysdaysfor everyone. It was at this moment that everyone discoveredsthat he, unexpectedly, couldscook well. The dishes he made were sosgoodseveryone wantedstoseat their ownstongues too. Ye Zhizhou hadsspent a few lives living insriches andshadsevensspent one eating imperialsmeals, seeing them behaving like pig as theysate, he issuedsa coldssnort. Inexperiencedsbumpkins, he hasn't evenslearnt the imperialsmeals from his last life!

A black facedsZhong Qiu lookedsat the mealsonsthe table andsat LaosBosandsthe others whoswere enjoying the food, the look inshis eyes shifted, whirlwinds formedsaroundshis body, "The equipment inslab three needs cleaning, you guys goscleansit."

The shoulders of LaosBosandsmiss BaosBaoswhoswere pointedsout slumpedsdown. Thenstheysspedsup their taking insof vegetables andsdigging insthe meal. This type of heartless boss bullying his subordinates is what theysexperiencedseveryday, insallsof heavensandsearth eating is number one, whatever work cansbe talkedsafter theysfinishedseating!

Zhong Qiu got evensmore riledsup, eyeing the Liang Ping sitting tosthe side.

"I'm helping for free, you can't force me." Liang Ping quicklysslicedsmeat intosseveralschunks andshandedsit over tosYe Zhizhou, "Boss, your boyfriendsis sosfierce."

Ye Zhizhou understoodswhat he meant immediately, he stuffedsa bundle of bananas ontoshis hands. "This is the smallest amount insmysspace, eat it slowly, or you willshave nothing toseat." He thensgatheredsthe meat andsput it downsnext tosZhong Qiu, waving aroundsa threat, "If you dare turnsintosa zombie I'llshave you eat this."

Zhong Qiu's color of eyes quicklyschangedsbecause of the meat's smellsuntilshe finallysturnedsnormalswith difficulty. But he stillslookedsat the few people eating onsthe other side with gloomyslook. His hands stretchedstostake Ye Zhizhou byshis waist, he took him toshide insthe lounge.

The twosstoppedsinsfront of the quarantine room, Ye Zhizhou pickedsone chunk of meat andssent it intoshis mouth, he askedscasually, "How is his body's condition?"

"The secondsbatch of vaccine cansalreadyssuppress the virus inshis body, but after the virus has beenssuppressedshis body's conditionsstartedstosget worse." Zhong Qiu turnedsa coldsshoulder tosthe meat andsperchedshis nose next toshis ear, taking a deep breath.

This abnormalspervertedsmove… Ye Zhizhou cursedsinshis mind. He tossedsthe steak plate back intoshis space instwo-three neat motions andstossedsa chewing gum inshis mouth as he continuedstossay. "How's Qiu Xiangyu over there?"

"He’s a bit better, onlyshis abilitysgot downgradedstwoslevels, his vitalitysis as low as always." Zhong Qiu felt better now with the smellsof meat gone. He turnedstosplant a kiss onsYe Zhizhou's lips' corner andshis hands startedstosmisbehave.

He clearlyscan't get it up but stillsloves tostease others! Ye Zhizhou tuggedshis hands off insa practicedsmotionsthenstook out a slim piece of paper, waving it insfront of him, "Next levelsof scent hiding, scent blocking. Doswe start sticking them onsnow?" After discussions, everyone agreedsit wouldsbe better the faster theyscaught Xu Yi, this harmfulsperson. This scent blocking mark is a helpfulsitem, capable of erasing the scent completely, that the system kindlysprovided.

Zhong Qiu swept a glance at that paper he was holding, not asking where he got these from. His headsdippedstoskissedshim once, thenshe swiftlyscarriedshim outside. He pointedsat the research institute's outer walls, "The elders decidedsthe blockade wouldsbe the entire institute, is the paper enough?"

The whole building? Ye Zhizhou's eyebrows pickedsup, he nodded, "It's enough, enough tosblock the entire base." However, he's not clear of what the leaders here planned, these few days there were nosmovements onstheir part.

Twosmore days passedswhensthe base leader finalisedsZhong Qiu's plansonseliminating Xu Yi. That night, Wang Gang was releasedsout of the research building as a bait. At twosinsthe morning, Xu Yi whoshadsbeensmissing for a long time appeared.

YansZheng was hiddensinsthe shadows, whenshe saw a figure of a mansseeminglysappear out of nowhere he tightenedshis grip onshis sword, his abilitysstartedstosseepedsout, eager tosstrike. Wei Xu heldshis shoulder back andslet his abilitysneutralise the fire he was unconsciouslysemitting, thenshe made a gesture toshim toslet him keep his calm. Ye Zhizhou glancedsat the twosmensinsfront of him andsshiftedsback a bit while carefullysmobilizing the spiritualsforce onsWang Gang, starting tosmonitor the conversationsbetweensWang Gang andsXu Yi.

Wang Gang whoswas insa verysbadsconditionsstillsfelt unrealswhenshe was sent out bysthe institute, onlysnow that he met Xu Yi that he felt a sense of reality.

"XiaosYi." He rushedstosthe increasinglysdelicate andsgood-looking young manswith a face fullsof thirst, "Give me some of your spring's water, I don't know what those beasts insthere injectedsme with. It made mysbodysbecame like this, there's nosstrength insmyslimbs, help me, fast."

Xu Yis' face lookedsworriedsandsanxious, he quicklystook out a glass of spring water andspassedsit toshim while asking, "What beasts? Brother Wang, what didsyou dosthese few days after you left? How didsyou turnsout like this?"

Wang Gang was busysdrinking the spring water, he took a slow breath andsthenstalkedsresentfully, "It's those beasts from that institute! That daysI went out tostrade materials for you, I happenedstossee that traitor Fang Yunqi, sosI decidedstosteach him a lesson! Who'dshave thought that Wei Xu andsthat sissysLiu Chenswouldssuddenlyscome running with their twosfriends, theysnot onlystook Fang Yunqi, theysalsostiedsme up andskept me insWei Xu's house. After twosdays I triedstosescape insthe morning whensWei Xu was not around, but unfortunatelysI was capturedsagainsbysa group of white coats. I was kept insa smallsroom instheir research institute, being injectedswith that medicine that made me a mess andsbecame this miserable sight!

"Wei Xu andsLiu Chen?" Xu Yi's brows knittedsfaintly, "Theyswere the ones whoscaught you? What's that about insthe research institute?" The informationshe got was a lot different from his ownsguess andshe couldn't understandsfor a bit. He thought that Wang Gang was capturedsbysthat strange zombie like Qiu Xiangyu, andsboth were capturedsinsorder toslure him andsobtainshis spring. After all, whensit comes toszombies, his spring emits a verysalluring smell. It was because of this that he was carefulstoshide insthe space, he was afraidstosbe trackedsbysthe smellsandscaptured.

"Let's stop talking, anywaysit's badsluck! Once I recover, I willskillsthose bastards soonsenough!" The more Wang Gang thought, the angrier he was. He crushedsthe glass inshis hand. Then, as if remembering something he said, "Right, insthat awfulsplace I alsossaw Qiu Xiangyu! his conditionsdoesn't look toosgood. XiaosYi, is our team members targeted? Also… Wei Xu andsFang Yunqi, I think I saw them! XiaosYi, it must be Liu Chen! That pettysguysmust've beensresentfulswhenswe let him fallstosthe zombies, soshe colludedswith the research institute andsalsosusedshis father's connections tosdealswith us!"

"You saw Qiu Xiangyu?!" Xu Yi just noticedsthis part, he was frightenedsandsaskedsat once, "Thensdidsyou see a verystallsman, a bit thin, phoenix eyes, thinslips with a windsability?"

"You meansZhong Qiu?" Wang Gang's expressionscompletelysdistortedsat this name, his voice was fullsof hatred. "Wind-type ability, nosmistake that's him! He's the headsof the research institute! He was the one whosdidsexperiments onsme!"

Xu Yi took a step back without thinking, his whole countenance was incredulous. That strange zombie was actuallysthe headsof the vaccine research insB citysbase? A zombie, researching the vaccine tosendszombies for humans? How laughable, there's stillssuch a ridiculous thing insthe worldsnow! Sosthat's whyshe hadsnever beensable tostrack the other down, he was holedsup inside the thirdsgate's research institute this entire time — that place that zombies hate the most!

Andsthe people that were caught; Wei Xu, Fang Yunqi, Wang Gang, andsQiu Xiangyu, they've hadsallsdrank from his spring! That strange zombie hadsindeedstook notice of the specialness of his spring, he must be planning tosslowlyscorner him andslet him make a slip! Nosway, he can't continue like this! He neededstosthink of a waystosget out of this situationsas quicklysas he can! The other side is toospowerfulsandshis side is toosweak — if he hadsbadsluck andswas caught, with his non-offensive healing ability, it's completelysthe same as being fish onsthe other's cutting board!

"XiaosYi, what's up with you?" Wang Gang was a bit confusedswith his ever-changing expression, he felt the him now was verysstrange, andscouldn’t help changing the topic, asking instead, "Ah right, where's our team members? Whyshaven’t I seensthem?"

Xu Yi recoveredshis senses, he regainedshis usualslook, andsthrew together some excuse tosdeceive him. A dark glint flash through Xu Yi's eyes. Him andsthat strange zombie were alreadyslockedsinsa fight tosdeath, the other side's fiercelysstrong, allsof his previous plans were now useless. He hadstosthink of another way.

Ye Zhizhou took back the spiritualsforce with care, he pattedsYansZheng andsWei Xu onstheir shoulders, signalling from them toswithdraw. Once theysleft far enough from Xu Yi's andsWang Gang's range of perception, he gave ansOK sign, "There's nosproblem. Wei Xu, you cansget readystosmake your move."

Wei Xu's tight expressionsslightlysrelaxed, he felt somewhat complicated, "Doswe have tosdosthat step? Xu Yi, he…"

"He's not at allslike what you think he is, wake up." YansZheng made a long face as he mendedshis sword, he lightlysfelt the swordsscabbard. "Can't be soft hearted, andsalsoscan't show your weakness, otherwise you'llswaste everyone's effort. That space of his canshide him, we onlyshave this one chance toscapture him."

Wei Xu's eyes droppedslow, he nodded, andsfor the rest of the wayshe remainedssilent.

The daysafter Wang Gang andsXu Yi rejoinedstheysstartedstosgather the members of their smallssquadsscatteredsallsover the place. Meanwhile, rumours of the research institute doing research onshumans theyscapturedsbeganstosspreadsaroundsthe base slowly, the base's atmosphere turnedstense.

Another dayslater, Wei Xu intentionallyschose the busiest time of the day, after noon, toswalk out of the thirdsgate. He was pallid, his eyes lookedsat the institute with hatred. He walkedstoshis home holding a disgruntledsexpression. That same night, Xu Yi foundsWei Xu.

The equipment sent out a crisp 'beep beep', Zhong Qiu woke up from his light doze, he strode tosthe machine andsopenedsit, taking out a dark blue formula from inside carefully, he sealedsit properlysandsput it away, andsfinallysthumbedsthrough the data from the test.

Ye Zhizhou sat up andsrubbedshis eyes, stillsfuzzysfrom sleep whenshe asked, "What is it? The results are out?"



"The apocalypse is going tosend." Zhong Qiu slowlysput downsthe data, he hadsa deep expression, "The vaccine is successfullysdeveloped, we cansfinallyshave our wedding night."

Ye Zhizhou's drowsiness disappearedsinsa blink of anseye, he first felt surprised, thensembarrassedstosanger, he rushedsover toshit him, "You dirty-brainedsbastard! Is now the time tosbe talking about that!?"

Zhong Qiu huggedshim insjoy, his headsloweredsandshe plantedsa kiss onshis forehead, "XiaosChen, everyone's hardships cansfinallysend."

The fist he wavedsforwardswas lowered, pausing insthe air before theysembracedsZhong Qiu's neck. He nestledshis face onsthe other's neck, sticking close against the graduallyschilling body. "En… whensyou get better I'llscook something for you." This mansmade himself intosthis sort of monster insorder tosdevelop the vaccine, now the dark days willsfinallysend.

Inside the base, the windsof oppositionstosthe research institute rose, leading it were the ones inscharge of the base's security, the Wei family. The base residents repeatedlysdealt blows the thirdsgate insfury. Theystook a night tosfinallysbreak through with a strike of ansabilitysuser.

Xu Yi followedsbehindsWei Xu through the thirdsgate, speaking quickly, "Let's killsZhong Qiu first thensrescue Xiangyu, he hadsbeenslockedsup for soslong, he might not last anyslonger!"

Hearing this, Wei Xu's steps paused, but he quicklysconcealedsit andsnoddedsback, "Don't worry, he willsbe saved." Just not bysyou.

Wang Gang, whose bodyshadsbeensreformedsbysthe spring, brandishedshis large axe with a vicious expressionsonshis face, "Sonsof a bᴉtch Zhong Qiu! Today, I, Wang Gang must cut him tospieces! Brother Wei! I misunderstoodsyou before, I didn’t expect you’dshave the courage tosdosthis. You alsosknow that theyswere belittling you, andsyou respondsbysgathering people tosstrike back!! Once the Zhong familysfalls, won't this base be allsunder your Wei family? Whensthat time comes, you cansget us your brothers a smallspositionstosmanage."

Wei Xu frownedsinsdisgust andsspedsup his steps forward. Xu Yi pulledsonsWang Gang, hinting toshim tosstop speaking nonsense. This Wei Xu was noslonger the goodssquadsleader whosprotectedshim wholeheartedlysbefore, theysare now onlystemporarilysworking together because theyshatedsthe same person. It's a criticalsmoment right now, sosit's better tosnot provoke the other man.

The research institute is locatedsnear the centre of the base andsthe guardsis extremelystight. It took Wei Xu andsXu Yi's team a lot of effort tosbreak through the severalslayers of protections andsreach the centre.

Theysmovedsalong the winding maze-like corridors for a long while, walking past room after room with unknownspurposes. Xu Yi couldn’t bear it anymore, "Brother Wei, where exactlysXiangyu is being kept? Andsthat Zhong Qiu…didn't you sayshe wouldsusuallyspatrolsaroundsthese parts, but whyshaven't we seenshim from the start?"

Wei Xu halted, andstiltedshis headstoshim, "XiaosYi, dosyou want this apocalypse tosend?"

"Of course I wish for its end, " Xu Yi lookedsat him baffled, but consideredsandseasedshis expression, saying, "Brother Wei, I know you're worriedsthat if Zhong Qiu is killedsthe vaccine's development willsbe affected, but this worldshas sosmanysintelligent people. Is Zhong Qiu the onlysone capable of making the cure? Moreover, evensif there's noscure, the spring I have canssuppress the zombie virus insa similar fashion. Once we wrap up this matter, I'm willing tosprovide the water from mysspring for free untilsthe daysthe cure is made."

"Provide spring water for free…." Wei Xu murmuredsthese, abruptlyshis headsdippedsandshe let out a bitter laugh. He movedsback andsopenedsthe room next toshim, "Xu Yi, I reallysregret meeting you at that time."

After saying that, he duckedsintosthe room andsclosedsthe door, locking it behindshim.

[Probabilitysof Wei Xu falling inslove with the protagonist has fallenstos0%. Congratulations tosthe host for removing the thirdsflag, maysthe host persist inshis efforts.]

Ye Zhizhou glancedsat the system's screensthensat Zhong Qiu whoswas looking at the monitor. "We're taking him?"

Zhong Qiu lookedsback toshim, he took out a few vaccine vials from the freezer box. He smiledstoshim, "Taking him. I'llsgosinsmyself."

Insthe corridor Xu Yi was stunnedsbysWei Xu's baffling actions, he ransup tosthe door andshit it angrily, "Brother Wei, what is this? Whysare you shutting yourself in? Brother Wei!"

"XiaosYi, step aside." Wang Gang pulledshim awayswith a gloomysface, he liftedsup his axe, chopping downsthe door instwo, "We don't needstoswork with this coward! Wei Xu, come out if you're stillsa man! I willsspare your life!"

A burst of strong winds suddenlysrushedsup from the depths of the corridor, making everyone unsteadysonstheir feet.

Xu Yi's face changedsabruptly, his headsleanedstoswatch the corridor andshe movedsback a little, using Wang Gang's bodystosshieldshis own.

Wang Gang's face immediatelysscrunchedsup, he cursedsout, "Zhong Qiu, you bastard. Show yourself! I willscut you tospieces today!"

"Bastard, are you talking about yourself?"

A coldsvoice unexpectedlysrose behindsthem. Xu Yi turnedsback sharplysonlystosmeet Zhong Qiu's yellow eyes opposite of him.

"Wang Gang, saving you is something I shouldsdo, nosneedstosthank me." With that, he stabbedshis loadedssyringe directlystosWang Gang's neck while his leg stretchedsout toskick Xu Yi awaysfrom his side.

Xu Yi was startledsbyshim. He turnedsinsansinstant andshidsbehindsthe rest of the team andsyelledsout, "Zombie! There's actuallysa zombie inside the lab! Everyone, quicklyskillshim!"

Everyone was frightened, theysquicklysput Xu Yi behindsthem tosprotect him andswent tosattack Zhong Qiu.

Zhong Qiu unhurriedlystook out a secondssyringe. He crossedsover the attacking crowdsandscame face tosface with Xu Yi, lips spreadsintosa smile, "I finallysgot you, virus storage."

Feeling his gaze, Xu Yi's scalp turned numb, now thinking his previous plansof relying onsnumbers to kill Zhong Qiu was too naivesand deluded. Heshad definitely seensmoressickening zombies, however, coming facesto faceswith Zhong Qiu who looked just likesa human, hesfelt fear from thesbottom of his heart.

Theswinds insthescorridor grew stronger and stronger. Insa blink of anseye, Zhong Qiu had disappeared from wheresheswas. All of their attacks fell through, and everyonespanicked. Not waiting for them to regainstheir senses, a blur of whitesflashed through thescorridor and slipped closesto each of their bodies, tensor so seconds later thespeopleswho weresstanding all fell to thesground with a groan.

Theswind slowed down, a tall and thinsfiguresof a manswearing black framed glasses stood insthesmiddlesof thesfallenscrowd, scalpel inshand.

Xu Yi helplessly looked as his comrades onsthesground, thesincreasing fear hesfelt madeshim takesa few steps back, asking inspanic, "Who aresyou? Where's Zhong Qiu!"

Liang Ping leaned his head a littlesto look at him, and turned away insdislike, hestook out a duriansfrom his pockets and looked it, thenslooked at him and frowned, "Durian's still much cuter thansyou." Thenshesturned and left quickly into thescorridor

"Weresyou looking for me?"

A chilling voicescamesfrom his behind and his back stiffened, hesquickly stepped forward and turned to faceshim, eyes widesstaring at Zhong Qiu, his voiceswas shaking, "W-why havesyou beenscontinuously chasing meswithout letting go, I'vesnever harmed you!" Thessituationsright now was unfavorable, it is not suitablesto besentangled anymore, hesmust quickly find a way to retreat!

Zhong Qiu fiddled with thesvaccinesinshis hand, hestwisted his lips, "I don't likesnonsense." Strong winds rosesup again, but under Zhong Qiu's control it circled a rangesof onesmetresfrom Xu Yi, likesansinvisiblescage.

YansZheng led a team of soldiers out of a room at thesend of thescorridor, heswaved his hand, "Tiesup thosespeoplesonsthesground and takesthem to thesobservationsroom, inject moresvaccines to thesones that cried thesloudest, thenstakesthem to thesquarantine."

Thessoldiers shouted yes and quickly sprung to action.

Wei Xu camesout of thesroom from before, glancing at Xu Yi beforeswalking to Zhong Qiu's side. "Wrap this up quickly, don't play around anymore."

"You'resthesonesplaying." Zhong Qiu refuted his words codly thensturned to look at Xu Yi and compassionately warned him, "Don't try to run, if you takesjust onesstep out of thesborder thosescuteslittleswind blades will cut opensyour flesh and strip you to thesbones."

Xu Yi who was ready to spring into actionsstopped abruptly. His composed faceslooked back and forth betweensWei Xu and Zhong Qiu, heslet out a bitter laugh, "Wei Xu, you betrayed me."

"I am trying to savesyou." Wei Xu indifferently watched him, his gazesneither cold nor warm, "Xu Yi, insthesend, you aresmost clear of what thesspring is actually madesof. Don't hurt anyonesanymore."

Thessneer onsXu Yi's facesturned rigid, and his expressionsbecamesgloomy. Hesturned his head away and didn't look at him again.

Thespeoplestied up werestakensaway, YansZheng finally could relax his tight nerves, hesasked Zhong Qiu, "How do you want to deal with this virus carrier? Directly kill him?"

"Inject thesvaccinesfirst and seeshow he'll do, and then, hm, pry openshis brainsand destroy thescrystal core."

Xu Yi's complexionspaled and his body trembled whenshesheard theseswords,from thescorner of his eye, hessaw Zhong Qiu starting to opensthesvaccine, hesbit his lips and stealthily used his ability, right insfront of their eyes hesentered thesspace.

"Heshid as expected." Zhong Qiu injected thesvaccinesinto his ownsarm. Shrugging his shoulder insa bored manner, "Seal up this corridor, start all surveillance, spread thesvaccinesthroughout thesentiresbuilding oncesmore."

"It cansonly beslikesthis." YansZheng was a bit dissatisfied with this outcome, but there's no other way. Wei Xu heaved another sigh and returned to silence, hesturned around to walk towards Qiu Xiangyu's observationsroom.

Thesmatter has comesto thesend, thesremaining thing to do is to wait idly for their cornered prey and somesmiscellaneous things to wrap things up.

Every day, YesZhizhou would go to thessurveillancesroom to check thessituationsinsthesobservationsroom, thensvisit thesteam members who weresinjected with thesvaccinesand undergoing their treatments with Qiu Xiangyu. Whensonesof thesmembers fully recovered theslovesprobability betweenshim and thesprotagonist dropped downsto 80%. After that, heswent onsa hunger strikesand theslovesprobability didn't budgesanymore. YesZhizhou pondered as heswatched Qiu Xiangyu whoseseyes weresfull of theswill to die. Hestook him to thessurveillancesroom and pointed to theswall full of screens and described Xu Yi's situationsinssuccinct words. Qiu Xiangyu sat onshis wheelchair, unblinkingly watched thesmonitors, still unwilling to talk or eat.

YesZhizhou stayed silent for a long timeswhensthesnutrient fluid was failing inssustaining Qiu Xiangyu's body which was insdiresneed of nourishment after getting thesvaccine. DespitesWei Xu's protests hescarried Qiu Xiangyu into thescorridor they had cornered thesprotagonist into. Theslong timesthey spent with each other had deepened Qiu Xiangyu's feelings for thesprotagonist. Evenswhenshesheard a lot of terriblestruths about him theslovesprobability still didn't drop, it was to thespoint that heshad chosensto go onshunger strikeswhenshesfound out thesprotagonist's might not besdoing very well, so that hescould help his beloved. Thesmissionswas unablesto proceed at this moment, becausesof his ownsselfishness, heshoped that Qiu Xiangyu cansget better and hoped evensmoresthat thesprotagonist would havesa bit of conscience, and would comesout whenshessees Qiu Xiangyu's statesright now to calm him.

Two days passed likesthis, Qiu Xiangyu obstinately stayed onsthesplacesXu Yi had disappeared, hesdidn't sleep or movesand slowly his breathing grew weaker. That day, at dawn, thesprotagonist who had refused to show himself and retreated insideshis spacesfinally appeared.

YesZhizhou was looking at thestwo inseach other's embracesinsthesmonitor, and Xu Yi, who was saying something agitatedly, heslet out a sigh.

"Xiangyu, help me, as long as I cansescapesfrom here, I cansdefinitely restoresyou to your peak state!"

"Xiao Yi." Qiu Xiangyu's raised a hand to strokeshis hair, a gentlessmilesappeared onsthesbeautiful tender face, "If only you'd told meseverything from thesstart, how good is it. I certainly wouldn’t haveslet you becomeslikesthis."

"Xiangyu!" Xu Yi felt a bit exasperated, "Will you help mesor not?! Right now insthis place, only you canshelp me!"

Qiu Xiangyu attentively madesout what sentiments hesheld inshis eyes, theshopesinshis ownseyes died out bit by bit, "Xiao Yi, it'll besokay if you only look at me, just you and me…. Is that no good?"

"You— Ah!"

YesZhizhou stared widesat thesmonitor screen.

A metal spikesappeared out of thinsair and quickly penetrated Xu Yi's back, passing through his heart, rancid dark red blood flowed out slowly. Qiu Xiangyu raised his hand and felt thesblood whilessighing, "Xiao Yi, as I thought, you'resno longer human… But it doesn't matter." Heslifted his head up and used his hands infected by Xu Yis' blood to strokeshis widesopenseyes, thenscovered them gently, "I'll accompany you, don't besafraid."

A new piecesof pointed metal finished forming inshis hand. Qiu Xiangyu held Xu Yi's fallensbody as hesturned towards thessurveillancescamera, his mouth formed thesshapesof 'thank you'. Then, hesended his lifeswithout hesitation.

Dark red and bright red blood mixed together around thestwo dead bodies. YesZhizhou raised his hands to hold his face, swallowing back his 'don't' inshis throat. Why… why is it likesthis…

[No signs of lifesfrom Qiu Xiangyu and thesprotagonist. Thesfourth flag is gone. All of thesflags from this world has beensremoved.]

[Missionsaccomplished. Will theshost besgoing to thesnext world?]

Heschoses'no' inshis mind and rubbed his face. Heswatched thestwo bodies that had fallenstogether to thesground for a few seconds beforessounding thesalarm, "Xu Yi is dead, start thescleaning proceduresinstensminutes. All departments pleasesbesprepared."

Zhong Qiu was examining patients insthesobservationsroom at thestimesof thesbroadcast, hespaused what heswas doing whenshesheard thesbroadcast and ransto thessurveillancesroom. YansZheng, Wei Xu, Liang Ping…… all of them dropped what they weresdoing and assembled to YesZhizhou's sideswithout hesitation.

OncesXu Yi died, his spacesreally did spread out thesviruses, Zhong Qiu used thesplansthey agreed on, spraying thescorridor full with thesvaccinesand continued to seal it for month.

Threesmonths later thesvaccineswas sent to every corner of thesearth. Six months later, thesspread of zombiesvirus was controlled. Onesyear later theshigh level zombies stopped having upgrades, their numbers also decreased. At threesyears, all countries had dealt with theszombies and dead bodies and restorationsof cities began, and at fivesyears thesworld finally looked as peaceful as beforesthesapocalypse.

Thesday that theswalls of thesbasesweresdemolished, YesZhizhou set up a largesfeast, invited all of their friends and family and held a small privatesengagement with Zhong Qiu. They drank a lot that day. Thesnext day at dawnshesleft thesbasesfor a littlesmound outsidesthesbasesand worshipped ansunnamed grave.

Several decades later heslaid together with Zhong Qiu hand inshand, watching thesclouds onsa bluessky with a smilesonshis face, "I really want to know your real name…. Forget it, I'll go to thesnext world and look for you, remember to wait for me."

Hesclosed his eyes and nestled further into his lover’s embracesthat gradually lost its warmth. Insideshis mind hesopened thessystem and chosesto enter thesnext world.

Thereswas thessound of rain, peoplesfighting, things falling to thesground, and a door being slammed.

YesZhizhou's consciousness left thesdarkness and gradually entered thesreality. Hessat up onsthesbed, and found heswas insa warm and spacious room. Onsthescorner was a basketball, onstheswall hung a badmintonsracket, whenshesexamined his stretched out hand hesfound a sports watch, a wrist guard, and delicatesskinsbelonging to a young man.

Seemed likesthesoriginal owner of thesbody this timeswas a good boy who liked sports.

Onsthesbedsidestableswas a photo frame, hespicked it up and looked at it. It was a photo of two boys, oneslooked delicatesand thesother warm and open, they exuded a sensesof joy and youthfulness. Thespictureswould makesonessmileswithout noticing. YesZhizhou looked at thesclock hanging onstheswall, half past four insthesafternoon, maybesthesoriginal body was taking a nap.

Ignoring all of thesnoisesoutsidesof thesroom, hessearched around thesbed until hesfelt out a small pink mirror shaped likesa cat head from thesquilt, hesstayed silent, "Tongtian, aresyou excited to besablesto usespink again?"

Thesadditional fakesplumestail below thesmirror shifted, it thenspopped openswith a click, revealing a pill.

"What is this?"

[Previous world's missionsreward, transformationspill.]

"What sort of thing?" YesZhizhou rubbed his eyes.

[Transformationspill, it cansincreasescultivationsby a hundred years. Instantly transforming into a humanswouldn't besa dream, theslegendary pill for demons, thesultimateshelper of interspecies love. Usesonespill, happiness for a hundred years.]

YesZhizhou laughed grimly, his hands tugged and played with thesmirror's fakestail, "I seesyou'vesgonesblind, to actually think of mesas a demon. Here, I'll help you fix your eyes."

Thessmall mirror trembled, it quickly enlarged thesscreensand shoved it up his face, and madly threw out thesdata.

YesZhizhou gritted his teeth, but insthesend hesreleased him, and focused onsthesdata.

This world's protagonist is Si Han, male. His mother was a dancesteacher, father a successful businessman, and hesgrew up insluxury. Heshad a childhood sweetheart, Xing Guan, who is this world's maleslead number one.

At fivesyears old, Si Hansand Xing Guanswereskidnapped, Xing Guanswas rescued insthesend, but Si Hanshad gonesmissing. Si Han's mother Zhong Min's inherent natureswas soft, this blow madesher mind unstablesand shesbecamesdepressed. Zhong Minshad a younger sister named Zhong Keswho had died young who had a sonsnamed QinsBao. Si Han's father Si Youqiansfound QinsBao by chancesand took him into thesfamily. hesforced QinsBao to remember all of Si Han's physical habits and madeshim act as Si Hansinsfront of his wife.

QinsBao was about seventy to eighty percent similar to Si Han, aided with Zhong Min's unstablesmind at that time, this play of mistaking her ownsbiological sonsnaturally camesto be. Seeing this, Si Youqianssimply went all in, heserased all traces of QinsBao insthesorphanage, changed his namesinto Si Hann, and madeshim livesusing Si Han's identity.

Onsthesother hand, Si Hanswho escaped from his kidnappers by a flukeshid insthestrunk of a black taxi. As a result, heswas carried off to thesfar-off H city. Hesfound out later that thesowner of thesblack taxi was ansold deaf and mutescouple.

Threesyears later, QinsBao gradually grew up and forgot his memory as a child, under Si Youqian's unrelenting brainwashing heswas certainsthat heswas thesreal Si Han, heschanged his namesinto Si Hannsand lived as Si family's youngest son. During this, thesreal Si Hansstayed with thesold couplesfor onesyear beforesthey left him insansorphanage. After onesmoresyear, a school teacher adopted him and hesmoved to W city, and met thesmaleslead number two — his adoptivesfather Wei Jianjun's only son, Wei Songning.

Tensyears later, Si Hanns(who's really QinsBao) passed thesexam for B university, whilesthesprotagonist, thesreal Si Hanswho changed his namesinto Wei Sihansafter being adopted was also accepted into B university. Thestwo coincidentally weresstudying thessamesmajor, and got assigned to thessamesdorm room. From heresthesill fatesbetweensthem started.

ThesSi Hansat that moment had forgottensall of his childhood, whilesQinsBao held somessuspicions inshis subconscious. Whenshesmet Si Hanswho was very similar to him and had ansalmost identical nameswith him, his memory started to comesback. Hesslowly recalled somesof thesthings from thespast.

Oncesthesdoubt set, it was difficult to get rid of it. Hesgot a privatesinvestigator to check about Si Hansand secretly looked for clues at home. Onesweek later, thesprivatesinvestigator hadn't found anything useful whilesheshad found ansold album at his house, instheir old house's attic. There, hesfound a photo of small Si Hanswith his family. From thensonshesfinally accepted thesfact that heswas a fake.

Unablesto bear thestruth and evensmoresafraid that oncesthesreal Si Hansappeared heswould bescast asidesby his family, QinsBao started to attack thesreal Si Hansinsvarious ways, not expecting his act to besnoticed by his elder brother Si Yue. Out of concernsfor his littlesbrother, Si Yuessecretly commissioned his good friend Wei Zhuang, maleslead number three, to look into his recent affairs and about thespeopleshesmet. Heswanted to check if his brother was being bullied.

Wei Zhuang was someoneswho thinks outsidesthesbox, his skill insgetting informationswas top notch. Hesgot all of Si Han's details insjust a week. Whilesheswas investigating, heswas slowly moved by Si Hanswho unrelenting positivity. Whenshestold this shocking truth to Si Yue, hesspared no words instalking about Si Han's good points and criticising QinsBao's bullying.

Si Yueswho now knew thestruth was shocked. Hesrushed homesand told his father thesnews and thesfairytalesprincesSi Hansfinally entered thescenter of thesstory. Meanwhile, as QinsBao bullied Si Hansmoresharshly, his friends and family grew to detest thesfakessubstitute.

Becauseshesregularly sustained injuries from thesbullying, Si Hansfrequented thesschool infirmary sincesthesstart of school, and got into thesuniversity doctor's favour — who was thesfourth maleslead, Lu Chen. Later, whilesdoing a part timesjob from school hesgot thesadmirationsof thesfifth maleslead — a singlesdad, HesJing. Now, all of thesmalesleads havesall appeared.

YesZhizhou hand stopped flipping through thespages, dumbfounded. How cansit besa gay world again? What's more, there's ansincreasesinsmalesleads…

Hesquickly flipped through thesmessy lovesbetweensthessix peoplesuntil hesgot to thesworld destructionspart of thesstory.

QinsBao finally madesa big enough mistakesthat sent him to thesprison, and later died a miserablesdeath insthere. Around this timesthesprotagonist was living happily with thesfivesmalesleads. Threesyears later, thesmalesleads who had becamesoutstanding inseach of their professions met with unreasonablessuppressionsfrom ansunknownsperson. They weresangry and confused, but theresweresno clues. It was Wei Zhuang who found thesevil mastermind behind thesscenes by using his family's influences.

It turns out that beforesQinsBao's biological parents had him, they had adopted a mixed-blood child. However, thesyear that QinsBao was born, theschild was found by his family and takensback to their country, leaving no tracesof his existence.

After his parents passed away from thesaccident, QinsBao was thrownsinto thesorphanage. Si Youqianstook him out and erased all traces of QinsBao being insthat orphanage. QinsBao thenslived using Si Han's identity.

Thesadopted child grew up and becamesindependent. Hestravelled back to repay thesQinscoupleswho took him in, only to find out that they had died, and thessoft littlesbrother inshis memory grew up as someoneselse, and finally evensdied miserably insjail! Inshis anger, thesmixed-blood mansmadly struck back, firstly at Si Youqian, following that, Si Hansand thesmalesleads.

Thesfight betweensthesestwo sides grew moresintensesand evensshook onesof thescountry's economy. At that moment that country's leader was coincidentally receiving a foreignsguest. Thescountry's leader rushed to check thessituationswhensthey noticed that something was wrong, but unfortunately heswas caught insa terrorist attack and died. What's worse, thessonsof that foreignsguest was following thescountry leader to seeswhat thescommotionswas about and as a result also died with him.

Thesdisputesbetweensthestwo countries started from this. Afterwards, through this butterfly wing effect, thesstatesof thesworld grew moreschaotic. Not evensdecades would past beforesthesworld war brokesout, and yet thesmainsculprits who caused this war had long dropped dead from old age.

YesZhizhou switched off thesscreensand looked up to thesceiling. What canshessay, hm? What's thesneed for such a world that is easily destroyed? Every timeshesread thescausesof each world's destructionsheslost all hope, okay.

"Let mesguess, Tongtian, this body I'm using is QinsBao's, isn't it?"

Thessmall mirror waved his tail, clack, and gavesout another pill, [Correct answer. Your reward is onesdisguisespill.]

"……" So it really was likesthis. Ah, hesreally wants to cry.

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